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      Prints (Art History)Sanat TarihiPrintmaking (woodcut)Ege University
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      Formalism20th Century German ArtMax Beckmann
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      IconographyModern ArtIconography and Iconology20th Century German Art
Es geht in diesem Aufsatz um die Bleistiftzeichnung "Pein". Sie ist eine Abzeichnung des Ölgemäldes "Die Nacht" von Max Beckmann. Allerdings zeichnete der Künstler nicht den Endzustand des beeindruckenden Gemäldes. Es ist vielmehr... more
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      Art HistoryGerman ExpressionismBerlinGrafik
Essays from MODERN GERMAN MASTERPIECES, Saint Louis Art Museum, Winter Bulletin 1985
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      20th Century German ArtMax Beckmann
Bu çalışmada Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Almanya’da yaşayan ve üreten sanatçıların, savaş sürerken ve hemen ardından yaşanan Weimar Cumhuriyeti döneminde ortaya koydukları eserler üzerinden yaşananları ne şekilde kayıt altına aldıkları... more
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      Printmaking (woodcut)Max BeckmannI. dünya savaşıKinizm
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      German ExpressionismTrauma and shell shock First World WarCultural History of the First World WarMax Beckmann
An abridged translation of "'Das Gegenwärtige zeitlos machen und das Zeitlose gegenwärtig': Max Beckmann zwischen Formalismus und Mythos," in: Max Beckmann: 'Die Nacht'", edited by A-nette Kruszynski, Stuttgart: Hatje, 1997, pp. 35-52.
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      GnosticismMythologyArthur SchopenhauerFormalism
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      Art HistoryTheologyWeimar RepublicReligious Studies Was ist das für ein faszinierendes Werk, diese Odyssee: Mit einer erstaunlichen Perfektion und erzählerischen Raffinesse steht sie am Beginn der abendländischen Literatur. Man kann nichts... more
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      MythologyHomerArt HistoryGerman Expressionism
Hörde 1874 -1949 Interlaken Eva mit dem Apfel 1912 Bronze, 92 x 21 x 28 cm Bremen, Kunstsammlungen Böttcherstraße, Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Museum im Roselius-Haus, Inv.-Nr. BH 1988/018 Hoetgers Eva mit dem Apfel von 1912 steht am... more
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      Urban PlanningMax Beckmann
Edvard Munch's The Scream is an iconic work. Even so, there is much that remains hidden including a masterful metaphor.
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      PsychoanalysisPrint CultureArt HistoryExpressionism, Munch
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      Art HistoryPrintmakingHistory of ArtHistory of Printmaking
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      HistoryArt HistoryWar StudiesPrintmaking
This book provides a stimulating overview of twentieth-century German art, focusing on some of the period's key works by Max Beckmann, George Grosz, Hannah Höch, Willi Baumeister, Arno Breker, Joseph Beuys, and Gerhard Richter. In Peter... more
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      Joseph BeuysGerhard RichterGeorge GroszMax Beckmann
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá autoportrétem jako žánrem, s důrazem na vnitřní procesy ovlivňující vnímání vlastní individuality. Tyto procesy probíhají během tvorby a manifestují se v mnohém hotovém díle. Práce obsahuje čtyři případové... more
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      IndividualityHistory of ArtSelf PortraitureCindy Sherman
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      Contemporary ArtPaintingJoseph CampbellRegionalism
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      German StudiesArt HistoryWar StudiesHistory of Art
Despite success during his lifetime, the work of the erudite yet reclusive American painter and writer Edward. E. Boccia (1950-2012) has existed for some time in obscurity. Research has recently uncovered not only new and astounding... more
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      PaintingContemporary ReligionTwentieth Century ArtExpressionism
Isabelle Schwarz: Das Schöpferische als Versenkung, Selbstvergessenheit und angestrengte Entspannung in Werken von Hockney, Picasso und Beckmann, in: Dörthe Wilke (Hg.): Auszeit. Vom Faulenzen und Nichtstun, Ausst.-Kat. Sprengel Museum... more
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      Pablo PicassoMax BeckmannDavid HockneyKreativität
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      Art HistoryHistory of Art20th Century German ArtMax Beckmann
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      History of PsychiatryFirst World WarPaul KleeKokoschka
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      Modern ArtModernism (Art History)Prints (Art History)Berlin
When Max Beckmann (1884-1950) painted The Synagogue in 1919, he could not have anticipated the ways in which it would come to be viewed and interpreted. His critics were the first to weigh in after World War I with poetic analyses.... more
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      Reception StudiesReception TheoryInterpretationModern Germany
Stanley Spencer never joined any art movement. If Stanley Spencer was part of a group, it was as one of a generation of artists whose experiences in the First World War affected their work for years to come, just like the German... more
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      Art HistoryGerman ExpressionismMemorials and the Memorial Art-Work in the Public ArenaCultural History of the First World War
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      Still LifeMax Beckmann
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      German ExpressionismMax Beckmann
The short essay sums up the fortune of Dürer's etchings and engravings in Central Europe, from the late Symbolism to the New Objectivity. The analysis follows a sequence of examples including direct stylistic relationships (as in the case... more
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      Albrecht DürerPaul KleeUmberto BoccioniOtto Dix
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      ExileNational SocialismEmigration ResearchEmigration
“the X-ray tests, and ultra-violet and infra-red, the experts with their photomicrography and . . . macrophotography, do you think that's all there is to it?” William Gaddis, The Recognitions, 1955 This talk explores several... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMaterials ScienceArt HistoryArt Theory
SPACE ODDITIES. Die homerische Irrfahrt in Bildkünsten und Populärkultur vom ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart (4. – 6. April 2019). Interdisziplinäre Tagung der Institute für Kunstgeschichte und Klassische Philologie der... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerArt HistoryLiterature
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      German ExpressionismModernismAvant-GardeDadaism
Tables rondes ouvertes à tous.
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      Visual CultureGerman ExpressionismPrints and DrawingsHistoire de l'art
Art exhibition review Recensione della mostra "La grafica dell'Espressionismo. Beckmann, Grosz, Heckel, Kandinskij, Kirchner, Kokoschka, Nolde, Schmidt-Rottluff", a cura di Helmut Friedel, Torino, Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli... more
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      German ExpressionismWassily KandinskyLithographyGeorg Büchner
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      History of MuseumsHistory of CollectionsCultural History of the First World WarMax Beckmann
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      ExileNational SocialismEmigration ResearchEmigration
This is an online exhibition by the students in my writing-intensive course Fauvism and Expressionism in Europe, c. 1905-1945. To access, click on the URL above!
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      German ExpressionismKirchnerHenri MatisseMax Beckmann
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      ChristianitySchopenhauerHistoriography (in Art History)20th Century German Art