Recent papers in JNU
A book-length interview with Romila Thapar should have been a cause for celebration. Talking History, however, is a mixed bag, for a number of reasons. This interview is one of a series of conversations curated by the... more
The purpose of this study was to analyse the media framing of the JNU issue by the television news channels in India. The JNU sedition controversy that first broke out on February 9, was fueled largely by the way it was propagated in... more
Look here all details about the admission to the prominent Aligarh Muslim University, you can observe course and important dates and fee structures to the new academic year..
The assignment for Service marketing, the first of its nature in Bangladesh, has been carried out by desk study, documents review and searching Internet. Findings reveal that our community is very much related with service marketing. Most... more
Aligarh Muslim University has been published the admission memo( Guide book ) for the session of 2016-2017, B.A (hons.), B.sc, M.A, M.sc..etc. admission details has been included, you may also visit:... more
General assemblies against Emergency...
A huge yellowish green poster in JNU's Dholpur Reading Hall carries a portrait of Babasaheb Ambedkar and his message underlining the contradiction between the democratic, egalitarian and secular Constitution and unequal social ideals... more
This 'essay' (qualified term) tries to locate me, a JNU student, in a field network student politics. There are unformed ideas, and will develop as time passes.
Comments are welcome
Comments are welcome
The politics of Hindutva arises in large part from sexual repression and the hidden injuries of class, caste and cosmopolitanism. Such frustration was all too evident in the events surrounding JNU in February-March of 2016 and the charges... more
To respond to the violence of 15th September in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in a dispassionate manner is perhaps uncalled for. We are aware of the pitfalls of demonizing the actions of a political adversary. As much as it drives us... more
This protest has reduced the fees hike issue to an issue of only poor students, which in turn helps the BJP government bring poor students into its politics. Instead, the debate should have been around the idea of public institutions.
forthcoming at Writers Workshop, Kolkata, early 2019
JNU, Sedition and the Paradox of National Self
Dissent Is The Spirit Of Democracy, What Does The Government Gain By Crushing It?
Dissent Is The Spirit Of Democracy, What Does The Government Gain By Crushing It?
An Ambedkarite organization's work in protecting the interests of the historically neglected sub-subaltern groups on campus is not achieved via the mere romanticization of its existence. It is achieved through the trust it builds among... more
Freedom of expression in India has been enshrined in the Article 19 1 (a) of the Indian Constitution which the country conceived in 1950. It has been more than 60 years and the Indian State seen a lot of socio-political changes, on... more
This paper reads The Longest Journey to glean the instructive and to discuss the relevance of E. M. Forster for contemporary India, especially in its impact on the university. As it explicates the implications of Forster's writing for the... more
An Interview with Suneet Chopra (Joint Secretary, All India Agricultural Workers Union) by Jharana Jhaveri on 1st June 2016
كتب الشيخ المشيقح هذه المقالة باالعربية و ترجمتها إلى الأردوية كي تعم الفالئدة
كتب الشيخ المشيقح هذه المقالة باالعربية و ترجمتها إلى الأردوية كي تعم الفالئدة
ikinci el eşya alanlar spot 2.el köşe takımı alanlar, spot 2.el komple eşya alanlar, gardolap alınır satılır, ,eski plazma tv alan yerler, ambalajında ev eşyası alanlar, ikinci el buzdolabı alım satım, eski çamaşır makinesi alım satım... more
There is no novelty in the charge of equating SIO and ABVP as the two sides of the same religious ideology. As a Muslim student activist, who works with SIO and other like minded religious minority organization in this campus, let me... more
Books (Published): 1. Sociology of Population in India, Macmillan India, New Delhi, 2007. 2. Population and Sustainable Development (ed.), Authors Press, 2006. 3. Education, Polity and Society, Shipra Publication, Delhi, 1997. 4.... more
"What the Nation Really Needs to Know: The JNU Nationalism Lectures" What the Nation Really Needs to Know: The JNU Nationalism Lectures (eds. Rohit Azad, Janaki Nair, Mohinder Singh, Mallarika Sinha Roy on behalf of JNU Teachers’... more
In my paper entitled ‘Hegemonies, regimes and villains, I intend to discuss the order that produces its moral heroes and immoral villains. I start with the premise that heroes and villains do not exist in an absolute and even psychopaths,... more
Is the result of 2014 JNUSU election an assertion of Dalitbahujan in the Red Soil? If one looks at the recent trend of JNUSU politics, one is persuaded to call it a Dalitbahujan assertion. In what follows, I will briefly discuss these... more