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draft of published paper
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesLiterature
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesOralityLiteraturaOrality and Literacy
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      Native American StudiesCanadian LiteratureNative American Literature (Literature)Thomas King
En hommage aux femmes déguisées en hommes pour accéder à la parole sur la place publique, sur les lieux où les « halqa» sont l’unique apanage des hommes En hommage, aussi, aux hommes déguisés en femmes pour remplacer les femmes... more
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      Genre studiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOrality-Literacy-Electracy StudiesStorytelling
This thesis examines Hip Hop as a genre of oral literature. To begin this study, I examine a wide range of scholarship on orality, including what is considered the canonical work, Orality and Literature, by Walter Ong. This theorist’s... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesStorytellingAfrican American Culture
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      FolkloreCultural HeritageLocal HistoryNarratology
Rabbi Judah Leib Alter of Ger, a famed nineteenth-century Hasidic master, wrote an influential collection of Hebrew homilies. But it seems that R. Judah Leib’s sermons were also transcribed by his students, some of whom recorded their... more
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      Jewish StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesTextual CriticismJewish Mysticism
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      History of IdeasTranslation StudiesRomanticismItalian Studies
La narrativa se utiliza mucho en la oralidad de la lengua, ya que, al producir narraciones, se reúne y se transmite el conocimiento y el saber popular generación tras generación mediante las máximas, los acertijos, los proverbios, las... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLingüísticaRamón del Valle-InclánOralidad
(Chapter 1 from 'The Given Note': Traditional Music and Modern Irish Poetry) Music and poetry have often been viewed together as both are considered “auditory, temporal and dynamic art forms”. Studies of the relationships between these... more
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      Irish StudiesMusicMusicologyIrish Literature
This essay examines an instance of the use of folklore by writers in postcolonial African societies to problematize postcolonial systems in fiction. The essay discusses how Benjamin Kwakye exploits the trickster character as a semiotic... more
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      African StudiesNarrativePostcolonial StudiesLiterary Stylistics
The quality of a product or service is judged with respect to a customer’s wants, needs, and expectations of value. Understanding the multiple levels on which customer needs are expressed can help organizations produce, improve, and... more
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      CommunicationQuality ManagementListeningNote Taking
Το θέμα της εργασίας είναι η προφορικότητα στον γραπτό λόγο μαθητών του Δημοτικού Σχολείου. Η προφορικότητα έχει ποικίλα στοιχεία-χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα που, εκτός από τον προφορικό λόγο, είναι δυνατόν σε διάφορες περιπτώσεις να... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesOralityWritten LanguageOrality and Literacy
Reading (Story of) O - published by Uniformbooks, Sept 2015, 208 pages, Paperback with flaps, ISBN 978 1 910010 07 5 The famous erotic novel Histoire d’O (1954) was first... more
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      Creative WritingReading Habits/AttitudesConceptual ArtConceptual writing
Communicating the gospel across cultural barriers is an essential element of the Great Commission. Jesus mandated that his followers should go and make disciples of all the nations (Matt. 28:19a). The gospel was not limited to Israel, but... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityContextual Theologies
Like any interpretive work, a translation is the result of a volatile hermeneutic process. In this paper I first discuss the material stages by which a poem composed in an ancient language and recorded on vellum is transformed--some would... more
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      CreativityBeowulfTheory of translationLiterary translation
In Speaking Into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication (1999), Peters charts the arc not of communication methods or technologies, but the way in which we conceive of communication. Not how do we communicate, but how have we... more
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      NarrativeOrality-Literacy StudiesNarrative and interpretationNarratology
Se il dialogo spontaneo possiede una pianificazione minima o inesistente, quello filmico è stato già pianificato, elaborato e messo nero su bianco, eppure finge di essere un prodotto estemporaneo. Questo studio intende mostrare i... more
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      Discourse MarkersDubbingOralità e scritturaTraduzione audiovisiva
"The oldest records indicate that the performance of poetry in Gaelic Ireland was normally accompanied by music, providing a point of continuity with past tradition while bolstering a sense of community in the present. Music would also... more
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      Irish StudiesMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Al nome di Teognide di Megara è legata l’unica ampia raccolta di poesia monodica arcaica e classica a noi giunta per tradizione diretta: un insieme di elegie per un totale di poco più di 1400 versi, ai quali si devono aggiungere, per... more
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      ClassicsOrality-Literacy StudiesGreek Lyric PoetryOrality
una bassa frequenza di enjambements 'periodici' o 'necessari' (tali cioè da investire la struttura stessa della frase e non invece elementi accessori quali aggettivi o avverbi) e irregolarità metriche a proposito delle quali si può... more
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      HomerOrality-Literacy StudiesEpic poetryIliad
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      World EnglishesPost Colonial English VarietiesOrality and Writing
Il presente contributo intende sviluppare alcune riflessioni storiografiche riguardanti il modo in cui il rapporto tra predicazione e Inquisizione è stato affrontato negli ultimi decenni dagli storici italiani e stranieri in riferimento... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookRenaissance StudiesHistoriography
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      British Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )State and Local HistoryOral History and MemoryNorth East India
1.Orality, Writing and History: The literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi (Introduction to Special Issue), by Stephen C. Druce 2.Christian Pelras and His Work, by Campbell Macknight 3.Orality and Writing among the Bugis... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesIndonesian StudiesSoutheast Asia
In Europe, until the middle of the 18th century, music has been taught in oral tradition. Rise of new technologies and also spreading literacy, printed materials became the most significant part of music education. Whereas, In Ottoman... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyEthnomusicologyResearch Methodology
lnScotlardaccountsofbandsofitinerantperformersareentered inbgpvernment records from late medieval times. These are in the form of enactments which, in W.i. Watson'g words 'were primarily directed atbands of wanderingbards known from old... more
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      FolkloreOral TraditionsScottish Gaelic StudiesFolk legends
The prosimetric form, the incorporation of verse in prose narrative, is a distinctive generic feature of vernacular fiction in late imperial China. Many scholars have regarded verse in fiction as a type of narrative redundancy or a sign... more
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      NarratologyChinese literatureProsimetrumOrality and Writing
This contribution aims to establish a graphematic theory of medieval writing and to demonstrate that the graphic signs admit, like any other level of language, a historical analysis through the parameters of variational linguistics. This... more
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      Old FrenchPunctuationOrality and LiteracyGraphemics Grafematica Grafema Grapheme Written Language Scrittura Lettura Writing Reading Spelling Ortografia Orthography Iconicity Alphabet Alfabeto
Abstract (engl.) The article presents a new conceptual framework for understanding literacy in ancient civilisations to conceptualise ‘literacy’ more broadly as a cultural and social practice. For this it is necessary to focus on the... more
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      EgyptologyLiteracyOrality-Literacy StudiesHistory of Daily Life
In this essay I use the imperial library as a figure of the dynamic reading practices of an imperial elite and to frame the early rabbis’ own relationship to the book. The rabbis, like Aristeas and Josephus writing in Greek, I will argue,... more
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      CensorshipBook HistoryJewish HistoryRabbinics
The presence of runic writing before the influx of Latinate literacy in Anglo-Saxon England is often neglected when investigating the transitional nature of orality and literacy in vernacular Anglo-Saxon writing. The presence of runes in... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesTextual CriticismOld Norse LiteratureWriting
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      Ancient LiteracyMaya Epigraphy, Maya Archaeology, Maya Art HistoryOrality and LiteracyScribal training, ancient literacy
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      Research MethodologyRenaissance StudiesHistoriographyOrality-Literacy Studies
It is my PhD thesis, you can also find it online just writing 'Elisa Bugin DSpace': the download is free. My thesis aims to demonstrate how cognitive science, and, particularly, in this case, the study of working memory (WM), can draw a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHomerMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Oral Traditions
This thesis is the fruit of a research project which marries translation practice and theory. Separated into two volumes, it explores questions related to the translation of slang in fictional texts. The first volume is a critical... more
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      Translation StudiesGlobalizationSociolinguisticsHip-Hop/Rap
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesTorah/PentateuchOral performanceScribal Culture
Cet article est ma première publication sur l'écriture chamanique des Sani (Nipa), avec toutes les maladresses et les inexactitudes que cela suppose. Mais cela fait partie du parcours de tout chercheur, donc le voici.
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      AnthropologyContemporary ChinaMinoritiesAnthropology of Religion
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionTextual ScholarshipOrality-Literacy StudiesEgyptian Ritual Texts
The thesis of this study is that a number of features in the prose style of Biblical Hebrew relate to the diˆerences between oral and written language, namely (a) the use of subordinate clauses (hypotaxis), (b) the length of the noun... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonOralityBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
Most of us have learned the Bible from cherry pickers, snackers, Scripture surgeons, fragmentists—who believe real theology derives primarily from the New Testament. Since we tend to teach as we were taught—i.e., Bible bits learned... more
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    • Orality and Writing
This article is a first attempt at highlighting mobility issues in bookbinding design in Ethiopia, mainly in Harar, on the basis of examples from the collection of Islamic manuscripts of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa.... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesAnthropology of MobilityOrality and LiteracyAfrican Arabic Manuscripts
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      SociologyReligious EducationOrality-Literacy StudiesShi'ism
This chapter aims to both reflect upon my own fieldwork among the Bugis of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and my engagement with the scholarship of the ethnologist Christian Pelras, who wrote extensively on South Sulawesi culture and history.... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesResearch MethodologyOrality-Literacy StudiesIndonesian Studies
The research here approaches the topic of the devotional values of the act of writing/reading aloud a formalised text. Especially when speaking about the southeast European rural milieu up to the second half of the 19th century, the... more
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      Romanian StudiesFirst World WarTalismans and AmuletsThe Power of Words
Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill is one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Irish literature. Her work, drawing on Irish mythology, folklore and orature has also attracted considerable international acclaim and has been widely translated.... more
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      Irish StudiesGaelic LiteratureFolkloreIrish Literature
This article introduces and overviews New Testament media criticism. Media criticism is an emerging biblical methodology that encompasses four related fields: orality studies, social memory theory, performance criticism, and the Bible in... more
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      Media StudiesNew TestamentNarrativeOrality-Literacy Studies
The European immigrants to America around 1900 were passing through various orders of literacy on their transatlantic journey and during processing at the ports of entry. An extensive record-keeping accompanying their entry into America... more
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      European StudiesLiteracyHistory of Reading and WritingImmigration History
Libro interdisciplinar escrito por Isabel Mengual-Luna(formación en Psicología), Beatriz Peña-Acuña (formación en Filología y Comunicación) y Esther Valero Pastor (formación en Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria). Colección Impulso... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationAcademic WritingHuman DevelopmentWriting
A monopgraph in English to introduce non-Marathi literature-lovers to the work of Narayan Surve, an important Marathi poet of the post-1960s era.
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation of PoetryPostcolonial LiteratureIndian Literature