Lusignan Cyprus
Recent papers in Lusignan Cyprus
Participation au Colloque "Louis de Mas Latrie, Historian of Frankish Greece", Nicosia, October 30-31 2024
This presentation discusses the historical context around which the eminent historian of the Latin period in Cyprus, Louis de Mas Latrie (1815-1897), visited and worked on the island for three months following his arrival in late October... more
Musica, parole, guerre, commerci e persone a Cipro ai tempi del Canzoniere Dal 2012 disponiamo finalmente, grazie a Giovanna Carbonaro, di un’edizione italiana del cosiddetto Canzoniere cipriota, unica testimonianza della fortuna del... more
Kıbrıs, Akdeniz’in doğusunda yer alan yaklaşık 9 bin 250 m2 büyüklüğünde bir adadır. Sicilya ve Sardinya adalarının ardından Akdeniz’deki en büyük üçüncü ada konumundadır. Selçuklu Devleti ile Kıbrıs Krallığı arasındaki ilişkiler, Orta... more
Το ιστορικό του κάστρου από τους βυζαντινούς χρόνους έως την τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο το 1974.
Traveling and recording the adventures lived abroad in travelogues was a common practice among European aristocrats in the eighteenth century. The travel journals are filled with descriptions of the places they visited, but also with... more
This article discusses diplomatic relations between the Mamluk Sultanate and the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus during a period when the Cypriot Kingdom had been reduced to tributary status following the Mamluk invasion of Cyprus in 1426 and... more
This article discusses the position of Armenians living in the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus (1192-1473) with specila emphasis on the efforts of the Latin Church to bring the Armenian of Cyprus under its ecclesiastical jurisdiction and to... more
This article's subject is the migration of Apulian New Christians to Venetian Dalmatia in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century. These New Christians were the descendants of Jews who had converted to Christianity at the end of... more
Unlike earlier forms of relic worship, these relics did not invite the viewer to touch, kiss, or consume the holy fragments. Set behind the glass plate, they could only be seen. They therefore communicated differently both from earlier... more
I try to tackle here the nature of social conflict and class boundaries in polis settings, while quantifying certain aspectsa of exploitation. This piece derived from a very enjoyable meeting called Conference on City States... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
In this paper I discuss how during the civil war on Cyprus between the years 1456-1464 James, King James II from 1466 onwards, employed mercenaries from various countries and of various faiths to defeat his half-sister Queen Charlotte,... more
Cereals were a commodity that was frequently in short supply on Hospitaller Rhodes, even though wheat, barley, oats and pulses were grown on the island. Wheat and barley from nearby Kos were imported to Rhodes as well as from other Aegean... more
In this paper, written in Modern Greek, I discuss the evolution of the economy of Cyprus under the Lusignans and the Venetians, who ruled Cyprus from 1192 to 1571. While arguigthat as previously land formed the basis of economic... more
In this paper, written in Modern Greek, I discuss the Assizes of the Court of the Burgesses in the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus within the context of the genesis and evolution of law in the Latin kingdom of jerusalem founded after the First... more
Among the legends disseminated by the friars of San Francesco in Assisi was an enduring tale that surfaced at the dawn of the sixteenth century, according to which a thirteenth-century queen of Cyprus was buried inside an exuberant Gothic... more
The Fourth Crusade marked one of the most dramatic moments of Byzantine history: the occupation of Constantinople in 1204. However, there is one surviving example of the artistic activity of the Latins from this period of plunder and... more
A contract to build a barca in Candia in 1345 was the occasion for a brief study of this vessel in the eastern Mediterranean and especially in the Greek areas under Venetian rule in the late Middle Ages. The barca was a type of vessel... more
Orta Çağ'da Pisa ve Venedik, İtalya Yarımadası'nın Amalfi ve Ceneviz ile birlikte önde gelen devletleri arasında idi. Bu iki devlet Orta Çağ boyunca gerek Bizans İmparatorluğu'ndan gerekse de Yakın Doğu'daki diğer Latin devletlerinden... more
- by Marco Miotto
Famagusta Maritima: Mariners, Merchants, Pilgrims and Mercenaries presents a collection of scholarly studies spanning the thousand year history of the port of Famagusta in Cyprus.
part qu'ils ont prise à la reflexion dont est issu ce livre. Nous tenons aussi à exprimer toute notre gratitude à Madame Agnès Charpentier dont la culture et le dévouement ont permis que cet ouvrage soit réalisé. 3 Tell es Sultan, fouille... more
Military establishments, including castles, fortresses, military posts and towers, were mainly constructed for defence purposes. The conservation of military structures as well as other heritage buildings is important since they are... more
Kıbrıs, Doğu Akdeniz'in ortasında Türkiye, Mısır, Suriye, İsrail ve Yunanistan'la çevrelenmiş çok önemli bir odak noktasında, tarih boyunca büyük stratejik öneme haiz olmuş büyük bir adadır. 21.yüzyılın ilk on yıllarını kapsayan dönem... more
ÖZ XII. yüzyıl Batı Avrupa halkının geçen yüzyıla göre daha rahat yaşadıkları bir dönemdir ancak bu dönemde, İkinci ve Üçüncü Haçlı Seferleri de düzenlenmiştir. İkinci seferde etkin faaliyet yürüten kişi Clairvaux Manastırının Başrahibi... more
Theories based on liturgical, social, and, most recently, educational considerations have been offered to account for the employment of double-nave planning at the [acobin Church of Toulouse in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.... more
Volume 1, 2015 Topiques de l'amitié dans les littératures françaises d'Ancien Régime
Haçlı Tarikatları Kuruluşu ve Yapılarını incelediğim mini ödev tezim.
Chronologie thématique tirée du « Dictionnaire Chronologique d'Histoire de l'Antiquité et du Moyen-Age », publié sur le site
Bu yazımızda konumuz papanın inisiyatifindeki düzenli orduların seferinden önce gerçekleşen ve yazımızın ilk iki bölümünde sözünü ettiğimiz, Keşiş Piyer'in (Peter L'Eremite) başını çektiği "başıbozuk kitleler"in veya "köylülerin"... more
What sacred objects did the Lusignan kings of Cyprus treasure in their collection of holy items? Certainly, they had fragments of the Holy Cross and saints’ skulls, but what about Passion relics such as the titulus placed above the... more
Algeria's pre-colonial towns of the medieval period still exist in different typologies, ranging from the isolated buildings (forts, castles) and town enclosures to whole urban units (fortified villages, defensives towns). Indeed, the... more
* Marielle's team when she was Head Curator/Conservateur en Chef of the Department of Applied Arts at the Geneva Museum of Art and History A tribute to such a great scholar and extraordinary woman, in the form of this special issue of PAM... more
Despite the lack of written sources before the Frankish period, we may assert that the Byzantine tradition structures in depth the organization of the Cypriote countryside under the Lusignan as well as during the Venetian domination. This... more
İkinci Haçlı Seferi sırasında Ortadoğu'ya gelen Renaud de Châtillon, bazı siyasi evlilikler yaparak ilk önce Antakya Prinkepsliğinin ve daha sonra Ürdün bölgesinin idareciliğini üstlenmiştir. Haydutluğu, korsanlığı, zorbalığı,... more
Paper presented for the Entanglements in the Early Modern Mediterranean panel at the Ninth Annual Symposium for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, 18 June 2019. See the accompanying PDFs for... more
The perception of the science of history, its evaluation, acknowledgment as well as various possible formulations have subjected to changes throughout centuries and millennia. The classical composition of history where the lion’s share... more
This paper examines the evidence gleaned from Venetian and Genoese notarial deeds prepared on Cyprus during the period 1362-1458 to examine and discuss the relations between domestic slaves or servants, usually but not invariably female,... more
Η Επιστημονική Επετηρίς της Κυπριακής Εταιρείας Ιστορικών Σπουδών, καλεί τους ενδιαφερόμενους να υποβάλουν τα κείμενά τους για τον Τόμο ΙΣΤ' της Επετηρίδας στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: [email protected]. Καταληκτική ημερομηνία υποβολής... more
Η Επιστημονική Επετηρίς της Κυπριακής Εταιρείας Ιστορικών Σπουδών, καλεί τους ενδιαφερόμενους να υποβάλουν τα κείμενά τους για τον Τόμο ΙΕ' της Επετηρίδας στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: [email protected]. Καταληκτική ημερομηνία υποβολής... more
This article analyzes the business organisation and activities of Genoese naval entrepreneurs who managed galleys for the Spanish Empire in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. While conventional narratives of business... more
École française d'Athènes, 26-27 octobre 2023
This article reports on the results of a research project entitled 'KARAVOI. The Ship Graffiti on the Medieval Monuments of Cyprus: Mapping, Documentation and Digitisation', during which 233 ship graffiti were recorded in 44 different... more