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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceSocial Computing
This study was undeitaken to examine young women's and mcn's oricntations toward love in three very different cultures: Japan (N = 223), Russia (N = 401), and the United States (N = 1,043). The love variables examined were: frequency of... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
The success and efficiency of leadership depends on managerial position of what leader possesses of personal characteristics, education qualification and professional expertise. Nowadays, the leadership of woman is become more essential... more
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      LawLaw and PoliticsCulturalPersonal
As interpersonal relationships change with the advent of new technology, researchers need to reexamine their theoretical constructs (R. G. . This study uses survey methodology to examine college undergraduates from the United States. It... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
The positive effects of trust are manifold. Recent research has shown that trust levels may even influence physical health. The current work explore this issue and aims to shed light on the mechanisms underlying the relationship between... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
This investigation examines whether individualsÕ reasons for keeping secrets predict whether they eventually reveal those secrets and whether individuals can accurately anticipate the outcomes of revealing. Respondents (n ¼ 342) first... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthPopular CulturePersonal Relationships
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This study examined the normative temporal sequence of the coping process and whether stressor severity or adult attachment styles moderated that sequence. Participants (N = 75) described a minor or a major stressor. They were given a... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
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The present study investigated mate preferences for five different levels of relationship involvement -marriage, serious relationship, falling in love, casual sex, and sexual fantasies -among individuals of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 years of... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsMate selectionGender Difference
Mate retention behaviors are designed to solve several adaptive problems such as deterring a partnerÕs infidelity and preventing defection from the mating relationship. Although many mate retention behaviors appear to be innocuous... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsViolence Against WomenPersonal
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A social allergy is a reaction of hypersensitive annoyance or disgust to a repeated behavior. Two studies were conducted on the social allergen categories of uncouth habits, inconsiderate acts, intrusive behaviors, and norm violations.... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalRomantic Relationship
This study examined the impact of attachment avoidance on relationship outcomes. A "cultural fit" hypothesis, which states that individual differences in personality should be associated with relationship problems if they encourage... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
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A meta-analysis of predictors of nonmarital romantic relationship dissolution was conducted, including data collected from 37,761 participants and 137 studies over 33 years. Individual, relationship, and external variables were... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalRomantic Relationship
La expansión de las Redes Sociales ha propiciado que las organizaciones las utilicen no solo como vehículo promocional o para obtener seguidores de marcas en productos de consumo, sino también como herramienta para el reclutamiento de... more
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      FacebookRedes socialesLinkedInPersonal
Selling skills are learned proficiency at performing tasks necessary for a sales job. They are among the most important predictors of sales performance. However, the research into selling skills has been hampered by the lack of an overall... more
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      BusinessMarketingFactor analysisBusiness and Management
Administrasi personal merupakan seluruh proses kegiatan yang direncanakan dan diusahakan secara sengaja dan bersungguh-sungguh serta pembinaan secara kontinu para pegawai di sekolah, sehingga mereka dapat membantu/menunjang... more
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Vorab möchte mich bei all denjenigen bedanken, die mich während meines gesamten Studiums und bei der Anfertigung meiner Master-Thesis motiviert und unterstützt haben.
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Global investment in ICT to improve teaching and learning in schools have been initiated by many governments. Despite all these investments on ICT infrastructure, equipments and professional development to improve education in many... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyInformation and Communication TechnologiesICT adoption
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsUnited StatesSexual Behavior
There is debate whether continuing bonds with a deceased person help or hinder adaptation to bereavement. This longitudinal study examined causal relationships between continuing bonds and symptoms over time. Following attachment theory... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSmart HomePersonal
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsAdult attachmentCollaborative Problem Solving
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsAttachment TheoryExperimental Research
Four studies examined the impact of mortality salience (MS) on sexual motivation. In Studies 1-3, participants were primed with death-related thoughts and then rated their desire to engage in sex in different contexts. Study 4 included an... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
We propose that sharing a negative-as compared to a positive-attitude about a third party is particularly effective in promoting closeness between people. Findings from two survey studies and an experiment support this idea. In Studies 1... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsSocial DesirabilityPersonal
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To compare the extent to which (a) amount versus adequacy of received support and (b) support provision versus solicitation behaviors predict marital satisfaction, married couples from the United States (N ¼ 275) provided perceptions of... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsMarital SatisfactionPersonal
In this study, a prototype analysis of romantic missing was conducted. College-age participants in the United States generated features of missing a partner (Study 1) and rated their centrality (Study 2). In a reaction time task,... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
The present study extended laboratory-based findings of demand-withdraw communication into marital conflict in the home and further explored its linkages with spousal depression. U.S. couples (N = 116) provided diary reports of marital... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are designed for data gathering and processing, with particular requirements: low hardware complexity, low energy consumption, special traffic pattern support, scalability, and in some cases, real-time... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceLow Energy BuildngsPersonal
Existing research shows that intrusive behavior has detrimental consequences for relationships. Surprisingly, little is known about why close relationship partners snoop. This study examined why romantic partners engage in intrusive... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
Global investment in ICT to improve teaching and learning in schools have been initiated by many governments. Despite all these investments on ICT infrastructure, equipments and professional development to improve education in many... more
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyEducational TechnologyInformation and Communication Technologies
Abstract. Mobile urban environments present a challenge for context-aware computers, because they differ from static indoor contexts such as offices, meeting rooms, and lecture halls in many important ways. Internal factors such as task... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceEthnographyEthnomethodology
Progress in the study of relationships has depended in part on the recognition that relationships have properties not relevant to interactions or to the behavior of individuals, and may require additional principles of explanation. This... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
Several attachment-related phenomena in Spanish couples using dyadic-level analyses were examined. A sample of 295 heterosexual couples completed measures of attachment-related anxiety and avoidance, self-esteem, social self-efficacy, and... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
programacion anual de persona familia y relaciones humanas
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Wireless access to Internet services will become typical, rather than the exception as it is today. Such a vision presents great demands on mobile networks. Mobile IP represents a simple and scalable global mobility solution but lacks the... more
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      Distributed ComputingMobile IPMetropolitan Area NetworkPersonal
To get the maximum benefit from ambient intelligence (AmI), we need to anticipate and react to possible drawbacks and threats emerging from the new technologies in order to devise appropriate safeguards. The SWAMI project took a... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceAmbient IntelligenceNew Technology
In this paper we present an Augmented Reality (AR) system for aiding field workers of utility companies in outdoor tasks such as maintenance, planning or surveying of underground infrastructure. Our work addresses these issues using... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceAugmented RealityGeospatial landscape modeling
This study tested the hypothesis from the self-expansion model that the usual effect of greater attraction to a similar (vs. dissimilar) stranger will be reduced or reversed when a person is given information that a relationship would be... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
To assess whether emotional intelligence (EI) is related to self-assessed relationship quality, an ability test of EI and measures of relationship quality were administered to 86 heterosexual couples in a university setting. Results... more
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      PsychologyEmotional intelligencePersonal RelationshipsRelationship Quality
Using the actor-partner interdependence model, we explore how various sources of stress and support experienced by fathers and mothers influence their own parenting styles and the parenting styles of the partner. Data from 227 couples... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
An Internet survey was conducted to extend the investigation of attachment style to the domains of sexual communication and sexual satisfaction. We hypothesized that insecure attachment would be associated with sexual dissatisfaction,... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
El talento humano es la piedra angular en cualquier sistema de salud. Sin personal idóneo no es posible prestar un servicio de calidad a la población necesitada, por lo tanto, se hace indispensable contar con metodologías de trabajo que... more
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      MetodologíaPersonalSimulaciónTalento Humano
This research investigated how negative and positive residuals of the workday spill over into the partner relationship. To unravel the mechanism of this spillover, this study introduces the concept of "psychological availability," which... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies
This study examines the reliability and validity of the Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ) from . The CPQ is a relatively new questionnaire aimed at assessing marital communication at the dyadic level. It addresses communication... more
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      PsychologyPersonal RelationshipsPersonalCommunication and media Studies