Islamic philanthropy
Recent papers in Islamic philanthropy
Seiring dengan antusiasme masyarakat terhadap program pesantren yang semakin bertambah dari waktu ke waktu, dan dengan bertambah banyaknya jamaah, maka untuk menambah kenyamanan para jamaah dan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan ibadah, kami... more
Muslim entrepreneurs from Kerala, South India, are at the forefront of India's liberalizing economy, keen innovators who have adopted the business and labour practices of global capitalism in both Kerala and the Gulf. They are also... more
Islamic law secures certain rights for women regarding property: the right to control her own mahr (dowry), the right to inherit, the right to own property and to administer properties that she herself owns or that belong to others (for... more
Penulis: Amelia Fauzia dan Endi Aulia Garadian. Ini merupakan buku kecil yang merupakan dokumentasi kegiatan "making philanthropy works: social justice philanthropy mainstreaming among Indonesian millennials through social experiment... more
Scholarly research about philanthropy has de-emphasized informal giving to friends, neighbors and others in need. Yet, informal giving is a critical element of philanthropy, particularly in settings with less well-developed civil society... more
(MASA: MINIT KE 0:00-7:11) Shabana M. Hasan: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim…Assalamualaikum w.b.t…. bersama saya Shabana Hasan, di dalam Tijarah, program cakna kewangan Islam anda. Baiklah hari ini kita akan membincangkan mengenai kewangan... more
Philanthropic organizations or known as non-profit organizations in Malaysia currently having a high growth from it first existence from decades ago. The growth creates, among others, an issue on accountability especially on financial... more
This paper examines the waqf (religious endowment) deed of Tatarkhān (Cairo, Wizārat al-Awqāf, no. q913), the daughter of the Mamluk amir Ṭashtamur and explains the process by which the testamentary waqf, which was a waqf established... more
The duties of Amil Zakat as agency which has authority to manage zakat begins from planning, socializing, collecting, distributing and utilizing zakat, those duties require power support and financial support; Because all the works... more
Dunia sekarang lagi dilanda Pandemi Covid-19. Ada 34 provinsi di Indonesia yang tergolong zona merah terdampak Covid-19, termasuk Provinsi Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar). Penyebaran virus ini sangat cepat dan berdampak terhadap berbagai... more
UMKM memiliki peran strategis dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, bahkan dapat bertahan dari krisis yang terjadi pada 1997-1998 di Indonesia. Sayangnya, ketangguhan UMKM ini tidak berarti apa-apa dihadapkan COVID-19. Cash Waqf Linked... more
This paper discusses the role of zakat organizations as the emerging Third Sector in Indonesia. It presents the profiles of three currently leading zakat organizations: Rumah Zakat Indonesia (RZI), Dompet Dhuafa (DD), and Pos Keadilan... more
Muslim entrepreneurs from Kerala, South India, are at the forefront of India's liberalizing economy, keen innovators who have adopted the business and labour practices of global capitalism in both Kerala and the Gulf. They are also... more
Moneylending is a real humanitarian problem in Asian countries, including in Southeast Asia. This study examines moneylending activities in this region, where poor people become a target. An emergency need forces them to seek out a... more
Muslim entrepreneurs from Kerala, South India, are at the forefront of India's liberalizing economy, keen innovators who have adopted the business and labour practices of global capitalism in both Kerala and the Gulf. They are also... more
Muslim entrepreneurs from Kerala, South India, are at the forefront of India's liberalizing economy, keen innovators who have adopted the business and labour practices of global capitalism in both Kerala and the Gulf. They are also... more
This study aims to find out about the form of collection, management and potential of mosque-based philanthropy in Banyumas Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. While the data collection techniques using... more
The main demographic characteristics of this sample are given in . Half of the respondents were men (50.2%) and approximately three-fourths of the interviewees were married (73%). The average number of residents per interviewed households... more
UMKM memiliki peran strategis dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, bahkan dapat bertahan dari krisis yang terjadi pada 1997-1998 di Indonesia. Sayangnya, ketangguhan UMKM ini tidak berarti apa-apa dihadapkan COVID-19. Cash Waqf Linked... more
In Islamic philanthropy sector, especially, the charitable sector called ziswaf (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf), increasing accountability is believed to be able to increase trust, reputation, and even a solution to increase donation as... more
In Islamic philanthropy sector, especially, the charitable sector called ziswaf (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf), increasing accountability is believed to be able to increase trust, reputation, and even a solution to increase donation as... more
This book is a collection of Qur'anic verses and Prophet's traditions collected by scholars that could become a reference for practices of philanthropy for social justice. Buku ini berisi kumpulan ayat Al-Qur'an dan hadis yang... more
In the discussion of Muslim philanthropy, women are often portrayed chiefly as the beneficiaries, not as the principal agents, of philanthropic activities. Yet, throughout much of Islamic history, a number of Muslim women had contributed... more