Narrative Identity
Recent papers in Narrative Identity
Heimat- und Identitätslosigkeit – diese Themen beschäftigen Schriftsteller, die ihr Geburtsland verlassen haben, seit jeher. Manche Autoren nehmen eine passive, resignierte Haltung gegenüber der Unmöglichkeit eines Ankommens im neuen Land... more
Psychological continuity theories locate personal identity within self-consciousness or psychological life. Narrative theories seek to articulate personal continuation in terms of narrative structures of self-understanding. These two... more
Longitudinal cohort studies of life trajectories are progressively gaining international renown as the most relevant methods for studying education, socialization, and labor market, among other related issues. The Russian Panel Study... more
Lipar / Journal for Literature, Language, Art and Culture / Year XX / Volume 70 73 Оригинални научни рад 821.111-31.09 Ишигуро К. Тијана З. Матовић 1 Универзитет у Крагујевцу Филолошко-уметнички факултет Катедра за енглески језик и... more
Scholars worldwide have examined The Pillowman (2003) based on its most notable themes including the role of the art and the artist in contemporary society, the play's allegorical connotations, or even the use of the grotesque within the... more
Whump, alternatively called hurt/comfort, is a genre of fiction centred on predominant themes of a character’s experience of pain and often recovery. While informal discussion has sought to explain psychobiological aspects of interest in... more
During the last few years, the life stories of patients with schizophrenia have received increasing research interest, but a systematic review has not yet been conducted, and many nuances of patients’ life stories have not yet been... more
English: Referring to the classical philosophies of subjectivity (Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Schelling) as well as to the narratology which has its origins in the so called narrative turn in the humanities the author discusses contemporary... more
In this chapter I discuss Charles Taylor's and Paul Ricoeur's theories of narrative identity and narratives as a central form of self-interpretation. Both Taylor and Ricoeur think that self-identity is a matter of culturally and socially... more
Master's dissertation in Theoretical Philosophy (2008), Department of Philosophy, University of Padova. The main argument of this thesis is the concept of “narrative identity” principally explicated by Paul Ricoeur in his works. The... more
Schreiben auf einer "einfachen Bühne"-Dialogische Selbstverständigung über das Schreiben zwischen der Performanz des Schreibakts und der "Übermacht des Fixierten" ..... 3.3 Von der Autobiographie zur "Wanzengeschichte"-Kafkas in den... more
Convaincue qu'une paix durable au Proche-Orient nécessite, non un accord, mais un dissensus équitable sur l'Histoire, la présente étude se propose de contribuer à comprendre la « situation narrative » israélienne depuis un regard... more
In this article we show, invoking the principle of hermeneutic equity formulated by Georg Friedrich Meier in Versuch einer allgemeinen Auslegungsunst, that the perspective of the episodic self proposed by Galen Strawson is hermeneutically... more
Le dinamiche coinvolte nella formazione dell’identità del terzo patriarca ed eponimo del popolo eletto, Giacobbe, sono identificate e narrate, nell'omonimo ciclo, con puntualità e profondità tali da anticipare le acquisizioni della... more
The article investigates the relationship between narrative and psychosocial identity. Dan McAdams point of departure for his concept of narrative identity is Erik Erikson's developmental model and according to it he states that... more
Narrative is viewed by a growing body of interdisciplinary work as an immanent medium through which humans interpret the world and their life. The author claims that in accordance, a level of narrative interpretation should be situated... more
The unfortunate event of the historical intersection of European colonialism and the Christian mission has become problematic for Christian identity in India. While the stark reality of Indian religious plurality has to be adequately... more
The focus of this dissertation is narrative identity theory, i.e. the proposition that our sense of self is structured like a story. The imputed advantage of narrativity identity is that it enables great coherence and guidance to our... more
This paper focuses on late-socialist interpretations of a prominent myth in Russian cultural history: the matrifocal myth of "the Russian woman" in the journal Rabotnitsa and the novels The Ladies' Hairdresser (Damskii master, 1963) by... more
The task of identifying main hallmarks of Ishiguro's and Kawabata's oeuvres is but of double-edged nature-one may be unconsciously driven to seemingly obvious and unequivocal categorisations, naming attempts at selfunderstanding and... more
Resumen: Simone de Beauvoir practicó la escritura autobiográfica en sus distintos registros; por ello, es interesante ver cómo dos tipos distintos de escritura autobiográfica, en este caso la de la autobiografía y la de las novelas... more
Our aim is to see how melancholia is a remarkable disorder of narrative identity: the patient can still tell her or his life story, or even write it, but she or he cannot construct a narrative in the Ricœurian sense, nor can she or he... more
This essay explores the relation between Paul Ricoeur's concept of narrative identity and the genre of autobiography. A logical fallacy committed by Ricoeur has contributed to the polarization of the debate. His ambiguous references... more
O objetivo deste capítulo consiste em interpretar as armas da Casa de Aveiro, fundada no dia 27 de maio de 1500, e articular o seu significado com identidade narrativa formulada pelos duques de Aveiro. Estes aristocratas, representantes... more
Hannah Arendt entiende que la condición humana está especialmente vinculada a la acción, cuyo carácter específico radica en que revela a su agente y es manifestación de su libertad. Requiere de un mundo compartido, en el que se enlaza... more
The creation of artificial intelligent subjects is an actual phenomenon in the collective worldview due to the anxiety generated by the influence that can produce on human life. Science fiction has pondered, since long ago, about the... more
This book on the topic of ethics and poetry consists of contributions from different continents on the subject of applied ethics related to poetry. It should gather a favourable reception from philosophers, ethicists, theologians and... more
«Creer, sólo en Dios. El lugar del objeto en el acto de fe», en: J.L. CABRIA–R. DE LUIS CARBALLADA (ed.), Testimonio y sacramentalidad. Homenaje al profesor Salvador Pié-Ninot, San Esteban, Salamanca Madrid 2015, 113-143.
La presente comunicación busca mostrar que el concepto de identidad narrativa de Paul Ricœur articula dimensiones que se entrelazan y condicionan recíprocamente: 1) un trasfondo preestético, por el cual se concede una preeminencia... more
Climate change discourse permeates political and popular consciousness, challenging the ecological sustainability of our economic system and the business models that underpin it. Not surprisingly climate change has become an increasingly... more
In this paper I focus on the relationship between a literary/narrative text and the real world of the reader. Drawing on the observations by ethical critics Wayne C. Booth and Martha C. Nussbaum, Paul Ricoeur`s theory of the threefold... more
Collective memory has been a notoriously difficult concept to define. I appeal to Paul Ricoeur and argue that his account of the relationship of the self and her community can clarify the meaning of collective memory. While memory... more
Рассматривается специфика отображения личности автора в книге очерков И. Гончарова «Фрегат „Паллада“» (1855–1858) в аспекте нарративных стратегий данного текста. Подчеркивается полижанровый характер произведения, что определяет... more
Philosophie und Psychoanalyse unterhalten seit Sigmund Freuds Lebzeiten ein spannungsvolles Verhältnis. Die damit einhergehenden Diskussionen tendieren jedoch immer wieder dazu, die Disziplinen gegeneinander auszuspielen oder sie... more
In this paper, I argue for a revaluation of Paul Ricoeur’s notion of narrative identity in light of what Miriam Kyselo has coined “the body-social problem” in enactivism (Kyselo 2014). It is my contention that while phenomenological... more
In 1990, the Victorian Football League (VFL) became the Australian Football League (AFL) in a symbolic gesture to mark its continuing, although fragmented, national expansion. This com- mercially strategic move solidified the League’s... more
Egy nem rég készült írásában (Fehér M. István: „Légy hű önmagadhoz – vagy azonosságodhoz? Ricoeur, Tengelyi és a narratív identitás elmélete”, in: Marosán et al. [szerk.]: Élettörténet, sorsesemény, önazonosság. Tanulmányok Tengelyi... more
This is the Uncorrected Proof of DE SOUZA BIRCHAL (Telma) et SOMMAVILLA (Vitor), « Montaigne and Narrative Identity. A dialogue with Galen Strawson and Charles Taylor », Montaigne Studies, n° 31, 2019, Montaigne in America, p. 131-144... more
Acting and suffering subjectivity makes a grand sujet in Ricoeur's philosophy. In his Time and Narrative Ricoeur created the notion of narrative identity which is an individual internalized and evolving life strory. The narrative alone... more
This paper gives an account of an exploratory piece of research focused on understanding more fully the nature of pre-service teachers’ developing approaches to classroom behaviour management on a one-year postgraduate teacher education... more
La filosofía narrativa de Ricoeur encuentra una conexión en la filosofía de Arendt, especialmente en "La condición humana". Allí se expresa esa fundamentación de la persona como alguien o como quién en la comunidad. Ahí encuentra su... more
Bitva u Mojkovce 1916-2106: narativy o první světové válce v Černé Hoře, In: Václav Štěpánek – Jiří Mitáček (eds.), Studia balkanica Bohemo-slovaca VII. Příspěvky přednesené na VII. mezinárodním balkanistickém sympoziu v Brně ve dnech... more
The published version of this paper can be found here: The paper concerns the problem of the mythological origins of narrative and narrative identity.... more
Our aim is to compare different definitions of identity and to study the possibilities of identity research, using qualitative methods. Our target groups are educators, so besides individual identity, professional, local (religious) and... more