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In 37 bijdragen schetsen de auteurs een caleidoscopisch beeld van de stand van zaken op gebied van beeldvorming, geschiedenis, rituelen en feesten, moraal, politiek, islam als levensstijl, kunst en cultuur. De bijdragen zijn van Joseph Alagha, Edien Bartels, Carmen Becker, Maurits Berger, Nicolet Boekhoff-van der Voort, Gert Borg, Marjo Buitelaar, Henk Driessen, Dick Douwes, Annemarie van Geel, Martijn de Koning, Khadija Kadrouch-Outmany, Christian Lange, Nina ter Laan, Roel Meijer, Karin van Nieuwkerk, Thijl Sunier, Rachida Talal-Azimi, Claudia Venhorst en Joas Wagemakers. Deel 2 in de gelijknamige serie Islam in verandering behandelt een breed scala aan onderwerpen en maakt ingewikkelde thema’s begrijpelijk voor wie zich in de publieke discussie wil mengen.
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 1996
De Zeventiende eeuw, 2014
Tijdschrift over cultuur & criminaliteit, 2017
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In the 1950'sand 1960's, the Roman Catholic priest Han Fortmann (1912-1970) was the first to teach such not uncontroversial topics as the psychology and anthropology of religion at the Catholic University, at Nijmegen. However, through his newspaper articles and his radio broadcasts, his influence reached far beyond Academia. Articulating his own views and doubts on contemporary (Dutch) Catholicism, he became a popular figure, an icon almost of critical Catholicism. As this essay shows, both in his major study, Als Ziende de Onzienlijke (1964-1968) and in subsequent publications, he felt increasingly disenchanted with the cultural and moral-religious vitality of the western world. Consequently, he stressed the need for an exploration of and a dialogue with eastern religions, mainly Hinduism and Buddhism, to regenerate the life and culture of western man, to show him the way from the 'I' to the 'not-I'. His own research seems to have led him to accept that man...
Ghaly, Mohammed, "Islam en Darwin: De receptie van Darwin en de evolutietheorie in de Islamitische traditie[Islam and Darwin: the reception of the evolution theory in the Islamic tradition]", in Alfred Driessen & Gerard Nienhuis (eds.), Evolutie: Wetenschappelijk model of seculier geloof [Evolution: Scientific model or secular belief], Kok, 2010, pp.
Atlánticas. Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas, 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
P. Delev et al. (eds.). Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality. The Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Thracology, Kazanlak, September 3–7, 2017, 2022
Encyclopedia of Religion and War (1st ed.). New York: Berkshire/Routledge, 2004, 342-347, 2004
Media Industries Journal, 2015
Ephraïm Nlandu, 2011
The OECD and the U.S. Regarding Risk Allocation, 2018
Kunst :: Wissenschaft, 2019
Quinze anos da Lei de Drogas: o que deu errado?
Pedagógusképzés, 2023
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2013
Revista de Cirugía, 2021
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, 2016
Ciencia latina, 2021
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2016
From "Homo Homini: Essays in Jewish Philosophy presented by his students to Professor Warren Zev Harvey", 2016
Revista Educação Especial, 2016
Physiology international, 2017