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The following paper aims to demonstrate how the hermeneutic analysis of the religious phenomenon called "Gnosticism" was conducted in a slightly wrong direction by some American scholars and should therefore be reconsidered by using the... more
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    • Gnosticism
Poster presented at the ManuSciences course organised by École Pratique des Hautes Études/Université PSL, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (Universität Hamburg), and Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (Berlin),... more
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      Digital HumanitiesGreek manuscripts
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
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      GnosticismEarly ChristianityPlatonismJustin Martyr
This essay will consider a core principle driving contemporary interpretation, namely, suspicion. Just as Pope Benedict XVI famously called for a “criticism of criticism,” so also those studying the Fathers must evaluate the foundational... more
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      TheologyHermeneuticsEarly ChristianityTheological Hermeneutics
,,The Olive Tree and the Messiah"-Ephremian theopoetics /rom type to archetype. 1 Saint Ephrem the Syrian is an exeget of the Scripture, a poet of being and a theologian of the Revelation. He virtuously mastered the biblical typology, but... more
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    • Patristic Theology
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      GospelsIrenaeusNew Testament Canon FormationFourfold Gospel
Abstract: This essay considers two scribal projects from antiquity that record a belief that some New Testament authors at times cited the work of other New Testament writers.
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      Greek PapyrologyNew Testament Textual CriticismMarginaliaCodex Vaticanus
This book review takes a critical look at Dr. Michael J. Svigel's new book The Fathers on the Future: A 2nd-Century Eschatology for the 21st-Century Church and the premise that Irenaean eschatology is an valuable lens through which Bible... more
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      IrenaeusEschatologyEarly Church FathersChurch Fathers
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      PatristicsAncient JudaismCristology
The Epideixis of Irenaeus of Lyons is known to us only in its Armenian translation. In Epideixis 43 appears a Hebrew quotation both transliterated and translated rst from Hebrew to Greek and then from Greek to Armenian. is quotation – as... more
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      PatristicsHebrew BibleClassical ArmenianPatristic Exegesis
In the Epideixis by St Irenaeus of Lyons, a work originally written in Greek but only transmitted in an Armenian translation, the otherwise unattested compound verb շքակոխեմ occurs twice, with զմեր զփրկութիւնն (or զփրկութիւնս), ‘our... more
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      PatristicsClassical ArmenianIrenaeus of Lyons
A Study on Irenaeus Teaching' on Revelation and Tradition
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      Irenaeus of LyonIrenaeus of LyonsIreneo di LioneIreneo de Lyon
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      History of ChristianityLand and Property DevelopmentEarly ChristianityProperty
On the heels of the last apostle’s death, Ignatius of Antioch journeys across Asia Minor toward his own death in the Roman colosseum. On his way he writes seven letters to the Asiatic churches that are of extraordinary interest because of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesPatristicsSacramental TheologyEucharistic Theology
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The present text revisits Niebuhr’s classical work from 1951 and analyses, in the form of a counter-typology, three misunderstandings that have been characterizing its reception. These concern the fundamental project of the work (I); the... more
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      EpistemologyReinhold NiebuhrChurchAnthopology
Une « image de Jésus faite par Pilate » (formam Christi factam a Pilato) est mentionnée dans le Contre les hérésies 1, 25, à propos des gnostiques, et plus particulièrement des disciples de Carpocrate. Le passage d’Irénée est repris avec... more
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      GnosticismEarly ChristianityIrenaeusEarly Christian Apocryphal Literature
En Adversus haereses 2.33-34, Ireneo rechaza la perspectiva platónica de la preexistencia del alma, y su relato de un demonio que sirve la bebida del Leteo, el río del olvido. El argumento de Ireneo aparece en el contexto de una polémica... more
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      IrenaeusIrenaeus of Lyons
In Adversus haereses 2.33-34, Irenaeus rejects the Platonic view of the pre-existence of the soul, and his tale of a daemon who serves up the drink from the Lethe, the river of forgetfulness. Irenaeus' argument appears in the context of a... more
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      IrenaeusIrenaeus of Lyons
This study examines the spiritual dimension of salt by exploring the religious symbolism attributed to salt in the Old Testament and patristic writings. We will deepen the biblical episode of the transformation of Lot's wife into a pillar... more
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      PatristicsBiblical StudiesOld TestamentSymbolism
The comparison that Justin Martyr makes between the Christianity to which he converted and the traditional cults of his time has two sides that make Justin’s religiosity essentially ambiguous. On the one hand, Justin critically attributes... more
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      GnosticismEarly ChristianityNeoplatonismInterreligious Dialogue
This paper will examine Irenaeus’ theology of the Imago Dei, focusing on his understanding of humanity’s creation in God’s image, how image and likeness are differentiated, sins effects upon the Imago Dei and God’s ultimate plan of... more
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      TheologyIrenaeusPatristic ExegesisPatristic Studies
Negli ultimi quarant’anni molti progressi nella conoscenza della teologia, liturgia e spiritualità di Aquileia cristiana si devono all’acquisizione di nuove fonti letterarie e alla conseguente possibilità di supporre precisi influssi... more
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      Ancient IllyriaSt JeromeAquileiaHymnography
Fortunaziano: organico testimone della tradizione 'aquileiese'? A quale titolo un antico autore cristiano latino può essere definito 'aquileiese'? Al di là di dati estrinseci, come la nascita o l'attività entro l'area geografica della... more
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      Early Church FathersAquileiaPassoverEaster
mappa sintetica della prospettiva escatologica di Ireneo di Lione
[chi fosse interessato all'articolo intero mi contatti]
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      Irenaeus of LyonsEscathology
A detailed presentation on the theology of the early Church Fathers on Blogging Theology.
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      TrinityIrenaeusOrigenTrinity (Theology)
Thèmes évoqués, entre autres et dans le désordre : chasses au trésor ; Veau d'or ; souterrains ; légendes/traditions ; croyances ; superstitions ; pseudo-archéologie ; ésotérisme ; archéoastronomie ; martyrs chrétiens ; toponymie ;... more
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      Roman GaulRoman SculptureArcheoastronomyLyon
What did the early church think about the nature of Scripture? Would they be in agreement with modern evangelicals and their affirmations of the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture? This book looks at one often forgotten second-century... more
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      Early ChurchHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonDoctrine of ScriptureChristian Apologetics
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    • Spirituality & Mysticism
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The research paper discusses the development of the doctrine of the Church during the time of the church fathers. It focuses on the differences between the eastern and the western understanding.
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      PatristicsChurch HistoryAugustine of HippoIrenaeus of Lyons
San Ireneo de Lyon, por siglos, no tuvo una oración colecta, mientras que distinta fue la suerte de san Cipriano de Cartago desde los albores del cristianismo. La relación entre ellos supera el aspecto literario y doctrinal de sus obras,... more
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      Latin LiteratureHistorical TheologyPatristics, Hagiography, Monastic and Cultural History of Athos and ThessalonikiCyprian of Carthago
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      PneumatologyTheology and ScienceScience and TheologyIrenaeus of Lyons
Among the authentic Greek fragments of the works of Irenaeus of Lyon, two of them are taken from his Epistle to Victor and reported by Eusebius of Caesarea within the dossier on Easter question around the last decade of 2nd century. Going... more
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      TheologyPatristicsBiblical StudiesIrenaeus
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Prior to the discovery of the Nag Hammadi codices, the characterization of Valentinian teachings primarily relied on the heresiological writings of the early Church Fathers. Based on this, a consensus (cf. Bultmann) emerged that... more
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      GnosticismEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
This tenth chapter of the book Early Christianity in Contexts provides a history of the origins and spread of Christianity in the Roman Western provinces and surrounding regions such as Caledonia (Scotland), Hibernia (Ireland), and... more
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      History of ChristianityEarly ChristianityRoman GaulIonia
In the nineteenth century, Christian clergy in Western Europe feared what they saw as a general dechristianization, or decline of participation in the churches. They saw a decline of faith both among intellectual elites, as a result of... more
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The fourfold covenant (Adam, Noah, Moses and Christ) expounded by Irenaeus of Lyons in Adversus Haereses (3,11,8) was called into question in various ways in the second half of the last century by Catholic theologians. The aim of this... more
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      Covenant TheologyIrenaeusTheology of ReligionsTheology of Religion
Walter Kasper, Un rapporto interrotto con la modernità. Riflessioni sulla mia prima disputa con Joseph Ratzinger, 7-16 Ezio Prato, La storia, il nostro problema più grande? Appunti sul confronto fra Joseph Ratzinger e Walter Kasper,... more
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      EthicsPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlIrenaeus
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      PatristicsEarly Christianity
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    • Humanities
Keeping the unity of the Church is the most important concern of St. Ignatius of Antioch (†107). In his letters he reveals a well-developed ecclesiastical doctrine, in which the church hierarchy has a crucial role, serving the community... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityEarly Church FathersHierarchy
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      Canon LawRomanian Orthodox ChurchCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian Church
The present study deepens the Exegesis of the Holy Scriptures to the Holy Fathers regarding the Church. Appreciating the world of their time through the lens of Scripture, the Holy Fathers knew how to be guides of their time, readers of... more
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    • Art
ABSTRACT: In this paper the author analyses the historical development of different clerical voices starting from the difference and relation between natural, universal, and ordained priesthood. By starting from these dogmatic... more
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      History of the ClergyLaityCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchChurch and laity
La concepción y el nacimiento del Señor en Ireneo se puede analizar desde distintos aspectos. Desde hace décadas se ha venido estudiando desde la mariología. Se puede comparar la doctrina de Ireneo con respecto a sus adversarios: los... more
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityChristologySoteriology
Among the Greek witnesses to the famous passage of Irenaeus of Lyon on the Fourfold Gospel in Adversus haereses III, 11, 8, there is an excerpt transmitted by a manuscript in the Sevastianov collection of the former Lenin Library in... more
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      Irenaeus of LyonsGreek Manuscripts and Textual Criticism
A short commentary on 1 Peter.
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    • 1 Peter, New Testament, Catholic Epistles