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Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationQuality Management
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      Computer ScienceEmployabilityCommunities of practiceTwitter
The unprecedented growth of Web 2.0 has affected learning and has made the growth of learning networks possible. Learning networks are shaped by communities to help their members acquire knowledge in specific areas and are the most... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Paper is devoted to possible Personal Learning Environment (PLE) and LMS integration models suitable for Tomsk State University (TSU). Authors compare different approaches to define PLE. PLE considered to be described as self-organizing... more
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La irrupción de nuevos modelos pedagógicos ha traído consigo la creación de entornos de aprendizaje en los cuales los estudiantes deciden lo que se aprende y cómo se aprende; escenarios más abiertos y participativos en los que prima un... more
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      PLEObjetos de aprendizaje, entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje, calidad en el aprendizaje virtual, diseño instruccional, uso educativo de las TIC, interactividad, constructivismo socioculturalEnseñanza De Segundas Lenguas
El aprendizaje debe ser un proceso continuo en nuestra vida. Esto quiere decir que debemos tener muy en cuenta el aprendizaje informal y no formal, ya que éstos son los que nos permiten desarrollar el proceso de aprendizaje a lo largo de... more
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      Higher EducationICT in EducationPersonal Learning EnvironmentsPLE
This short paper describes a small, ongoing case study exploring how the affordances of a media sharing Web 2.0 application (VoiceThread) can be evaluated for its pedagogical value. Web 2.0 technologies emerge so quickly it is difficult... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnology Enhanced LearningDigital IdentityTool affordances for collaborative knowledge creation
This paper builds on research directions from 'activity theory'and 'learning design'to provide 'facilitation'for students standing within decision making related to selection of web 2.0 tools and university... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyProblem Based LearningTechnology Enhanced Learning
In this first chapter, the concept of Personal Learning Environment (PLE) will be explained. This can be done by analyzing the context in which this concept arose, as well as how it has evolved over time and a comprehensive definition... more
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      Personal Learning EnviromentsPLEPersonalized Learning EnvironmentPersonal Learning Networks
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
The exploitation of computers in language teaching/learning begins in the ‘70s and continues uninterruptedly until today. Τhis time period can be divided into different phases, characterized by different approaches concerning the use –and... more
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      Informal LearningComputer Assisted Language LearningLearning Management SystemsPersonal Learning Enviroments
A mis hermanos v Agradecimientos Quisiera, en primer lugar, agradecer a mis profesores y compañeros de estudio de la UNED, por ofrecerme un espacio de comunicación idóneo acerca de nuestra especialidad, por disponer enriquecedoras... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationInstructional Design
Cost-benefit analysis matrix analyzing current (2012) learning management systems (LMS) offerings based on a somewhat in-depth review of existing research on the subject with full citation.
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationConstructivism
Since the 1990s the European educational historiography has increasingly focused on the study of the school material culture through the ethnographic dimension in which it manifests itself and, more concretely, through objects, images,... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
The fast development in computer and various mobile devices have bought changes to our living environment. Pressing a button to open the door of flat when we are in office is no longer purely imagination in cartoons or films. More... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationWeb 2.0
This research explores literacy teachers’ perceptions of integrating information communication technologies (ICTs) into literacy instruction. To this end, a national survey of 1,441 literacy teachers in the United States was conducted.... more
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      LiteracyTechnologyTeacher EducationInstructional Technology
Como professora de Português para estrangeiros, nem sempre é possível recorrer aos livros didáticos ou à gramática para ensinar certos temas aos alunos, porque simplesmente não foram contemplados ou aparecem de maneira muito breve. Um... more
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      PLEPortugues Como Lingua Estrangeira
En el presente trabajo se plantean las principales líneas que han definido el concepto de Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje, las basadas en el desarrollo de software y las que los conceptualizan como una forma de aprender en internet, para... more
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      Self-regulated LearningPLEEntornos personales de aprendizajeAprendizaje autorregulado
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyAnthropologyEducation
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      Organizational PsychologyComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducation
PLE es el acrónimo en inglés de “personal learning environment” y traduce entorno personal de aprendizaje. Este es un concepto reciente que trata de explicar una aproximación al aprendizaje continuo que está siendo condicionado por las... more
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    • PLE
Toda actividad que generamos en el internet ya sea una publicación de fotos, videos, comentarios que realizamos positivos o negativos o incluso sin publicar nada pero otra persona invoca nuestro nombre, esto ya forma parte de nuestra... more
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      Web 2.0Web ApplicationsDigital IdentityPersonal Learning Enviroments
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducation
This paper describes the diffusion of Moodle within Cherokee County Schools. The diffusion is evaluated using the Bass Model and the RIPPLES model in order to evaluate relative success or failure. The Bass Model of Diffusion was... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Criação de recursos de aprendizagem, distribuídos num LMP Pág-ii -PALAVRAS CHAVE Recursos de aprendizagem, LMP, Construtivismo, TIC, Internet, Objectos de aprendizagem, SCORM, E-learning. Criação de recursos de aprendizagem, distribuídos... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
In recent years, the nature of social spaces of learning has changed significantly. This paper looks at these changes and the implications they have on learning, and more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Esta experiencia ha permitido a un grupo de investigadores de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya definir una metodología específica para el diseño instruccional de secuencias de actividades didácticas en línea potenciando dos aspectos... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
In this paper the collaboration phenomenon is dealt with, together with a presentation of the main trials that took place in Kalamata, Messenia between 1945 and 1953. The prosecution procedure was a main theme of the post-war period... more
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      HistoryComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducation
İnsan için çoğunlukla kullanılan "düşünen canlı" tanımı, öğrenme öğesini kapsamadığı için eksik kalmaktadır. Bu tanımı "insan, öğrenen, öğrendiğini geliştiren ve kendisinden sonra gelen nesillere aktarabilen canlıdır" şeklinde... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationInstructional Design
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
The release of Moodle 2 brought with it a challenge which most Moodle administrators and teachers had not encountered before, that is, the integration of a content repository with the course management system. This paper is a look into... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
A competência pragmática, como parte integrante das competências que integram o conhecimento duma língua, interessa cada vez mais a investigadores, professores e alunos no contexto do ensino-aprendizagem de uma Língua Estrangeira. No... more
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      PragmaticsPLECommunicative CompetencePortuguês Língua Estrangeira
DISSERTAÇÃO - O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a sistematização de unidades fraseológicas idiomáticas (UFIs) no livro didático Panorama Brasil: ensino do português do mundo dos negócios (PONCE; BURIM; FLORISSI, 2006a), uma vez que... more
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      Portuguese as a Foreign LanguagePLEMental LexiconFraseologia
This paper outlines and analyzes milestones in the history of the Internet. As technology advances, it presents new societal and ethical challenges. The early Internet was devised and implemented in American research units, universities,... more
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      ScreenwritingComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
O presente ensaio descreve a experiência com a implantação do canal Brasileirices no Youtube, formado por uma série de vídeos que abordam tópicos gramaticais e vocabulário diversos, voltados ao aprendizado da Língua Portuguesa e da... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese as a Foreign LanguagePLE
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
Anotácia: Článok sa venuje kritickej reflexii súčasnej podobe e-learnignu (1.0) a na základe nových teoretických koncepcií (konektivizmus, heutagogika, kybergogika) načrtáva očakávaný vývoj e-learningu a s tým spojené aj smerovanie... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
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      Learning environmentsPersonal Learning EnvironmentsPLE
É frequente mencionar-se a lusofonia para captar estudantes para o estudo da língua portuguesa. Quando as instituições académicas o fazem, procuram mostrar a importância do português no mundo, a presença nos cinco continentes e o número... more
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This work is a brief view of an exploratory research about Personal Learning Environments developed during these last three years with a Spanish sample. Understanding of PLE can help us to improve our learning designs in order to better... more
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      Educational TechnologyPLE
This paper explores the roots and presents some forms of phenomenology starting with the origin of Husserl’s phenomenology and his notion of going back to things as they are in order to seek their essences. The paper then looks at the... more
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      PhenomenologyHermeneutic PhenomenologyDigital IdentityTechnology-enhanced Learning
Personal Learning Environment and the Learning of Mathematics – possibility or reality? Caroline Kuhn H. Bath Spa University, England Personalisation in education is an innovative approach to learning; learning is mediated by tools... more
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      EducationHigher EducationMathematics EducationPLE
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      PLEPortugues Como Lingua Estrangeira
eFOCUS 2|2009 27 trendy | architektúra vzdelávania Vzdelávanie dnes nie je len otázkou odovzdania určitej teoretickej bázy poznatkov a vytvorenia priestoru na ich praktickú aplikáciu. Úlohou je aplikovať proces, ktorý okrem spomenutého... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationE-learning
En este capítulo se presenta una descripción de las oportunidades formativas que implica actuar, pensar y aprender en los espacios en red, la relación entre competencia digital y el concepto de formación a lo largo de la vida como retos... more
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      PLECompetencia Digital
Diversas são as áreas gramaticais que se sabem ser de maior dificuldade quando se fala da aquisição do português como língua segunda (L2) ou língua estrangeira (LE). A descrição da sufixação derivacional em português mostra bem a... more
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      Portuguese as a Foreign LanguagePLEPortugues Como Lingua Estrangeira
The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the effects of a constructivist instructional design on a group of students and their teacher. The sample consisted of 26 students and one teacher. The research was conducted at Istanbul... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationInstructional Design