Natural Law Theory
Recent papers in Natural Law Theory
Автор статьи анализирует научное наследие выдающегося историка и философа Евгения Спекторского. В статье рассматриваются некоторые детали его биографии, так как история жизни Е. Спекторского в эмиграции еще недостаточно исследована... more
Are you like the man in Kafka's Parable of the Law, waiting outside a forbidding castle for the law? Or are you just waiting outside a legislature or for the latest pronouncement of the Supreme Court to know what the law is? Are you... more
The origins of Natural Law are obscure. The earliest societies had no conception of a Divine Rule Maker. The Gods and Spirits were capricious; omit your rituals or fail to supply the Gods with their quota of still beating hearts, and... more
The paper considers different ways of referring to Vico in the context of the so-called "cultural turn" and its predecessors. It is shown that the most important aim of the "cultural turn"-to make explicit forms of thought that have... more
Истраживања и човекова непресушна радозналост, философи и научници свих наука припадали су разним мишљењима и школама кроз векове. Доколицом, чуђењем, постављањем питања, истраживањем, сазнавањем и схватањем све науке, тако и право, су... more
Saying that human dignity constitutes a problem may require explanation. It is in fact one of those things that we like to take for granted, and thus not to consider a problem. At the same time, paradoxically, we may be so sceptical about... more
Introduction I recently read Howard Kislowicz’s review of Benjamin L. Berger’s Law’s Religion: Religious Difference and the Claims of Constitutionalism. This thought-provoking analysis explores how law engages with religion, often... more
Cartels have a significantly negative impact on economic welfare. Anti-cartel competition law–such as the provisions of pt IV div 1 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)–tries to tackle this negative impact through civil and... more
God does everything with a purpose and that purpose is worship
This contribution to a symposium on Samantha Frost's Lessons from a Materialist Thinker considers her innovative reinterpretation of Thomas Hobbes's philosophy, situating him as a precursor of New Materialism. Frost's reading emphasizes... more
Once upon a time, there was sex – an obvious characteristic that branched off into female and male ways of being in the world. But anatomy does not explain everything. Today we have a term to describe how, in any society, human beings... more
Remembering Father Jerzy Popiełuszko on the 40th Anniversary of his martyrdom.
Together, the essays in this book present a historical and political theology of Christianity, arranged along a shared narrative arc covering the origins of the Hebrew Bible, the Jesus movement, and the early Christian church in... more
It is a common mistake of contemporary natural law scholarship to overestimate the ancient Greeks' contribution to a meaningful theory of natural law and to mistake an appeal to unwritten law with natural law's criteria for normative... more
Lell, H. M., Escudero Giménez, R. ., Lafferriere, N., Ratti Mendaña, F., & Macbeth, G. (2024). Dignidad y autonomía en el discurso de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Experiencia de trabajo con un diccionario de términos.... more
Breve análisis del artículo: "De la tesis de la doble naturaleza de Alexy a un "iusnaturalismo moderado": una propuesta de comprensión de los derechos fundamentales implícitos a partir de la jurisprudencia constitucional de Perú y chile"... more
In this paper, I seek to introduce, define, and ultimately defend the concept of 'evil law', which is needed to make sense of what Green calls the 'immorality that law makes possible', i.e., the recognition that law has the capacity not... more
- by Anna Lukina
The New Digest is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Last year, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) celebrated its 75th anniversary.... more
My recent review of Joseph Yudin's interesting book
This Book of Abstracts collects the Abstracts of the 24th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion: Human Nature and Religion. About ESPR The European Society for Philosophy of Religion provides a forum for... more
The intellectual legacy of Isidore of Seville is impressive. The Sevillian left behind hundreds of pages of texts that are a subject of reflection of theologians, historians, philosophers and literary scholars. The author of Etymologiae,... more
The aim of this study is to discuss information on the origins of natural law (ius naturale) in Etymologiae (Etymologiarum sive Originarum libri XX) written by St. Isidore of Seville (d. 636). Such a choice of the subject matter seems... more
As formulated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila represents the core values agreed upon during the meetings of the Body of Investigators for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence and the Preparatory Committee... more
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата философских наук
In "Legal Positivism: 5½ Myths," John Gardner argued that legal positivism should be understood only as a thesis about the validity of individual norms. This influential view has had the effect of discounting and marginalizing two other... more
This work intends to face the question if it is possible to reconcile John Finnis' Neoclassical Theory of Natural Law, Economic Analysis of Law and the Tax Incidence Matrix Rule and how this illuminates the relationship between taxation... more
In this paper, I argue that a theory of natural law should admit that practical thought is distinct from and not derivative from speculative thought. While both practical and speculative thought have, in Aquinas’s words, “the aspect of... more
Moreso se ha referido a «los intocables del derecho» para aludir-desde su original imagen del derechoa cierto aspecto de la dimensión institucional de los sistemas jurídicos, por la que, precisamente debido a razones morales, algunas de... more
The common good is one of the central elements in the debate on contemporary natural law, as defined by Thomas Aquinas in his Treatise on Law, where it is presented as the end for which law is created. However, there are different... more
Bulletin d’histoire du traditionalisme, t. 4, 2024, p. 3-12 (« Michel Villey, filósofo del derecho natural », M. Ayuso (dir.), ¿ El derecho natural contra el derecho natural ? Historia y balance de un problema. Actas de las VIII Jornadas... more
Negative rights signal the core of natural law in the American tradition, also known as our Bill of Rights. Without them the Constitution might never have been ratified, or we might be a very different country today. This is one of those... more
It was in fact Borges who taught me that Carroll’s allegory about a king, a lion, and a unicorn concerns more than the factional (and fractional) history of the United Kingdom. It’s ultimately about the viability of individuals. In other... more
As with negative rights, there’s a lot of confusion regarding natural law. People use the term without much explanation of what it means, and those of us who are not trained lawyers or legal historians don’t want to reveal our ignorance... more
Resumo Objetivo: Investiga-se neste artigo a teoria da lei natural de Tomás de Aquino. Especificamente, visa-se a: (1) expor como Aquino aborda o primeiro princípio da razão prática; (2) expor a interpretação que os filósofos e... more
Applying an experimental approach that combines Pope Francis's inductive synod theological method and sociology, this chapter analyzes the empirical foundations of homosexuality, homosexual union, and gender in the contemporary world as... more
This article attempts to determine the source of moral obligation in al-Māturīdī’s thought. First of all, a classification of concepts of morality in his writings is presented. These concepts are found to be three in number: Utility,... more
Сергей Иосифович Гессен на основе аксиологии Генриха Риккерта предложил трактовку нации как коллективного социального субъекта, воплощающего культурные ценности в форме определенной национальной культуры. Все национальные культуры... more
Natural Law Theory holds that Law draws its force from objective morality – that laws are good laws when they correspond to objective ought statements that are beyond the people who follow them, and not just social facts. The Classical... more
Even though their views differ on what constitutes the proper relationship between morality and the law, Aquinas, J.S. Mill and Brentano all agree that the state is morally justified in inflicting punishment on those who are found guilty... more