Naval Architecture (History)
Recent papers in Naval Architecture (History)
In this work, we are reconstituting the framework of the hull in its entirety. Many elements of the structure are not shown on Chapman's historical plan. This involves redrawing the spacing between the frames, calculating the dimensions... more
The site of Thonis-Heracleion located in the Nile's Delta contains more than a hundred ancient shipwrecks, most of which date to the Egyptian Late (664-332 BC) and Ptolemaic (332-31 BC) periods. Shipwreck 5 was excavated by the Institut... more
Abstract— This work consists of research on S & T & I sponsored by CNPq, which concerns the development and technological innovation or social technology a vessel in ferrocement you want to contribute to poor communities in the state of... more
Ancient Egypt, contemporary visual sources, interpretations, reconstructions, types and subtypes of watercraft
- by Laszlo Veres
Despite the image of decadence that has allegedly characterized the history of the Portuguese Navy at the beginning of the 19th century, especially with regard to shipbuilding, the figure of the naval engineer-shipbuilder Manuel Luís dos... more
M.Sc. Alejandro Mirabal (1964) is a Marine Archaeologist with a further graduate degree in Marine Biology and a master's degree in Marine Ecology, all by the University of Havana. Born in Cuba and naturalized Portuguese, Alejandro Mirabal... more
Torcato José Clavina (a.k.a. Clavine) is one of the most important and industrious Portuguese shipbuilders of the 18th century, a leading figure of a new period in the History of Naval Architecture and shipbuilding, integrated in a... more
Can toponymy, a subaltern discipline of history, question its parent discipline? The answer is obvious. But not everyone is happy about it. These place names call into question the Viking legend constructed in the 19th century. This... more
Testo di legge del Regolamento per prevenire gli abbordi in mare. L. 27 dicembre 1977, n.1085: ratifica ed esecuzione della convenzione sul regolamento internazionale del 1972 per prevenire gli abbordi in mare, firmata a Londra il 20... more
In this paper a very obscure and most difficult question will be explored: Were there any Scandinavian incursions to Bordeaux and into Gascony at the end of the 970s which culminated in a battle in about 982 in the Landes where William... more
Introduction Lake Mareotis represents one of the most distinctive geomorphic features in the north-west coastal region of Egypt. In antiquity, it was fed by means of a number of canals, which bifurcated off the Nile’s defunct Canopic... more
- by Emad Khalil
Recent scholarly work demonstrated that artisanal watercraft is an important aspect of Cypriot maritime culture, seaborne transport history, and trade deserving further study. A careful study of visual and historical sources allows for a... more
Ediciones oleccionArt COINS OF POTOSÍ Colonial Period (1575-1825) 8 Escudos • 8 Reales ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Parts of this book can be reproduced only with permission of the Editor. However paragraphs, foot notes and numbering can be... more
Thiago goMes de araúJo O diário cuja resenha ora apresentamos, o qual abrange o período de 08 de fevereiro a 31 de dezembro de 1866, é de autoria do Capitão-Tenente Manuel Carneiro da Rocha, que pertenceu ao Estado-Maior do Vice-Almirante... more
Se describe el proceso de creación del astillero del Arsenal de Ferrol y las primeras construcciones realizadas siguiendo el plan del Marqués de la Ensenada.
The city of Taposiris-Magna (Abusir) enjoys a distinct geographical location 45km west of Alexandria, on the northwestern shore of Lake Mariout. It was known in ancient writings as Taposiris or Taphosiris, which refers to its association... more
dans le fond du golfe d'Ajaccio (Corse du Sud). Elle a été découverte le 23 novembre 2003 par Hervé Alfonsi sur les indications d'Alain Bianchi lors de la fouille de l'épave Porticcio A (N° de déclaration AFFMAR : 5/03). La cargaison... more
In this thesis the writer is examining the nature and historical development of Sudanese culture, through the examination of the activities of boat builders and users in the Sudan. Chapter One explains the aims of the study, definition... more
El presente estudio busca ofrecer una interpretación más completa acerca del sentido de la tonelada de arqueo en la industria naviera filipina, basada en el prorrateo de piezas por tonelada, la “cuenta cúbica”, la tonelada de regidores y... more
The present text intends to address the universe of tobacco contractors and merchants (estanqueiros) in the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, their social and geographical origins, parentage and religious confession, the latter... more
Boote (Gebrauch) Bateaux (Usage) Ancient Egyptian boats are defined as river-going vessels (in contrast with seagoing ships). Their use from late Prehistory through the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods included general transportation and... more
As England and France were engaged in regular naval battles throughout the 18 th century, the situation was rather quiet in Denmark, while Sweden experienced sporadic wars. Nevertheless, the overall political situation was nothing but... more
Many ships from Thonis-Heracleion, a submerged city on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, show numerous parallels with the construction of the Nilotic freighter baris as described by Herodotus (Hist. 2.96). During the spring mission of... more
Background: Screening programmes for type 2 diabetes inevitably find more individuals at high risk for diabetes than people with undiagnosed prevalent disease. While well established guidelines for the treatment of diabetes exist, less is... more
In 1999, underwater excavation by the European Institute of Underwater Archaeology (IEASM), in the Bay of Abukir, brought to light new fragments of a naos known since the early 19 th century as The Louvre Calendar. It was later called The... more
exit channel? FIG. 2: SKETCH MAP OF PORT INSTALLATIONS 300 m. few Bedouin, and there are almost no modern structures on the site. A few seasons'
Investigación, conservación y puesta en valor del patrimonio arqueológico subacuático de Gran Canaria: el pecio de Risco Verde (Agüimes, islas Canarias) .
justice to local shipping, without getting into technicalities. 2 The word jong is known from earlier Javanese texts, after the 12th century. See H. Kern's remarks on this word in his Verspreide Geschriften 12: 237-38 and 13: 147-48.... more
The article presents a new edition of P.Berl.Bibl. 6 (= SB I 423), which appears to be an acknowledgement of receipt of a leased ammokopregon ship. It is argued that the ship was used for collecting silt fertiliser in the marshy parts of... more
The 16th-century Riddarholmen Ship was discovered in the middle of Stockholm in 1930. Despite being exhibited since 1947, the efforts to reconstruct the ship have been limited. A substantial portion of the recovered parts has never been... more
Las equivalencias en el sistema métrico actual de las medidas de longitud españolas antiguas quedaron aclaradas y definidas en el siglo pasado por la Comisión del IV Centenario del Descubrimiento. Todas las medidas de longitud usadas... more
Hasta ahora, y al referirse a la historia de la asistencia sanitaria en el puerto del Ferrol, se citaba al primitivo hospital de La Graña, creado en 1736, como la más antigua fundación, e incluso en algunos casos se afirmaba que en fechas... more
Issues related to the transformation of Late Antique fortresses on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea: the example of the Benedictine monastery of Sts. Cosmas and Damian located on the hill Ćokovac, on the island of Pašman... more
Le lien entre les techniques et la créativité dans la petite construction nav...