Theology of Religion
Recent papers in Theology of Religion
(English below) «Propuesta teórica» con que la Comisión Teológica Internacional de la EATWOT lanza el «Nuevo Paradigma Arqueológico-Bíblico», para su estudio académico y su utilización pedagógica y pastoral. A short but... more
Il confronto tra il cristianesimo e le altre religioni oggi necessita di essere compreso e riconfigurato nel contesto della pluralità delle tradizioni religiose. Il pluralismo incide sulle culture e sulle società coinvolgendo il modo di... more
La mayor parte de los estudios sobre el conocimiento religioso suelen centrarse en sus aspectos teóricos. La atracción por la objetividad, característica de la modernidad, ha conducido a situar el conocimiento religioso en el contexto... more
181 "Es ist gleich tödlich für den Geist", schreibt Friedrich Schlegel im 53. Athenäum-Fragment, "ein System zu haben, und keins zu haben. Er wird sich wohl entschließen müssen, beides zu verbinden." 1 Auch Fundamentaltheologen (und nicht... more
India being a multi-cultural state in terms of religion, socio- economic and political; the search for ‘Cultural Integration’ is the call to integrate our theology to become fully theological praxis. Now, in a multi- religious context,... more
Tomando como punto de partida las reacciones que suscitó la declaración “Dominus Iesus” se examina el contexto de este documento, su valor doctrinal y los antecedentes en otros documentos del magisterio de la Iglesia. Seguidamente se... more
In this paper it is argued that the typology in the theology of religions is not usefully constructed in strictly demarcated boundaries, but that the fluidity of the boundaries needs to be recognised. Employing previously expounded ideas... more
Argues that biblical and theological resources call Christians to a theology of radical openness to religious Others, especially through the motif of hospitality.
Recentrando el papel futuro de la religión: humanizar la Humanidad. El papel de la religión en la sociedad futura va a ser netamente espiritual
Lansând o viziune interdisciplinară (elemente de istoria culturii și a ideilor, religii comparate, sinologie, teologie comparată, literatură comparată), China harului vă invită la o călătorie în profunzimea universului cultural chinez, în... more
Jacques Dupuis (1923-2004) was a Belgian Jesuit and one of the Roman Catholic Church’s leading theologians of religion. Dupuis’ magnum opus remains Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism. In that work Dupuis attempts to... more
Aproximación al significado de la expresión FRANCISCO CON ESA SUMARIO: 1. El desarrollo del concepto «vera religio». 2. La doctrina del Concilio Vaticano JJ y el magisterio posterior. 3. El significado de la expresión «religión... more
Nuestra existencia entera se encuentra orientada hacia el encuentro final con Dios. También nuestro conocimiento de la verdad se encuentra situado en una perspectiva escatológica. En efecto, nuestro conocer, aun alcanzando la verdad, que... more
Agama cenderung memenjarakan Allah dalam rumusannya. Bahkan, bukan tidak mungkin kalau agama bisa menggantikan Allah - kalau ini terjadi, inilah yang disebut pemberhalaan agama - Biarlah Allah tetap menjadi Allah dan agama -... more
Brevísima presentación, en sólo 500 palabras, del llamado «paradigma pos-religional», la hipótesis de trabajo que la Comisión Teológica Latinoamericana de la EATWOT pone a debate tanto desde las ciencias de la religión como desde la... more
Después de una época clásica de esplendor en la primera mitad del siglo pasado, la arqueología interesada por la investigación sobre los orígenes del judeocristianismo se ha transformado profundamente, hablándose, con diferentes enfoques,... more
In his study The Romanians. A Historical Summary, Mircea Eliade makes reference to the material and spiritual culture of the Geto-Dacians and of the ancestors. Taking over the thesis of Vasile Pârvan, the Romanian historian of religions,... more
This paper sits within the field of Christian-Buddhist Comparative Theology and will explore the concept of the crucifixion in relation to Chinese Buddhist images of suffering bodhisattvas. While the bodhisattva is normally portrayed as... more
[En español después] This is the presentation of the new Post-religious Paradigm proposed by the International Theological Commission of EATWOT after collecting data and answers to its Theological Consultation, all presented at the... more
Although the experience of religious diversity has always been a factor in the formation of Christian doctrine, the role of these experiences, and of embodied experience in general, as a source of Christian theology has been... more
The question is usually approached through an analysis of the three major views regarding other faiths. We can't accommodate that discussion here, but let me point some of my earlier writings that deal with the views, viz pluralism,... more
Refusing to isolate Panikkar's concerns with the Hindu-Christian dialogue from much larger theological and biblical debates occurring in the period before and during the Vatican Council II, this book suggests that the unknown Christ of... more
This paper uses Douglas Pratt’s typology of religious extremism and fundamentalism to argue that John Milbank’s Radical Orthodoxy employs styles of rhetoric and representation of the religious Other that have clear affinities with such... more
Dorin Oancea's theological profile is very complex. While his friends and collaborators from different parts of the world know him primarily as a bridge-builder between Eastern and Western Christian traditions, for his students he is the... more
Review of two recent English Language Books by Perry Schmidt-Leukel: God Beyond Boundaries: A Christian and Pluralist Theology of Religions (2017), and Religious Pluralism and Interreligious Theology: The Gifford Lectures - An Extended... more
ABSTRAK Al-Quran adalah mukjizat Rasulullah s.a.w dan petunjuk abadi bagi umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Al-Quran memaparkan kisah para nabi dan rasul sentiasa berdialog dengan umat masing-masing dalam usaha menyampaikan kebenaran Islam. Ini... more
Rémi Chéno è un teologo domenicano francese. Le sue opere ora si concentrano maggiormente sulla teologia cristiana delle religioni. Dal 2013 vive al Cairo e si occupa di teologia del dialogo interreligioso, oltre ad essere segretario... more
Review of the book dealing with some basic NT texts connected to the theology of religion.
Henning Wrogemann, the Chair for Mission Studies, Comparative Religion, and Ecumenics at the Protestant University Wuppertal/Bethel, Germany, in A Theology of Interreligious Relations proposes to move away from a cognitive interpretation... more
The Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an, General editor Jane Dammen McAuliffe (Brill, 2001), my entry of "Anatomy in the Qur'an." An assessment of how scholars understood Qur'anic views anatomy, body, flesh, as it is related to pious believers... more
Cet article est une réponse en miroir à des travaux sur la théologie chrétienne de l’islam. Dans une étude analogique et complémentaire à celles des théologiens chrétiens, l’auteur tente de formuler un noyau de théologie islamique du... more