Nineteenth Century French History
Recent papers in Nineteenth Century French History
France from 1871 to today
French Cultural Studies 24 (1), February 2013, 27-43.
The flâneur and the tourist were both characterized foremost by movement and curiosity. A range of meanings and resonances were associated with both figures, underlining the tensions between the ideas of the insider and the outsider, the... more
The travel accounts, drawings, and collections of Frédéric Cailliaud were an important early contribution to the birth of the new scientific discipline of Egyptology in the first half of the nineteenth century. But one of his major... more
This article examines a corpus of nineteenth-century French instructional texts offering guidance to bourgeois readers on the training and governance of domestic servants, and focuses on how these texts construct the relationship between... more
Globalizing Race explores how intersections between French antisemitism and imperialism shaped the development of European racial thought. Ranging from the African misadventures of the antisemitic Marquis de Morès to the Parisian novels... more
This is a study of Jacques Corbière (1766-1853) as Home Secretary during the French Restauration. The first part deals with the organisation of the ministry and his staff; the second part surveys the purge of the prefects done by Corbière... more
European Drama and Performance Studies, dossier Shakespeare sur la scène française hier et aujourd’hui, John Golder (dir.), n° 6, 2016, p. 129-143.
La « société civile » entre politique et histoire : discours, pratiques, savoirs * La « société civile » a-t-elle sa place en histoire et en sciences sociales 1 ? Selon le sociologue Maxime Haubert, « le mieux que l'on ait à faire est de... more
L’article propose une lecture synoptique des odes commémoratives parues dans la presse monarchiste à l’occasion de la naissance et du baptême du duc de Bordeaux, en novembre 1820 et mai 1821. Il met au jour les tropes exploités par les... more
A brief chapter on British perceptions of the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt.
Бойко-Гагарін А.С. Французькі зв’язки фальшивомонетників в Україні в імперську добу. Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія «Історія». Вип. 2 (43). Ужгород, 2020. С. 165-170. DOI: 10.24144/2523-4498.2(43).2020.217458
Le temps des hommes doubles : Louis Aragon a désigné ainsi la séparation voire l'opposition entre l'homme social et l'homme privé dans la société capitaliste. Pour les auteurs réunis ici, il s'agit plutôt de signifier qu'au temps de la... more
No século XIX, a obsessão pela diferença dos sexos não permitiu o desenvolvimento da equitação feminina a não ser legitimando a prática específica de montar "em amazona", ou seja, sentada sobre o lado esquerdo do cavalo com as duas pernas... more
The transmission of wealth between generations was not only a narrative commonplace in nineteenth-century France, but also a topic of considerable cultural anxiety and intense political debate. In this study, Andrew J. Counter draws on a... more
Henri Rochefort et sa Lanterne, Les Grimaces d’Octave Mirbeau, La France juive d’Édouard Drumont, Zola et son « J’accuse ! », tournant majeur de l’affaire Dreyfus… La fin du XIXe siècle signe l’âge d’or du pamphlet, au moment même où la... more
Le Petit Journal, which boasted a circulation of one million in the 1890s, was famed for the sensationalistic full-color front and back engraved images of its weekly supplement. Modern modes of transportation in the 1890-1914 period were... more
Imagine in Paris, across the river from the Eiffel Tower, a palace as magnificent as the one at Versailles, with a park covering about half of the present 16th arrondissement. This was Napoleon’s vision. In 1811, work began on a great... more
"On 8 May 1822, in the Isère town of Saint-Quentin, a grisly crime was committed: Marie Gérin, a young married lady, was murdered, probably after having been raped, and her body crudely hacked to pieces and disposed of in a nearby stream.... more