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African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Vol. 5(7), pp. 358-366, July 2011 Available online at ISSN 1996-0832 ©2011 Academic Journals ... The challenges facing opposition... more
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      DemocratisationParty PoliticsAfricanOPPOSITION PARTIES
In recent days, the Tajik government has dramatically increased pressure on family members and relatives of political activists still living in Tajikistan in order to force exiled activists to end to their political, legal and media... more
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      PoliticsDictatorshipsIslamic Movements and Political IslamOppression
Keine Partei ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegenwärtig so umstritten wie die AfD, deren bekanntestes Gesicht der Hamburger Ökonom Bernd Lucke ist. Aber was verbirgt sich hinter Programm und Personen der AfD? Ist diese Partei... more
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      Political SociologyGerman StudiesEuropean integrationDemocratic Theory
В статье исследуется российская несистемная оппозиция как политический феномен, категоризация которого произошла в 2000-х гг. Несистемная оппозиция рассматривается в контексте принципиального изменения характера деполитизации после... more
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      Russian StudiesRussianNationalismRussian Politics
In recent years, the importance of business negotiations has increased, as the opposing parties are trying to meet their needs by using different behavioral strategies and tactics in condition of arisen from the interests differences... more
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      Social InteractionArgumentationNegotiationConflict Management
¿Cómo y por qué, a tan solo veinte años de finalizada la dictadura que se propuso destruirla, la izquierda triunfó en Uruguay? Esa es la pregunta principal que intenta responder este libro. Una de las respuestas que aquí se desarrollan... more
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      Political PartiesParties and Party SystemOPPOSITION PARTIESPolitical Parties and Party Politics
A l’instar des formations politiques européennes, les partis politiques français sont confrontés à plusieurs défis et soumis à nombre de tensions à l’aube de ce XXIe siècle, alors même que leur attractivité n’a jamais semblé aussi... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
Depuis quelques années, le vote d'extrême droite progresse dans de nombreux pays européens. Si dans certains d'entre eux, il s'agit d'une manifestation récente, dans d'autres pays, l'extrême droite a connu un enracinement certain. Ainsi,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFrench HistoryPolitical PartiesFrench Studies
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
Damien Tricoire D'une fronde à l'autre : pouvoirs et contestations aristocratiques du Grand Condé à Philippe Égalité (des années 1640 à la fin des années 1680) Vous avez dit absolutisme ? L'historiographie française est marquée par une... more
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCourtsNobility
Depuis un quart de siècle, plusieurs partis d’extrême droite ou de la droite populiste ont opéré une percée dans leur système politique national : le Front national en France, le FPÖ en Autriche, le parti du progrès en Norvège et au... more
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      Political SociologyEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integration
وقتی در یازدهم اسفند ۱۳۵۳ (دوم مارس ۱۹۷۵میلادی) محمدرضا پهلوی در کاخ نیاوران به مخاطبان خود تولد یک حزب نوظهور را با عنوان رستاخیز نوید می‌داد، هیچ‌کس گمان نمی‌کرد که اپوزیسیون در فردای آن روز با یک تحریف کوچک اما بسیار اثرگذار و ماندگار... more
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      Political ParticipationPolitical PartiesPropagandaIranian Studies
En couverture : photo J. Guyaux © De Boeck et Larcier s.a. 1996 Département De Boek Université Paris, Bruxelles Toute reproduction d'un extrait quelconque de ce livre, par quelque procédé que ce soit, et notamment par photocopie ou... more
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical PartiesPolitical EcologyEnvironmental Studies
Résumé Les rapports entre royalisme et souverainisme se sont tissés tout au long d´une histoire qui doit être analysée avec attention. L’histoire de l’Action française (AF) depuis la Libération témoigne, en effet, d´un travail de longue... more
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      European UnionMilitancyMonarchismOPPOSITION PARTIES
, PAS led the coalition to victory in Kedah, winning 16 seats, while Barisan National won only 14 state seats. This paper highlights cultural dimensions of the shift from BN to the opposition coalition in this state of the Malay... more
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      Political IslamIslam and PoliticsOPPOSITION PARTIES
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le fait régional et l’action régionale semblent s’être fortement développés en Europe. La promotion de l’Europe des régions a été sur le devant de la scène dans la conclusion de nouveaux traités jalonnant la... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsCatalan Studies
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      PopulismDemocracyAuthoritarianismPolitical Oppositions
Regional integration is viewed as a veritable means of leveraging comparative advantage within a common market for the purpose of promoting trade growth and development. It is the recognition of the inevitable role of trade to stimulate... more
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      Power ElectronicsAfrican Diaspora StudiesGlobalisation and DevelopmentGovernance and Civil Society
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      Political PartiesMarxismPopular radicalismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
The suspensions have more to do with the post-Euromaidan polarisation of Ukrainian politics than genuine security concerns related to the Russian invasion. During the weekend, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government suspended 11... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical PartiesUkrainian StudiesNationalism
The idea of ‘soft authoritarianism’, as a general description of many Asian societies, can be defined as a political system in which there are minimal components of democracy such as elections and political parties but, as a consequence... more
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      Political SociologySoutheast Asian StudiesPolitical TheoryGovernance
[PL] W 2016 roku ustawodawca wprowadził do polskiego systemu prawnego nieznany wcześniej mechanizm powoływania członków instytucji państwowej „spośród kandydatów zgłoszonych przez kluby parlamentarne lub poselskie tworzone przez... more
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      Constitutional LawParliamentPolitical OppositionsOPPOSITION PARTIES
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEuropean Studies
Depuis quelques années, le PTB – le PVDA en Flandre – défraie la chronique politique et médiatique. Le Parti du travail est parvenu à s’imposer comme un interlocuteur, désormais régulier, de la presse audiovisuelle et écrite, et a... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocialismsCommunism (Revolutions)
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      French HistoryPolitical PartiesFrench StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
Comparative analysis of Uganda’s Forum for Democratic Change and Cameroon’s Social Democratic Front demonstrates how opposition party incentives to force institutional reform through polarising strategies are reduced when it is possible... more
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      African StudiesPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceAfrican Politics
Shortly after its entry into office in 2010, the Fidesz-KDNP government – supported by the two-thirds majority of MPs in the National Assembly – started to put in place major legislative reforms with the aim of changing the character of... more
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      PopulismLegislaturesLegislative StudiesLegislative Process
With the first round of elections already completed the Kingdom of Swaziland is preparing to vote again on 20 September in order to elect the new members of the Assembly (the lower house of the Parliament). However, just as many times... more
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      AfricaElectionsSwazilandOPPOSITION PARTIES
This paper evaluates the impact of new media on electoral democracy in Malaysia and Singapore in the context of equalisation and normalisation theories in the scholarly literature. Starting in the mid 1990s, major opposition parties in... more
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      New MediaSoutheast Asian StudiesPolitical PartiesPolitical Science
Negative assessments of African democracy still dominate the literature, and Tanzania has been described as a ‘hybrid regime’—formally a multi-party democracy where the dominant party, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), engages in... more
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      Nigerian LiteraturePolitical SociologyAfrican StudiesPolitical Philosophy
This paper defines the main objectives, stages, and the dynamics of the secret cooperation of the democratic Hungarian opposition, hostile to the Horthy regime, with the government of Czechoslovakia. It focuses on the Prague’s contacts... more
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      International RelationsCentral European historyExileHistory of Hungary
This paper deals with the emergence and relevance of entrepreneurial parties in Slovakia. Its aim is to identify if the business-firm party model is an isolated phenomenon within the party system of the Slovak Republic, specific only for... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesDemocratic TheoryPolitical Science
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      Critical TheorySocial ChangeSocial TheoryPhilosophy
artículo publicado en "Los partidos políticos en Santa Fe: miradas post-electorales" Autores: S.Robin, G.Mutti, et al. Editorial Otro Ciudad. Instituto del Paraná - Facultad de Ciencia Política y RR.II.
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      Political PartiesPartidos políticosSanta FeOPPOSITION PARTIES
آیا این عنوان طنزآمیز و حاوی کنایه است؟ آری، درست همان‌گونه که تاریخ چهل سال اخیر ایران بیش‌تر به زهرخند می‌ماند تا واقعیتی ساده. در کتاب‌های درسی زمان ما «تصمیم کبری» اشاره به دخترکی داشت که دفترش را گم کرده بود و سپس به‌یاد می‌آورد که... more
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      PahlaviIranian Islamic RevolutionPolitical OppositionsOpposition
En 2013, le Front de gauche rassemble neuf composantes : le parti communiste français -de loin la plus importante -, le parti de gauche, la Gauche unitaire, la Fédération pour une alternative sociale et écologique, République et... more
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      French HistoryPolitical PartiesFrench StudiesCommunism (Revolutions)
Why would a large incumbent party, that can alone muster over 45 per cent of electoral support, add seven insignificant political parties to its electoral list, thus providing them with a free ticket into the Assembly, state-sponsored... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical SciencePoliticsDemocracy
Hungary and Poland are often placed in the same analytical framework from the period of their 'negotiated revolutions' to their autocratic turn. This article aims to look behind this apparent similarity focusing on opposition behaviour.... more
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      DemocratizationParliamentary StudiesDemocracyDemocratisation
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      Environmental SociologyEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integration
Après la phase d’émergence et d’installation dans les années quatre-vingt, les partis écologistes semblent avoir franchi des étapes. La première est d’avoir su s’installer durablement dans les différents paysages politiques nationaux.... more
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      Environmental SociologyEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integration
This paper evaluates the impact of new media on election in Malaysia in the context of equalization and normalization theories in the scholarly literature. Starting in the mid-1990s, major opposition parties in Malaysia have begun to... more
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      SociologyMultidisciplinaryOPPOSITION PARTIESGeneral Elections
Hükümet sistemi tartışmaları, Türk siyasal gündeminin uzun dönemdir vazgeçilmez konularındandır. Akademik çevreler, siyasiler, bürokrasi ve toplumun yanında, demokratik yaşamın tabii unsurları olan siyasi partiler de bu tartışmaların... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PartiesPolitical ScienceTurkish and Middle East Studies
The study delves into the foreign policy plans of Alexei Navalny, the Russian politician who is currently commonly regarded as the most prominent opposition leader and the sole plausible alternative to Vladimir Putin. Drawing on his... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyRussia
В данной статье выделяются и характеризуются основные цели, этапы и динамика секретного сотрудничества между антихортистской венгерской левой оппозицией (преимущественно социал-демократами и т.н. «октябристами») и чехословацкими властями.... more
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      History of HungaryInterwar Period HistoryCentral and Eastern EuropeHistory of Czechoslovakia
Dans le cadre démocratique, l'élection revêt une importance cruciale pour les partis politiques ; c'est même, pour certains scientifiques, un élément indispensable pour les définir 1 . « Ceux dont le soutien est recherché, ce sont... more
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      Political PartiesHistory of Political Parties20th century FranceElections
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryPoliticsCaribbean HistoryCaribbean Studies
This research report was prepared for DPI by Ali Bayramoğlu, a journalist, writer and political commentator from Turkey. In the report, Mr Bayramoğlu looks ahead to the upcoming general election in Turkey and its possible effects on the... more
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      EconomicsPeace and Conflict StudiesPoliticsTurkey
In this article, the relations and contradictions between the opposition, social media, and power in Russia are examined. These relations and contradictions were considered important in terms of pointing out the function of social media... more
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      Social MediaRussian Studies (in Area Studies) and the CaucasusRussiaPolitical Oppositions
In recent literature on post-Soviet electoral revolutions in places where attempts at regime change through popular protest did not succeed, opposition groups are often simply regarded as 'failed'. And yet, opposition actors exist and... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBelarusian StudiesPolitical ScienceResistance (Social)