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In 37 bijdragen schetsen de auteurs een caleidoscopisch beeld van de stand van zaken op gebied van beeldvorming, geschiedenis, rituelen en feesten, moraal, politiek, islam als levensstijl, kunst en cultuur. De bijdragen zijn van... more
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      Middle East StudiesIslam in EuropeIslamic StudiesMuslims in Europe
Peut-on user d'instruments de musique? Participer à un concert? Chanter librement ce que l'on ressent? Ou faut-il se limiter à ce que l’on doit scander et qui semble conforme à la morale islamique? D’emblée, le fait musical des musulmans... more
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      Hip-Hop/RapIslamIslam and MusicSociology and Anthropology
The Introduction to this book is available here: Material culture has emerged in recent decades as a significant... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionAtheismMuseum Studies
The aim of the series Fut ūḥ al-buld ān/Sources for the Studiy of Islamic Societies societies is to publish original works with a multidisciplinary approach to Islamic history and societies, spanning from the ancient past to the present.... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesSufismOttoman Empire
How do Muslims who grew up after September 11 balance their love for hip-hop with their devotion to Islam? How do they live the piety and modesty called for by their faith while celebrating an art form defined, in part, by overt... more
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      Sociology of ReligionBlack Studies Or African American StudiesYouth StudiesPopular Music
An important body of scholarship has explored the salience of Sufism (‘mystical Islam’) in Senegal. Approaches have emphasized its social and political dimensions, while little attention has been devoted to the symbolic yet important role... more
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      Popular MusicIslamic StudiesContemporary SufismSenegal studies
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      Ottoman StudiesNotation (Music)Islam and MusicTurkish music
The Islamic world has long had an ambiguous attitude toward music and musical instruments. Though, as will be seen below, there is absolutely no Qur'anic prohibition against music, most severe Islamic theologians nevertheless enforce a... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
I develop an approach to the “poetics” of music and movement, vis-`a-vis language, in the context of popular Sufism in South Asia. Bringing Michael Herzfeld’s notion of “social poetics” into creative dialogue with Katherine Ewing’s... more
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      RitualAnthropology Of DanceEmbodimentIdentity (Culture)
For centuries, the notion of the sinfulness of music (singing, playing musical instruments, listening) served for its opponents as the basis for justifying the prohibition of art of music in Islam. According to tradition, the first... more
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      SufismIslam and Music
Il existe au niveau du thème du chant religieux islamique dans la littérature musicologique et ethnomusicologique plusieurs manières d'aborder ce sujet.
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      ReligionSociologyMusicMusic Education
Projet de patrimoine culturel immatériel
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      Islam and MusicGnawaMusiqueMisticism
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      MysticismSufismIbn ArabiIslam and Music
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyPersian Language
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      SufismEgyptIslam and MusicAhl Al Bayt
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      IconographySufismIslam and MusicAlevi Studies
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      CensorshipPopular MusicHuman RightsPakistan
Özet Osmanlı insanı için 19. yüzyıl, evveliyatında yaşanan zor süreçlerin artık sona erdiği, rahatça nefes alınan bir dönem değildir. Gerek siyasî gerek içtimaî alanda yaşanan zorluklarla beraber devletin ihtişamlı günlerinin arkaik... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicTurkish and Middle East StudiesHistory of Popular Music
This study presents a catalog of the music manuscripts that are preserved in the İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi (İstanbul University Rare and Manuscript Collections Library). This library is especially important for its... more
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      Music HistoryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireIslam and MusicOriental Studies
Musica ed estasi L'ascolto mistico nella tradizione sufi Roma, 2013, Squilibri (a cura e traduzione di Giovanni De Zorzi) Formato 15x21, pp. 303, 20 immagini a colori + 1 CD € 28 Nella tradizione sufi il termine samâ' (ascolto, audizione)... more
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      MusicSufismIslam and Music
The subject of the dhikr remains one of the unexplored areas of the Tatar religious culture today. The 'Tatar dhikr' has received adequate attention from researchers neither as part of the normative liturgical ritual, nor in the context... more
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      SufismIslam and Music
The primary goal of this article is to describe spiritual and religious considerations of music in Islamic spiritual care for enhancing spiritual care to Muslims. In medieval times in the Muslim world, music played an important role in... more
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      Mental HealthIslamic StudiesSpirituality & Counselling & PsychotherapyIslam and Music
Cet article, qui résulte d’une recherche exploratoire, interroge le syncrétisme islamo-complotiste présent sur la plateforme de partage de vidéos YouTube à travers les “décryptages” réalisés par le youtubeur Killuminaty au sujet de la... more
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      IslamNetnographyThe InternetYoutube
In the article, the book of the Ottoman Sufi Muhammad Yazidji-Oghlu Celebi (15th century) "Muhammadiyya" in the context of the culture of Russian Tatar Muslims of the 19th - early 20th century is discussed. Initially an "alien"... more
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      SufismIslam and MusicTatar history, culture and art
We trace the history of Indonesian Islamic metal bands, including Purgatory, Tengkorak and Kodusa, and the One Finger Movement that revolved around these bands (centred mainly on Jakarta). We look at the differences in symbols, heroes,... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIslam and MusicIndonesian IslamHeavy Metal Music
At the crossroads of major trade routes and characterised by intense human circulations, the area that encompasses northern Nigeria and southern Niger is a privileged space to study transnational religious dynamics. Islam is, indeed, an... more
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      Islamic EducationIslamNigeriaDa'wah
Cet article interroge les clips musicaux comme support du ressenti religieux islamique et la manière dont ce dernier est exprimé et circule sur le Web. Il vise à montrer comment ces productions sont un moyen de porter et de diffuser le... more
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      Self and IdentityIslamThe InternetIslam and Music
This article examines the global human rights activism of young Muslims through their participation in hip-hop culture. The increased awareness of their Muslim identity in the post-September 11 era inadvertently influences and permeates... more
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesPopular CultureYouth Culture
Wéré music is a genre practiced exclusively by the Muslim population of the Yoruba tribe, who reside primarily in South West Nigeria, Benin and Togo. The group claim Arabic ancestry, which is contested by Western scholars – a... more
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      EthnomusicologyAfricaAfrican MusicNigeria
Können Juden, Christen und Muslime miteinander singen? Können sie ihre sakrale Musik miteinander teilen? Kann Musik gar zu einem Aktivposten im interreligiösen Dialog werden? In zahlreichen Gesprächen wurden jüdische, christliche und... more
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      MusicMusic EducationIslam and MusicMusik
While numerous studies on Islamic political movements are concerned with their engagement in party coalitions and the state, surprisingly few scholars have investigated the cultural life of Islamist groups. This article explores how the... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPopular CulturePolitical AnthropologyMalaysia
The discussion about barzanji is not only in the theological debate, but also in the cultural debate. The paradigm of sunnah and bid’ah that has contained. the study of Islamic theology has been developed in to cultural studies that puts... more
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      Cultural StudiesKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesSufism
Music is the core of mystical experience in Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, at least for those who have spent major chunks of their time in South Asia in Sufi dergahs, as have I. Here is an effort to make sense of how the dominant Sufi... more
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      SufismTariqa SufismIslamic MysticismIslam and Music
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      South Asian StudiesMusic and PoliticsPakistanIslam and Music
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      Cult of SaintsTurkish and Middle East StudiesSufismTurkish Islam
The use of music in religious traditions is a complicated subject. Some say it doesn’t have any place in religion while others see it as an essential part of their spiritual life. How one defines music, and indeed religion, can differ... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMusicWest Africa
TATAR THEOLOGIANS ON PERMISSIBILITY OF MUSIC IN ISLAM The question of permissibility of music (singing, playing on musical instruments) and listening to music in Islam is a subject of incessant discussions, which can be seen in... more
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      Islam and MusicTatar history, culture and art
Scholary works on Sufism have been almost entirely concerned with the classical textual tradition and have given scant attention to the contemporary practice of Sufism. Such Studies as have been done in Egypt inadequately reflect actual... more
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      HistoryMiddle East StudiesSufismEgypt
The Bandung (Indonesia) Death Metal scene is known for its secular orientation whereby religion and religious belief are viewed as personal matters that should be restricted to the private realm. Metalheads may freely go the mosque or... more
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      Popular MusicIndonesian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam and Music
Written in German for Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (eds.: R. W. Stoll & F. Lamberty), IV/2010. Nie zuvor wurde in der zeitgenössischen Musik die Auseinandersetzung mit fremden Traditi-onen so umfassend gefördert wie heute. Die... more
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      Near Eastern StudiesMiddle East StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesTurkey
The second half of the 1990s saw the emergence of a new, distinctive type of Afghan poetry, the Taliban tarana performed in Pashto by one or more vocalists without instrumental accompaniment and characterised by the melodic modes of local... more
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      MusicCensorshipPopular MusicPoetry
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      MusicIslamic StudiesSufismIslam
Oleh Kartika Cahyaningrum C0314018 JURUSAN SASTRA INGGRIS FAKULTAS SASTRA DAN SENI RUPA UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET 2014 mencakup semua yang diwahyukan Allah SWT kepada Rasulullah Muhammad SAW berupa syari'ah dan akidah. Terlepas dari itu... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamIslam and Music
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Islam and MusicBosnia and IslamSufi MusicBosnian Muslims
We trace the history of Indonesian Islamic metal bands, including Purgatory, Tengkorak and Kodusa, and the One Finger Movement that revolved around these bands (centred mainly on Jakarta). We look at the differences in symbols, heroes,... more
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      Popular MusicIndonesian StudiesIslam and MusicIndonesian Islam
During the 1980s, Julien Jalâl Ed-Dine Weiss, founder of the Al-Kindi ensemble of Aleppo, invented a qānūn in just intonation with which he attempted to solve a major discrepancy between the theory and practice of maqām-scales. Weiss... more
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      Music HistoryMicrotonal MusicMusic and PoliticsCross-Cultural Studies
Both music and love are conspicuously absent from the public soundscapes of Hargeysa, Somaliland. But behind closed doors, people listen to love songs. In doing so, these lonely love sufferers and love hopefuls make sense of various... more
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      EthnomusicologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyListening (Music)Intimacy
This book is a sociological study of Muslim youth culture based on original ethnographic fieldwork in two global cities in the Asia Pacific: Singapore and Sydney. Muslims in Singapore and Sydney face similar challenges, such as their... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of ReligionCultural Sociology
An important body of scholarship has explored the salience of Sufism (‘mystical Islam’) in Senegal. Approaches have emphasized its social and political dimensions, while little attention has been devoted to the symbolic yet important role... more
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      Popular MusicIslamic StudiesContemporary SufismSenegal studies