Max Beckmann
Recent papers in Max Beckmann
Es geht um einen antiken Kosmetik-oder Rasierspiegel, der über 2 Gemälde verfügt.
Tribology in Art Practice: Ten Theories of Interaction, adds a new interpretation to engineering’s definition of the word — tribology. Coined in 1959, tribology is the “the engineering science of friction and lubrication.” Its Greek... more
Art as a Wakeful Dream. Criticism of Arthur C. Danto's Revisited Definition of Art Arthur C. Danto is considered one of the most influential analytical philosophers of art of 20th century. He introduced the notion "artworld" into the... more
Reacting against modernism, the regionalists Grant Wood, John Steuart Curry and Thomas Hart Benton came to advocate a form of art which they considered genuinely American and realist. Nevertheless, many of the landscape paintings of the... more
The fl at-faced offi ce buildings of the Loyalist City's Wall Street, so conventional-looking and so smug, house a bizarre colony of artists who would do credit to their fellow craftsmen gathered in the Café du Dome or at "bottle parties"... more
vorher zu einer Ausstellung seines umfassenden OEuvres gekommen wäre. Z.s Werkfolgen zu Nietzsche sind in mehreren Zyklen angelegt und so umfangreich, dass die Ausstellung nur einen kleinen, differenziert ausgewählten und damit... more
The essay shows the young Max Beckmann to be an accomplished reader of Nietzsche. Numerous references from his early diaries demonstrate the artist's intensive reading. It is not only the skepticism of the philosophers, but also the... more
The Art Gallery of Burlington (AGB) is proud to bring the life’s work of iconic Trinidadian artist Sybil Atteck (1911–1975) together for the first time in Canada. Borrowed from the largest collection of her work—amassed by her nephew... more
Der Beitrag zeichnet zunachst skizzenhaft die wichtigsten Thesen der technikkritischen Philosophie von Gunther Anders nacho 1m folgenden wird dann der Versuch unternommen, Anders' Kunstbegriff zu rekonstruieren und Widerspruche in seiner... more
U članku polazimo od pretpostavke da je za njemački ekspresionizam paradigmatsko stanje ono između akcije i reakcije. Prema teoriji koju je ponudio američki teoretičar Donald E. Gordon, načini izražavanja u njemačkom ekspresionizmu su... more
In this multidimensional study of a single painting, Hoover and the Flood, art historian Charlie Eldredge asks, Why was [John Steuart] Curry, an artist generally associated with midwestern landscape and genre subjects drawn from his... more
- by Wendy Katz
Lj. Vasiljević, Prikaz kataloga i izložbe: Teodora Branković, Tajne mermera ─ Arcanum lapis, Rasinski anali 19, Istorijski arhiv Kruševac, Kruševac 2022, 95-96.
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Als Max Beckmann zwischen 1937 und 1939 die "Akrobaten" malte, balancierten die Artisten im Circus nicht mehr auf dem Seil. Sie lebten darauf und die trinkend musizierenden Clowns, die ihre Sektflaschen umarmen, konnten das Publikum nicht... more
The striking and strange work of the Polish-American artist Jan Sawka (1946-2012) repeatedly addresses the problem of what it means to see: in physical perception, in visual memory, in imaginative fiction. In all of these we can detect... more
"Nach meiner Ansicht sind alle wesentlichen Dinge der Kunst, seit Ur in Chaldea, seit Tel Halaf und Kreta, immer aus dem tiefsten Gefühl für das Mysterium des Seins entstanden." (Max Beckmann) Was ist das für ein faszinierendes Werk,... more
Analysis of "Christ and the Sinner" by Max Beckmann, 1917 (St. Louis Art Museum) and the story of Jesus and the woman accused of adultery (John 8:2-12). Max Beckmann's painting, "Christ and the Sinner," raises many intriguing questions,... more
How the history of the Berrima internment camp is remembered in the landscape, the photos of David Speer and the 'river walk'
Despite being a valuable asset, rock art is often not understood, respected, or valued by the general public. Decision makers and governments offer little support. Potential partners are not motivated to provide technical, more or... more
Art magazine
Covering Art history, art craft, art philosophy, philosophy and politics
Covering Art history, art craft, art philosophy, philosophy and politics
Pakistani artists have persuaded themselves in the field of art in all over the world and Saeed Akhtar is one of them who is known for his expertise as a stylized figurative and portrait painter. Akhtar is a renowned artist, who is... more
Julia Margaret Cameron’s Material World: Tracing Recurring Objects in Photographic Works of Art Was ist das für ein faszinierendes Werk, diese Odyssee: Mit einer erstaunlichen Perfektion und erzählerischen Raffinesse steht sie am Beginn der abendländischen Literatur. Man kann nichts... more
Balthus The Last Studies is an undisclosed corpus of nearly two thousand photographs produced during the last ten years of the painter's life. They are the preliminary studies for his last three major paintings. His hands incapacitated by... more
The field of contemporary reportage practice is diverse and divergent. No longer is reportage drawing restricted to the commissioning structures of print media and accompanying expectations of journalistic doctrine. In contemporary... more
- by Louis Netter
depicts a brief, imaginary episode in which a woman and her son encounter the artist Thomas Hart Benton while he paints his murals in the Missouri capital building. He shows them the sections that relate to Kansas City, educating them (as... more
SAM FOX SCHOOL MFA12 Think, Make, show and Tell Recent dramatic cultural shifts-from rapidly escalating globalization in an unstable sociopolitical climate, to a seemingly infinite array of evolving technologies-all shape and inform... more
This descriptive-analytical paper aimed at analyzing contemporary human condition in figurative sculpture during the end of modernism. It aims at identifying the origins of major and recurrent patterns in the works of contemporary... more
The expressionism of Schutz in contrast to that of the early 20thc falls short. Her language seems derivative of cubism. It gets in the way of her intended goal of expressing any human angst.
In this paper, I want to reflect on the process involved in being a pastoral theologian who is also a painter and creative artist. I hope that reflecting on the process of creating paintings might be helpful for thinking about God and... more
The short essay sums up the fortune of Dürer's etchings and engravings in Central Europe, from the late Symbolism to the New Objectivity. The analysis follows a sequence of examples including direct stylistic relationships (as in the case... more
In this paper, I want to reflect on the process involved in being a pastoral theologian who is also a painter and creative artist. I hope that reflecting on the process of creating paintings might be helpful for thinking about God and... more
Articles by: Diego Civilotti García; Katiuscia Darici; Miguel Salmerón Infante; Lauren Palmor; Michel Dion; María Josefina Irurzun; Marco Duse; Rosa JH Berland; Carolina Rolle; Kochbati Mehdi; Jesús Peris Llorca; Linda Maria Baros; Berta... more
This essay seeks to analyze the pictorial work of Paula Rego on the basis of two central concepts, namely eroticism and carnality, and thereby establish what one calls an aesthetic of intimacy. With this hermeneutical and critical task in... more
This issue presents the proceedings from Liverpool Biennial’s 2016 conference The Biennial Condition: On Contemporaneity and the Episodic that took place in Liverpool in October 2016.[1] Drawing directly on the conference, it brings... more