History of the Crusades
Recent papers in History of the Crusades
"In his recent book „The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean“ (Cambridge 2012), Ronnie Ellenblum argues that a series of climatic disasters in the 11th cent. led to the decline of polities in the Near East and prepared the ground for... more
Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades February 2021 Seminar
У статті порушено питання виникнення духовно-лицарського Ордену тамплієрів та пов’язаних із ним стереотипів суспільної свідомості. Особливу увагу звернено на початковий період існування “бідних лицарів”, процес офіційного визнання та... more
SOUZA, Guilherme Queiroz de. Cruzadas. In: LANGER, Johnni (org.). Dicionário de História das Religiões na Antiguidade e Medievo. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2020, p. 126-129.
A Book Review of Jonathan Phillips' The Life and Legend of the Sultan Saladin (Bodley Head, 2019) in Royal Studies Journal 8.1 (2021).
Why did people go on Crusade? Is it possible to identify one main reason? If so what is it? There are a number of different theories regarding the reason why people went on Crusade. Some say the motive to go on Crusade was of genuine... more
This book investigates the uses of crusader medievalism – the memory of the crusades and crusading rhetoric and imagery – in Britain, from Walter Scott’s The Talisman (1825) to the end of the Second World War. It seeks to understand why... more
The Children’s Crusades of 1212 C.E. were an enigma in the history of both the Catholic faith and the Crusades. The title “Children’s Crusade” has been applied to two separate undertakings. Neither movement can be considered to be a true... more
A review of John Man's biography on Saladin.
Course Description: The Crusades, and its legacy, had, and continue to have, a resounding impact throughout Islamic history and the modern day Middle East. During the medieval period, this epoch-forming movement, whether directly or... more
Course Description: Using the extant medieval Arabic literary corpus as primary sources, coupled with secondary scholarly literature in English, this course will provide a historical and historiographical survey of the Crusades from an... more
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
Entre los grandes grupos de gente que marcharon a Tierra Santa en la época de las Cruzadas se encontraban personas que se especializaban en algún tipo de tarea médica. Tradicionalmente se sostuvo que estos profesionales poseían una escasa... more
“Deus vult” is a battle cry associated with the crusades, which has recently become popular with the alt-right, particularly in anti-immigration and anti-Islam contexts. While medieval historians have been fighting back against the misuse... more
An examination of the tradition that the Ark of the Covenant was held in a Roman church, and how it developed. Why did the twelfth-century canons at the Lateran church (San Giovanni in Laterano) in Rome claim the presence of the Ark of... more
Publisher: Brepols
Publication date: 2018
Publication date: 2018
Pre-print, German version to be published in: Karfunkel – Zeitschrift für erlebbare Geschichte. Combat-Sonderheft 10 (2014) (in print; communicating science to the public). Abstract: The Crusaders, who in the 11th Century moved in the... more
Il re norvegese Sigurd Magnússon è stato il primo sovrano cristiano a visitare la Terrasanta dopo la conquista crociata di Gerusalemme. E la sua storia è unica nel panorama delle crociate medievali proprio per la sua provenienza: uno... more
This paper explores the motivations, mechanics, and mystery behind Fulcher of Chartres's record of the Crusades: A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem.
Prior to the work of Peter Jackson, a scholarly consensus had developed arguing that the Battle of Ayn Jalut represented a truly decisive event in the history of the Near East. It has been argued that the Mongol incursion into Syria was a... more
Öz Selahaddin Eyyûbi, Batıda bilinen adıyla " Saladin " elde ettiği askeri başarılar ve sahip olduğu kişiliği ile Haçlı Seferleri tarihinin en meşhur karakteridir. O, elde ettiği askeri başarıları ile Haçlıların ilerleyişini durdurmuş,... more
Antes de su inicio-en el siglo XI-los grandes centros de la civilización eran Bizancio y el Califato árabe; antes de su conclusión -en el siglo XIV-la hegemonía de la cultura y del poder se había desplazado ya hacia Occidente. Para... more
Los restos de la arquitectura cruzada demostraron tener un fuerte vínculo con las tendencias artísticas de la Europa occidental medieval. Estuvo claro que el artista europeo influenció en gran medida a la producción local del Reino de... more
While they often go hand-in-hand and the distinction between the two is frequently blurred, authority and power are distinct concepts and abilities – this was a problem that the Church tussled with throughout the High and Late Middle... more
Book review of Thomas Asbridge's Richard I: The Crusader King, and W.B Bartlett's Richard the Lionheart: The Crusader King of England
Antes de su inicio-en el siglo XI-los grandes centros de la civilización eran Bizancio y el Califato árabe; antes de su conclusión-en el siglo XIVla hegemonía de la cultura y del poder se había desplazado ya hacia Occidente. Para... more
THE CHILDREN MOVEMENT IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE: FRENCH AND GERMAN CHILDREN'S CRUSADE The subject that we will study in the period, named as the Crusades period (1095-1291) or Crusading Era, is the Children's Crusade that took place in... more
This chapter presents the first analysis and comparison of the arengae from a wide range of papal crusade calls in order to assess how Pope Gregory IX (1227– 41) used biblical imagery to justify and promote crusading in a variety of... more
'This is a superb ancient Viking braided silver bracelet / Oath-ring, dating to the 9th-10th century A.D. It is formed from rods of silver, twisted about each other in a ropework formation, the terminals welded, forming a double spiral... more
http://rime.cnr.it/index.php/rime/article/view/454 The article traces the history of the relationship between the Nordic and Mediterranean worlds, from the Viking age to the time of the Crusades (9th-12th century), reconstructing the... more
This article focuses on the Frisian narrative De itinere frisonum, while comparing it with other evidence available in order to explain the behaviour of the Frisian fleet's actions in the Iberian Peninsula during the Fifth Crusade. It... more
Im Preußenland, dem Gebiet zwischen Weichsel und Memel, existierte vom 13. bis zum frühen 16. Jh. der Staat der Deutschordensritter. In der Zeit der Ordensherrschaft entstand eine reiche Architekturlandschaft, die vor allem durch ihre... more
This article offers a unique comparison of the descriptions of the Latin barbarians found mainly in the Greek sources for the First and Second Crusades with those of the ancient barbarians described in the works of the Byzantines’... more
Kompendium zamków krzyżackich i biskupich Wydawnictwo ARTES Niniejszy tom ma na celu wprowadzenie w fascynującą historię architektury zamków w państwie zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach, może być również przydatny jako przewodnik w podróży.... more
Questa nuova storia del movimento crociato intende fornire ai suoi lettori tutti gli elementi di una storia 'plurale' delle vicende che portarono all’insediamento in Medioriente tra i secoli XII-XIII di una serie di entità politiche in... more