Organizational Architecture
Recent papers in Organizational Architecture
This paper addresses a notable gap at the intersection of organizational economics and organization science: how does organizational context influence aggregation of individual behavior in organizational decisions? Using basic centralized... more
The oil and gas industry is very volatile; it is characterized by unpredictable cycles of sharp rises and plunges in oil prices. This cyclical nature presents a huge challenge for companies that are operating in the industry. Companies... more
The present article details the pioneering concept of H-bots, or computerized humanoid bots that represents a significant advancement in synthetic biology, where complete human-beings are artificially created through computer codes.... more
The contingency theory approach to organization design strategies of Japanese regional banks: From the point of view of information technology and financial deregulation Nobuaki NANCHI SHIZEN Research Institute, LTD. This paper analyzes... more
In 2000, Carliss Baldwin and Kim Clark published “Design Rules: The Power of Modularity,” a book that introduced new ways of understanding and explaining the architecture of complex systems This Special Issue of Industrial and Corporate... more
Starting with our work on organizational redesign in different Colombian organizations, we have advanced in the concepts of Learning Communities, Shared and Permanent Learning, Flexible Organizational Structure, Participative Design,... more
SUMMARYThe conclusion that organizations need to become more strategically flexible as a response to increasing environmental dynamism and uncertainty has been an important feature of recent contingency theories of organization design. In... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Approuvé lors du conseil d'administration du 26 mai 2015 Modifié lors du conseil d'administration du 24 octobre 2017 Préambule TITRE 1-DISPOSITIONS RELATIVES A L'ORGANISATION ET AU FONCTIONNEMENT INSTITUTIONNEL DE L'UNIVERSITE Chapitre... more
The so-called "modern corporation" has long been the central focus of the field of organization design. Such firms can be likened to nation-states: they have boundaries that circumscribe citizen-employees, and they engage in production... more
In the research and development of multiagent systems (MAS), one of the central issues is how to conciliate the autonomy of the agents with a desirable and stable behavior of the MAS as a whole. Agent organizations have been proposed as a... more
The strategic planning means the future planning of an organization; in other words, it refers to the direction that the organization wants to move in that direction. Strategic planning of the information technology for any organization... more
Design management is an increasingly important concept, research into which is very scarce. This paper deals with the fit between design management skills and design function organization, ranging from solely in-house to solely outsourced... more
"Shared purpose," understood as a widely shared commitment to the organization's fundamental raison d'eˆtre, can be a powerful driver of organizational performance by providing both motivation and direction for members' joint... more
In this interview, Ron Nicol, Senior Partner and Managing Director at BCG and John Joseph, Assistant Professor of Strategy at the University of California-Irvine, discuss BCG’s approach to organizational design known as “delayering.”... more
Mainstream organizational research is based on science and the humanities. Science helps us to understand organized systems, from an outsider position, as empirical objects. The humanities contribute to understanding, and critically... more
Outsourcing has been a way for firms to reduce their cost of production and enabling them to focus on their core competencies for decades. As the total costs for manufacturing in China-the most prominent outsourcing location, are... more
Mainstream research on organization and management is largely modeled after the natural sciences and the humanities. It aims at understanding social systems and, as such, has produced a vast knowledge base. However, this knowledge base... more
We live in the time of transformations and in response to environmental challenges, traditional forms of organizational designs are changing towards more networked ones. Human resource practitioners claim that 'Organization of the future'... more
The complexity of global challenges requires that organizations collaborate with one another. To do this, stakeholders need flexible structures that are designed in a way that allows organizations to collaborate. However, it is not known... more
A team's design-the structuring of its resources and flows of knowledge-is an important element determining its effectiveness. An essential element in achieving a team's problemsolving potential is the role that interdependence, in both... more
In this article, we discuss and argue for the value of working with strategic design in organizational settings through inventive research practices rooted in co-design and design anthropology. More specifically, we propose a process of... more
This paper explores the emergence of organization from individuals' interactions in a collective. Its focus is on small collectives like teams. Organization is explained as an outcome of both self-organization and design.... more
I L'Université n'entend donner aucune approbation ou improbation aux opinions émises dans les thèses : ces opinions doivent être considérées comme propres à leurs auteurs.
In many fields, including engineering, management, and organizational science, simulation-based on computational organization theory has been used to gain insight into the degree of match ("congruence") between the organization (people,... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
The current investigation critically analyse the relationship between the legal form and the performance of Cameroonian MFIs, while asking the following question: does the legal status influence the performance of Cameroonian MFIs? To... more
Il est déjà connu que les scores d’efficacité des institutions financières varient selon la manière dont on mesure leur production et le nombre de facteurs de production retenus. Nous étudions l’impact des produits transactionnels, une... more
ResumeNous mesurons à l’aide du DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) l’efficacité des caisses populaires acadiennes en utilisant la valeur des produits d’intermédiation ainsi que le nombre de transactions réalisées par chaque caisse entre 1997... more
observatorio basado en inteligencia colectiva Desenho da estrutura organizacional e coordenação de um observatório baseado em inteligência coletiva
We propose that hierarchical organizations can engender and sustain the collaboration of large numbers of autonomous actors by establishing self-managed, mission-aligned collectives. Informing our claim are preliminary findings from an... more
Comme on le voit dans un pays tel que l'Italie, entre la mise en place du marché unique et celle de l'euro, la part des commissions a pu être multipliée par deux ! Cependant, ailleurs, la progression est plus modeste, voire nulle ou... more
This article develops a formal theory of the structural aspects of organizational change. It concentrates on changes in an organization's architecture, depicted as a code system. It models the common process whereby an initial... more
This paper concentrates on the question of organizational design under asymmetric information. The design of the organization has two parts: first, communication channels between the members should be established and second, the tasks... more
An increasing number of organizations invest in growing their in-house design teams and extend the influence and ownership of design to the executive level. Leading the design function of an organization is a complex task. If the design... more
- by Eric Quint
Please scroll down for article-it is on subsequent pages With 12,500 members from nearly 90 countries, INFORMS is the largest international association of operations research (O.R.) and analytics professionals and students. INFORMS... more
This paper addresses a notable gap at the intersection of organizational economics and organization science: how does organizational context influence aggregation of individual behavior in organizational decisions? Using basic centralized... more
Today's design has shifted from the original primary pursuit of appearance and function to processes and systems, creating new meanings for corporate strategies, products and services. Nowadays, enterprises are increasingly paying... more
AI in present State is in Controversy. However, AI has a future. It requires a Science to put its hands on the shoulder of this Science. The Science of Consciousness is this Science. AI is already a disruptive innovation. However, several... more
L'élargissement de l'autonomie des universités semble aujourd'hui au cœur de l'actualité à la fois politique et sociale. Il devrait permettre aux établissements d'acquérir une plus grande liberté de gestion des... more
Economic models suggest that firms use a simple cost-benefit calculation to evaluate customer requests for new product features, but an extensive organizational literature shows the decision to implement innovation is more nuanced. We... more
Comme on le voit dans un pays tel que l'Italie, entre la mise en place du marché unique et celle de l'euro, la part des commissions a pu être multipliée par deux ! Cependant, ailleurs, la progression est plus modeste, voire nulle ou... more