Vibrio cholerae
Recent papers in Vibrio cholerae
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Background: This study compared the diversity of common diarrhoeal pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility in four hospitals in Bangladesh. Methodology: A total of 13,959 diarrhoea patients, comprising rural Mirzapur [2,820), rural... more
Molecular mechanisms of multidrug resistance in Vibrio cholerae belonging to non-O1, non-O139 serogroups isolated during 1997 to 1998 in Calcutta, India, were investigated. Out of the 94 strains examined, 22 strains were found to have... more
Macroalgal blooms may lead to dramatic changes in physicochemical variables and biogeochemical cycling in affected waters. However, little is known about the effects of macroalgal blooms on marine bacteria, especially those functioning in... more
The factors that enhance the waterborne spread of bacterial epidemics and sustain the epidemic strain in nature are unclear. Although the epidemic diarrheal disease cholera is known to be transmitted by water contaminated with pathogenic... more
Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor BX 330286 was isolated from a water sample in Australia in 1986, 9 years after an indigenous outbreak of cholera occurred in that region. This environmental strain encodes virulence factors highly similar to... more
Cholera toxin, secreted by Vibrio cholerae, consists of A and B subunits. The latter binds to G M1 -ganglioside receptors as a pentamer (∼55 kDa). Tomato plants were transformed with the gene encoding cholera toxin B subunit (ctxB) along... more
Background: Cholera is a major public health problem in developing countries of the world. Bacterial resistance, lack of surveillance data and proper microbiological facilities are major problems regarding diagnosis of cholera. The spread... more
Aims: To determine the presence of Vibrio cholerae in different areas of Argentina in three sample types, to determine the composition of planktonic communities in areas at which this pathogen was detected and to characterize the... more
The marine sponge Sigmadocia fibulatus, collected from Tuticorin coast, was studied for antibacterial and antifungal activity of proteins. Sponge species identified based on spicules morphology. Chloroform and aqueous extracts yielded a... more
In this paper, an age-structured epidemic model is formulated to describe the transmission dynamics of cholera. The PDE model incorporates direct and indirect transmission pathways, infection-age-dependent infectivity and variable periods... more
Bacterial ghosts are attractive for use as non-living vaccines and as carriers of heterologous antigens of vaccine relevance. Ghosts were prepared from Vibrio cholerae strains of O1 or O139 serogroup after growth under culture conditions,... more
On October 6, 2017, an outbreak of cholera was declared in Zambia after laboratory confirmation of Vibrio cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, serotype Ogawa, from stool specimens from two patients with acute watery diarrhea. The two patients had... more
Recent molecular advances in microbiology have greatly improved the detection of bacterial pathogens in the environment. These improvements and a downward trend in the cost of molecular detection methods have contributed to increased... more
Le choléra se traduit par un syndrome clinique associant une diarrhée et une déshydratation d'une importance telle qu'elle peut entraîner la mort aussi bien d'enfants que d'adultes. Il se manifeste sous forme d'épidémies touchant les pays... more
Pandemics Throughout History and Their Effects on Society Life Abstract One of the important factors to be considered in the explanation and interpretation of history is pandemic diseases. The nature of the pandemic diseases, ways of... more
In the mid-1800s, there was much debate about the origin or 'exciting cause' of cholera. Despite much confusion surrounding the disease, the so-called miasma theory emerged as the prevalent account about cholera's cause. Going against... more
En 1885 Madrid sufrió, por última vez en su historia, la invasión de una epidemia de cólera asiático. El 'huésped del Ganges' ocasionó 1.366 defunciones durante los 133 días que se prolongó su ataque y desencadenó una grave crisis de... more
This is the syllabus for my advanced undergraduate class, "Global History of Health." First taught in 2009 with my former colleague, Rachel Scott (now of DePaul University), this course combines the analytical perspectives of genetics,... more
This thesis comprises an introduction and five chapters. The introduction contains the objectives of the work, the methodology adopted, the texts analysed, a concise state of the art of the field of research, and presents an overview of... more
II. Abdülhamid ve pandemi. 2019 yılının son çeyreğinden bu yana yaklaşık iki yıldır covid-19 yahut corona olarak bilinen virüsün ortaya çıkardığı salgın hastalık ile mücadele eden dünya, bugüne kadar buna benzer sayısız hastalık ile karşı... more
Note: this is the 2014 iteration of my upper-level course on the histories of the world's leading infectious diseases. The most recent version is from Fall 2016.
This essay suggests that there is great value to be gained from looking at the history of the major threats to health that humans have endured throughout human (and even hominin) history. The possibilities for multi-disciplinary work in... more
Nonenterotoxigenic porcine Escherichia coli strains belonging to the serogroup O45 have been associated with postweaning diarrhea in swine and adhere to intestinal epithelial cells in a characteristic attaching and effacing (A/E) pattern.... more
Cholera's impact on Hamilton from 1832 to 1854 was not an event that happened independently and without impact on the surrounding communities. Hamilton was a relatively small town during the early 19th century, and the outbreak of cholera... more
Forty-four Vibrio cholerae isolates collected over a 7-month period in Chennai, India in 2004 were characterized for gene traits, antimicrobial susceptibility and genomic fingerprints. All 44 isolates were identified as O1 El Tor Ogawa,... more
clinically relevant pathogens at high frequency. These results demonstrate that otherwise phenotypically sensitive strains may still be a genetic source for the evolution of resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics through... more
ABSTRACT Thanks to a pluridisciplinary approach, this paper explores the origins of the Kura-Araxes Culture through the prism of Medicine. It demonstrates that if Plague (Yersinia Pestis) was expanding between the Caucasus and the... more
Seven different monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to only Vibrio cholerae were produced using a combination of five representative serotypes of V. cholerae for immunization. The first three MAbs (VC-93, VC-82 and VC-223) were specific... more
I, VUSI MCMILLAN NTEMA, do hereby declare that this research project, submitted to the University of Johannesburg for the degree MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY, is my independent work.
Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD) tarafından hazırlanan "Osmanlı Arşiv Belgelerinde Doğal Afetler" kitabı, İstanbul'un yaklaşık 15 asırlık afet karnesini belge, fotoğraf ve döneme ait haritalarla ortaya koyuyor. Prof. Dr.... more
Front Matter, Back Matter, Intro and selected chapters on Heinrich Börnstein. From the introductory paragraph to Michelle Jurkiewicz's chapter: "During the 1840s, a large influx of Germans migrated to the United States, with many of them... more
To facilitate the ongoing research of Vibrio spp., a dedicated platform for the Vibrio research community is needed to host the fast-growing amount of genomic data and facilitate the analysis of these data. We present VibrioBase, a useful... more
This study examined the spatial effects of El Niño and vulnerability on cholera in Peru across the epidemic period of 1991 to 1998. Using Wavelet and GIS analyses, relationships between sea surface temperatures and department-level... more
I V Ionu ţ ]escu PANDEMII DE HOLERĂ LA DUNĂREA DE JOS De-a lungul timpului, omul a dus multe războaie cu natura, fapt care l-a făcut să evolueze si să rămână în vârful lantului ' ' , , cu umilintă înfiata farului lor si se grăbi să se , ,... more
To determine the etiology of acute diarrhea in Jordanian children under 5 years of age, we examined stool samples from 265 children admitted to the pediatric ward at Princess Rahma Hospital for Children, Irbid, Jordan, for parasites,... more