Recent papers in Judgement
A Sermon for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son for St. Gregory the Theologian Eastern Orthodox Church in New York City
In its response to common sense judgements such as “here are two hands,” On Certainty gave an analysis of reasoning as structured in hinge propositions. As Duncan Pritchard points out, here Wittgenstein was influenced by Newman and should... more
Esse estudo se propõe a discutir a possibilidade de aprendizado e desenvolvimento da percepção e julgamento. Apresentadas inicialmente como uma única capacidade e posteriormente identificando a relação de uma com a outra. Entender suas... more
There is a "MYSTERY" that the "church-at-large" has hidden from and deprived Christians the knowledge of almost since its inception !!! ** This "Mystery" (Secret) was fundamental to the teaching of Jesus Christ Himself and His early... more
Preiser, W. F. E., Davis, A., Salama, A. M., and Hardy, A. (eds.) (2014). Architecture Beyond Criticism: Expert Judgment and Performance Evaluation, Routledge, London, United Kingdom. ISBN # 978-0-415-72532-3. For the first time, this... more
ÖZET - Hükümet sisteminin tarzı ne olursa olsun, yargı organlarının bağımsızlık ve tarafsızlık dereceleri söz konusu ülkelerin hukuk devleti olup olmadıklarını ve ne ölçüde demokratik olduklarını büyük oranda ortaya koymaktadır. Fakat... more
Preiser, W. F. E., Davis, A., Salama, A. M., and Hardy, A. (2014). Introduction. In W. Preiser, A. Davis, A. M. Salama, & A. Hardy (eds.), Architecture Beyond Criticism: Expert Judgment and Performance Evaluation. (Hardback ed.).... more
In “Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?” Susan Moller Okin takes up “the claim, made in the context of basically liberal democracies, that minority cultures or ways of life are not sufficiently protected by the practice of ensuring the... more
Hz. Ömer İslam tarihinde müstesna bir yeri bulunan, İslamî ilimlerde ve başta Kur’an/ tefsir yorumlarında temayüz etmiş en önemli kişiliklerdendir. İslam’ı kabul ettikten sonra Hz. Peygamber’in ashabı arasında eşsiz bir konuma sahip... more
Can simply listening to a music piece affect the harshness of a moral judgement? A priming experiment was run to answer this question. Participants gave moral judgements, after listening to musical pieces inducing certain emotions (Joy,... more
To begin this inquiry, we are going to examine HOW mankind views the relationship between God and (fallen) mankind. Contained within and integral to THIS inquiry is how God dealt (deals) with the SEPARATION between Himself and His... more
The past 25 years has seen phenomenal growth of interest in judgemental approaches to forecasting and a significant change of attitude on the part of researchers to the role of judgement. While previously judgement was thought to be the... more
The aim of this article is to analyze the motif of scales in Netherlandish art from the 15th to the 17th century. The motif of scales was present in art from earliest times, but its role and function differed in various historical epochs... more
http://www.diaphanes.net/titel/whats-legit-6053 Arendt’s criticism of human rights is not that they are powerless — and therefore useless but also harmless. Her criticism is rather that human rights entail disastrous negative effects... more
A single word can be cause for many legal problems and objections, as the European Court of Justice Case Law has shown along time. The word "judgement" can give place to misunderstandings, both on a linguistic and a legal level.
The Thomistic reflection on ius presents itself as an interesting example of realistic reflection, since in it the legal system finds in judgment its fulcrum and judgment proves to be regulated by a criterion that is not primarily the... more
Electric currents and gothic undercurrents: generating the persona of the invalid as a form of Romantic self-exploration Essay VII on 'electricity and magnetism'-the law of polarity
Ineffectiveness of current river restoration practices hinders the achievement of ecological quality targets set by country-specific regulations. Recent advances in river restoration help planning efforts more systematically to reach... more
Research on information systems (IS) adoption and acceptance has frequently relied upon selfreported measures of system usefulness. In this study, we compare self-reported with computermonitored measures of usefulness. In a series of... more
The legal profession and the legal academy stress the importance of clear writing as a substantial component of effective law practice. But does clear writing translate into effective lawyering? This study takes a novel approach by using... more
The writing of student theses is an important activity at universities and is expected to demonstrate the students’ academic skills. In the teacher-education programme, examiners from different academic disciplines are involved in... more
This article seeks to illuminate the gap between UK policy and practice in relation to the use of criteria for allocating grades. It critiques criterion-referenced grading from three perspectives. T el e le tu e s f o t o u i e sities e e... more
Examining the concepts underpinning the reasoning processes of social worker's decision-making provides important insights into how social work practice is undertaken. This paper examines one of the major discourses used by social... more
Delivering safe health care: safety is a patient's right and the obligation of all health professionals* One fundamental guarantee that we cannot give our patients is that faults and errors in the healthcare system won't harm them. Of... more
Kant, Immanuel . Kant`s Critique of Aesthetic Judgement Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library. ...
no es solamente, como comenta Riera, psicología del deportista; todas las demás personas involucradas, directa o indirectamente, en dicha actividad son sujetos potenciales de esta disciplina. Posiblemente, una de las personas más... more
Рішення суду як юридичний факт взагалі є спірним питанням цивільного права і процесу. У зв’язку з наведеним склалося три підходи до правової природи судового рішення. Перший полягає у визначенні його як окремого, самостійного юридичного... more
[EN] Two news stories, published in two local newspapers – Correio da Paraíba and Já Paraíba –, were analyzed, based on the appraisal system, developed from principles of Systemic Functional Linguistics, in particular the category of... more