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Dr. Nermeen Mouftah is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University and discussed literacy development in Egypt.
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      Development StudiesIslamic DevelopmentAnthropology of IslamIslam and Social Development
This research-based paper aims to develop a working concept of “Kota Santri” that sheds the light to formulation of Santri City Index. Our proposed index will not only contested western inspired Rehman-Askari Global Islamicity Index, but... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam in IndonesiaIslam and Social Development
Sub topic: Expansion of sciences and knowledge during Buyid dynasty (945-1055 A.D) Total Word count: Lecturer/Tutor: MS. Iram Rabbani
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      Islam and Human RightsHistory of CaliphatesBuyids (Islamic History)Islam and Social Development
" نظريات التنمية السياسية المعاصرة: دراسة نقدية مقارنة في ضوء المنظور الحضاري الإسلامي " القاهرة، دار القارئ العربي 1992، السعودية، الدار العالمية للكتاب الإسلامي 1995.
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    • Islam and Social Development
Je dédie ce travail ; À mes parents qui ont toujours été là pour moi. À ma soeur et mon frère : Laura et Grégory. À mes meilleurs amis : Axelle, Marc, Stefan, Aydin, Ricardo, Christian, et Simon.
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      Social MovementsSocial TheorySocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial Sciences
Das vorliegende Papier zur Religionsproblematik in Zentralasien und dem Süd-Kaukasus wendet sich einem wiederholt besprochenen Problem zu, welches aber unter alternativen, konfliktpräventiven Gesichtspunkten relativ gering erschlossen... more
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      Islam in Central AsiaIslam In Russia and the CaucasusIslam and Social Development
After the success of Gümüş/Noor, Turkish soap operas swept across the Middle East, bringing revenues to the booming Turkish TV industry and starting off the first reflections on the contribution of the television dramas to Turkey’s soft... more
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      TurkeyReligion and Social ChangeIslam in TurkeyModern Turkey
This research aims to develop a working concept of “Kota Santri” that sheds the light to formulation of Santri City Index. Three fundamental concepts of walayah, insaniyyah, and ma’ruf proposed as foundational scaffolding that deduced... more
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      Postcolonial TheoryIndigenizationIslam, Politics and GovernmentIslam and Social Development
Përmbajtja/Contents: Fjala jonë/Editorial: 1. Sayyid Ali Khamenei "Teuhidi dhe ndikimet e tij shoqërore"/ "Tawhid and Its Social Implications" UDC 28:316.3 2. Imam Ali "Parimet e qeverisjes islame:... more
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamIslamic Political ThoughtIslamic TheologyIslam and Social Development
Matters related to religion and faith are often accorded great importance by refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), and faith-based organizations (FBOs) are increasingly playing a critical role in performing refugee support... more
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      Refugee StudiesFaith Based OrganizationsIslam and Social DevelopmentIslamic Faith-based Organizations
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      Political TheoryMiddle East StudiesColonialismIslamic History
Revue internationale d'archéologie et de sciences sociales sur la péninsule Arabique/International Journal of Archaeology and Social Sciences in the Arabian Peninsula 1 | 2013 : Transformations dans le genre en péninsule Arabique... more
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      YemenIslamWomen´s Movements In YemenIslam and Social Development
In the paper Islamism is described as a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, changing and inconsistent phenomenon. Islamism possesses many levels and manifestations. It is impossible to comprehend modern Muslim (and all the more Arab)... more
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      Human ValuesPolitical AnthropologyRevolutionsModernization
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic StudiesIslamic BankingIslamic Finance
This research-based paper aims to develop a working concept of ‚Kota Santri‛ that sheds the light to instrumentation of Santri City Index. Our proposed index will not only contest western inspired Rehman-Askari Global Islamicity Index,... more
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      SociologyIndonesian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic StudiesIslamIslamic Banking