Recent papers in Mythography
Baltasar de Vitoria is widely known for his Theatro de los Dioses de la Gentilidad (1st. Part, Salamanca, 1620, 1st. ed.; 2nd. Part, Salamanca, 1623, 1st. ed.), which is the first Hispanic handbook, in the current sense of the word, on... more
Les mythes grecs et latins ont été transmis par les poètes et par les mythographes. Mais, quoique leur rôle ait été décisif, ces derniers ont été peu étudiés. Une des raisons en est que leur activité n'a jamais été constituée en genre,... more
Qu'y avait-il au commencement, avant que le monde soit le monde, avant qu'il y ait de la terre, de l'eau, des végétaux, des animaux, puis l'homme, puis des cités et des civilisations ? Qu'y avait-il ? Les réponses diffèrent selon les... more
(Fr) : Cette étude vise à analyser la prise de conscience de l’existence d’une tradition littéraire des troubadours de la première moitié du XVIe siècle en France. On ne trouve, parmi les traités de ce temps, que des allusions... more
This article approaches the relationship between the Odyssey’s nostos and other Nostoi from the perspective of the epic’s treatment of Cassandra. In doing so, I emphasize two perspectives. First, rather than privileging either “lost”... more
The image of the mythological shape-changing sea-god Proteus was used in several contexts relating to natural philosophy in early modern Britain. These uses derived from different ancient sources, including Homer, Plato, and Diodorus... more
In the Metamorphoses Ovid is a poet-mythographer, who avows, implicitly or explicitly, his conformity or disagreement with the traditional versions of the legends that he treats. The poem is not a real mythographic handbook, because it... more
website: scientific blog: This project aims to inform the construction of Antiquity during the early modern age by taking as a privileged example Natale Conti’s... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
This collection of essays brings innovative perspectives to the study of ancient mythography, that is, the writings of Greeks and Romans about their own mythical traditions. It treats a range of sources from the beginnings of myth... more
This article presents the first modern exploration of the relationship between Ovid's Fasti and the Catasterismi attributed to Eratosthenes. It argues that mythological handbooks such as the Catasterismi would have been familiar not only... more
Cornutus was a Roman philosopher who wrote this compendium on the Greek gods in Greek language in the first century A.D. He wanted to teach the basics of Stoic philosophy to an unknown Roman boy using this mythological work by... more
The inscription known as ‘The Pride of Halikarnassos’ or ‘Salmakis inscription’ (late 2nd-early 1st cent. BC) provides a significant example of the self-representation of a late Hellenistic city as well as of the construction of its... more
The Saite mythological manual of the Delta (pBrooklyn 47.218.84) contains myths of Bastet and Horit that are reinterpreted here to shed light on how the Ancient Egyptians conceptualised menstruation within a mythological system.... more
Testo latino delle Fabulae di Igino, traduzione italiana a fronte e note di commento.
Le Fabulae di Igino costituiscono un testo composito e di tradizione in gran parte incerta. Tuttavia, tenuto conto della forma testuale e dello stile, che in massima parte si lasciano ricondurre a paradigmi di semplicità e compilazione... more
This thesis consists of an analysis of two ancient Egyptian mythological manual; the Tebtunis Mythological Manual and the Mythological Manual of the Delta. The analysis is focused on the different modes of structuring and interpreting... more
This thesis contends that myth served the role of speculative philosophy for ancient Near Eastern peoples and examines some of the implications, particularly hermeneutical implications, of the claim. The Introduction presents a case for... more
La place que tient Orphée dans la mythologie et la religion gréco-romaines est connue depuis fort longtemps. Ce qu'on savait moins jusqu'à une époque récente, c'est que le chantre thrace n'a jamais disparu de la culture occidentale. On le... more
This article is the second part in a series. It shows that the Old Norse term hrímþurs, often translated 'frost-ogre' or 'frost-giant' in English, was a poetic term as a variation on the archaic and obscure poetic term þurs (addressed in... more
RESUMEN: El examen de la nomenclatura aplicada a Hecateo de Mileto en los Testimonia no sólo revela las distintas valoraciones de su obra en la Antigüedad, según el concepto de historia manejado por sus receptores, sino que también... more
The metaphor of remigium alarum used by Verg. Aen. 6, 19 to describe the flight of Daedalus is the starting point for an investigation into the exegetical tradition which grew up on this myth from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages.... more
En Grecia el estudio del pasado remoto se abordó con distintos niveles de rigor; en la historiografía, que es un género literario y científico a la vez, la cuestión ha sido estudiada con solvencia, en trabajos recientes , Hornblower 1994... more
Among the general elements that define myth, the temporal dimension is certainly recognized as a crucial one by many scholars. The purpose of this chapter is to examine this aspect further. Since the temporal element is closely connected... more
Historical inquiries into religious giving are generally limited to the point at which a society becomes literate and begins keeping written records. With the analytical tools of linguistics, though, plausible inferences may be also drawn... more
The D-Scholia to the Iliad contain a set of mythic plots (historiae fabulares) attributable to the so-called Mythographus Homericus. Some of them appear to have undergone a complex process of rewritting along the textual transmission.... more
Chapter 3 in the forthcoming book: 'Myths and Narratives in International Politics: An Interpretative Approach to Studying International Relations', ed. B. Bliesemann de Guevara, published by Palgrave Macmillan.