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The Passion of the Christ have run the gamut from high praise to condemnation for excessive violence and antisemitism. Outlining some key observations of the psychology of antisemitism, this article explores how Gibson's film may or may... more
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      AntisemitismIdealizationSplittingPassion of the Christ
Elgin has argued that scientific models that are, strictly speaking, inaccurate representations of the world, are epistemically valuable because the "falsehoods" they contain are "felicitous". Many, including Elgin herself, have... more
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      PhilosophyUnderstandingModeling and SimulationScientific Realism
The rise of Trump is in part due to a paranoid-schizoid politics found both in the personality of Trump himself and in a large-scale regression of many in the populace to a more primitive state of denial, splitting, and demonization. The... more
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      Julia KristevaMelanie KleinIdealizationDonald Trump
Przedmiotem pracy jest problem osobliwości rozwojowych społeczeństw środkowo-europejskich: Czech, Węgier i Polski, która rozpatrywana jest w perspektywie metodologicznej, teoretycznej i historiograficznej. Książka składa się z... more
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      Czech HistoryPost-colonial Studies (Belarusian Studies)Polish HistoryCentral European history
Deductionism assimilates nature to conceptual artifacts (models, equations), and tacitly holds that real physical systems are such artifacts. Some physical concepts represent properties of deductive systems rather than of nature.... more
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      Formal Methods (Formal Verification)Deductive reasoningMathematical ModellingIndeterminacy
The numerical simulation using Finite Element (FE) method is a main activity in the design - validation process of mechanical products. Using this method and CAD tools can give an efficient advantage in the CAD - Analysis loop. The... more
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      Geometry And TopologyAlgorithmsFinite Element MethodsComputer Aided Design
Özet " Tarihselcilik " , Rönesans'ta Batı'da ortaya çıkmaya başlayan ama 19. yüzyılda tamamen belirginleşen ve bütün düşünce alanlarını etkileyen hâkim bir dünya görüşüdür. Ulusallaşmak ile tarihselleşmek arasında zorunlu bir bağlantı... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureFolk CultureHigh CultureIdealization
В статье феноменология Гуссерля рассматривается как определенный проект обоснования науки. Своеобразие феноменологического обоснования науки подчеркивается в ходе сравнения понимания науки у Гуссерля с некоторыми концепциями философии... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlHusserlExperience
A series of five mysterious, portraitlike images produced by Sandro Botticelli's workshop in the late fifteenth century shows the same female sitter, bust length, in profile, with an extremely ornate hairstyle. These images are difficult... more
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      Images of womenIdealizationSandro BotticelliRenaissance Florence
Using the ideal gas law as a comparative example, this essay reviews contemporary research in philosophy of science concerning scientific explanation. It outlines the inferential, causal, unification, and erotetic conceptions of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScience education-curriculum and pedagogyIdealizationScientific explanation
The early work of Noam Chomsky (1965) has been described by Leszek Nowak as the “idealization turn in linguistics” (Nowak, 1979, 1971, 2000). Nowak claims further that only after Chomsky, linguistics has became a mature science. Prior to... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceResearch MethodologyNoam ChomskyGenerative linguistics
Agent-based modelling has become a well-established method in social epistemology and philosophy of science but the question of what kind of explanations these models provide remains largely open. This paper is dedicated to this issue. It... more
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      IdealizationExploration and Exploitation of KnowledgeAgent-Based Modelling and Simulation (ABMS)
The authors of this book reconstruct the philosophical, methodological and theoretical assumptions of non-Marxian historical materialism, a theory of historical process authored by Leszek Nowak (1943-2009), a co-founder of the Poznań... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophy of HistoryAnalytical MarxismPolish Studies
The first part of this book contains a selection of Leszek Nowak’s (1943-2009) works on non-Marxian historical materialism, which are published here in English for the first time. In these papers, Nowak constructs a dynamic model of... more
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      Sociology of ReligionOttoman HistoryMarxismReligion and Politics
Leszek Nowak – jeden z najwybitniejszych polskich filozofów powojennych – jest twórcą trzech oryginalnych i wnikliwych teorii filozoficznych: nie-marksowskiego materializmu historycznego, negatywistycznej metafizyki unitarnej oraz... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModeling and SimulationNaturalismIdealization
The aim of this essay is to emphasize a number of important points that will provide a better understanding of the history of philosophical thought concerning scientific knowledge. The main points made are: (a) that the principal way of... more
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      History of Philosophy of ScienceAbstractionIdealizationIdealizational Theory of Science
The author in terms of idealizational theory of science explicates two approaches to history represented by positivism (Carl G. Hempel) and narrativism (Hayden White). According to positivism, history is branch of science, according to... more
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      NarrativeNarratologyPhilosophy of HistoryPostmodernism
Philosophy of science offers a rich lineage of analysis concerning the nature of scientific explanation, but the vast majority of this work, aiming to provide an analysis of the relation that binds a given explanans to its corresponding... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceIdealizationScientific explanationIdealization, explanation and understanding
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
In recent years, the problem of idealization has been one of the central issues discussed in philosophy of science. This volume gathers original essays written by well-known philosophers. The papers address the method of idealization and... more
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      MetaphysicsPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceSocial Philosophy
Resumen: La pintura es uno de los medios más fáciles y eficaces de crear la arquitectura en clave poética. Tal aserto se comprueba fácilmente en la producción pictórica italiana del Trecento y el Quattrocento. Estudiando las obras de la... more
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The aim of this book is to explain economic dualism in the history of modern Europe. The emergence of the manorial-serf economy in the Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary in the 16th and the 17th centuries was the result of a cumulative impact... more
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      Economic HistoryCzech HistoryCentral European historyEarly Modern Europe
"Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceModelingScientific RepresentationMathematical Modelling
Faculty of Philosophy at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and Polish Philosophical Association, Poznań Division invite for an online discussion on the book of Giacomo Borbone, "The Relevance of Models. Idealization and Concretization in... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceAnalytical MarxismContemporary Italian PhilosophyPolish Studies
Tiyatro, hayatı sahnede yansılayan bir sanattır. Günlük hayattan kişiler, olaylar, toplumsal yapı, yazarın bakış açısına göre kurgulanarak, bir söylem oluşturmak üzere yeniden yaratılır. Tiyatro sanatı Antik’ten günümüze, mesajını kimi... more
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      PlaywritingTheatreTurkish TheatreIdealization
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      Philosophy of ScienceScientific ModelsScientific RepresentationModelling
The article is an analysis of the contemporary Polish discourse on Galicia, which in spite of its (greater or smaller) critical ambitions, turn out to be permeated by the Galician myth. The expressions of this myth include the following... more
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      Travel WritingGalician StudiesSpace and PlaceLanguage and Ideology
Çağdaş Türk oyun yazarlığında
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      Theatre StudiesContemporary ArtPlaywritingIdealization
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja statusu i zastosowania metody modelowej zakładanej w idealizacyjnej teorii nauki. Artykuł składa się z następujących części: 1. „Modelowanie w nauce. Dwa przykłady”; 2. „Idealizacja a abstrakcja i... more
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      TotalitarianismPolish StudiesModellingAbstraction
The purpose of this book is to discuss the revival of analytical philosophy of history proposed by Paul A. Roth, a world-known analytical philosopher of the social sciences and the humanities. The first four papers outline the reasons for... more
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      NarrativeHistoriographyNarrative MethodsPhilosophy of History
The principal task of the book series "Poznan Studies in-the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities" is to promote the development of the philosophy which would respect both the tradition of great philosophical ideas and the manner... more
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      HegelMarxist theoryG.W.F. HegelAbstraction
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This paper is a response to David Sobel's response to my "Why Idealize?". Because this looks like history of philosophy, I need to explain: "Why Idealize" was published in 2005, and Sobel's reply in 2009. I proceeded to immediately write... more
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      MetaethicsMoral RealismIdealizationResponse-Dependence
The aim of this article is to explicate the basic types of comparative analysis used in historical-comparative sociology, within the conceptual framework of the idealizational theory of science (ITS), and to determine the usefulness and... more
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      Historical SociologySocial Research Methods and MethodologyComparative HistoryFrench Revolution
According to a simple version of the moral theory called rule consequentialism, what we ought to do is determined by which sets of rules it would be best if everyone followed. This view, however, faces a problem sometimes called the ideal... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsConsequentialismRule-consequentialism
The volume addresses a problem rarely discussed by philosophers - the question of provincialism in science (in the broadest sense of the term). There are only a few great centers of science, which attract funding and provide almost ideal... more
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      Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesMethodologyHistoriography
Zgromadzone w tomie teksty można podzielić na trzy grupy: Do pierwszej należą artykuły, których autorzy rekonstruują w świetle aparatury pojęciowej idealizacyjnej teorii nauki założenia tkwiące u podstaw metody typów idealnych Maxa Webera... more
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      ModernizationAnalytical MarxismMax Weber (Philosophy)Ernst Cassirer
Scientists and Bayesian statisticians often study hypotheses that they know to be false. This creates an interpretive problem because the Bayesian probability assigned to a hypothesis is typically interpreted as the probability that the... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceGeneral Philosophy of SciencePragmatic encroachment
This paper has two main purposes. Its primary purpose is to present the reception of the discussion between positivism and narrativism in Polish methodology of history. A secondary one is to paraphrase, using the notion apparatus of the... more
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      NarrativePhilosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryPolish Studies
Praca jest analizą, filozoficzną i metodologiczną, dwóch nurtów współczesnego językoznawstwa ogólnego: generatywizmu i kognitywizmu. Jest ona prowadzona w aparacie Idealizacyjnej Teorii Nauki. Przedmiotem analizy są wybrane założenia... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsLinguisticsNoam ChomskyGenerative linguistics
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      The big fiveAssortative MatingInterpersonal Romantic RelationshipsIdealization
Discussions about abstraction are often vitiated by an original sin. When Boethius introduced the term "abstractio"‚ into Latin, he was using it to translate two different Greek words: the Aristotelean "aphairesis"‚ and the Platonic... more
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1648 Westphalia ile şekillenmeye başlamış olsa da tam manası ile Birinci Dünya Savaşı akıbetin de modern devlete geçiş süreci ile başlayan Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplini göz ardı edilemeyecek kadar ehemmiyet kazanmıştır. Diğer Sosyal... more
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      IdealizationUluslararası Ilişkiler Teorisi1. Dünya Savaşı
The artist Mike Kelley's work concepts are borrowed from historical facts, cultural phenomenas and psychoanalysis. Just like a conceptual artist Mike Kelley transforms ideas to objects. He writes texts and poems, he deals with caricature,... more
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      Contemporary ArtSigmund FreudIdealizationContemporary Sublime
Esta investigación procura explicar cómo se representa el imaginario social uruguayo en los medios de comunicación. Para ello se analizaron programas pertenecientes al género híbrido entre talent show y reality show de tipo gastronómico.... more
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      SemioticsSelf and IdentityGastronomyReality Shows
This new study provides a refreshing look at the issue of exceptions and shows that much of the problem stems from a failure to recognize at least two kinds of exception-ridden law: ceteris paribus laws and ideal laws. Billy Wheeler... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceScientific ModelsLaws of Nature
Idealizations are assumptions made without regard for whether they are true and often with full knowledge they are false. Physicists sometimes assume a surface is a frictionless plane, or that gases are 'ideal' or 'perfect.' Biologists... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceUnderstandingIdealizationScientific explanation
Alman İdealizmi içinde, özgürlük sorunu, Felsefe'nin en önemli sorunlarından biridir; ancak Schelling'in, İnsan Özgürlüğünün Özü Hakkında Felsefî Soruşturmalar'ıyla birlikte özgürlük ve sistem ilişkisi, daha da büyük bir önem kazanır.... more
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      SchellingFelsefeAhlak FelsefesiFelsefe Eğitimi
The theoretical approach in defining the means for mass communication expressed in functionalist theory, especially in John Riley’s model, determines mass media as a social subsystem which is functionally connected with other systems in... more
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      SociologyMass CommunicationDemocratizationCollective memories