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      EntrepreneurshipEvolutionary PsychologyProperty RightsTaxation
Arguments from disagreement against non-skeptical moral realism begin by noticing (or supposing) widespread, fundamental moral disagreement among a certain group of people (e.g., the folk, moral philosophers, idealized agents). Then, some... more
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      EthicsEpistemologyMetaethicsMoral anti-realism
Subjectivists claim that the absence of a theological or metaphysical grounding to moral judgements renders them all as simply statements about our subjective wants and preferences. Leslie Allan argues that the subjectivists’ case rests... more
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      Meta-EthicsMeta-ethical Relativity and ObjectivityMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realism
“Are there objective moral values which can unite human beings and bring them peace and happiness?” People seem to assume there are indeed such values when they recoil against genocide, rape, child abuse, slavery and human trafficking,... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative PoliticsPolitical PhilosophyEthics
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEthicsPhilosophy of Action
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
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      EthicsKantPhilosophical ScepticismAristotle
Ahlâkın evrimsel kökeninin ahlâkî bilgi ve ahlâkî realizmi zayıflattığına ilişkin argümanlar ve bu argümanlara verilen yanıtlar, son on yıl içinde felsefecilerden büyük ilgi görmüşlerdir. Bu makale, öncelikle insanda ahlâkın evrimsel... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologySociobiologyMoral anti-realismMoral Realism
Kant and Contemporary Metaethics
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      Immanuel KantMoral anti-realismMoralNormative Ethics and Metaethics
We examine a hitherto unstudied debate, turning on the epistemology of value judgements, between Ashʿarīs and Baṣran Muʿtazilīs of the late eleventh and twelfth centuries. Al-Ghazālī and al-Rāzī countered Muʿtazilī ethical realism, here... more
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      Moral PsychologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Value TheoryIbn Sina
An analysis of Nietzsche's varying use of the term 'nihilism'.

Published in Ethical Record, vol. 114, No. 10 (November 2009)
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      Meta-EthicsFriedrich NietzscheTranshumanismNietzsche
Do the facts of evolution generate an epistemic challenge to moral realism? Some think so, and many “evolutionary debunking arguments” have been discussed in the recent literature. But they are all murky right where it counts most:... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsEpistemologyPhilosophy Of Religion
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
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      EthicsKantMeta-EthicsPhilosophical Scepticism
NATURALIZM "Etyka jest pochodzenia naturalnego", "dobro i powinność są czymś naturalnym"tak mogłyby brzmieć najogólniejsze i zarazem najbardziej intuicyjne odpowiedzi osoby niewyszkolonej specjalnie filozoficznie na pytanie o to, czym... more
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[This is for an author-meets-critics symposium on Thomas Scanlon's Being Realistic About Reasons, with replies from Scanlon, Canadian Journal of Philosophy.] One of the key aims of Scanlon's Being Realistic about Reasons is to demystify... more
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      EpistemologyMoral anti-realismEpistemology of DisagreementPractical Reasons and Rationality
In this paper I explore the implications of moral vagueness (viz., the vagueness of moral predicates) for non-naturalist metaethical theories like those recently championed by Shafer-Landau, Parfit, and others. I characterise... more
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      EthicsMeta-EthicsMetaphysics of propertiesVagueness
I argue that Jonas Olson’s argument from irreducible normativity is not a secure basis for an argument for error theory (section 1) and that a better basis is provided by the argument from supervenience, which has more bite against... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyEthicsEvolutionary Ethics
An increasing number of moral realists and anti-realists have recently attempted to support their views by appeal to science. Arguments of this kind (such as evolutionary debunking arguments or arguments from moral disagreement) are... more
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      Experimental philosophyMoral PsychologyMetaethicsMoral anti-realism
Questo lavoro esamina il pensiero metaetico di John L. Mackie per l’importanza e l’ancora attualità che riveste in ambito etico il dibattito tra realismo e anti-realismo morale e l’indubbia importanza che la sua opera del 1977 "Ethics" ha... more
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      EthicsValuesMetaethicsMoral Philosophy
The author contends that classifying theories in the field of meta-ethics along a single dimension misses important nuances in each theory. With the increased sophistication and complexity of meta-ethical analyses in the modern era, the... more
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      Meta-EthicsMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realismMeta-ethics (Philosophy)
Meta-ethics is the area of philosophy in which thinkers explore the language and nature of moral discourse and its relations to other non-moral areas of life. In this introduction to the discipline written explicitly for novices, Leslie... more
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      Meta-EthicsMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realismMeta-ethics (Philosophy)
Le présent mémoire se propose de faire le point sur cette question : est-ce que le constructivisme moral, particulièrement celui que défend Sharon Street, peut se présenter comme une position métaéthique convaincante et apte à répondre... more
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      PhilosophyConstructivismRealism (Philosophy)Meta-ethical Relativity and Objectivity
Mackie drew attention to the distinct semantic and metaphysical claims made by metaethical realists, arguing that although our evaluative discourse is cognitive and objective, there are no objective evaluative facts. This distinction,... more
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      MetaethicsMoral anti-realismMoral RealismMoral Error Theory
It may seem that a naturalistic view of humankind renders ethics as a matter of taste. Science seems to dictate that there can be no objective standards for how we ought to behave. In fact, both of these positions misconstrue the nature... more
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      Meta-EthicsMeta-ethical Relativity and ObjectivityMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realism
Several scholars familiar with Sextus Empiricus’s Pyrrhonism who have attentively read his Against the Ethicists have gotten the impression that something strange is going on in this book. For, at variance with the ‘official’ Pyrrhonian... more
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      EthicsMoral anti-realismSextus EmpiricusMoral Realism
What metaethical position Kant is committed to remains a controversial issue. I discuss three recently published books in which Kant is viewed as an opponent to moral realism and located more or less in the constructivist camp. Although... more
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      Kant-studiesKant's Practical PhilosophyMetaethicsImmanuel Kant
In this paper, I will argue that moral naturalism is committed to a supervenience relation that faces a serious problem of metaphysical queerness, and that this problem has been under-appreciated by proponents of moral naturalism. I argue... more
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      MetaethicsMoral anti-realismNormative Error TheorySupervenience
This thesis proposes asymmetric legality as an alternative response to injustice to the expansion of jurisdictional competencies that renders 'subjects' of those it seeks to protect. Against those who posit universalism as firstly... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityLegal TheoryCosmopolitanismJurisdiction
There are certain 'hard cases' of weakness of will that seem to occur, indeed to be common, but are very difficult to give a non-paradoxical account of. It is just not clear how they are possible. This paper is largely an attempt to get... more
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      PlatoAristotleAddictionMetaphysics of Consciousness
Machery and Mallon [The moral psychology handbook (pp. 3–47). New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2010] argue that existing evidence does not support the claim that moral cognition, understood as a specific form of normative cognition,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyPhilosophyEthics
Fictionalism has recently returned as a standard response to ontologically problematic domains. This article assesses moral fictionalism. It argues (i) that a correct understanding of the dialectical situation in contemporary metaethics... more
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      Meta-EthicsMetaethicsMoral anti-realismNormative Error Theory
The paper argues that Parfit's Convergence Argument in On What Matters leads to a situation that is structurally analogous to one discussed in the philosophy of science: the underdetermination of theories by the evidence. This is bad news... more
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      Moral anti-realismUnderdeterminationDerek Parfit
When one deliberates one has reasons both for and against doing something.  Could the reasons for OBJECTIVELY outweigh the reasons against, in the sense that someone who thought otherwise would simply be wrong?  (This is not the same... more
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      EthicsDecision MakingAristotleVirtue Ethics
In this essay, I distinguish two different epistemological strategies an anti-realist might pursue in developing an "evolutionary debunking" of moral realism. Then I argue that a moral realist can resist both of these strategies by... more
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In this paper we critically examine the following thesis: Modal Security: If evidence, E, undermines (rather than rebuts) our belief that P, then E gives us reason to doubt that our belief is sensitive or safe (using the method that we... more
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      EpistemologyModalityMoral anti-realismGettier Problem
One of Mill’s primary targets, throughout his work, is intuitionism. In this paper, I distinguish two strands of intuitionism, against which Mill offers separate arguments. The first strand, ‘a priorism’ makes an epistemic claim about... more
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      MetaethicsUtilitarianismMoral anti-realismJohn Stuart Mill
No Tratado da natureza humana, David Hume dedica uma longa seção à problemática sobre a possibilidade da existência do mundo externo intitulada “Do ceticismo quanto aos sentidos”. A seção traz idas e vindas do autor no que diz respeito à... more
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      HumeCritical RealismRealism (Philosophy)Realism (Political Science)
What considerations place genuine constraints on an adequate semantics for normative and evaluative expressions? Linguists recognize facts about ordinary uses of such expressions and competent speakers’ judgments about which uses are... more
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      Thought-ExperimentsMoral anti-realismThought ExperimentsNon-cognitivism
Some theologians claim that if God did not exist, there would be no grounding for our moral judgments. Our moral prescriptions, they argue, would be subject only to our changing whim and fancy. Leslie Allan challenges the presumption that... more
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      Meta-EthicsMeta-ethical Relativity and ObjectivityMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realism
I review Terence Cuneo's Speech and Morality for Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical.
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      MetaethicsMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realismMoral Realism
Mackie’s claim that in general courage benefits its possessor seems inconsistent with his ‘error theory’ of value.  But how plausible is it in itself?  I suggest that his arguments for the claim fail in the same way as the arguments of... more
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      Meta-EthicsMoral PsychologyAristotleVirtue Ethics
RESUMO Este artigo pretende sustentar a possibilidade de um cognitivismo moral pragmático a partir dos trabalhos de Wittgenstein. Mostramos que os juízos morais [e não proposições] são cognitivos na medida em que encontram na práxis do... more
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      EthicsVirtue EthicsWittgensteinMetaethics
Simon Blackburn has not shied away from the use of vivid imagery in developing, over a long and prolific career, a large-scale philosophical vision. Here one might think, for instance, of 'Practical Tortoise Raising' or 'Ramsey's Ladder'... more
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      EthicsPragmatismEthical TheoryMetaethics
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      PhilosophyEthicsMeta-EthicsNaturalistic Ethics
If what is morally right or wrong were ultimately a function of our opinions, then even such reprehensible actions as genocide and slavery would be morally right, had we approved of them. Many moral philosophers find this conclusion... more
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      Moral anti-realismMoral RealismMorality
In this chapter, I will take a look at several moral realists, and show how their thought is highly compatible with Scheler's phenomenology in general. I will argue that there is good reason to see moral realism as a defensible... more
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      Max SchelerMoral anti-realismMoral Realism
Leslie Allan defends his thesis that ethics is objective in the sense of requiring moral agents to offer impartial reasons for acting. Radical subjectivists have attacked this requirement for impartiality on a number of grounds. Some... more
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      Meta-EthicsMeta-ethical Relativity and ObjectivityMoral PhilosophyMoral anti-realism
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      AtheismEvolutionary EthicsMoral anti-realismMoral Realism
Are there objective moral truths (things that are morally right or wrong independently of what anybody thinks about them)? To answer this question more and more scholars have recently begun to appeal to evidence from scientific... more
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      Experimental philosophyMoral PsychologyEvolution of MoralityMetaethics
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      Meta-EthicsLegal positivismMoral anti-realismMoral Realism