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Nominalized verb phrases have been identified as a possible source of passive and impersonal constructions by Langacker & Munro (1975), Langacker (1976), and Givón (1981), with exemplification drawn almost exclusively from Uto-Aztecan... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Oceanic languagesUto-Aztecan LinguisticsGrammaticalization
This paper discusses three approaches to the semantics of event nominalizations and adverbial modification: the Davidsonian account, the Kimian account, and the truthmaker account. It argues that a combination of all three accounts is... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageSemantics
We take our central subject matter in this book to be a direct account of the syntax of psych nominalizations in two related languages, English and German. We explore the hypothesis that there is a close parallelism between the psych... more
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    • Nominalizations
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      SpanishVerbal MorphologyNominalizations
In Akan, nouns can be formed from both lexical and non-lexical categories. This paper deals with the formation of nouns from noun phrases. It looks at the derivational processes involved as well as the parts of the construction that... more
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      PhonologyMorphologyMorphology and SyntaxNominalizations
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      TypologyStatesWord formationAspect
In this paper we propose a syntactic analysis of dative DPs in ditransitive constructions in Russian, answering three questions: (I) what semantic roles the indirect object realizes; (II) how it is syntactically ordered with respect to... more
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      RussianSyntaxRussian LanguageMorphology and Syntax
Cet article traite des noms désadjectivaux comptables, appelés 'noms d'occurrences', à partir d'un ensemble de données recueillies dans le frWaC. Nous montrons que ces noms ont des valeurs différentes de celles de leurs contreparties... more
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      SemanticsNominalizationsDerivational MorphologyDeadjectival Nouns
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      Case and AgreementAbkhaz languageAbkhazo-Adyghean LanguagesGrammatical Relations
In this paper we will analyze the behavior of relational adjectives in Spanish, revisiting the analysis made in Fábregas (2007, forthcoming) under the light of Radical Minimalism (Krivochen, 2011 a, b, c). We will take a look at the... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsRelevance TheorySyntax
Astonishing complexities of South American languages have been puzzling linguists for a long time now. One reason for this is the overall lack of linguistic data that has been impeding a detailed understanding of distinctive grammatical... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNominalizationsAmazonian Linguistics
The article focuses on complement clauses of nominalizations (deverbal and deadjectival nouns) in Russian. It is proposed that several parameters, such as semantic role, the opposition of proper argument vs. modifier, the opposition of... more
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      SyntaxRussian LanguageComplement ClausesNominalizations
MA thesis, HUJI
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      Semitic languagesHebrew LanguageCausationMorphology and Syntax
The article focuses on case marking of the arguments of deverbal nouns (action and agent nouns) in Lithuanian, with particular attention paid to argument alternation. As nominalizations derived from verbs taking nominative, accusative and... more
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      Argument alternationsNominalizationsLithuanian language
This chapter develops a semantics of quantifiers such as 'something' in predicative position as nominalizing quantifiers.
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      OntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphysics of propertiesSemantics
We investigate the distribution of verbal and nominal layers in Romance and Germanic nominalizations. Specifically, we examine pairs of 'verbal' vs. 'nominal' nominalizations in two Romance (Spanish & Romanian) and two Germanic (English &... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeMorphology and SyntaxNominalizationNominalizations
This paper provides a constructionist account of Akan constructions of the form àhòɔ ̀ déń 'strength' and àsòɔ ̀ déń 'disobedience' which had been previously analysed as compounds. Through the analysis of previously cited examples... more
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      Construction GrammarCopulasConstructionsNominalization
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      NominalizationsDitransitive VerbsGenitive CaseGenitives
Les récits de voyage de Claude d'Abbeville et d'Yves d'Évreux, relatant la tentative française d'implantation coloniale et missionnaire au Brésil, au cours des années 1613-1614, nous permettent d'étudier la mise en place d'un rapport... more
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      ReligionNative American StudiesRenaissance StudiesColonialism
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Des noms comme symphonie, sonate, roman, livre ont longtemps dérouté les linguistes. Ce n'est pas surprenant. En effet les entités qu'ils dénotent semblent avoir deux modes d'existence contradictoires, un mode d'existence « intellectuel »... more
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      French languageLexical SemanticsSyntax-Semantics InterfacePolysemy
This paper offers a principled account for the nominalizations of dispositional evaluative adjectives. On the descriptive side, the paper shows that (i) in addition to the largely studied deverbal nominalizations, certain deadjectival... more
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The case of an aphasic patient whose spontaneous speech contains very few lexical verbs is reported. Instead of sentences with lexical verbs, the patient produces many (grammatical) copular constructions. He also substitutes lexical verbs... more
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      SemanticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingLanguageSpeech
In a number of Slavic and Germanic languages, various derivational affixes and morphological patterns of Latin origin are relatively common, and bear effects as abstract as deriving event nouns from verbs and property nouns from... more
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      PhonologySpeech ProsodySlavic LanguagesSerbian
This paper examines the structural properties underlying the distribution and interpretation of two types of deverbal nouns in Spanish: miento nominals (e.g. hundimiento 'the sinking') and do/da nominals (e.g. secado 'the drying'); the... more
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      SpanishNanosyntaxNominalizationsVerbs and event structure
Nominalizations are well-known features of scientific writing. Scholars have been intrigued by their form and by their functions. While these features have been widely studied, the cognitive side of nominalizations in scientific texts... more
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      Historical LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeCorpus LinguisticsCognitive Linguistics
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Vol.6. No.2 June... more
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      Human Rights EducationEmpowermentAgencyNominalizations
O presente trabalho intenta contribuir para a divulgação e avanço do conhecimento linguístico acerca da sufixação no período arcaico da língua portuguesa, a partir de análises que têm como base os aportes descritivistas, cognitivistas e... more
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      PolysemyConstructional MorphologyNominalizationsPortuguês Arcaico
The case of an aphasic patient whose spontaneous speech contains very few lexical verbs is reported. Instead of sentences with lexical verbs, the patient produces many (grammatical) copular constructions. He also substitutes lexical verbs... more
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      SemanticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingLanguageSpeech
The case of an aphasic patient whose spontaneous speech contains very few lexical verbs is reported. Instead of sentences with lexical verbs, the patient produces many (grammatical) copular constructions. He also substitutes lexical verbs... more
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      SemanticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingSpeechTemporal Lobe
This paper examines the historical status of tense-aspect suffixes in the Kathmandu Valley and Eastern branches of Newar. By comparing across branches and triangulating with Classical Newar, the paper demonstrates that the innovative past... more
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      GrammaticalizationTense and Aspect SystemsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsNepal Bhasa, Newar language
The paper (Baker & Gondo 2020) studies several issues in Dan morphosyntax: the formal differences between verbs, nouns and adjectives; two types of possessive constructions (with alienable and inalienable head nouns) and their syntactic... more
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      Mande LanguagesNominalizationNominalizationsDan language
Artikuluan erakusten da -era, -keta, -pen bezalako atzizkien bitartez eratorritako euskarazko nominalizazioek ere Alexiadouk (2001) aipatzen dituen ezaugarri batzuk dauzkatela (e.g. irakurketa ebentiboaren ezakusatibitate eta... more
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      Morphology and SyntaxNominalizations
This research aimed at investigating the frequency of occurrence of nominalization in the argumentative essays written by Pakistani undergraduates and English native speakers. The corpus based analysis using log likelihood (LL) and... more
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      Academic WritingApplied LinguisticsMorphologyNominalization
Based on Italian data, this paper focuses on the aspect-related properties of nominalizations of psychological predicates that realize the Experiencer argument as the direct object (Object Experiencer, OE). In particular, it deals with... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)NominalizationsLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.