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The spread of covid19 in our country has a very serious impact on the economic life of the people, especially traders who are classified as UMKM. During the pandemic, UMKM traders issued capital to sell but buyers were reduced. As a... more
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    • Business
Penelitian ini membahas peran Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) dalam menyalurkan Zakat dalam peninjauan sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 di Kabupaten Bengkalis. Khususnya terkait penyaluran Zakat yang mengindikasikan penyaluran... more
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      BusinessPolitical Science
Article type: Research Article One such recent innovation in Sharia insurance in Indonesia is the introduction of waqf insurance products. In this study, we aim to explore the untapped potential of integrating waqf into Sharia insurance... more
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      Waqf StudiesSWOT analysisIslamic Social FinanceSharia Insurance
Pendistribusian zakat dilakukan berdasarkan skala prioritas dengan memperhatikan prinsip pemerataan, keadilan, dan ke wilayahan. Selain menerima zakat (mengelola zakat), BAZNAS dapat menerima dan mendistribusikan infak, sedekah, dan dana... more
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    • Zakat
The paper explores the aesthetics and ethics of Islamic giving. The ethnography focuses on the Mustadafin Foundation’s preparation, cooking, and distribution of akhni (local meat and rice dish) to poor families in various neighborhoods in... more
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      Islamic EthicsAesthetics and EthicsMoral EconomyIslamic philanthropy
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of social funds in Islamic banks against MSMEs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The techniques used are content analysis and... more
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      BusinessSmall BusinessIslamSmall and Medium Sized Enterprises
A presentation material to the Workshop “Synergy and Strengthening of Sharia Economic Institutions through the Implementation of the MBKM Program and the Halal Industry Curriculum” held by Fakultas Keislaman Universitas Trunojoyo Madura... more
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      Islamic EconomicsRecognitionResearchIslamic Finance
This research is motivated by researchers' observations of the Waqf Sukuk program which has developed so rapidly in the last five years. In fact, every two years a new series of Waqf Sukuk is published. To date, three series of Waqf Sukuk... more
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      Islamic EconomyWaqf Studies: Concept
Dengan penuh kesadaran, penulis yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa Tesis ini benar-benar adalah hasil karya penyusun sendiri. Jika kemudian hari terbukti bahwa ia merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat, atau dibuat orang... more
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This article seeks to make sense of the rise of global religious philanthropy in relation to disaster. Global religious philanthropy refers to the transnational activities of religious organizations to respond to humanitarian crisis.... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionHistory of ReligionHumanitarianism
Article history: Received 17 October 2016 Received in revised form 22 November 2016 Accepted 25 November 2016 Available online 18 December 2016 The study investigates the relationships between consumer behavior, consumer awareness and... more
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One of the communities with rapid economic growth in the world, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), is also a heading in the international Halal trade arena. Its member states, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei... more
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      Islamic EconomicsSupply ChainHalal Supply ChainDigitalization
While the prevalent view of Islam, and specifically of Islamic charities, is that their influence flows from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, this paper examines transnational charity networks that flow in the opposite direction. It... more
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      GeographySoutheast AsiaIslamMiddle East
Potensi wakaf tunai di Indonesia mencapai angka 180 triliun rupiah. Sedangkan jumlah wakaf tunai yang terealisasi adalah 1,4 triliun rupiah. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa realisasi dari potensi yang ada masih sangat rendah,... more
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      ReligionMuslim American LiteratureMuslimVolunteering
This qualitative research, using content analysis and phenomenology, investigates the efforts to eradicate riba, or usury, in Indonesia. The study focuses on BankZiska, an institution in Ponorogo City that provides financial assistance... more
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Islam gives references, beliefs, and ways of life so that human beings are able to overcome the problems in the world, and reach to everlasting happiness in the afterlife. Zakat is one aspect of Islamic teachings that potential to be an... more
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    • Political Science
Zhillan Kholillah. 2021. 1704517020. Analisis Pengelolaan dan Perlakuan Akuntansi Wakaf Produktif pada Baitul Maal Muamalat. Program Studi D3 Akuntansi. Fakultas Ekonomi. Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Baitul... more
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    • Akuntansi
This research aims to explore students' assessments of worship facilities in higher education. This research uses a quantitative method with a survey approach, data sources were taken using a questionnaire from one hundred and thirty... more
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Zakat and other Islamic charitable practices have long been a tradition in the Indonesian archipelago from the arrival and establishment of Islam, to the present day.
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    • Islamic philanthropy
Policy Analysis berjudul Tantangan Penanggulangan Penyalahgunaan Lembaga Amal untuk Pendanaan Terorisme merupakan produk pengetahuan yang diproduksi oleh I-KHub BNPT sejalan dengan visi membangun I-KHub BNPT sebagai center of excellence.... more
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      PhilanthropyIslamic philanthropyTerrorism and Counterterrorism
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of social funds in Islamic banks against MSMEs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The techniques used are content analysis and... more
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      BusinessSmall BusinessIslamSmall and Medium Sized Enterprises
Fulfilling household needs for a woman is required to be able to obtain and manage halalsourced finances from a small and micro-entrepreneur. The trap of conventional and online loan sharks poses a significant risk to the borrower's... more
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      Waqf StudiesMSEWoman & Development
This research aims to explore students' assessments of worship facilities in higher education. This research uses a quantitative method with a survey approach, data sources were taken using a questionnaire from one hundred and thirty... more
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Sabah is a state of diverse ethnics and religions. Despite the multiracial and religious life, it is not a barrier for people in the state to work together in building a strong social institution. This can be seen from the establishment... more
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    • Worship
This chapter seeks to explore Indonesian Muslim women's philanthropic practices and their role in the public sphere. It considers the roles of Indonesian women in Islamic philanthropic organizations. It argues that there are differences... more
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      WomenPhilanthropyIslamic philanthropy
The concept of social justice philanthropy ideally has a strong foundation in Islamic teachings. However, research on Muslim communities in 2003 showed that this concept was still unknown, including in Indonesia. Even the term is new to... more
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      PhilanthropyIslamic philanthropySocial Justice Philanthropy
Over the past two decades studying philanthropy, I have studied Islamic philanthropy and observed significant growth in this sector, not only in organizational activities and studies but also in the movement itself. The recent mini-summit... more
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      PhilanthropyIslamic philanthropy
The purpose of this paper is to find out how important the role of amil zakat in the amil zakat al washaliyah institution is. This study uses an approach based on library research. Management of zakat by the government includes the... more
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Poverty is one of the most hotly debated subjects in international development. It is also discussed in all economic development and governmental policymaking. Every country in the world adopts poverty alleviation strategies since poverty... more
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    • Islamic philanthropy
The serious impact of Covid-19 also occurred in the economic sector, while economic activities did not run as it should so that the community could not work and could not meet their daily needs. This should not be directly about the... more
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      PovertyIslamEkonomi IslamCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Pelaksanaan CSR pada masa pandemi COVID-19 terkendala karena situasi yang tidak menentu dan tidak terbayangkan sebelumnya, sehingga berdampak pada pelaksanaan CSR yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk... more
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      BusinessCorporate Social ResponsibilityEmpowermentPandemic
Waqf is one of the instruments to overcome social and economic problems, meanwhile, agrarian reform is one of the programs that have access to land and is something fundamental for socio-economic development, poverty reduction for... more
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Masjid mempunyai potensi sebagai poros kegiatan Muslim. Potensi tersebut bisa terwujud jika pengurus mampu membuat kegiatan atraktif dengan pengalokasian dana yang tepat. Akan tetapi, ketiadaan pemetaan pemasukan dan pengeluaran laporan... more
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      BusinessRevenueCash FlowResidence
Zakat was a rather interesting discussion by economists in developing social islamic financial institutions. This is not a part of zakat's role in the past that really felt good in the era of Rasulullah, Khulafaur Rasyidin and up to Umar... more
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    • Islam
This research aims to find out how the strategy of Amil Zakat, Infak, and Shadaqah Muhammdiyah Ponorogo Institutions in alleviating poverty in Ponorogo Regency. Zakat institution was chosen because it has the advantage under the auspices... more
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      BusinessDocumentationPovertyData Collection
Covid 19 has disrupted the global economic steadiness. Countries worldwide are now struggling to survive and to recover from the pandemic. Among lesson learned from the crisis is that the economy needs more help from philanthropic... more
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      IslamWaqfPandemicCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan makna digitalisasi ziswaf, mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan cara kerja ZISWAF digital, dan menganalisis strategi dakwah yang bisa diterapkan kepada masyarakat terkait digitalisasi ziswaf.... more
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      HumanitiesIslamic Management
Berbagai upaya kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menanggulangi peningkatan kemiskinan telah diterapkan. Islam mempunyai kebijakan dalam menangani peningkatan kemiskinan, yaitu melalui isntrumen zakat. Namun yang perlu dipertanyakan apa... more
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    • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Welfare is desired by every individual and realized through efforts such as minimizing poverty and improving health as well as education. Law No. 23 of 2011, which regulates zakat management, has a significant impact on Baznas in managing... more
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Ramadan in the year of 2020 is the witness of global pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19 that significantly alters human behaviors. In response to the current phenomenon, the present study is conducted to scrutinize how the holy... more
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Purpose of the study: This paper aims to analyze how the Lazismu of Muhammadyah regional leadership (PDM) of Surabaya City collect to manage and distribute Islamic philanthropic funds (zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, and waqaf) to empower... more
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      BusinessQualitative ResearchIslamInstitution
Fulfilling household needs for a woman is required to be able to obtain and manage halal-sourced finances from a small and micro-entrepreneur. The trap of conventional and online loan sharks poses a significant risk to the borrower's... more
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    • Waqf Studies
This study aims to retrieve journal articles related to Islamic philanthropy over a span of 16 years and propose new pathways for future research. The study involved a bibliometric analysis of 122 publications on the subject registered in... more
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      Political ScienceIslamScopusIslamic Economic and Business
This study aims to identify problems, solutions, and strategies that hinder the use of Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) as an instrument for procuring health facilities in Indonesia as seen from the dimensions of waqif, promotion,... more
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The existence of waqf in Islam in addition to getting the pleasure and reward of Allah, is also a social service to humans. The form of waqf in social worship is in the form of community empowerment, social security, health, education,... more
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    • Islamic Economics
Islamic microfinance means a program that provides small loans to underprivileged people to undertake entrepreneurial projects that generate income to meet their personal needs based on shariah principle.Recently, Islamic microfinance has... more
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    • Islamic Economics
The development of paradigm prioritizes more on the economic development by maintaining social structure. The state takes an intervention role with several social programs to solve social issues. On the other hand, the charity tradition... more
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The spawning of Muslim philanthropic associations signifies an increasingly visible Islamic social and political activism, in Indonesia as elsewhere in the Muslim world. Acting as non-state welfare providers, the associations provide... more
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      SociologySoutheast Asian StudiesHuman RightsWelfare State
This study aims to retrieve journal articles related to Islamic philanthropy over a span of 16 years and propose new pathways for future research. The study involved a bibliometric analysis of 122 publications on the subject registered in... more
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      Political ScienceIslamScopusIslamic Economic and Business