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"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Organization Theory and Design Summary
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      Organizational TheoryOrganizational Design and Structure
Few firms can be said to be truly resilient by sustaining high performance for a long time. We draw on a case study of a large U.S.-based retailer to explore how an organization develops resilience -the ability to recover quickly from... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational LearningLeadershipResilience
The Authors compare the organization structure and market-based capabilities of American and Brazilian Logistics Service Providers in their respective countries. Using the resource based view approach, the authors propose that an... more
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      BusinessSupply Chain ManagementPLS Path ModelingCross cultural management
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      Organizational BehaviorHigher EducationLeadership in Higher EducationCommunication in Higher Education
Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational TheorySocial Networks
Despite the growing literature that explains how organization structure develops or changes, there are very few studies that seek to investigate the influence that an organization's structure has on its decision to work across sectors in... more
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      Disaster ManagementEmergency ManagementNonprofit Management and LeadershipUrban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the interaction between organizational structure dimensions and intellectual capital components. In order to achieve this aim, a comprehensive literature survey was conducted and then a... more
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      Export-ImportIntellectual CapitalManufacturing FirmsAydın
Bitcoin represents the first real-world implementation of a "decentralized autonomous organization" (DAO) and offers a new paradigm for organization design. Imagine working for a global business organization whose routine tasks are... more
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      DecentralizationBitcoinManagement and Organization TheoryOrganizational Design and Structure
The terms decentralized organization and distributed organization are often used interchangeably, despite describing two distinct phenomena. I propose distinguishing decentralization, as the dispersion of organizational communications,... more
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      Machine LearningAntitrust (Law)TrustStrategic Management
Il capitolo affronta il tema della traduzione organizzativa delle strategie mediante la progettazione delle strutture e dei meccanismi operativi, con particolare riferimento alle strategie di corporate, a complemento di quanto descritto... more
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      Strategy ImplementationOrganization DesignOrganizational DevelopmentCorporate Strategy
This paper focuses on the problem of centralizing vs. decentralizing an organizational structure for e-commerce. First, a conceptual framework is designed based on the literature. Then a case study of the Brazilian subsidiary of a major... more
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      E-BusinessDescentralizationE-CommerceOrganizational Design and Structure
Even though developed to explain institutional dysfunction in Congress, the concept of institutional corruption has been applied to different types of organizations and industries. This application has generated insights about the... more
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      Public AdministrationEthicsOrganizational TheoryPolitical Science
Organizacije možemo „graditi“ na različite načine. Dva najčešća pristupa oblikovanju ili izgradnji organizacijske strukture su „odozgo prema dolje“ i „odozdo prema gore“, dok su nešto rjeđe zastupljene bipolarna strategija, strategija... more
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    • Organizational Design and Structure
From the introduction of commercialized cars till date, the technology used in the cars have given edge to the companies who can provide better solutions and efficient systems that can provide fuel efficiency and better performance. In... more
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      EntrepreneurshipLeadershipHybrid SystemsChange Management
Diversity and diversity management in multicultural workforce is increasingly becoming an important issue for the business in the era of globalization. It affects the productivity and efficiency of the workforce in general. The purpose of... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPerformance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementOrganizational Development
A brief study of learning organizations, its structures and what defines it. This presentation looks at Maxis, a telecommunications operator in Malaysia and presents the arguments that Maxis applies the learning organization... more
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      Learning OrganizationsOrganizational ManagementLearning OrganizationManagament
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      Organizational BehaviorEthicsInternational LawCompetition Law
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      CommunicationOrganizational ChangeOrganizational CultureChange Management
Valve Corporation es una compañía de software de entretenimiento fundada en Septiembre de 1996 por un grupo de veteranos ex ejecutivos e ingenieros de Microsoft. La compañía ha producido una serie de comercialmente exitosos y... more
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      Organizational CultureVideo GamesEmarketingAnalisis Estructural
This research sought to assess the impact of organization design on the development of learning organizations in Zimbabwe with particular focus on the retail sector. The major objectives of the research were: to identify the major... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational LearningOrganizational Design and Structure
For our Final exam of ART 102, we got the opportunity to work at the BRAC Bank Limited, Tongi Branch where we were placed to Supreme and Excel Banking Division under Retail Banking of BRAC Bank Ltd. BRAC Bank has divided its retail... more
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      Organizational structureOrganizational Design and StructureBrac Bank Ltd of Bangladesh
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      ManagementOrganizational TheoryOrganizational DevelopmentOrganizational Design and Structure
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the two core components of organizational structure, centralization and formalization, on management innovation. In order to do this, the data received from 198 managers working in... more
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      Organizational CultureManagement of InnovationOrganizational structureInnovation Management
Adaptive Space can be thought of the relational and emotional freedom for people to freely explore, exchange, and debate ideas. (Arena 2019) The values and design of W. L. Gore & Associates have created the conditions for personal freedom... more
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      Organizational DevelopmentEntrepreneurship and Management of InnovationOrganizational Design and StructureInnovation & Change Management
Social psychologists are fascinated with human existence. Developing a personal theory about the social-theoretical influences affecting employee engagement, performance, and thus well-being at work could aid global understanding and... more
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorBusiness Administration
Government reinvention advocates assert that less bureaucratic work environments will spark higher creativity, more risk taking, and greater productivity in public employees. Although government reinvention remains a topic of interest to... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational structureBureaucracyOrganizational Design and Structure
A case study is presented in Organizational Design and Change Management. Within the global Information Services Company Wolters Kluwer, a significant organization change was planned and conducted to centralize distributed IT operations... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation SecurityOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Culture
Research and Development (R&D) employees considered to be innovative and creative. They are regarded as the core of human resources as well as the prime mover of new values in an enterprise. Research and Development (R&D) teams in... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPerformance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementOrganizational Development
Ali Gohar & Company was founded 62 years ago. It is Pakistan's premier one-stop distribution company within the pharmaceutical industry. It distributes FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods), surgical instruments, pharmaceuticals and health... more
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      Organizational TheoryOrganizational Design and Structure
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission... more
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      Organizational PsychologyCommunicationOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Culture
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      Organizational TheoryOrganizational ChangeStrategic ManagementBusiness Management
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational ChangeInternational BusinessLeadership
This article examines the practice of performance appraisal as a critical element of administrative culture in the Ghana Civil Service (CS). It relies on three focus group discussions with senior civil servants to analyze the practice and... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPerformance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementOrganizational Development
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      RestaurantOrganizational Design and StructureBarrier Free Design
There is no doubt that talented employees are the backbone of every organizational success. An organization can have an advantage over its competitors by using better technology, lower costs, more innovative products, etc. However, these... more
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      Human Resource ManagementHuman Capital ManagementOrganizational Design and Structure
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
"The research looks into the relationship between corporate governance and organizational performance., through the processes of research, multiple variables are examined; the complex set of relationships between a Corporation and its... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementCorporate GovernancePerformance Management
This study links evolution in organizational structure to ambiguity in the definition of performance in the context of organizations formed to develop long-lived infrastructure: so-called ‘mega-projects’. Based on a longitudinal,... more
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      Project ManagementPerformance ManagementOrganization DesignOrganizational Design and Structure
Media technology—from mass media to social media and from video gaming to computer-mediated communication—plays an increasingly central role in people’s lives. Due to exponential increases in computing power, people now carry incredibly... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyCognitive PsychologyOrganizational Psychology
Information technologies that link information systems have made intra-organizational communication almost seamless. Resultingly, this capability has inescapably influenced organizational formation structures. In this paper, the author... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityCase Study Research
Empirical research has identified the various factors which affect the employees regarding their job satisfaction from the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects but limited work is done on the knowledge workers in this regard in the developing... more
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      EntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorPerformance ManagementHuman Resource Management
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringOrganizational Design and Structure
What are the best practices for leading a workforce in which human employees have merged cognitively and physically with electronic information systems and work alongside social robots, artificial life-forms, and self-aware networks that... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementRoboticsOrganizational Theory
Este trabajo es el resultado de múltiples experiencias y aprendizajes compartidos, de una maravillosa red de iniciativas, intercambios, desafíos y gozosos encuentros con quienes forman mi experiencia de vida…, profesional y académica,... more
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      Public AdministrationLocal Government and Regional AdministrationAdministracion PublicaOrganizational Design and Structure
One of the most important tasks that business managers and owners face is the formation of an organizational structure as it determines the future of a company. This task is challenging to managers, but its benefits to the company are... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementMarketing
Retail industry is one of the dominant players in U.S economy, generating almost $966 billion a year, which contribute for approximately 5.7% of the U.S GDP annually, with employment to 5 million people. Moreover, since retailing provides... more
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    • Organizational Design and Structure
Organizacije kao društveni i poslovni sustavi pod snažnim su utjecajem okoline. Okolina, kao vanjski čimbenik organizacije, u značajnoj mjeri određuje mogući i poželjni organizacijski oblik. Dok se postojećim uvjetima iz okoline... more
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    • Organizational Design and Structure
Análisis de diseños de organización a partir de teorías de hecho de los ejecutivos sobre el mejor diseño para una organización
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    • Organizational Design and Structure
The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive framework for Financial Tools and Business process with the intention of encouraging their adoptions.
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsFinancial AccountingStrategic Planning