décembre 2021
et Langues
ISSN 2429-2230
ISBN 978-2-35935-356-3
20 €
_ Floating tone noun class prefixes in
Mada (Nigeria)
_ Le nom du souverain dans les parlers
« kotoko » du Cameroun
_ Comptes rendus / Book reviews
et Langues
1. Floating tone noun class prefixes in Mada
Keith L. Snider
2. Le nom du souverain dans les parlers
« kotoko » du Cameroun
Henry Tourneux
Comptes rendus / Book reviews
décembre 2021
David Jowitt, Nigerian English
Par/By Bernard Caron
James Essegbey, Tutrugbu (Nyangbo)
language and culture
Par/By Matthew Harley
Erin Shay, in collab. with Lazare
Wambadang, A grammar of Pévé
Par/By Joseph Lovestrand
Marlene Guss-Kosicka, Die Verbalsysteme
des Amharischen und Tigrinischen: Eine
vergleichende Analyse
Par/By Ronny Meyer
Gerrit J. Dimmendaal & Rainer Vossen
(eds.), The Oxford handbook of African
Par/By Aurore Montébran
& NeigeRochant
Heleen Smits, A grammar of Lumun, a
Kordofanian language of Sudan
Par/By Nicolas Quint
Mari C. Jones & Damien Mooney (eds),
Creating orthographies for endangered
Par/By David Roberts
Michel Lafon & Mongezi Bolofo, Manuel
de conversation français-zoulou et zouloufrançais
Par/By Paulette Roulon-Doko
Sean Allison, A grammar of Makary Kotoko
Par/By Henry Tourneux
En couverture : Fashion Week de Dakar 2018,
© Youri Lenquette pour Jeune Afrique (DR)
Design : Jean-Irénée Cuin
Production - diffusion : Éditions Lambert-Lucas
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© Éditions Lambert-Lucas, 2021
ISSN 2429-2230
ISBN 978-2-35935-356-3
Rédactrice en chef
Yvonne Treis (Llacan, CNRS)
Secrétaire de rédaction
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Comité de rédaction
Gwenaëlle Fabre (LLL, université d’Orléans), Nadine Grimm (University
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(Llacan, CNRS), Abbie Hantgan-Sonko (Llacan, CNRS), Alice
Mitchell (Universität zu Köln), Cédric Patin (STL, université de Lille),
Nicolas Quint (Llacan, CNRS), Lameen Souag (Lacito, CNRS).
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Mahamane Laoualy Abdoulaye (université Abdou-Moumouni de
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Mengistu Desta (Addis Ababa University), Christopher Green (Syracuse
University), Tom Güldemann (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Larry
Hyman (University of California, Berkeley), Florian Lionnet (Princeton
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(université de Tours), Paulette Roulon-Doko (Llacan, CNRS), MarieClaude Simeone-Senelle (Llacan, CNRS), Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
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Consignes de soumission
1. Floating tone noun class prefixes in Mada (Nigeria) ....................11
Keith L. Snider
2. Le nom du souverain dans les parlers « kotoko »
du Cameroun ................................................................................43
Henry Tourneux
Comptes rendus de lecture/Book reviews
David Jowitt, Nigerian English ........................................................65
Par/By Bernard Caron
James Essegbey, Tutrugbu (Nyangbo) language and culture ...........69
Par/By Matthew Harley
Erin Shay, en/in collab. avec/with Lazare Wambadang,
A grammar of Pévé ...........................................................................75
Par/By Joseph Lovestrand
Marlene Guss-Kosicka, Die Verbalsysteme des Amharischen
und Tigrinischen: Eine vergleichende Analyse .................................81
Par/By by Ronny Meyer
Gerrit J. Dimmendaal & Rainer Vossen (éd./ed.), The Oxford
handbook of African languages ........................................................89
Par/By Aurore Montébran & Neige Rochant
Heleen Smits, A grammar of Lumun, a Kordofanian language
of Sudan ............................................................................................97
Par/By Nicolas Quint
Mari C. Jones & Damien Mooney (éd./eds), Creating
orthographies for endangered languages .......................................103
Par/By David Roberts
Michel Lafon & Mongezi Bolofo, Manuel de conversation
français-zoulou et zoulou-français .................................................111
Par/By Paulette Roulon-Doko
Sean Allison, A grammar of Makary Kotoko ..................................115
Par/By Henry Tourneux
Floating tone noun class prefixes in Mada (Nigeria)
Keith L. Snider
SIL International
Mada [mda], a Plateau language spoken in central Nigeria, has many seemingly inexplicable tone alternations that occur between the singular and
plural forms of nouns. These alternations find straightforward and reasonable explanations if one assumes the existence of underlying representations that include floating tone prefixes and certain nouns with toneless
stems. Another fascinating aspect of Mada addressed in this paper is that
despite there being no other evidence of consonant-tone interaction in the
language, there is a direct correlation between the proposed floating tone
singular prefixes and the surface realizations of the singular diminutive
prefix: diminutive nouns with floating (L)- prefixes take only və̄-, and those
with floating (H)- prefixes take only fǝ́-.
consonant-tone interaction, floating tones, grammatical tone, Mada, Ninzic
Le mada [mda], langue plateau de la famille Niger-Congo parlée au centre
du Nigéria, voit ses noms présenter de nombreuses alternances tonales,
apparemment inexplicables, lorsque l’on passe du singulier au pluriel.
Toutefois, ces alternances s’expliquent de façon simple et raisonnable si
l’on fait l’hypothèse qu’il existe au niveau sous-jacent des préfixes constitués uniquement d’un ton flottant, et que certaines bases nominales ne possèdent pas de ton. Un autre aspect fascinant de la langue mada est que,
bien qu’il n’y existe aucun indice indépendant en faveur d’une interaction
entre tons et consonnes, il y a une corrélation directe entre les tons flottants
linguistique et langues africaines 7 (2021), 11-41 © éditions lambert-lucas
keith l. snider
sous-jacents proposés et la réalisation de surface du préfixe du diminutif au
singulier, qui sera və̄- pour les noms associés à un préfixe flottant bas (B),
et fǝ́- pour les noms qui ont un préfixe flottant haut (H).
Mots clés
interaction ton-consonne, langues ninziques, mada, ton grammatical, tons
1. Introduction
One of the most fascinating aspects of Mada [mda], spoken in Nigeria
and not to be confused with Mada [mxu], a Chadic language spoken in
Cameroon, is the large number of seemingly inexplicable tone alternations
that occur between the singular and plural forms of many nouns (cf. kì/kī
‘thing sg/pl’, wʊ̀/wʊ́ ‘mosquito sg/pl’). 1 Mada [mda], whose tone system
is only minimally described, 2 is a Ninzic language (Blench 2018), spoken
in the Akwanga and Keffi Districts of Plateau State and the Jema’a District
of Kaduna State, Nigeria (Price 1989: 1). Ninzic (Greenberg’s 1963 Plateau IV) is part of the Plateau subgroup of Benue-Congo languages. The
aforementioned tone alternations find straightforward and reasonable explanations if one assumes the existence of underlying representations that
include floating tone noun class prefixes and (for certain nouns) toneless
roots. 3 Floating tone prefixes are prefixes that underlyingly consist solely
of tones not associated with any segments. These floating tones, however,
can still interact phonologically with other tones, and it is only by analyzing the surface results of those interactions that one is able to determine the
presence and identity of floating tones. Toneless roots are roots that have
1. The data that form the basis for the present paper were provided by Rekiya Audu, a middle-aged,
female, native Mada speaker from Nasarawa State, Nigeria, in September 2012. I am most grateful to
Rekiya for her help and for graciously giving me permission to associate her name with these data. I
am also grateful to the following people (alphabetized by last name) for helpful comments on previous
versions of this paper: Virginia Beavon-Ham, Roger Blench, Larry Hyman, Will Leben, Kevin Penner,
Brian Plimley, Dave Roberts, and Jim Roberts. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the helpful suggestions
of two anonymous LLA reviewers. Thank you, everyone, and I assume full responsibility for any
remaining errors.
2. To the best of my knowledge, the only publications to date that describe Mada tone are two pages
in Price (1989: 15-16), two pages in Samuel (2012: 32-34), and one paragraph in Blench (2015: 2-3).
Blench (2015) appears to be subsumed (verbatim) into Blench & Kato (2019). While Samuel describes
five tonemes ⸻ H, M, L, Rising, and Falling ⸻, and gives some examples of lexical and grammatical
tone, Price and Blench & Kato document three phonemic levels of tone: H, M, and L. Blench & Kato’s
work also includes an extensive list of singular/plural minimal tone pairs in their detailed treatment of
Mada segmental noun morphology (Blench & Kato 2019: 6-18), and they describe the tone differences
between these minimal pairs. I discuss their findings in Section 4.
3. Floating tone prefixes and clitics are also proposed for Eton [etn], a Bantu language spoken in
Cameroon (Van de Velde 2009). My thanks to an anonymous reviewer for drawing this reference to
my attention.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
no tones associated to them underlyingly, but which are realized phonetically with the pitches of adjacent tones, or with a default tone when no
other eligible tone is available. The conventions for representing tone in
this paper appear in (1).
(1) Conventions for representing tone
Description Pitch
Mid-rising ba᷄
Based solely on noun class prefixes, I propose that Mada has three distinct singular/plural noun pairings: Pairing A, Pairing B, and Pairing C.
Although other pairing strategies exist in the language (see below), these
three pairings are the focus of this paper and together account for over 75%
of the nouns in the language.
(2) Pairing strategies for count nouns with monosyllabic simple stems
Pairing SG
Others (H)- or (L)- Reduplication, etc.
I analyze Pairing A singular nouns as beginning with a floating (H)- prefix
and their corresponding plurals as beginning with the L-toned segmental
prefix mə̀-. Pairing B singular nouns begin with a floating (L)- prefix and
their corresponding plurals with a floating (H)- prefix, and Pairing C singular nouns begin with a floating (H)- prefix and their corresponding plurals
with a floating (L)- prefix. This means that all singular nouns and almost
half of all plural nouns begin with floating tone prefixes. Tonally, Pairing A
singular forms, Pairing C singular forms, and Pairing B plural forms all
behave identically because all begin with floating (H)- prefixes.
Another fascinating aspect of Mada addressed in this paper is that despite there being no other evidence of consonant-tone interaction in the
language, there is a direct correlation between the proposed floating tone
singular prefixes and the surface realizations of the singular diminutive
keith l. snider
prefix that follows the floating tone prefixes on diminutive nouns: the
diminutive prefix /Və̄-/ is realized as [və̄-] when preceded by a floating (L)prefix, and as [fǝ́-] when preceded by a floating (H)- prefix. 4 I conclude in
Section 5 that underlyingly, the tone of the prefix is mid, and the consonant
of this prefix is unspecified for voicing (i.e., the prefix is /Və̄-/).
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents data representative of the greater corpus upon which the analysis is based. Section 3
sets forth an analysis of these data that reduces the seeming irregularity of
the singular/plural alternations to just three patterns based on whether the
prefixes are (H)-, (L)-, or mə̀-. Section 4 demonstrates the superiority of
the proposed analysis by comparing it with a phonemic analysis. Section 5
discusses the diminutive prefix /Və̄-/. Section 6 justifies the proposed floating tone prefixes in Mada from an historical perspective. Section 7 argues
against claims that Mada no longer has a noun class system, and the conclusion, in Section 8, reiterates the main points of the paper.
2. Mada tone data
All count nouns in my database, 5 including those with complex and compound stems, consist of a noun class prefix (NC) followed by a stem, and
minimally have the structure [nc[[root] stem] noun]. As demonstrated
in Section 3, the singular noun class prefix is a floating tone, either (H)- or
(L)-, and the plural prefix either floating (H)-, floating (L)-, or segmental
mə̀-. With no evidence to the contrary, I assume all monosyllabic nouns
to have simple stems. Although many polysyllabic stems in my database
appear to be either complex or compound, I leave open whether all polysyllabic stems are in fact non-simple. Examples of the different stem types
appear in (3).
(3) Stem types in Mada
/ [ ́ [[tàr]]] /
[nc[[room root]stem]noun]
Complex / [ ́ [Və̄[tàr]]] /
[nc[dim[room root]stem]noun]
Compound / [ ́ [[tàr][kʊ̀r]]] /
[nc[[room root][bed root]stem]noun]
→ [tār]
→ [fǝ́tàr]
‘little room’
→ [tārkʊ̀r] ‘bedroom’
4. I first documented this correlation in Snider (2007). The data for that conference presentation were
elicited by Norman Price during a phonology workshop I conducted in Jos, Nigeria (Nov. 21 - Dec. 13,
1994) under the auspices of the Nigeria Bible Translation Trust.
5. All Mada data are from my personal field notes, which include a database corpus of 236 nouns.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
As shown in (4), the roots of Mada nouns have the syllable shapes CV, CN,
(4) Noun root syllable shapes
g͡ bḿ̩
Those nouns with syllable shape CN are rare (only seven known words
according to Price 1989: 13), and in each case, the onset is labial-velar (k͡ p
or g͡ b), and the nucleus is syllabic m̩ . The second consonant of CC onsets
is restricted to liquids (r, l) and semivowels (j, w), and the coda of CVC
syllables is restricted to sonorant consonants, usually r, but occasionally n.
As shown in (5), monosyllabic nouns have four surface tone patterns: H,
M, L and MH (mid-rising-to-high), although, as demonstrated in Section 3,
these are not underlying contrasts but surface contrasts only.
(5a) Surface contrastive tone patterns on light syllables
Light CV
‘human being’ gblā
‘facial incision’
‘guinea fowl’ gjɔ̀ ̃
[MH] te᷄
(5b) Surface contrastive tone patterns on heavy syllables
Heavy CVC
[MH] gə᷄n
Comparing (5a) with (5b), one can also see that all four surface patterns
are found with both syllable weights, which suggests that the presence or
absence of a coda has no effect on the realization of a noun’s surface tone
pattern. As in many tone languages with a significant number of monosyl-
keith l. snider
labic words, surface minimal pairs are not uncommon, and a number of
these appear in (6).
(6) Minimal pairs
sā ̃
͡tʃār ‘stranger’
gàr ‘ant’
bə̀r ‘hat’
As mentioned above, Mada employs several strategies for distinguishing
singular and plural nouns. Without expressing awareness of floating tone
prefixes, Blench & Kato (2019) describe plural nouns as differing from
their singular counterparts in any one of the following ways: a) tone alternation, b) initial syllable reduplication, c) prefix addition, d) suppletion,
and e) zero marking (i.e., both singular and plural forms are identical).
Examples of each of these are shown in (7), together with the percentage
each represents in my database.
(7) Pluralization strategies
Count Percentage
Prefix addition
Tone alternation
Zero marking
vɛ̄ ̃
ɲʷɛ́ ̃
In the following section, I demonstrate that the strategy of “prefix addition” is due to singular nouns having floating tone prefixes and their corresponding plural forms having segmental prefixes. Likewise, the strategy of
“tone alternation” is due to singular and plural forms having different floating tone prefixes. It is also the case that the singular forms of reduplicated
plurals begin with floating tone prefixes, which explains why singular and
reduplicated plural nouns always have different surface tone patterns (cf.
te᷄/té-té ‘father/fathers’).
As the title and introduction to this paper suggest, the present study
focusses on convincing the reader that floating tone noun class prefixes are
mainly responsible for the seemingly inexplicable tone alternations that
occur between the singular and plural forms of many nouns. The data for
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
this study are therefore restricted to count nouns to better ensure the presence of singular and plural prefixes. In addition, the stems of these nouns
are limited to monosyllabic forms to better ensure that all surface tones are
due solely to interactions between floating tone prefixes and the tones of
single roots, and not additionally due to interactions between the tones of
multiple roots in compound stems. Together, these restrictions reduce the
corpus of this study (monosyllabic count nouns) to 42% of the nouns in my
database, a figure not far removed from Price’s (1989: 13) claim that 55%
of all Mada words (nouns, verbs, etc.) are monosyllabic.
I conclude this section by presenting the different surface tone alternations found in the singular plural pairings of my corpus data.
(8) Singular/plural tone alternations
Singular Plural Gloss
m͡ bú
m͡ bu᷄
n͡ zār
n͡ zàr
‘hoe (n)’
rɛ́ ̃
rɛ̀ ̃
ŋɔ́ ̃
mə̀-ŋɔ̀ ̃
As one can see in (8), there are many alternations which, at first glance,
appear to be quite arbitrary. As noted by an anonymous reviewer however,
despite how arbitrary the singular/plural tone pairings might first appear to
be, it is important to realize that from a morpho-phonological perspective,
there are only three patterns for which to account, each based on whether
the prefixes are (H)-, (L)-, or mə̀-.
3. Analysis
The present work proposes underlying tone patterns of /H/, /M/, /L/,
and /Ø/ (toneless) for simple monosyllabic noun stems. Toneless stems in
Mada are realized with the pitch normal for whichever floating tone prefix
is affixed to the stem: [H] in the case of floating (H)- prefixes, and [L] in
the case of floating (L)- prefixes. Elsewhere (e.g., following the diminutive prefix), toneless stems are realized with L tones, which I conclude are
default (see below). Here are examples of toneless stems from Pairings B
(‘mosquito’) and C (‘mortar’).
keith l. snider
(9) Phonetic realizations of toneless stems
Diminutive (Singular) 6
/ ̀-wʊ/→ [wʊ̀] / ́-wʊ/ → [wʊ́] / ̀ Və̄-wʊ/ → [və̄-wʊ̀] ‘mosquito’
/ ́-d͡ ʒi/→ [d͡ ʒí] / ̀-d͡ ʒi/ → [d͡ ʒì] / ́ Və̄-d͡ ʒi/ → [fǝ́-d͡ ʒì]
To help readers more easily follow the discussion below, which justifies the
underlying stem tone patterns, I first present how the floating tone prefixes
interact with the underlying tones of the stems to which they are affixed.
These are summarized in (10) and discussed in detail below.
(10) Interactions between floating tone prefixes and underlying stem
(10a) Prefix Stem Surface
(10b) Prefix Stem Surface
In (10a), when a floating (H)- prefix interacts with a stem /H/, there is no
change to the stem tone; when a floating (H)- interacts with a stem /M/, the
resultant tone is [H]; and when a floating (H)- interacts with a stem /L/, the
resultant surface tone is [M]. 7 Finally, when a floating (H)- interacts with a
toneless stem, the resultant surface tone is [H]. Each of these interactions is
illustrated in (11) and explained in the discussion that follows.
In (10b), when a floating (L)- prefix interacts with a stem /H/, the resultant surface tone is [MH]. When a floating (L)- interacts with a stem /M/
or with a stem /L/, there is no change to the stem tone. Finally, when a
floating L interacts with a toneless stem, the resultant surface tone is again
[L]. Toneless stems are therefore unlike stems with any of the other three
patterns in that their surface pitches are always identical to the quality of
whatever floating tone prefix precedes them: When the prefix is a floating
(H)-, they are [H], and when the prefix is a floating (L)-, they are [L]. As
such, when toneless stems follow floating (L)- prefixes, they are phonet6. As noted at the beginning of Section 2, the (complex) stems of diminutive nouns are preceded by
whichever noun class prefixes are appropriate for their classes.
7. Given this interaction, some might wonder if the /M/ tone might be better analyzed as the underlying
pattern /HL/. I leave the matter open for now since whether the underlying form is /M/ or /HL/ makes
no difference to the main proposals of this paper; discussing the matter at length would only detract
from the focus of the presentation.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
ically indistinguishable from underlying /L/ stems in the same environment. The /L/ and toneless underlying stem patterns only contrast when
they follow floating (H)- prefixes, in which case, the toneless stem is realized [H], and the /L/ stem is realized [M].
As stated above, I propose /H/, /M/, /L/, and /Ø/ (toneless) as underlying tone patterns for simple monosyllabic noun stems. Since there is no
single context that demonstrates this four-way tone contrast, it is necessary
to compare these patterns in two environments: singular and plural. 8 All
words in (11) are taken from Pairing B nouns, whose singular forms begin
with floating (L)- prefixes and whose plurals begin with floating (H)- prefixes.
(11) Stem contrasts following singular (L)- and plural (H)Stem Singular Plural Gloss
[da᷄ ]
[tsē] ‘guinea fowl’
[wʊ́] ‘mosquito’
Looking at the examples in (11), we begin with the singular forms, since
three of the four underlying contrasts are revealed in this context. When
preceded by the (L)- singular prefix, a three-way contrast emerges between
/H/, /M/, and /L/ on the one hand, and between /H/, /M/, and /Ø/ on the
other hand. Regarding /L/ and /Ø/, the contrast between them is neutralized
in this environment, with both realized as [L]: /L/ realized as [L] because it
is underlyingly /L/ and preceded by a floating (L)- prefix, and /Ø/ realized
as [L] because L is the default tone. /L/ and /Ø/ do contrast, however, when
compared in their plural forms, where both are preceded by floating (H)prefixes: /L/ realized as [M] in ͡tsē ‘guinea fowl’, and /Ø/ realized as [H] in
wʊ́ ‘mosquito’. As discussed above, a floating (L)- that precedes a /H/ tone
causes the /H/ to be realized as [MH], and a floating (H)- that associates to
a toneless stem causes that stem to be realized as [H].
Questions perhaps arise at this point, regarding why I analyze stems
like that of wʊ̀ ‘mosquito’ as toneless, and why I consider L to be the default tone in Mada; the answers to these questions are related. First, /Ø/
cannot be /H/, /M/, or /L/ because it contrasts with those tones, as demonstrated immediately above. Second, unlike stems with other underlying
tones, toneless stems in Mada are consistently realized with the pitch of
8. For presentations on how best to establish tonal contrast, see Snider (2014 and 2018).
keith l. snider
the floating tone prefix before them, [H] when preceded by (H)-, and [L]
when preceded by (L)-, as demonstrated in (9). In this respect, they behave
like toneless morphemes in other languages in that they have no inherent
tones of their own, but instead accept those of neighbouring tones when
So unlike ͡tsè ‘guinea fowl’, which is underlyingly /L/ but realized as
[M] in its plural form, toneless wʊ̀ ‘mosquito’ is realized as [H] in its plural
form. However, when no floating tones are available, as is the case when
they follow segmental prefixes (e.g., the plural mə̀- and the diminutive
prefix Və̄-), toneless stems are consistently realized with default [L] tones
(e.g., və̄-wʊ̀ ‘small mosquito’, fǝ́-d͡ ʒì ‘small mortar’). Lest it be thought the
surface [L] on diminutive forms with toneless roots is due to something
other than a default tone, toneless roots are the only ones in diminutive
words other than underlyingly /L/ roots that are realized with surface [L]
(cf. və̄-pə̄ ‘small thing’, which is underlyingly /M/). The assignment of
default tones to toneless morphemes when other tones are unavailable to
them (floating tones in the case of Mada) is very much in keeping with the
cross-linguistic behaviour of default tones. In this respect, by positing L
as the default tone in Mada, the present work supplements those studies
that challenge Pulleyblank’s (1986) assertion that M is the default tone for
toneless tone-bearing units (TBUs) in three-tone languages. Paster, for example, argues that the default tone in three-tone languages can be H (Mixtepec Mixtec [mix], Paster 2005), 9 M (Yoruba [yor], Pulleyblank 1986), or
L (Leggbo [agb], Paster 2003). Campbell (2014a and 2014b) also makes
the case for L being the default tone in Zenzontepec Chatino [czn].
Returning to /H/, /M/, and /Ø/ in their singular forms, the three-way
contrast between them is clear; however, when we look at them in their
plural forms, they are all realized as [H] due to their interactions with the
floating (H)- prefix of this pairing (cf. the interactions discussed above and
summarized in (10)). So, while the floating (L)- singular prefix neutralizes
the contrast between /L/ and /Ø/ stems, it reveals the contrasts between /H/,
/M/, and /L/ stems, on the one hand, and between /H/, /M/, and /Ø/ stems,
on the other hand. And while the floating (H)- plural prefix neutralizes the
contrasts between /H/, /M/, and /Ø/ stems, by the same token, it reveals the
contrast between /L/ and /Ø/ stems. We therefore have a four-way contrast
between /H/, /M/, /L/, and /Ø/.
9. My thanks to Will Leben for drawing the Paster (2005) reference to my attention.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
3.1 Pairing A interactions
We next look at the interactions between Pairing A prefix tones and the underlying tones of CV stems in (12) and of CVC stems in (13). Regardless
of which prefixes are interacting with which stems, the correspondences
between underlying and surface representations in these paradigms are
consistent between CV stems and their CVC counterparts.
(12) Pairing A with simple CV stems
Stem Singular (H)Plural mə̀/H/
/ ́-lá/ → [lá] /mə̀-lá/ →
/M/ / ́-fū/ → [fú] /mə̀-fū/ →
/ ́-kə̀/ → [kə̄] /mə̀-kə̀/ →
/ ́-ŋɔ̃/ → [ŋɔ́ ̃] /mə̀-ŋɔ̃/ →
[mə̀ŋɔ̀ ̃]
(13) Pairing A with simple CVC stems 10
Stem Singular (H)Plural mə̀Gloss
/ ́-gár/ → [gár] /mə̀-gár/ → [mə̀gár] ‘axe’
/M/ / ́-dār/ → [dár] /mə̀-dār/ → [mə̀dār] ‘boundary’
/ ́-tàr/ → [tār] /mə̀-tàr/ → [mə̀tàr] ‘room’
As may be expected, the floating (H)- singular prefix has no effect on underlying /H/ stem tones. It does, however, raise underlying /L/ stem tones
to [M] pitch, and underlying /M/ stem tones to [H] pitch. Also, as discussed
above, toneless stems are realized with the pitch of the floating tone prefix,
or a default L tone when they follow plural mə̀-.
The L-toned plural prefix mə̀- has no effect on stem tones other than
to induce automatic downstep on following H tones. Throughout the language, automatic downstep occurs whenever a H tone follows a L tone.
Downstep is a register phenomenon whereby a H tone and all H tones
that follow it are lowered following a L tone. Following common practice,
automatic downstep is not phonetically indicated throughout this paper.
Although more rigorous study is clearly needed, the results from a small
sample point to the tentative conclusion that downstepped H tones may be
phonetically indistinguishable from M tones in the same environment. 11
10. In my database, toneless roots are unattested in Pairing A nouns with simple CVC stems. This
lacuna is considered accidental due to the limited size of the corpus (only six nouns in Pairing A with
CVC stems).
11. The average difference between pitches of underlying /L+M/ for single repetitions of nine plural
nouns (mə̀- ‘PL’+monosyllabic /M/ stems, e.g., /mə̀-fū/ → [mə̀fū] ‘lungs’) was 17.2 Hz. The aver-
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Regardless of whether /H/ and /M/ roots are distinguishable following L
tones, they clearly contrast elsewhere (e.g., following diminutive prefixes,
cf. /H/ fǝ́-lá ‘small debt’ with /M/ fǝ́-fū ‘small lung’).
3.2 Pairing B interactions
We next look at examples of the interactions between Pairing B prefix
tones and underlying stem tones, beginning with CV stems in (14) and
then CVC stems in (15). See also the examples in (11), which also belong
to Pairing B.
(14) Pairing B with simple CV stems
Stem Singular (L)Plural (H)/H/
/ ̀-kɔ́/ → [kɔ᷄]
/ ́-kɔ́/ →
/ ̀-pə̄/ → [pə̄]
/ ́-pə̄/ →
/ ̀-kì/ →
/ ́-kì/ →
/ ́-rɛ/̃ →
/ ̀-rɛ/̃ →
[rɛ̀ ]̃
(15) Pairing B with simple CVC stems
Stem Singular (L)Plural (H)/H/
/ ̀-ɲǝ́r/ → [ɲə᷄r]
/ ́-ɲǝ́r/ →
/ ̀-jūr/ → [jūr]
/ ́-jūr/ →
/ ̀-pàr/ → [pàr]
/ ́-pàr/ →
/ ̀-͡tʃar/ → [t͡ ʃàr]
/ ́-͡tʃar/ →
[rɛ́ ]̃
[t͡ ʃár]
‘digging stick’
In (14) and (15), the floating (L)- tone singular prefix has no effect on
underlying /L/ and /M/ stem tones, but it does cause underlying /H/ stem
tones to be realized as [MH] rising pitches. And again, toneless stems are
realized with the pitch of whichever floating tone prefix is affixed to the
stem: in this case, [L] pitch because the prefix is a floating (L)- tone.
Regarding the floating (H)- tone plural prefix, the interactions between
it and the underlying stem tones to which they are affixed are the same
as those between the singular floating (H)- prefix and the corresponding
underlying stem tones to which they are affixed in Pairing A nouns in (12)
age difference between pitches of underlying /L+H/ for single repetitions of 12 plural nouns (mə̀‘PL’+monosyllabic /H/ stems, e.g., /mə̀-gár/ → [mə̀ꜜgár] ‘axes’) was 17.8 Hz. (Calculations were
based on a single pitch-value for each syllable that was determined following the methodology described in Snider (1998). The results of a Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney rank sum test show that the difference in pitch between L and a following M is not significantly different from that between L and a
following automatically downstepped H (Z = -0.107, p = 0.9151).
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
3.3 Pairing C interactions
Finally, we look at examples of the interactions between Pairing C prefix
tones and underlying stem tones. There are only 14 Pairing C words in my
database, and only four are monosyllabic. Of the four, two are underlyingly
toneless, one is /H/, one is /L/, and none are /M/. All four monosyllabic
nouns appear in (16).
(16) Pairing C with simple monosyllabic stems
Stem Singular (H)Plural (L)͡
/ ́-mbú/ → [mbú] / ̀-m͡ bú/ →
/ ́-n͡ zàr/ → [n͡ zār]
/ ̀-n͡ zàr/ →
/ ́-dʒi/
→ [dʒí]
/ ̀-d͡ʒi/
/ ́-͡ŋklʷe/ → [͡ŋklʷé] / ̀-͡ŋklʷe/ →
[m͡ bu᷄ ]
[n͡ zàr]
[d͡ ʒì]
‘hoe (n)’
Comparing these data with those of the other pairings, one can see that Pairing C singular forms behave identically with Pairing A singular forms, and
Pairing C plural forms behave identically with Pairing B singular forms.
When both singular and plural prefixes of nouns consist of floating
tones, the result is minimal tone pairs between the singular and plural forms
of the nouns (e.g., pə̄/pǝ́ ‘shoulder sg/pl’). The reader might therefore be
interested to see what predictions the proposed analysis makes regarding
which singular/plural minimal tone pairs are possible in Mada. In their
presentation of singular/plural minimal tone pairs, Blench & Kato (2019:
8-12), document, but do not attempt to explain, six singular/plural minimal
pair combinations, which they had discovered. Their list is set out in (17)
and discussed further below.
(17) Blench & Kato’s (2019) list of singular/plural minimal pair
1. L M
2. L H
3. M R only one example, jū/jǔ ‘water-yam’ 12
4. M H
5. R H
6. H R
12. My corpus, unfortunately, does not include this word.
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Assuming the correctness of the analysis proposed above and summarized
in (10), singular/plural minimal tone pairs are only possible with Pairing B
nouns (singular (L)- and plural (H)-) and with Pairing C nouns (singular
(H)- and plural (L)-). With four possible underlying stem patterns and two
possible floating tone prefix pairings, Pairings B and C, the analysis predicts a total of eight (4 x 2) possible minimal tone pair patterns for singular
and plural nouns. These are set forth in (18) and (19). The numbers in the
B&K columns in (18) and (19) refer to Blench & Kato’s pairings from
(17), that correspond to my predictions.
(18) Pairing B singular/plural minimal pair possibilities
Example Gloss
a) (L)-/(H)- /H/ → [MH] [H]
b) (L)-/(H)- /M/ → [M]
c) (L)-/(H)- /L/ → [L]
d) (L)-/(H)- /Ø/ → [L]
rɛ̀ /̃ rɛ́ ̃
(19) Pairing C singular/plural minimal pair possibilities
Example Gloss
a) (H)-/(L)- /H/ → [H]
[MH] m͡ bú/m͡ bu᷄ ‘mat/s’
b) (H)-/(L)- /M/ → [H]
[M] unattested
c) (H)-/(L)- /L/ → [M]
n͡ zār/n͡ zàr ‘hoe/s’
d) (H)-/(L)- /Ø/ → [H]
d͡ ʒí/d͡ ʒì
‘mortar/s’ 13
As one can see, the H/M alternation predicted for Pairing C in (19b) does
not occur in my corpus. This, of course, is not surprising given the limited
size of the corpus and given that only 10% of nouns that have different
singular and plural forms belong to Pairing C, the pairing that would be required to produce a H/M alternation. The expectation, of course, is that this
prediction would be borne out in a larger corpus, and indeed that a larger
corpus of nouns would continue to fit into these patterns.
Of Blench & Kato’s six singular/plural minimal pair combinations in
(17), all but the third one, M/R, are accounted for in the predicted combinations in (18). Since Blench & Kato found only one instance of M/R, jū/jǔ
13. Blench & Kato (2019: 9) transcribe the tones for ‘mortar’ as ji/jǐ (H/R). In Blench & Kato (2019), H
tone is unmarked, and R represents a “rising tone” (p. 6). In my data, I transcribe their R as [MH]. Roger Blench (personal communication) has suggested that some of the differences between the present
work and that of Blench & Kato (2019) are possibly due to dialectal differences, given the fragmented
nature of the Mada dialectal situation, and I am open to this possibility.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
‘water-yam’, and I found none, it would be helpful to re-visit this word. In
my analysis, only singular forms with [H] pitch can pair with plural forms
with [MH] rising pitches. In any case, if this alternation truly exists, the
proposed analysis is unable to account for it. That aside, in addition to the
five combinations of Blench & Kato accounted for in monosyllabic forms,
the present analysis predicts three additional ones, the final three in (19).
As discussed above, of these three, only the H/M alternation of (19b) is
unattested in my corpus.
4. Comparison with an alternative phonemic analysis
Since conclusions regarding Mada tone in all publications to date appear to
be based on phonemic analyses, I next discuss some of the implications for
the Mada tone system if one were to assume a phonemic analysis. A perusal of monosyllabic singular nouns in Mada reveals four phonemic tones:
/L/, /M/, /H/, and /R/ (Rising), 14 supported by the surface contrasts in (20).
(20) Four phonemic tones of singular nouns
Phonemes Singular Gloss
Similarly, a perusal of monosyllabic plural nouns reveals these same four
phonemic tones, as shown in (21).
(21) Four phonemic tones of plural nouns
Phonemes Plural
‘guinea fowls’
rɛ́ ̃
Given the four tones available for singulars and the four available for plurals, in a phonemic analysis, one would expect lexical tone distinctions
between singular and plural forms of the same nouns to be non-predict14. Quite apart from the evidence presented in this paper that the rising tones in this language are combinations of level tones, phonological unitary contour tones of the type found in Asia (Yip 1989) and
implied in a phonemic analysis, are typically not found in Africa.
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able. That is, one might logically expect to find 16 (4 x 4) distinct singular/
plural tone combinations (e.g., d͡ ʒí/d͡ ʒì ‘mortar sg/pl’, kì/kī ‘thing sg/pl’,
etc.). However, four of the 16 logical combinations would leave singular
and plural forms identical (viz. H/H, M/M, L/L, and R/R) so that leaves
12 combinations for which the singulars would be different from the plurals. These 12 logically possible combinations are set forth in (22), together with those that are attested or, as in the case of the H/M combination,
are assumed to exist.
(22) Logically possible singular/plural tone combinations
Possible combinations Attested combinations
unattested, but assumed to exist
1 questionable example in B&K
Despite there logically being 12 possible pairing combinations, the language appears to employ only eight, as discussed at the end of Section 2.
The occurrence of these eight, seemingly random combinations, out of a
possible total of 12, begs the question why the other four combinations do
not occur. More importantly, it begs the question why the combinations
that do not occur should be L/R, M/R, R/L, and R/M, as opposed to other
Let us examine these exclusions more closely as they are not random.
For each missing pair, one member is always /R/, and the other either /L/ or
/M/. Singular/plural pairs with both combinations of /R/ and /H/, however,
do exist (e.g., mbú/mbu᷄ ‘mat sg/pl’ and kɔ᷄ /kɔ́ ‘bushfowl sg/pl’). While one
might not necessarily expect Mada to employ every possible singular/plural combination of tone phonemes in (22), one would nevertheless expect
whatever exclusions exist to be random in a phonemic analysis.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
If however, one instead accepts the proposed analysis, there is a compelling reason why the phoneme /R/ does not co-occur with the phonemes /L/ and /M/ in singular/plural minimal pairs. For one member of
a singular/plural pair to have a surface [MH] pitch (i.e., /R/), the stem of
the pair would have to be underlyingly /H/ and the prefix of the member
with the [MH] pitch would have to be a floating (L)-. To generate a surface
[L] or [M] pitch for the other member of the pair, the stem would have to
be something other than /H/ (cf. the possibilities in (10)). For example, a
surface [L] pitch could only be generated by a floating (L)- prefix and an
underlying /L/ stem or an underlying toneless stem. As for a surface [M]
pitch, it could only be generated by a floating (L)- prefix and an underlying /M/ stem, or by a floating (H)- prefix and an underlying /L/ stem (cf.
the forms in (18)). In other words, it would take something other than an
underlying /H/ stem to generate the needed [L] or [M] pitch of the other
member of the pair.
The fact that only eight of the 12 possible singular/plural minimal pair
tone combinations occur, together with the predictable nature of the four
missing combinations, greatly undermines the credibility of a phonemic
analysis for these data.
5. Diminutive prefix /Və̄-/
We turn now to the diminutive prefix /Və̄-/, with allomorphs [fǝ́-] and
[və̄-]. In this section, I first establish the correlation between floating (H)prefixes and [fǝ́-], and floating (L)- prefixes and [və̄-]. Then in Section 5.1,
I account for the [H] and [M] tone alternation of [fǝ́-] and [və̄-], and in
Section 5.2, I discuss the consonant voicing alternation of [fǝ́-] and [və̄-].
Despite Blench & Kato’s assertion that “[t]here seems to be no easy
way to predict which of the fǝ́-/və̄- allomorphs will be applied to which
stem…” (Blench & Kato 2019: 17), as noted above, singular stems with
floating (H)- prefixes take only [fǝ́-], and singular stems with floating (L)prefixes take only [və̄-]. This may be seen in (23) through (25), which take
[fǝ́-], and in (26) and (27), which take [və̄-].
(23) Pairing A, CV stems
Stem SG (H)/H/
/ ́-lá/
/M/ / ́-fū/
/ ́-kə̀/
/ ́-ŋɔ/̃
[ŋɔ́ ]̃
DIM.SG [fǝ́-]
[fə́ŋɔ̀ ]̃
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(24) Pairing A, CVC stems
Stem SG (H)/H/
/ ́-gár/ → [gár]
/M/ / ́-dār/ → [dár]
/ ́-tàr/
→ [tār]
No data
DIM.SG [fǝ́-]
(25) Pairing C, mixed stems
Stem SG (H)/H/
/ ́-m͡bú/ → [m͡ bú]
/M/ unattested
/ ́-n͡ zàr/ → [n͡ zār]
/ ́-d͡ʒi/ → [d͡ ʒí]
DIM.SG [fǝ́-]
[fə́m͡ bú]
[fə́n͡ zàr]
[fə́d͡ ʒì]
(26) Pairing B, CV stems
Stem SG (L)/H/
/ ̀-kɔ́/
/M/ / ̀-pə̄/
/ ̀-kì/
/ ̀-rɛ/̃
[rɛ̀ ]̃
DIM.SG [və̄-]
[və̄rɛ̀ ]̃
(27) Pairing B, CVC stems
Stem SG (L)/H/
/ ̀-ɲǝ́r/ →
/M/ / ̀-jūr/ →
/ ̀-pàr/ →
/ ̀-͡tʃar/ →
[t͡ ʃàr]
DIM.SG [və̄-]
‘digging stick’
From these data sets, one can see there is a clear patterning of [fǝ́-] with
singular stems from Pairings A and C, which take floating (H)- prefixes,
and of [və̄-] with singular stems from Pairing B, which take floating (L)prefixes. Next, we investigate the tone alternation between the two allomorphs.
5.1 [fə́-] ~ [və̄-] tone alternation
Regarding the alternation between the H and M tones of the diminutive
prefix [fǝ́-] ~ [və̄-], since the H tone correlates with the occurrence of voice-
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
less [f], and the M tone with the occurrence of voiced [v], it is tempting to
wonder if the voiced obstruent is perhaps lowering the tone of the prefix
from H to M in the case of və̄-. I believe this is unlikely for two reasons.
First, if this is a case of a consonant affecting tone, then it is the only case
in Mada of which I am aware. For example, lowering does not occur with
other voiced obstruents (e.g., d͡ ʒí ‘mortar’, gɔ́ ̃ ‘back’, and dó ‘market’).
Moreover, I was unable to discover any statistical correlations between
tone and consonant types known to affect tone other than with this prefix.
Second, the historical source of the prefix argues against this. As is documented for many languages (Gibson et al. 2017), diminutive morphemes
often originate with the word for ‘child’, and this is the case in Mada as
well. According to Blench & Kato (2019: 16), /Və̄-/ finds its origin in vɛ̄ ̃,
the singular form for ‘child’ (cf. vɛ̄ ̃/ɲʷɛ́ ̃ ‘child sg/pl’). This is undoubtedly the case, supported by the use of ɲʷɛ́ ,̃ the suppletive plural form for
‘child’, 15 as a prefix for the diminutive plural for certain words (e.g., və̄-n͡ zὲ/
ɲʷɛ́ ̃-n͡ zὲ ‘young man sg/pl’). The M of vɛ̄ ̃ is therefore probably the source of
the M tone of və̄-. That being said, the M tone of vɛ̄ ̃ is itself derived from
/L/ (cf. /(H)-vɛ̀ /̃ → [vɛ̄ ]̃ ‘child’ and /(H)-Və̄-vɛ̀ /̃ → [fǝ́-vɛ̀ ]̃ ‘little child’).
See also further discussion below.
In their discussion of diminutives in Bantu, Gibson et al. (2017: 345),
claim the following:
Whilst many languages, like Herero, use noun class 12 for the formation of diminutives, there is variation in this regard, with some languages employing a different
class (and associated class morphology) for the formation of either the singular or
plural forms. Other languages do not use dedicated diminutive noun classes but
instead rely on processes of reduplication, on the addition of a diminutive suffix,
or on the formation of diminutives through nominal compounding.
I propose that the diminutive prefix is not a noun class prefix, as it might
first appear to be, but rather a derivational prefix that attaches directly to
the noun root, thereby creating a complex stem. By forming diminutives
by means of complex stems, Mada adopts a modification of Gibson et al.’s
last strategy of forming diminutives “through nominal compounding”.
This complex diminutive stem, in turn, is prefixed by whichever noun class
prefix is appropriate for the noun’s class, and it is this floating tone prefix
that is responsible for whether the surface tone of the diminutive prefix is
M or H, and whether the prefix consonant is f or v (discussed further below). Here are some examples that illustrate the morphological structure
of diminutive nouns.
15. Dave Roberts (personal communication) informs me that the plural form for ‘child’ is also suppletive in Gworok [kcg], another Plateau language of Nigeria.
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(28) Morphological structure of diminutive nouns
Pairing A with /L/ root
[ ́ [[t͡ ʃàr]root]stem]noun
→ [t͡ ʃār]
[ ́ [Və̄[t͡ ʃàr]root]stem]noun → [fǝ́-͡tʃàr] ‘little stranger’
Pairing B with toneless root
[ ̀ [[t͡ ʃar]root]stem]noun
→ [t͡ ʃàr]
[ ̀ [Və̄[t͡ ʃar]root]stem]noun → [və̄-t͡ ʃàr] ‘little monkey’
In their treatment of Mada nominal morphology, Blench & Kato (2019:
16-17) likewise do not consider the diminutive prefix to be a noun class
prefix, preferring instead to call it a “pseudo class-prefix”, on par with other “person nouns acting as pseudo-prefixes”, like wɔ̄ ̃ - and bɔ̄ ̃ - in words like
wɔ̄ ̃ -dɔ̀/bɔ̄ ̃ -dɔ̀ ‘farmer sg/pl’ and wɔ̄ ̃ -dɛ̄ ̃/bɔ̄ ̃ -dɛ̄ ̃ ‘medicine man sg/pl’. Blench
& Kato consider such words to be compounds. In support of this, they assert (2019: 16) that “wān [wɔ̄ ]̃ and bān [bɔ̄ ]̃ can also function independently as relative pronouns”, and also (2019: 17) that “words which use the
wān/bān alternation cannot also take the və- prefix”. To further support the
notion that the stem of diminutive nouns consists of the diminutive prefix
and the root, I argue next that the floating tone singular prefix is affixed to
the complex (diminutive) stem, as opposed to the noun root.
In (23) through (25), one can see that /Və̄/ must be affixed directly to
the root prior to affixation of the floating (H)- singular prefix on its left
edge. If not, following the schema set forth in (10) above, the diminutive
form for the underlyingly M-toned fú ‘lung’ would be *fə́fú instead of fə́fū,
the diminutive of the underlyingly L-toned kə̄ ‘compound’ would be *fə́kə̄
instead of fə́kə̀, and the diminutive of the underlyingly toneless ŋɔ́ ̃ ‘hand’
would be *fə́ŋɔ́ ̃ instead of fə́ŋɔ̀ ̃ . Recall that toneless stems are realized with
default L pitches unless there is a floating tone adjacent to them. The floating tone noun class prefix also appears on the left edge of compound stems,
as may be seen by comparing the forms in (29).
(29) Compound stems
/ ́ tàr-kʊ̀r/
→ [tārkʊ̀r]
cf. /mə̀-tàr-kʊ̀r/ → [mə̀tàrkʊ̀r] ‘bedrooms’
cf. / ̀ kì-kʊ̀r/
→ [kɪ̀kʊ̀r]
Regarding the influence of /Və̄-/ on root tones, with the exception of /H/
roots, the roots themselves are realized with pitches consistent with their
underlying tones: Roots with /M/ tones are realized as [M], and roots with
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
/L/ tones are realized as [L]. Toneless roots, of course, are realized with default L tones in this environment. Following /Və̄-/, /H/ roots are realized as
[H] if the prefix is fǝ́-. However, if the prefix is və̄-, /H/ roots are realized as
[MH] (e.g., və̄-kɔ᷄ ‘bushfowl (dim)’ in (26) and və̄-ɲə᷄ r ‘tooth (dim)’ in (27)).
Regarding the [MH] rising pitch of words like və̄kɔ᷄ , I propose that it is
not the floating (L)- prefix, but rather the M tone of /Və̄-/ that is responsible for the rising pitch. When the roots of complex stems are respectively
M-toned and H-toned, the M of the first root spreads rightwards onto the
second root where it joins the H of the second root to also form a [MH]
rising pitch. This may be seen in (30).
(30) Mid tone spreading
[və̄kɔ᷄] ‘little bushfowl’
This notion finds support in that other M-toned derivational prefixes do
this as well, e.g., wɔ̄ ̃ -gı᷄ ‘thief’ and k͡ pə̄-wu᷄ ‘burn (n.)’ (cf. /wú/ ‘burn (v.)’).
So we conclude that the floating tone prefix does not occur between the
diminutive prefix and the root to which it is affixed, but rather associates
to the left edge of the diminutive prefix (i.e., the left edge of the (complex)
stem), as it does with compound stems like tārkʊ̀r ‘bedroom’ in (29).
Derivations of the diminutive forms for Pairings A and B are provided
in (31) and (32).
(31) Derivations of Pairing A diminutives
Stem SG (H)DIM.SG [fǝ́-]
/ ́-lá/ → [lá] / ́-Və̄-lá/ →
/M/ / ́-fū/ → [fú] / ́-Və̄-fū/ →
/ ́-kə̀/ → [kə̄] / ́-Və̄-kə̀/ →
/ ́-ŋɔ̃/ → [ŋɔ́ ̃] / ́-Və̄-ŋɔ̃/ →
[fə́lá] ‘debt’
[fə́fū] ‘lung’
[fə́kə̀] ‘compound’
[fə́ŋɔ̀ ]̃ ‘hand’
(32) Derivations of Pairing B diminutives
Stem SG (H)DIM.SG [və̄-]
/ ̀-kɔ́/ → [kɔ᷄] / ̀ Və̄-kɔ́/ →
/M/ / ̀-pə̄/ → [pə̄] / ̀ Və̄-pə̄/ →
/ ̀-kì/ → [kì] / ̀ Və̄-kì/ →
/ ̀ Və̄-rɛ/̃ →
/ ̀-rɛ/̃ → [rɛ̀ ]̃
[və̄rɛ̀ ]̃
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Perusal of the derivations in (31) shows that when the floating (H)- prefix
occurs before the underlyingly /M/ of the diminutive prefix, the prefix is
realized as [H], in keeping with the behaviour of (H)- when it occurs before
stems with underlying /M/ tones (e.g., / ́-fū/ → [fú] ‘lung’). Similarly, the
derivations in (32) show that when the floating (L)- prefix occurs before
the /M/ of the diminutive prefix, the latter is realized as [M], in keeping
with the behaviour of floating (L)- tones when they occur before stems
with underlying /M/ tones (e.g., / ̀-pə̄/ → [pə̄] ‘shoulder’). By accepting
the presence of underlying floating prefixes, we can account for the [H] ~
[M] tone alternations of the diminutive prefix in Mada in a straightforward
manner, without having to resort to additional rules or novel ideas.
5.2 [fə́-] ~ [və̄-] consonant voicing alternation
As mentioned above, singular nouns with floating (L)- prefixes take only
the [və̄-] allomorph in their diminutive forms, and singular nouns with
floating (H)- prefixes take only [fǝ́-]. Initially, this would appear to be a
clear case of tone affecting consonants. However, the case for this is not as
straightforward as it might first seem to be.
First, if tone is indeed affecting consonants in Mada, it would appear
to be limited to a single morpheme: the diminutive /Və̄-/. Obstruent devoicing is not induced by other H tones (e.g., d͡ ʒí ‘mortar’, gɔ́ ̃ ‘back’, and
dó ‘market’), nor, for that matter, is obstruent voicing induced by L tones
(e.g., ͡tsè ‘guinea fowl’, ͡tʃàr ‘monkey’, and kì ‘thing’). And again, as mentioned above, I was unable to discover any statistical correlations between
tone and consonant types known to affect tone other than with this prefix.
So, if tone is indeed influencing consonants in Mada, the limitation to a
single morpheme, although possible, is certainly puzzling.
That consonants can affect tone is, of course, well-established: Phonetically, voiced obstruents are known to have a lowering effect on the F0
of adjacent TBUs, as well as a blocking effect on H-tone spreading, and
voiceless obstruents are known to have a raising effect, as well as a blocking effect on L-tone spreading (Hombert 1978; Bradshaw 1999). However,
in Mada, as we will see, the situation is the opposite, that of tone affecting
consonants, and this is more controversial and certainly rarer. On the one
hand, Hyman (1976) and Hyman & Schuh (1974) claim that tone does not
affect consonants. On the other hand, Maddieson (1974 and 1976) presents
a few cases in which L tone appears to effect voicing of consonants. In his
discussion of the subject, Schuh (1978) speculates that apparent instances
of L tones inducing voicing are probably instances of creakiness or breathiness accompanying L tone, and that the voicing is correlating with these
secondary features as opposed to correlating with pitch. More recently,
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
however, other studies, particularly of Asian languages, suggest that tone
can indeed affect consonants (cf. Poser 1981; Hansson 2004). Hansson
(2004: 319) claims that in Yabem [jae], it is tone that is the independent
variable and that “obstruent voicing is fully predictable from tone: stops
are voiced in L-toned syllables, otherwise all obstruents are voiceless”.
African languages also are not excluded from tone affecting consonants.
Pearce (2009 and 2013) claims this for Kera [ker], a Chadic language spoken in Chad and Cameroon, and Sossoukpe (2017) makes a case for L
tone inducing obstruent voicing in Akebu [keu], a Ghana-Togo Mountain
language spoken in Togo. The situation in Akebu is even more relevant to
the present concerns because the tone that induces the voicing in Akebu is
a floating (L)- tone noun class prefix. So, while perhaps rare, floating tones
can indeed affect consonants. And this, of course, raises the question of
whether the Mada phenomenon is indeed a case of tone affecting consonants, since the initial consonant of the diminutive is entirely predictable
from the floating tone of the prefix of the noun it combines with: [v] if the
prefix is (L)-, and [f] if the prefix is (H)-.
To further muddy the waters, the cases presented in the literature all
appear to be instances of L tone effecting voicing. If Mada is indeed a case
of tone affecting consonants, the situation would be rarer still because in
Mada, it would appear to be H tone inducing de-voicing, as opposed to
L tone inducing voicing. As discussed above, /Və̄-/ undoubtedly finds its
source in vɛ̄ ̃ ‘child’. The question then becomes whether the [v] in vɛ̄ ̃ is a
reflex of *v, or of *f. If of *f, it is possible that the [v] was later induced by
L tone. And, as discussed above, the root for vɛ̄ ̃ is underlyingly /L/, so this
is possible. However, it is also unlikely as it is difficult to make the case
that this word began historically with *f.
In her discussion regarding the unity of the Benue-Congo subgroup,
Williamson (1971: 252) notes that there is little evidence for words that are
shared innovations within Benue-Congo (i.e., for words occurring in all
four subgroups of Benue-Congo languages that do not also occur outside
of Benue-Congo). Using the word for ‘child’ as an example of a word within Benue-Congo that is also found elsewhere, she cites Greenberg (1963:
32) as saying, “[t]he Proto-West Sudanic [one of Greenberg’s BenueCongo subgroups to which Mada belongs] form is *vi and is found virtually everywhere outside of the Benue-Cross group”. Mada vɛ̄ ̃ is therefore most certainly a reflex of Greenberg’s *vi and Gerhardt’s (1983)
Proto-Ninzic *ú-vín ‘child’, and cognate with uvin ‘child’ in Che [ruk]. 16
Che, also known as Rukuba, is another Ninzic language, closely related
16. The Che word list (no tones in source) was contributed by T. J. Bryan to Williamson & Shimizu
keith l. snider
to Mada. It would therefore be difficult to contend that the [v] of vɛ̄ ̃, and
therefore of [və̄-], is a reflex of *f. Accordingly, if the consonant voicing
alternation in the Mada diminutive prefix is indeed a case of tone affecting
consonants, then it would need to be H tone de-voicing the /v/ to [f]. If
true, then Mada would probably be the only known case of H tone inducing
consonant de-voicing.
Given the difficulty in making a compelling case for the [H] tone of
[fǝ́-] inducing de-voicing, we next explore the possibility that [və̄-]
and [fǝ́-] derive historically from different sources. If so, the case for tone
affecting consonants in this instance is significantly weakened.
As discussed above, there is good reason to believe that /Və̄-/ finds its
origin in vɛ̄ ̃ ‘child’. As for making a case that [fǝ́-] has an origin separate
from that of [və̄-], this is as problematic as is making the case of it having
the same origin. One possibility is that Mada [fǝ́-] is cognate with Noun
Class 9 (NC 9) fè- in Amo [amo], a Kainji language spoken in central Nigeria, or perhaps with NC 19 fɨ̀- in the Grassfields Bantu languages, e.g.,
NC 19 fì:- in Dzodinka, also known as Adere [add] (Voorhoeve 1980: 62),
and NC 19 fɨ̀- in the Mankon dialect of Ngemba [nge] (Leroy 1980: 116).
There are problems, however, with these hypotheses. First, neither NC 9
in Amo nor NC 19 in the Grassfields languages hosts diminutives. Second, although Mada, Amo, and the Grassfields languages all belong to the
Benue-Congo subgroup of Niger-Congo languages, neither Amo nor the
Grassfields languages are closely related to Mada: Mada is a Plateau language, Amo a Kainji language, and the Grassfields languages are Bantoid.
So the notion that Mada may have inherited [fǝ́-] from some ancestor language common to Mada and Amo, or to Mada and the Grassfields languages, is unlikely. This is further supported by the fact that a prefix fə- does
not occur in other Plateau languages, more closely related to Mada (Roger
Blench, personal communication). Finally, Mada, which is spoken in central Nigeria, and the Grassfields languages, which are spoken in southwestern Cameroon, are not particularly close to each other geographically. This
distance undermines the notion that Mada may have somehow borrowed
[fǝ́-], at least from the Grassfields languages.
Another possibility is that like [və̄-], which derives from vɛ̄ ̃ ‘child’, [fǝ́-]
derives from a different root, perhaps for ‘son’. For example, in Williamson & Shimizu (1971: 69), fan (no tones provided in source) is the word for
‘child’ in Kwanka and for ‘son’ in Boyama. Kwanka and Boyama are both
dialects of Vaghat-Ya-Bijim-Legeri [bij], 17 which, like Mada, is another
Ninzic language. While I offer this as a possibility, it also is not overly
17. The Kwanka data in Williamson & Shimizu (1971) were submitted by T. J. Bryan, and the Boyama
data were adapted from Gowers (1907) and submitted by Kay Williamson.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
compelling. I therefore leave the matter to further research to determine
whether the allomorphs for the diminutive prefix historically derive from
one source or two.
Cross-linguistically, when consonants and tone interact, whether it is
consonants influencing tone, or tone influencing consonants, the correlation is always between L tones and voiced obstruents and/or H tones and
voiceless obstruents. It is therefore hardly a coincidence that in Mada, v
correlates with floating (L)-, and f with floating (H)-. I therefore conclude
that regardless of how it came to be, synchronically, Mada has a single
diminutive prefix. An anonymous reviewer has suggested that the consonant of this prefix is possibly unspecified for voicing (i.e., /Və̄-/) and is realized [−voice] in the context of high tone due to markedness restrictions,
and [+voice] elsewhere (i.e., in the context of mid). This analysis meshes
nicely with my own theoretical persuasions, and it is the analysis adopted
here. Hence the use of uppercase V throughout this paper in representations of /Və̄-/.
6. Historical justification for floating tone prefixes
A comparison, conducted by Norm Price, 18 of Gerhardt’s (1983) ProtoPlateau 4 (Ninzic) reconstructed nouns with identifiable reflexes in Mada,
reveals a strong correlation between the tones of the Proto-Ninzic prefixes
reconstructed for those reflexes and the floating tone prefixes proposed for
those reflexes in the present work. These correlations are set out below in
(33) through (35), together with the count of Mada nouns in my corpus
attributable to each correlation.
Note especially the correlation in (33) between Proto-Ninzic singular
nouns that begin with the prefix *ú- and Mada nouns from Pairing A, which
begin with a singular floating (H)- prefix (cf. Proto-Ninzic *ú-vín ‘child’
with Mada /(H)-vɛ̀ /̃ → [vɛ̄ ]̃ ‘child’). Pairing B nouns in Mada are even
more interesting because their singular forms begin with (L)-, a floating
low tone prefix, and their plurals with (H)-, a floating high tone prefix. A
comparison of Gerhardt’s Proto-Ninzic reconstructions with their Mada reflexes in (34) also reveals a strong correlation between Proto-Ninzic nouns
with the singular/plural prefix pairing *ì-/*í- and their Mada reflexes, from
Pairing B, with the singular/plural prefix pairing floating (L)-/(H)- (e.g.,
Proto-Ninzic *ì-rén ‘pot’ and Mada /(L)-rɛ/̃ → [rɛ̀ ]̃ ‘pot’).
18. I am grateful to Norm (personal communication) for passing on to me these correlations.
keith l. snider
(33) Pairing A singular/plural prefixes
(H)-/mə̀- *ú-/bá(H)-/mə̀- *ú-/*ì(H)-/mə̀- *ú-/*í(H)-/mə̀- *kú-/*lá(H)-/mə̀- *kí-/*á(H)-/mə̀- *kú-/?
(H)-/mə̀- *ká-/?
(H)-/mə̀- *á-/?
(34) Pairing B singular and plural prefixes
(L)-/(H)- *ì-/*í(L)-/(H)- *ì-/?
(L)-/(H)- *kí-/*á-
* Exception to expected correlation.
(35) Pairing C singular and plural prefixes
Proto-Ninzic Count
(H)-/(L)- *kú-/*ì1
(H)-/(L)- *ú-/*ì1
Of the 24 Mada words from Pairings A, B, and C that Price was able to establish as reflexes of Gerhardt’s Proto-Ninzic reconstructions, all but one 19
show a correlation between my proposed floating tone prefixes and the prefix tones of Gerhardt’s reconstructions. These correlations strongly support
the notion that the floating tone prefixes proposed in the present work are
vestiges of earlier prefixes whose segments eroded over time.
7. Does Mada have a noun class system?
The historical erosion of segments of most class prefixes in Mada has led
some linguists (e.g., Blench (2015 and 2018) and an anonymous reviewer)
to question whether Mada has a noun class system. The following quotation from Blench (2015: 4) is illustrative:
19. The single counterexample is in (34), where the reconstructed singular prefix *kí- bears a H tone
instead of the expected L tone.
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
As the examples given below demonstrate, tone-alternations in Mada plurals are
highly diverse, pointing to a complex history of compounding, borrowing and
reanalysis. Although some patterns are common and others very rare, it would
be stretching the case to call these patterns noun-classes. Certainly, they seem to
have little semantic unity.
Ideally, Niger-Congo noun class systems are characterized by a) a system
of singular and plural prefixes and/or suffixes affixed to nouns that help
to identify the classes of nouns, b) nouns of the same class often, though
not always, sharing the same singular/plural pairing strategy, c) a system
of pronominal concord (i.e., agreement) between nouns and related constituents such as adjectives, demonstratives, and verbal subject and object
markers, and d) at least vestiges of semantic unity within nouns of the same
class. The main arguments from the sources cited above against Mada having a noun class system are summed up in (36).
(36) Reasons against Mada having a noun class system
a) Most nouns in Mada lack prefixes or suffixes.
b) There is no apparent rhyme or reason to the singular/plural pairing
strategies in Mada nouns.
c) There is no concord marking between nouns and the different constituents to which they relate.
d) There does not appear to be any shared morphological or phonological traits among nouns that are semantically related (e.g.,
animals such as ͡tʃàr/t͡ ʃár ‘monkey sg/pl’, ͡tsè/͡tsē guinea fowl sg/
pl’, ͡tsə̄/͡tsǝ́ ‘leopard sg/pl’).
In essence, the diagnostics characteristic of Niger-Congo noun class systems are significantly lacking in Mada; ergo, Mada does not have a functioning noun class system.
These arguments, however, are based on an incomplete understanding
of the Mada tone system and the assumption that a lack of segmental affixes equates with a lack of affixes in general. Let us discuss each of these
arguments. Regarding a), the present work clearly establishes that Mada
has a robust system of prefixes that includes two floating tone singular
prefixes, (H)- and (L)-, two floating tone plural prefixes (L)- and (H)-, and
one segmental plural prefix, mə̀-. Regarding b), as demonstrated above, the
seemingly random assortment of singular/plural pairing strategies based
on tone is neither multitudinous nor random.
Regarding c), I have not had the opportunity to investigate the existence of concord between nouns and related constituents. Blench (2015: 4)
keith l. snider
however, claims that “[c]oncord of a sort, based on tonal correspondences,
exists in Mada, although this will be discussed in a study of adjectives”.
Given this hint and the extensive employment of floating tone singular/
plural prefixes on nouns in the language, I would not be surprised to find
solid evidence of concord based on floating tone pronominal marking.
Finally, regarding argument d), establishing semantic unity in the noun
classes of many Niger-Congo languages is often difficult due to the historical mergers of many classes; for most Niger-Congo languages, semantic
unity can often be established only partially for some classes. For example,
in Bantu languages, many nouns that denote human beings have singular/
plural pairings of classes 1/2, and many nouns that denote animals have
singular/plural pairings of classes 9/10; however many other classes are
harder to define semantically. While further research needs to be carried
out with a larger corpus of data, my own investigations of semantic class
unity, based on classes established by floating tone noun prefixes, reveal
that most nouns in my corpus that denote body parts belong to Pairing A,
most nouns that denote animals (see also (36d)) belong to Pairing B, and
most nouns that denote tools and utensils belong to Pairing B. Also, the
singular prefix of most nouns that denote human beings is (H)-, although
their singular/plural pairing strategies are quite varied (e.g., Pairing A, reduplication, suppletion). Examples of these appear in (37).
(37) Semantic groupings in singular/plural noun class pairings
Singular (H)Plural mə̀͡
Body parts
/ ́-tʃī/ → [tʃí] /mə̀-͡tʃī/ → [mə̀͡tʃī]
(Pairing A)
/ ́-ŋà/ → [ŋā] /mə̀-ŋà/ → [mə̀ŋà]
/ ́-ŋɔ̃/ → [ŋɔ́ ̃] /mə̀-ŋɔ̃/ → [mə̀ŋɔ̀ ̃]
→ [g͡ bã́ ]
/ ̀-g͡bā /̃ → [g͡ bā ]̃ / ́-g͡bā /̃
(Pairing B)
→ [gʲɔ́ ̃]
/ ̀-gʲɔ̃/ → [gʲɔ̀ ̃] / ́-gʲɔ̃/
/ ̀-jūr/ → [jūr] / ́-jūr/
→ [júr]
/ ̀-dá/ → [da᷄ ] / ́-dá/
→ [dá]
(Pairing B)
→ [gɔ́ ̃]
/ ̀-gɔ̃/ → [gɔ̀ ̃] / ́-gɔ̃/
/ ́-rɛ/̃
→ [rɛ́ ]̃
/ ̀-rɛ/̃
→ [rɛ̀ ]̃
/ ́-͡tʃʊ̀ ̃ / → [t͡ ʃʊ̄ ̃ ] /mə̀-͡tʃʊ̀ ̃ / → [mə̀͡tʃʊ̀ ̃ ]
(varied plurals) / ́-͡tʃàr/ → [t͡ ʃār] /mə̀-͡tʃàr/ → [mə̀͡tʃàr]
→ [ɲʷɛ́ ]̃
/ ́-ɲʷɛ̄ /̃
→ [vɛ̄ ]̃
/ ́-vɛ̀ /̃
floating tone noun class prefixes in mada (nigeria)
Once one recognizes the existence of floating tone prefixes, Mada is little
different from many other Niger-Congo languages whose noun class systems are unquestioned.
8. Conclusion
The elegance of the present analysis may be summed up as follows. There
are reasonable and intuitively satisfying explanations for the (at first
glance) seemingly inexplicable tone alternations that occur between the
singular and plural forms of many monosyllabic nouns. The surface tone
realizations of different prefix and stem combinations are predictable given
the proposed floating tone prefixes of (H)- and (L)-, the underlying stem
tone patterns of /H/, /M/, /L/, and /Ø/, and the proposed prefix-stem tone
interactions. The analysis accounts for the absence of four surface contrasting singular/plural minimal tone pairings (viz. L/MH, M/MH, MH/L,
and MH/M) that should logically otherwise be present if one assumed a
phonemic analysis. The proposed analysis also accounts for why the diminutive prefix is [fǝ́-] for some nouns and [və̄-] for others. The strong correlation between the proposed Mada floating tone noun class prefixes and
the tones of Gerhardt’s (1983: 198) reconstructed Proto-Plateau 4 (Ninzic)
noun class prefixes provides important historical support for the floating
tone prefixes proposed in the present work. Finally, previous claims, based
on an incomplete understanding of the tone system, that a noun class system is all but non-existent in Mada need to be revised in light of the present
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