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      Alpine historyAlpine ArchaeologyHistoire MédiévaleCommercial History
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      East Asian HistoryCommercial HistoryMaterial History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryIndustrial HistoryUrban History
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      Early Modern HistorySocial Network Analysis (SNA)Early Modern economic and social historyMerchant communities
Medievo en Nájera y han sido sometidos a una doble revisión anónima por pares y por el siguiente Comité Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de esta publicación pueden reproducirse, registrarse o transmitirse, por un... more
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      Medieval HistoryScandinavian StudiesNorwegian HistoryCommercial History
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      EpistemologyTheatre HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of concepts
Braj is the epicentre of the Krishna cult. The physical representation of the scriptural Braj Mandala as we see it today, however, is a medieval construct. During the 15th and 16th centuries, as a part of religious exercises or in the... more
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      Political HistoryHistory of ReligionsSectarianismCommercial History
ÖZET: Bizans ve Sâsânî İmparatorlukları arasında akdedilen barış antlaşmalarındaki iktisâdî hükümlerin değerlendirilmesi, bu savaşların arkasında yatan, ticâret yollarının kontrolünden kaynaklı iktisâdî sebeplerin de anlaşılmasını... more
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      Economic HistoryDiplomatic HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
Firenze University Press 2018 CENTRO DI STUDI SULLA CIVILTÀ DEL TARDO MEDIOEVO SAN MINIATO Collana di Studi e Ricerche 15 I CENTRI MINORI ITALIANI NEL TARDO MEDIOEVO Cambiamento sociale, crescita economica, processi di ristrutturazione... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryNorthern ItalyHistory of Southern Italy
This Glossary of technical mercery terms was included as an appendix to my dissertation: The Mercers of Parma; 1585-1739: A Microcosm of the World of Commerce, accepted for the Master of Arts degree at Dalhousie University in 2014. As the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryItalian StudiesTextilesCommercial History
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryPolitical HistoryMoriscos
Profesor contratado
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesDevelopment StudiesLatin American and Caribbean History
My paper focuses on emergence of Odisha as one of the major exporters of rice in the eighteenth century.
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      Maritime HistoryCommercial HistoryIndian Ocean Maritime TradeHistory of Mughal India
Analyzes commercial structures in world history
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      World HistorySilk RoadCommercial History
“This rich crop of new empirical research in book history focuses especially on the movement of books through markets and networks of users. Eleven case studies span an impressive variety of analytical techniques, primary sources, and... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistorySocioeconomicsPrint Culture
„Palegeld” Bezahlung bei Szeremlén. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Weinhandels am Ende des Mittelalters. In der ersten Hälfte unserer Schrift werden die erwähnte Donaugegend und die damals hier bestandenen Flußübergänge dargestellt, um uns... more
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Hungary
La crisis del sector exportador, comercial y azucarero y su incidencia en la sociedad y en la economía insular.
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtInternational Trade
The British Embassy in Istanbul was unique among other diplomatic missions in the long eighteenth century in being financed by a private commercial monopoly, the Levant Company. In this detailed study, Michael Talbot shows how the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryOttoman Studies
El libro que reseñamos está basado en una prolija investigación, realizada en el Perú, durante una beca de investigación en la Universidad Nacional de San Marcos. Para realizarla, el autor estableció contactos y relaciones con una... more
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesColonial AmericaAtlantic World
Le rôle des épiciers et des professions apparentées (droguistes, confiseurs, etc.) dans la redistribution des produits issus du commerce colonial au cours de l’époque moderne est un fait désormais bien établi. Dans les grandes villes... more
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      Urban HistoryFood HistoryCommerceCommercial History
Impaginazione e stampa: IGV srl, San Giovanni Valdarno, dicembre 2017 ISBN 978 88 906 15 290 lauretta Carbone Il pittore Alessandro Forzori e le «dipinture inhoneste» nel palazzo comunale ClauDio Cherubini Gli ultimi anni del pastificio... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of Medieval AccountingCommercial HistoryMedieval Economic and Social History
La crisis del sector exportador, comercial y azucarero y su incidencia en la sociedad y en la economía insular.
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      Economic HistoryIndustrial HistoryHistory of TechnologyCuban Studies
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      Economic HistoryCultural StudiesLate Middle AgesMedieval Studies
English insurance came into being almost entirely during the Elizabethan period. However, the Great Fire of 1666 consumed most of London's mercantile records, and therefore little is known about early English insurance.
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      Legal HistoryCommercial LawEuropean Legal HistoryMarine Insurance Law
La crisis del sector exportador, comercial y azucarero y su incidencia en la sociedad y en la economía insular.
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      Economic HistoryInternational TradeHistory of TechnologyCuban Studies
Estimar un índice de precios para 1872-1897, a pesar de las limitaciones de las fuentes, ofirece resultados aceptables, importantes aportaciones para la historia económica de Cuba y algunas respuestas al debate sobre su independencia.... more
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      StatisticsInternational TradeHistory of TechnologyCuban Studies
Η μελέτη κομίζει στοιχεία για την επαγγελματική δράση του Σπ. Αντύπα αλλά και για το ήθος του, με ανέκδοτο αρχειακό υλικό και άγνωστες μαρτυρίες από τον τύπο της εποχής του. Ο Αντύπας ήταν ένας ανθρώπος που ήταν εραστής του Ερμή, τόσο του... more
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      Greek LiteratureLiteratureNaval HistoryModern Greek History
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      Military HistoryEnvironmental HistoryIranian StudiesCentral Asia
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      Commercial/ Contract ArchaeologyCommercial HistoryCommercial ArchitectureHistória Da Arquitetura E Do Urbanismo
Cette thèse est sans nulle doute une véritable source heuristique qui permet de faire voler en éclats les grilles de lecture a priori des faillites. En 1980, cette thèse a donné lieu à la publication de l’article « Le commerçant, la... more
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      Social SciencesBankruptcyCommercial HistoryBankruptcy Law
This article examines the body of takrirs ¬– written representations – from the British ambassadors in Istanbul to the Ottoman government in the mid- and late eighteenth century, aiming to place these diplomatic representations within the... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryBritish History
La Tregua dei dodici anni con la Spagna concesse alla Repubblica delle Sette Province Unite un periodo di ripresa economica e di intensa espansione commerciale. Nonostante le loro navi da carico già navigassero praticamente dall'Australia... more
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      Architectural HistoryHistory of ArtCommercial HistoryLivorno
Présents en nombre relativement important dans tout l'ouest de la France au XVIIIe siècle, leurs effectifs connaissant une forte croissance dans les ports atlantiques tels Nantes ou Bordeaux, les épiciers apparaissent comme massivement... more
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      Urban HistoryFood HistoryCommercial HistorySpices
The Generale Keijzerlijcke Indische Compagnie, known as the Ostend Company or GIC, was a short-lived but very successful chartered company based in the Southern Netherlands between 1722 and 1727. Despite the high profits from the Chinese... more
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      Belgian HistoryIndian HistoryCommercial History
Vocal del tribunal. Doctorando Franciscus H. Notten
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryInternational Trade
Paper di presentazione della ricerca in corso nell'ambito del PRA 2020 (Università di Pisa), "Un Mare connesso"
Webinar: «Il teatro della Turchia». Visioni del vicino Oriente in età Moderna
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      Legal HistoryInstitutional historyCommercial HistoryGrand Duchy of Tuscany
This thesis analyses the appointments, activities, and loyalties of three Dutch consuls in the Spanish port city of Cádiz during the first half of the eighteenth century. It reveals that merchants played an influential role in the... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistorySpanish History
in : Revue Suisse d'histoire, Zurich, Schwabe, 3/2014, vol.64, pp. 367-384

Article disponible gratuitement à partir de novembre 2015
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      Diplomatic StudiesJewish HistorySwiss HistoryCommercial History
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      Economic HistoryHistory of CommerceCommercial History
Deuxième volume du l'ouvrage consacré à l' « Histoire de l’économie sans travail. Finances, investissements et spéculation de l’Antiquité à nos jours »... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBusiness HistoryLegal HistoryCommercial Law
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern Europe
L'argument identitaire dans les discours des partis populistes nordiques NATHALIE BLANC-NOËL (BoRdEAux, CMRP) La construction de l'identité populiste finlandaise : de la crise du monde rural à une crise de l'identité nationale MARIE CAZES... more
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesCommercial HistoryHanse History
Reseñas de los métis [mestizos] en 1885); varios libros sobre el origen de los métis (p.ej., TheNew Peoples, que explora el proceso de colonización y la creación de una nueva identidad cultural para los mestizos), y Elmito del salvaje (un... more
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      Economic HistoryCentral America and MexicoCentral American StudiesAgriculture
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      Ottoman HistoryIraqi HistoryEnvironmental HistoryBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
Cet article est la version finale d'un texte relu et corrigé par Anne FILLON (1931-2012), professeur émérite des Universités, mon directeur de recherches, à qui je dédie ce travail. 2 Ils participent notamment à la procession de la... more
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      Urban HistoryCommerceCommercial HistoryMarchands
Conclusion d'un colloque sur les marchands et les marchés en Méditerranée médiévale: article de synthèse
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMediterranean StudiesSocial History
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      Early Modern HistorySpanish HistoryDutch HistoryCommercial History
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsLatin American and Caribbean History
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      HistoryLawRoman HistoryRoman Law