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Never entirely analyzed until now, the pictorial iconography of Maria Carolina looks more vivacious and interesting than that of her sister Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, both for its various languages from different countries, as the... more
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      IconographyPortraitsHabsburg StudiesPortraiture
En las elecciones estatales de 2015 en México, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón " el Bronco " sorprendió a la opinión pública al ganar la elección para gobernador de Nuevo León. En vísperas de finalizar el periodo de campaña, surgieron videos en... more
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      Mexican PoliticsMasonry
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İnönü'nün ABD ile antlaşmasından sonra mason locaları yeniden açılır Bu açılış süreci, dernekleşme ve o dönem mason tarikatı örgütlenme hareketleri İstanbul'da kurulan ilk 3 locadan sonra, İzmir'de İzmir locası kurulur. İzmir locası... more
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Sudeći prema ostacima kamenih zidanih konstrukcija, prvi počeci čovjekovog bavljenja zidanim konstrukcijama sežu 9000 godina p.n.e. 1 , mada postoje dokazi da je glina pečena i prije 25 000 hiljada godina.
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      MasonryHistoria de masonería
O presente trabalho realizou um estudo sobre o comportamento de estruturas aporticadas em concreto pré-moldado preenchidas com painéis de alvenaria, para fim de contraventamento de edificações. O mesmo visa considerar a contribuição dessa... more
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      Precast ConcreteMasonry Infilled WallMasonryBracing
Provision of vertically reinforcing material close to the surface is termed as 'containment reinforcement'. It is a novel technique employed for the enhancement of performance of masonry structure when subjected to earthquake. Plenty of... more
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      Structural EngineeringMasonry
The volumes of construction, both in the private and public sectors, increase annually. Therefore, building materials become more and more popular, the manufacturers of which are on the move and constantly offer all new types that are... more
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The paper presents an overview of the results of diagnostic and monitoring activities carried out in the last years through satellite radar interferometry (2011-2016) and in situ measurements (2017-2019) in the historical city of Gubbio,... more
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      Remote SensingCultural HeritageHistoric PreservationCultural Heritage Conservation
The volumes of construction, both in the private and public sectors, increase annually. Therefore, building materials become more and more popular, the manufacturers of which are on the move and constantly of er all new types that are... more
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Claude Perrault defined stereotomy as “the art of using the weight of stone against itself so as to hold it up thanks to the very weight that pulls it down”. It is indeed a sophisticated ancient technique highly integrated with... more
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      ArchitectureKnowledge sharingSustainable Building DesignArchitectural Geometry
There have been numerous publications on unreinforced masonry construction in the literature; however, there is a lack of publications on the condition assessment of existing unreinforced masonry façades for disturbances due to nearby... more
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      Civil EngineeringFinite Element MethodsConstruction TechnologyConstruction Management
This article presents an experimental study on the seismic behavior of arch-pier systems reinforced with tie-rods. In particular, the role of the tie-rod stiffness is stressed, with the aim of proposing innovative tie-rods characterized... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic Site EffectsMasonryDisplacement
Il periodo di vibrazione fondamentale svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella valutazione della domanda sismica. Il suo valore dipende dalle distribuzioni di massa e rigidezza nella struttura in esame ed è in genere valutato mediante analisi... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringCultural HeritageEarthquake Engineering
Buildings have a significant and continuously increasing impact on the environment because they are responsible for a large portion of carbon emissions and use a considerable number of resources and energy. The green building movement... more
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      Materials EngineeringSustainable DevelopmentWorkforce DevelopmentMasonic Studies
The aim of this study is to employ crushed Demolished Brick Masonry, a variety of Construction and Demolition Waste as a replacement for conventional construction materials (natural soil and aggregates) primarily in the production of... more
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      MicrostructureConstruction and Demoliton WastesMasonryConcrete Blocks
Using research that is now several decades old, the current Canadian masonry design standard, CSA S304.1-04, prescribes values for masonry design compressive strength based on the compressive strength of the concrete masonry unit and the... more
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Grout injection is a widely used technique for consolidation of multi-leaves masonries, aimed at increasing the compactness and to create links between the internal and external leaves that will improve shear, flexural and compressive... more
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      RheologyPorous MediaMasonryGrouting
Confined masonry (CM) is an effective building construction technology for low-tech construction in seismic-prone regions. This paper focuses on developing a numerical model to study the in-plane seismic behaviour of CM wall. A... more
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      GeologyFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Masonry BuildingsStructural Earthquake Engineering
Klenby sú oblúkové konštrukcia so vzopätím, ktoré sa používajú ako stropná konštrukcia alebo na preklenutie otvorov v stenách. V dávnejšej minulosti sa zhotovovali klenby murované z kameňa, pálených prípadne nepálených tehál, niekedy zo... more
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      Masonry BuildingsHistory of lime mortarMasonryLime mortars and plasters
There is large growing requirement of building materials in India due to urbanization. To meet this challenge, India requires innovative and efficient building material. Glass fiber reinforced gypsum (GFRG) wall panel is made essentially... more
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      MasonryCostingReinforcementGlass Fiber
In Brazil, structural masonry is widely used in the construction of tall buildings. As the country does not have its own standard for masonry in a fire situation, the Fire Department recommends that the design of masonry structures in a... more
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      DesignStructural EngineeringStandardsStructural Fire Safety
This paper focuses on large domes' building techniques and use of geometric rules in the design and construction of religious structures. A quick excursus on the cultural heritage in Italy and abroad highlights how domes have been used... more
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This paper is a mere presentation on stone masonry types for new entrants. Hope it'll be found helpful in learning the topic as well as preparing a presentation.
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      MasonryBuilding and Construction Materials
[EN] The hands-on course on "Stonecutting and vault construction" held in Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in July 2017 included a practical workshop involving the execution of a ribbed vault in ashlar using traditional instruments... more
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      Masonry BuildingsStereotomy, Descriptive Geometry, History of Masonry ArchitectureMasonryStereotomy
The rapid growth in civil construction field has resulted in a substantial scarcity in availability of conventional building materials. Due to the combustion of coal in industries/thermal plants, there are large quantities of wastes... more
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      MasonryBuilding and Construction MaterialsGeopolymersTensile Strength
Adobe construction is the oldest building form on earth; it has been supporting the human evolution for more than 5000 years. Adobe has the advantage of cheap resources and the wide availability regardless of location. It is the most... more
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      Masonry BuildingsMixingPresentationMasonry
Mason’s marks in the Gothic Cathedral in Wrocław The Cathedral in Wrocław is a brick construction that abundantly uses sandstone to make many architectural details (piers, shafts, vaults’ ribs, portals, windows). The first register of... more
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      Gothic architectureMason's marksMasonryMedieval Wroclaw (Breslau)
Objekti se izvode kao jedinstveni i unikatni, a njihov životni vijek može biti i više od stotinu godina. Objekti uključuju korištenje velikog broja materijala, a njihov dizajn je složen proces koji uključuje mnogo učesnika koji vrlo često... more
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      Masonry BuildingsMasonryMasonry structures
The mechanical parameters (shear strength of bed joints) derived from triplet tests can apparently be significantly different from those obtained through the so called " shove test " procedure executed on the same type of masonry. It was... more
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There is an ever-increasing demand for more advanced and user-friendly FEM packages. Despite the great progress achieved in FEM industry, the modelling of masonry structures is still challenging at several scales. The present paper... more
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      Civil EngineeringLs-DynaMasonryAnsys
This paper examines issues related to deflection criteria for masonry beams. Masonry walls supported by beams and lintels act compositely with the beam. As the height of the masonry wall increases, the behavior becomes more like that of a... more
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      Materials EngineeringMasonryPublic health systems and services researchAstm
Mindfuck - Beyni Becermek (Petra Bock) Remembering the Latin proverb ‘’Verba volant, scripta manent – söz gider yazı kalır’’ in Turkish; I am going to introduce the book to you which I evaluated that is really... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindCounseling PsychologyLiterature
Siamo giunti al penultimo contributo al pensiero di Carlo Paredi. In questo omaggio proponiamo la lettura e meditazione su due scritti, tanto brevi quanto densi di profonda Sapienza operativa. Ci siamo presi la libertà di presentarli... more
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      Oral TraditionsTraditional KnowledgeÉticaGnosis
A través de las diferentes represiones y exilios que padecieron los masones en Asturias completamos la historia de esas represiones y exilios de los siglos XIX y XX en España. Archivos aún por revolver quedan en muchos países, labor... more
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      Exilio español y MéxicoII Repúbica y exilioHistoria de EspañaMasonry
There is little doubt that Major General Benedict Arnold was recognized as a "hero" during the American Revolutionary War. However, the name of "Benedict Arnold" is synonymous with "traitor." What is the truth behind his leaving the... more
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      Research into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryAmerican Revolutionary WarMasonry
En 1916, Isaac Alcheh y Saporta viajó desde Salónica a Madrid para interceder ante el gobierno español con respecto a la concesión de la nacionalidad española a varias familias sefardíes. Durante su viaje se relacionó con políticos e... more
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      Jewish StudiesSephardic StudiesMasonryMasonería
Tiraž: 100 CIP -Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo 624.9.012 ČAUŠEVIĆ, Amir Rekonstrukcije zidanih objekata visokogradnje [Elektronski izvori] / Amir Čaušević, Nerman... more
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      Masonry BuildingsScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageMasonryMasonry structures
Coustos J - The Sufferings of John Coustos, for Free-Masonry, and for his refusing to turn Roman Catholic, in the Inquisition at Lisbon - 1790
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      Philosophy Of ReligionJungian psychologySymbolismSymbology
Note that HPB speaks of "Blue Ether" when describing the Vril force, or energy of Agni as corresponding to the release of atomic energy of the Buddhic plane. Correspondingly, we recall that the fourth plane of the system, is the Buddhic... more
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Proponiamo la lettura del lavoro di Vinicio Serino “Arturo Reghini, Pitagorico”, apparso nel 2005 come introduzione alla raccolta, curata da Moreno Neri, Per la restituzione della Massoneria Pitagorica Italiana . Il contributo di... more
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      Western Esotericism (History)EsotericismWestern EsotericismEsoteric Philosophy
In this paper the results of an experimental investigation carried out to determine the load carrying capacity of brick masonry dome in mud mortar is reported. Dome has been constructed without using formwork. Dome of span 3m, thickness... more
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      Plates and shellsMasonry
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      MasonryHistoria de masoneríaVercelli
I. În ceea ce priveşte pe DUMNEZEU şi RELIGIA.
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stvorenih za borbu protiv komunizma. "Top secret" anex za NSC-4, NSC-4A, upućuje direktora središnje tajne službe da provodi psihološke aktivnosti u postizanju u NSC-4 čvrsto određenih ciljeva. Početna ovlast CIA-e pokrivanje operacija... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesMasonryAliens
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      Western Esotericism (History)Religious StudiesWestern EsotericismMasonry
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