Mason's marks
Recent papers in Mason's marks
“Stitches to make dresses”, begins Latvian distaff spindle 389. “A stack apart for money”, begins distaff spindle 386. “Speech of heddles, Goddess with us, Goddess with us, Goddess with us, from our knit-mill”, begins the song on... more
Mason’s marks in the Gothic Cathedral in Wrocław The Cathedral in Wrocław is a brick construction that abundantly uses sandstone to make many architectural details (piers, shafts, vaults’ ribs, portals, windows). The first register of... more
The Vouga bridge was built in the 13 th century and then rebuilt by João III, João V and Maria I. The bridge deck was raised and extended to face the growing silting up of the river. De-silting in the second half of the 20 th century... more
An exploration of a magically protective sign: the X or IXI marks found on metalwork, bone tools and Yorkshire's so-called 'witchposts'. The paper considers the meanings and uses of such marks, highlighting the varying symbolic frameworks... more
The excavations of the theatre at Stobi in the past 12 years have brought to light many new discoveries regarding the construction, use and abandonment of the building. Particularly interesting are the masons’ marks discovered on the... more
Bitlis’in Ahlat ilçesi Türk-İslam medeniyetinin önemli şehirlerinden birisidir. Bölgenin doğusunda Van Gölü, kuzeyinde Adilcevaz ve güneyinde Tatvan yer almaktadır. Ahlat, tarihte Kubbet-ül İslam olarak anılmaktadır. Sırasıyla bölgeye... more
Stonemasonry workshops and stonemasons between Świdnica /Schweidnitz, Strzegom/Striegau and Wrocław/Breslau (ca. 1370 - ca. 1470) From the 14th c., the growing economic potential and political autonomy of Silesian towns were reflected... more
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
ABSTRACT Traditionally, the research on the role of individuals in medieval architecture has exclusively used documentary evidence. Nevertheless, it is fundamental to consider any personal involvement in the construction and use of... more
For the first time, 17th century Mason Marks from two Masonic lodges in Scotland are deciphered. Both lodges, Dumfries Kilwinning #53 and Operative Dumfries #140, share Freemason’s Hall. Mason Marks are not entirely from stone masons;... more
in En el principio: Génesis de la Catedral Románica de Santiago de Compostela. Contexto, construcción y programa iconográfico, ed. J.L. Senra (Pontevedra, 2014).... more
Geometría Fabrorum" en el arte de la construcción en la edad media ! Durante los últimos años el análisis geométrico de las marcas de cantero se ha convertido en una de nuestras tareas principales en el estudio de este campo. La... more
Two upright basalt stones found near the pyramids of Teotihuacan are fashioned from letters that match those from Europe. Both stones may serve the same purpose. The Cross of the Serpent describes the task of this god, ‘I am to take care... more
Mason's marks from the Great Enclosure, Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan
The activity carried out in the period 2009-2014 as part of the archaeological mission of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice in Montenegro, directed by Sauro Gelichi, concerned the archaeology of stone production and in particular the... more
Seitdem Karl Klunzinger Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts in einer der ersten Beschreibungen des Klosters Maulbronn das Vorhandensein von Steinmetzzeichen an der Kirche erwähnte, haben sich mehrere Forscher unterschiedlich umfassend mit den... more
Inventario de los signos lapidarios localizados sobre construcciones defensivas en la zona ístmica de Ceuta (la Ciudad).
Con motivo de la campaña de arqueología de la arquitectura realizada en el año 2018 en la iglesia encastillada de San Miguel de Turégano por Caminos del Románico se realizó un estudio de los signos lapidarios visibles en la obra románica... more
Archives are defined as a organic whole of records; structured groups of recorded data with an «archival bond», proof of administrative and legal actions. Although new means of codifying information have changed recently the traditional... more
Chapt. 4 contains an analysis of the architectural elements found in the area of block 140. In particular, torsade molding and denticulated cornices, brackets, fluted cornices, elements from double and triple lancet windows; these were... more
Decoding Signs of Identity is the volume of proceedings resulting from the symposium with the same name and held in Leiden, 13-15 December 2013, in the framework of the NWO research project ‘Symbolizing Identity: Identity marks and their... more
Riassunto: Le Terme del Foro di Augusta Praetoria hanno restituito, durante quasi un secolo di campagne di scavo, migliaia di reperti testimoni della vita e delle fasi di trasformazione dell'edificio. Tra questi manufatti spiccano... more
L’intervento intende prendere in esame le pratiche di segnatura, posa e localizzazione di membrature architettoniche messe in atto dalle maestranze dei marmorari mediante l’utilizzazione di simboli alfabetici, numerici o puramente... more
At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the especially detailed accounts of the Chambéry toll (Savoy, France) sometimes bear a sketch of the merchants’marks that were drawn on the balls, to justify their exemption from the toll rights.... more
The Dalmatian city of Traù (Trogir, Croatia) has been known since ancient times for the extraction of stone used in the construction of numerous construction sites in Dalmatia. The Seget quarry, mentioned by Pliny the Elder and located... more