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This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
İnsanlar, çoğunlukla toplum halinde yaşamayı tercih ettiklerinden dolayı devamlı birbirleriyle ilişki halindedirler. Bu toplumsal yapı içerisinde insanın benimsediği davranışlar, ahlakı meydana getirmektedir. Teolojik açıdan düşünülecek... more
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      ReligionNatural Law TheoryMoralityNatural rights
In Plato’s Gorgias one of Socrates interlocutors, Callicles, exposes a philosoph-ical theory based upon the supremacy of the stronger over the weaker and in therefusal to accept a moral system created by these in order to restrain the... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryNatural LawFriedrich Nietzsche
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      Natural LawNatural Law TheorySt Thomas Aquinas"natural Law" Jurisprudence
In this essay I argue that religion, understood as harmony with the transcendent source of existence and meaning, is a good that practical reason grasps as an objective, distinct and important aspect of human well-being, one which... more
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      ReligionConstitutional LawPhilosophy Of ReligionReligion and Politics
A critical book review
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      Natural LawNatural Law TheoryHuman Rights and Natural LawLocke's Natural Law philosophy
The Theses LVI belong to a series of hitherto unpublished early manuscripts of the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) that were acquired by the University of Leiden in 1864. It is not certain when the Theses were... more
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      Social TheoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryWar Theory
Cartels have a significantly negative impact on economic welfare. Anti-cartel competition law—such as the provisions of pt IV div 1 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)—tries to tackle this negative impact through civil and... more
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      Competition LawNatural Law TheoryCommon GoodCartels
This book is a systematic introduction to moral philosophy (or as it is also called: ethics) that aims at raising its readers’ ethical literacy and competence. Starting from the nature and end of this science it examines the fundamental... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsNatural LawMoral Philosophy
Questo articolo parte dalla ricostruzione del modello aristotelico di amicizia fornita nel ‘Brief of the Art of Rhetorique’ e dai motivi della critica hobbesiana a questo modello per esaminare il modo in cui l’amicizia lavora nel discorso... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySovereignty
This book provides the first systematic, book-length defence of natural law ideas in ethics, politics and jurisprudence since John Finnis's influential Natural Law and Natural Rights. Incorporating insights from recent work in ethical,... more
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      JurisprudencePolitical PhilosophyEthicsNormative Ethics
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      JurisprudenceLaw and SocietyNatural Law TheoryPositive Law
If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLawJurisprudencePhilosophy
Este libro del profesor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Católica San Pablo de Arequipa-Perú, José Chávez-Fernández Postigo, se trata de un trabajo temáticamente profundo, porque su materia es el fundamento último del Derecho,... more
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      Natural LawNatural Law TheoryFilosofía del DerechoDerecho Natural
Il pensiero politico di Kant, con particolare riferimento a Per la pace perpetua Un percorso attraverso i brani delle opere politico-giuridiche kantiane
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      Political PhilosophyNatural LawImmanuel KantClassical Political Philosophy
This study, first published by the Academy of Athens in 1998, subsequently formed a chapter in the book: Exopolitics (Nova, N.Y. 1999). The excerpt here focuses on the effects of the classical theories of Plato and Aristotle relating to... more
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      ClassicsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesHistory Of Platonic Tradition
Encyclopedia entry on Natural Law and Natural Rights
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      Natural LawThomas AquinasNatural Law TheoryThomas Aquinas (Philosophy)
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      Medieval PhilosophyJewish StudiesNatural LawIslamic Philosophy
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      Natural LawHistory of Political ViolenceHistory of Political ThoughtHistory of International Law
Natural law theories hold that human action is oriented towards certain intrinsic goods and governed by practical principles accessible to us by virtue of our nature. These goods and principles make up the content of natural law. This... more
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      Natural LawThomas AquinasNatural Law TheoryJohn Finnis
"Studia Leibnitiana", 2, 2011, pp. 103-121
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizNatural Law Theory
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      EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Morality (Social Psychology)Utilitarianism
In this essay I argue that religion, understood as harmony with the transcendent source of existence and meaning, is a good that practical reason grasps as an objective, distinct, and important aspect of human well-being, one that... more
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      ReligionLawConstitutional LawPhilosophy Of Religion
Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher in the Late Sixteenth to Early Seventeenth Centuries and he is best known for his book Leviathan. In this book he presents what is commonly referred to as the first ‘Social Contract Theory,’ rather... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyGovernmentSocial Contract Theory
Natural law ethics holds that practical rationality consists in engaging in non-defective ways with a range of fundamental goods. These basic goods are characteristically presented as reflecting the natural properties of humans, but the... more
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      Meta-EthicsNatural Law TheoryJohn Finnis
Дидикин А.Б. Аналитическая философия права: истоки, генезис и структура. Монография. Томск, Изд-во ТГУ, 2016. - 244 с. В приложении к монографии - переводы статей Г. Кельзена "Абсолютизм и релятивизм в философии и политике", "Причинность... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyLegal History
This document utilizes the various ethical theories such as Utilitarian Theory, Kantian Theory, Natural Law Theory, Divine Command theory, Social Contract Theory, Virtue Ethics, Bioethics and Environmental Ethics. By making use of various... more
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      BioethicsVirtue EthicsUtilitarianismEnvironmental ethics (Philosophy) (Philosophy)
Edited with Introduction by Cajetan Cuddy, O.P.
Providence, RI: Cluny Media, 2019.

Introduction: "Foundational Themes in Aquinas's Natural Law Doctrine"
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      EthicsNatural LawThomas AquinasMoral Theology
The objective of this research is to explore the different facets of Grotius’ system of moral rights; to offer a detailed demonstration of its mechanism; and to reconcile different scholarly views wherever possible. It explains how... more
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      Social Contract TheoryNatural LawHistory of Political ThoughtNatural Law Theory
The title alludes, of course, to Herbert Hart’s classic study ‘Are There any Natural Rights?’, but all (or almost all) parallels end here. In my paper, I will examine whether or not Aquinas complemented his theory of natural law with a... more
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      Human RightsNatural LawThomas AquinasNatural Law Theory
This article reviews Mark Murphy's book, Natural Law in Jurisprudence and Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2006). I present a generally sympathetic account of Murphy’s natural law theory. However, I argue that his account could be... more
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      Natural LawPhilosophy Of LawLegal PhilosophyNatural Law Theory
'Universalist' moral principles have fallen into disfavour because too often they have been pretexts for unilateral impositions upon others, whether domestically or internationally. Too widely neglected has been Kant's specifically... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of EducationCivic EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)
The attack on natural right in the name of history takes in most cases the following form: natural right claims to be a right that is discernible by human reason and is universally acknowledged; but history (including anthropology)... more
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      HistoryNew HistoricismNatural LawHistoricism
Finnis’ seminal work ‘Natural Law and Natural Rights’ is an extensive and impressive defence of natural law theory. Through a complex and well-crafted series of arguments Finnis sets out a general code of ethics for humanity. However,... more
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      JurisprudenceNatural Law TheoryAnimal RightsJohn Finnis
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      Natural LawDebate over Same-Sex MarriageNatural Law TheorySame-sex families
At the start of Plato's 'Minos' an anonymous comrade argues that the variability of law according to time and place undermines the claim that it conveys moral truth. But by the end he has accepted Minos as the greatest of lawgivers... more
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      PlatoNatural LawLeo StraussNatural Law Theory
In this paper, I shall address the important role of the rule of law as an ideal of political morality. I will be outlining the virtues and limits of the rule of law. My central thesis is that the rule of law is crucial for the moral... more
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      Political PhilosophyNatural LawPhilosophy Of LawRule of Law
Este trabajo se enfoca en demostrar que la Filosofía de la interpretación del derecho de Luis Recaséns Siches, al ser un ensayo de caracterización y de fundamentación del derecho como saber práctico de lo justo y lo equitativo, acierta no... more
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      Natural LawPhilosophy Of LawLegal interpretationLegal Reasoning
Review to "John Finnis, Aquinas: Moral, Political, and Legal Theory.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp. xxi + 385."
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      Thomas AquinasNatural Law TheoryThomas Aquinas (Philosophy)St Thomas Aquinas
Loi naturelle et révélation chrétienne L a référence à la loi naturelle comme norme pour l'enseignement moral de l'Église est contestée sur deux fronts. « À droite », elle est accusée de naturalisme par ceux qui veulent y soupçonner une... more
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    • Natural Law Theory
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      History of IdeasNatural LawGeneral JurisprudenceNatural Law Theory
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      Natural Law TheoryThomistic PersonalismJohn Paul II/Karol Wojtyla
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      Political PhilosophyJurgen HabermasPhilosophy Of LawSecularization
Published in A Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory
(2nd ed., Dennis Patterson, ed., Oxford:  Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
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      JurisprudenceLegal PhilosophyNatural Law Theory
Predkladaný príspevok analyzuje dva fundamentálne prístupy k definovaniu práva s ohľadom na vzťah práva a morálky. Jednotlivé prístupy oboch smerov právneho uvažovania reprezentujú téza oddelenosti alebo téza spojitosti. Nadväznosti na to... more
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      LawJurisprudencePhilosophy Of LawLegal positivism
This article considers natural law perspectives on the nature of law. Natural law theories are united by what Mark Murphy calls the natural law thesis: law is necessarily a rational standard for conduct. The natural law position comes in... more
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      JurisprudenceNatural Law TheoryJohn Finnis
“Are there objective moral values which can unite human beings and bring them peace and happiness?” People seem to assume there are indeed such values when they recoil against genocide, rape, child abuse, slavery and human trafficking,... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative PoliticsPolitical PhilosophyEthics
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      Natural LawLegal positivismLegal PhilosophyNatural Law Theory