Greek and Roman Mythology and Mythography
Recent papers in Greek and Roman Mythology and Mythography
In his lost book On the descent to Trophonios (F 81 Mihrady), Dicaearchus alludes to the tomb of Harpalus' courtesan, Pythionike. The contextualisation of the fragment cited by Athenaeus allows us to explain why the sophist made this... more
Les mythes grecs et latins ont été transmis par les poètes et par les mythographes. Mais, quoique leur rôle ait été décisif, ces derniers ont été peu étudiés. Une des raisons en est que leur activité n'a jamais été constituée en genre,... more
Além de discutir os conceitos de «mito» e «lenda», este livro aborda as narrativas da Roma Antiga que se inserem nesse âmbito.
This article discusses a passage of Eratosthenes’ Catasterisms, which has been considered absurd and incoherent so far. A reading that attempts to deconstruct its narrative linearity, and that includes bricolage and juxtaposition, is put... more
Cornutus was a Roman philosopher who wrote this compendium on the Greek gods in Greek language in the first century A.D. He wanted to teach the basics of Stoic philosophy to an unknown Roman boy using this mythological work by... more
Testo latino delle Fabulae di Igino, traduzione italiana a fronte e note di commento.
Le Fabulae di Igino costituiscono un testo composito e di tradizione in gran parte incerta. Tuttavia, tenuto conto della forma testuale e dello stile, che in massima parte si lasciano ricondurre a paradigmi di semplicità e compilazione... more
La place que tient Orphée dans la mythologie et la religion gréco-romaines est connue depuis fort longtemps. Ce qu'on savait moins jusqu'à une époque récente, c'est que le chantre thrace n'a jamais disparu de la culture occidentale. On le... more
RESUMEN: El examen de la nomenclatura aplicada a Hecateo de Mileto en los Testimonia no sólo revela las distintas valoraciones de su obra en la Antigüedad, según el concepto de historia manejado por sus receptores, sino que también... more
(written in English): Introduction to, text & translation of and commentary on the 7 testimonia and 42 extant Greek fragments of Philostephanos (text and translation revised/elaborated on the basis of an earlier version by Alain Delattre... more
For the interpretation of mythological subjects In the Roman funerary art the author systematically applies the analysis of the Key of Dreams by Artemidorus of Daldis, Greek author of the Antonine period. The funerary art was studied... more
This is an afterword to the French translation of John Block Friedman's book on "Orpheus in the Middle Ages," Harvard, 1999. The format of this PDF does not exactly mirror the printed version. La place que tient Orphée dans la... more
This paper examines the Vaticanus gr. 950 (XIV c.), a parchment codex containing epitomes of the Bibliotheca (Ps.-Apollodorus), the Lycophron commentary (John Tzetzes), and the Chiliades (John Tzetzes). In 1891 the authorship of the... more
La familiarità, legata in ultima analisi all'appartenenza culturale, non può essere un criterio di rilevanza. Tutto il mondo è paese non vuol dire che tutto è uguale: vuol dire che tutti siamo spaesati rispetto a qualcosa e a qualcuno.
The study of the writings of the mythographers of the imperial age can provide us with useful material for assessing the influence of scientific geography on Greek and Roman παιδεία. This article will focus, in particular, on the Library... more
RESUMEN: Aproximación a los problemas de la mitografía griega a través de la revisión crítica de la literatura especializada. Se señalan conceptos y perspectivas que inciden tanto el establecimiento del corpus, como en su delimitación... more
The edition of the Library published by James George Frazer in the 1921 is still a reference edition in the English-speaking countries and played an important role in the reception of Apollodorus’s work, that has not been completely... more
This paper seeks to offer a fresh interpretation of the literary production of Hecataeus of Miletus, usually regarded as a starting point for historiography or mythography. Firstly, to assess his real contribution to the complex of Greek... more
P.Oxy. II 218 transmits a curious mixture of ethnographic and mythographic material, one of the few testimonies to the circulation of paradoxographic literature in Antiquity. In the central column it offers two ethnographic descriptions:... more
What are myths? Are there ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ versions? And where do they come from? These and many other related questions are addressed in Writing Down the Myths, a collection of critical studies of the contents of some of the... more
Le discordanze e differenze tra i Fragmenta Vaticana e l’Epitome non si possono spiegare come semplici prodotti di una tradizione accidentata. Esse corrispondono piuttosto a un intento e a una scelta consapevoli, in momenti precisi della... more
En 1993 Robert Fowler publicó un artículo en el que defendía que las narraciones del mitógrafo Ferecides de Atenas, en su caso el mito de Céfalo y Procris, escondían un background ritual, y concretamente interpretaba este mito como el... more
Resumen -De acuerdo con el resumen de Focio, las Narraciones de Conón estaban dedicadas a Arquelao de Capadocia, un importante rey-cliente de Augusto. Varios διηγήματα tratan sobre asuntos romanos o itálicos, pero destaca especialmente... more
RESUMEN.- Las concomitancias entre los pasajes de las Metamorfosis de Ovidio donde se cuestiona una transformación, y las interpretaciones de Paléfato sobre esos mitos increíbles apuntarían a tópicos de la retórica y, en última instancia,... more
Two astral myths are studied in order to show that a catasterismic tradition ran parallel to the Eratosthenic one in Antiquity. Eratosthenes absorbed these interpretations into his mythographical handbook by cancelling those elements that... more
The article proposes a conjecture for Pherecydes fr. 141, replacing the name of Antenor's son Kynon with Kimon, and, based on this conjecture, tries to make a case for Kimon drawing on the Antenoridai as heroic prototypes. This... more
...lorsque Ératosthène prolonge le récit traditionnel au moyen d’un épisode indépendant (le dénouement astral), et par surcroît laisse des traces linguistiques de l’hétérogénéité qui sépare le temps mythique du présent phénoménal, il... more
The abbreviation "ΜΥΘ" is found six times in the marginal annotations of ps-Antigonos' text, a collection of extraordinary stories, alongside the more frequent seen "ΣΗ". The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of the... more
Parallels between ἱστορίαι in the Homeric D-Scholia and the mythographic handbook attributed to a certain ‘Apollodorus’ have troubled the scholarship on the MH from its very beginnings. Even before Panzer coined the term ‘Mythographus... more
List of books and papers under press, waiting for publication and in progress (711/2016)