New Testament and Archaeology
Recent papers in New Testament and Archaeology
In 1929, Andreas Evaristus Mader –then the director of the Oriental Institute of the Görresgesellschaft – published an article in volume VI of the Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, titled "La basilica costantiniana di Mambre presso Hebron... more
Through the prism of a fairly recent discovery of a milestone, the present article sheds light on the Roman road in the Gennesaret Valley, particularly the span connecting Tiberias to Julias. Building on Zvi Ilan’s initiative in the... more
The article studies various portraits of the local Galilean economy in consideration developments made in recent research on the Roman economy. It challenges the view that the Roman economy as it manifested itself locally in Galilee was... more
In 70 AD Jerusalem was conquered and the temple in Jerusalem was looted and destroyed, and among the war trophies, trophies that were part of the triumphal procession, were the precious objects taken as plunder from the temple in... more
3 S. Mrozek, Les distributions d'argent et de nourriture dans les villes italiennes du Haut Empire romain, Bruxelles, 1987; sur la signification sociale des dons alimentaires, S. Mrozek, "Caractère hiérarchique des repas officiels dans... more
Found in numerous collections of midrash, the well-known origin story of Eliezer ben Hyrcanus leaving his father's agricultural estate to study Torah under Rabban Yoḥanan ben Zakkai in Jerusalem is both a coming-of-age tale and a story of... more
3 S. Mrozek, Les distributions d'argent et de nourriture dans les villes italiennes du Haut Empire romain, Bruxelles, 1987; sur la signification sociale des dons alimentaires, S. Mrozek, "Caractère hiérarchique des repas officiels dans... more
Paper delivered in video form (in absentia) on Sept. 21, 2023 at the CISSR meeting on Christian Origins in Bertinoro, Italy as part of a panel reviewing Angela Kim Harkins and Harry O. Maier, eds, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas,... more
William Friedkin dokumentumfilmjének (A The Devil and Father Amorth – Az ördög és Amorth atya) ismertetése; a félelemmel való szembenézés jelentősége; ördögűzés a spirituális megvalósítás fényében; a megszállottság jelensége társadalmi... more
The words KQT}TEC; aei \\>Evmai, xaxa e^gia, yaoTEoeg dgyai in Tit 1:2 are traditionally attributed to Epimenides, and, for example, Nestle-Aland27 (ad locum) refers to his work "de oraculis / nf.Q\. However, we can only discern a shadow... more
The ambiguities in the definition of ἐπίσκοπος and πρεσβύτερος in the Pastoral Epistles gave rise to speculations about the hierarchical structures of the early Christian communities. Using modern definition of the terms, and certain... more
“The shepherds we read about in Luke were actually fulfilling Temple duties, and the only ones who could perform Temple duties were priests”.
Steppes of Faith.
Steppes of Faith.
This article analyzes the Tiber River Inscription which names L. Sergius Paullus as one of the commissioners of the Tiber River, quite possibly the same Sergius Paulus who became the proconsul of Cyprus and was evangelized by the Apostle... more
The 'Authenticity Question' concerning reports (hadith) attributed to the Prophet of Islam runs deep like a river in Islamic civilization and its tradition of hadith scholarship. Hadith erudition has developed complex and sophisticated... more
On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake, 7.0 on the Richter scale, hit the capital city of Haiti. The result was horrifying devastation. By conservative estimates, 188,000 buildings collapsed, 230,000 people died, and many more were... more
At the Crossroads of Cultures and Spiritualities In the Gospel of John chapter 4 we read of a peculiar encounter. A Samaritan woman meets with a Jewish rabbi at a rather unusual time of the day at a well. It is a difficult task to have a... more
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Cana and the Tomb of Lazarus at Bethany are two significant sites in the life of Jesus. Cana is the site of Jesus's first miracle, and the Tomb of Lazarus is the site of one of Christ's greatest miracles, i.e., the resurrection of... more
The use of the "sea" 1 as "stage prop" is a prominent feature of the gospel narrative. How the "sea" is employed in the narrative, the significance of the "sea" in the literary and the historical critical framing of the gospel story are... more
For the longest time, people have thought that we would never know who the authors of the New Testament texts actually were, but Abelard Reuchlin discovered their names and gave that information to us in his booklet 'The True Authorship... more
- by Roman Piso
3 S. Mrozek, Les distributions d'argent et de nourriture dans les villes italiennes du Haut Empire romain, Bruxelles, 1987; sur la signification sociale des dons alimentaires, S. Mrozek, "Caractère hiérarchique des repas officiels dans... more
Articoli sulla inaugurazione della torre di Maria nella Sagrada Familia di Barcellona, Spagna
The comparison between the building activity of Herods and Hadrian reveals the wide circulation of plans, models and patterns in the Hellenistic koiné as well as how Herods took advantage from the Asmonean repertoire and from the Roman... more
Írásunkban időutazásra hívjuk az olvasót: rápillantunk arra az összetett és ellentmondásos ókori világra, amely tanúja volt az evangéliumok megszületésének. Ebben a világban a nők mozgástere egyszerre volt korlátozott, egyszerre... more
Vajon milyen szent iratokat ismertek az Újszövetség szerzői és mi számított számukra (szakrális) tekintéllyel bíró iratnak? Hogyan műveltek teológiát nem szakrális jellegű iratok segítségével? Miért van az, hogy az nemcsak az... more
An attempt to account for the unique language and themes in the Pastoral Epistles presents distinct challenges for Pauline scholars. A specific example appears with the use of self-control (σώφρων) language in the book of Titus, where 5... more
Tra i problemi che ancora rimangono irrisolti circa il controverso processo a Gesù di Nazareth, assume un aspetto centrale, anche ai fini di una maggiore conoscenza del diritto penale romano delle province, la concessione della salma del... more
« Que mon sacrifice, et le vôtre ». La messe, ton sacrifice ! Cet article veut jeter une lumière sur la formule d’invitation à la prière sur les offrandes. L’objectif est de raviver la conscience sacrificielle eucharistique chez les... more
Su alcuni graffiti cristiani scoperti nella cappella bizantina delle Beatitudini a Tabgha
Robin Horton, one of the world’s finest intellectuals, one of anthropology’s most original, brilliant and influential scholars, and a most provocative philosopher of African indigenous modes of thought in the last fifty years, died on 28... more
Recent archaeological projects in Ceuta (Spain) from Prehistory to Modern Age
This article explores the different attitudes of Jesus and Paul towards the Law, the stages through which Judaism has evolved and offers some clues on how to present Judaism in this new framework. Only a deep understanding of the... more
Crete is rarely taken seriously as a plausible actual destination for the NT letter to Titus. Investigation of Roman Crete, however, yields intriguing points of contact with puzzling features of the letter. Patterns of social organisation... more
This article discusses the disputed location of two prominent places related to the passion narrative of Jesus, i.e., the Palace of the High Priest and the Praetorium of Pilate. Sources from the Byzantine time together with the modern... more
This article discusses the disputed location of two prominent places related to the passion narrative of Jesus, i.e., the Palace of the High Priest and the Praetorium of Pilate. Sources from the Byzantine time together with the modern... more
List of seven articles on secrifices written by Adriana Destro and Mauro Pesce
Ezért kell a filozófiai tudást a gyógyítás tanába és a gyógyítás tudományát a filozófusok tudományába bevezetni. Mert az az orvos, aki filozófiai tudással rendelkezik, hasonló az istenhez.
Field archaeological survey in Jordan Valley on the eastern bank of Jordan River recovered architectural Byzantine remains of Gharabah caravansaries, close to site of Jesus Baptism along the historical pilgrim's route from Jerusalem to... more
Since 1996 the systematic excavations started on the eastern part of Jordan River, archaeological works have uncovered the ruins of a dozen ancient churches and monasteriessome with splendid mosaic floors-scattered over small hills and... more