Recent papers in Hummingbirds
Exotic species can threaten biodiversity by disrupting ecological interactions among native species. Highly-attractive exotic species can exert a 'magnet effect' by attracting native pollinators, which may have either competitive or... more
1. Ecological interactions are the glue of biodiversity, structuring communities and determining their functionality. However, our knowledge about ecological interactions is usually biased against cryptic interactions (i.e. overlooked... more
En el bosque montano de los Andes del norte existe un vacío en el conocimiento sobre interacciones ecológicas de los colibríes. Los factores que pueden determinar la estructura de la red planta-colibrí y sus características son... more
Geographical distribution and habitat of Trochilidae (Aves) in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. The distribution and abundance of species of Trochillidae family is usually influenced by the flowering and phenology of plants used as a... more
El presente ofrecimiento educativo desea animar y activar el Desarrollo Dinámico y Dialéctico en el seno de las Comunidades Convivenciales para el DesarrolloInfantil. Para iniciar, es importante advertir que este Proyecto de... more
En esta nota indicó como se puede alimentar a un colibrí cautivo. Escribí esta nota para orientar a los cientos de personas que cada año se aproximan a los expertos preguntando cómo alimentar a uno de estos fantásticos animalitos.
Hummingbirds are very special birds. They are remarkable in many ways: very high metabolism, iridescence, extraodinary flight... Their well known belligerance and their speed in attack was perhaps a reason why some cultures perceived... more
2015, en Itinerarios (Revista de la Universidad de Varsovia), vol. 21, pp. 79-100.
An important episode in Mesoamerican mythical narratives involves the abduction or impregnation of a tightly guarded maiden by a disguised god, against the will of her father or mother. This action precipitates major creational events... more
In parts one and two of my three-part series on the atlatl weapon system I introduced or reintroduced readers to the basics of the atlatl or spear- thrower weapon system. I focused on the physics of the throw and the spear in flight. In... more
1. Human observation is expensive and limits the breadth of data collection. For this reason, remotely placed video cameras are increasingly used to monitor animals. One drawback of field-based video recordings is extensive review time.... more
Abstract—Interactions with pollinators are thought to play a significant role in determining whether plant species become invasive, and ecologically generalised species are predicted to be more likely to invade than more specialised... more
Biannual cycles of reproduction and molt are rare in birds, with most species exhibiting a single annual cycle. We studied the breeding and molting phenology of the Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer (Diglossa baritula), a nectar feeding... more
Comparing ecological networks along environmental gradients can enable a better understanding of the environmental filtering and coexistence mechanisms that determine community assembly. In the present study, we assessed hummingbird-plant... more
El “ picaflor de Tacna” (Eulidia yarrellii) es considerada una especie endémica de los valles del sur de Perú y del extremo norte de Chile, siendo uno de los picaflores mas pequeños del mundo. La escasa información de la especie en el... more
I provide the first description of the nest and juveniles of the Coppery Metaltail (Metallura theresiae), a hummingbird endemic to Peru. The locality of Unchog, in the elfin forest of the Carpish mountains in Huánuco, is where I found... more
En el Cuarto el Ceibo de la Vereda la Chorrera del Municipio de Soatá, durante los meses de octubre de 2010 hasta enero de 2011 se caracterizaron y compararon algunos aspectos de las plantas explotadas como recurso alimenticio por... more
Many birds spend important portions of their time and energy flying. For this reason, quantification of metabolic rates during flight is of crucial importance to understanding avian energy balance. Measurement of organismal gas exchange... more
It is a txt dataset showing the agonist matrix recorded between species in a hummingbird system located near of Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. This dataset can be used to run the R program "Agonistic Diagram".
Abstract Aim: Among the world’s three major nectar-feeding bird taxa, hummingbirds are the most phenotypically specialized for nectarivory, followed by sunbirds, while the honeyeaters are the least phenotypically specialized taxa. We... more
ABSTRACT Marketing is part of our daily lives; however, it has become much more sophisticated. With the advanced tech-nology, nowadays Internet marketing is one of the most powerful marketing channels. Google has recently come up with a... more
In Brazil, studies focusing on reproductive biology and aspects of pollination in the genus Ruellia have demonstrated common characteristics such as pollination by hummingbird, the predominance of selffertility and spontaneous... more
Ecological communities that experience stable climate conditions have been speculated to preserve more specialized interspecific associations and have higher proportions of smaller ranged species (SRS). Thus, areas with disproportionally... more
Background: Relationships between floral biology and pollinator behavior are important to understanding species diversity of hemiparasitic Psittacanthus mistletoes (c. 120 species). We aimed to investigate trait divergence linked to... more
Biological constraints and neutral processes have been proposed to explain the properties of plant–pollinator networks. Using interactions between nectarivorous birds (hummingbirds and flowerpiercers) and flowering plants in high... more
Hummingbirds obtain most of their dietary calories from floral nectar ingested during hovering flight. Despite the importance of dietary sugar to hummingbird metabolism, the turnover of newly ingested carbon in the pool of actively... more
enfoques como el que aquí presentamos evidencian que la conservación de la biodiversidad de cualquier sitio puede promoverse eficientemente a través de especies bandera. La protección y manejo sostenible de los bosques de la Sierra Madre... more
Ecological communities that experience stable climate conditions have been speculated to preserve more specialized interspecific associations and have higher proportions of smaller ranged species (SRS). Thus, areas with dispropor-tionally... more
Hummingbirds are nectar-feeding birds that pollinate plants in the Americas. This is a mutualistic relationship where hummingbirds feed on nectar while transporting pollen among flowers, thus aiding plant reproduction. This relationship... more
In most vertebrates, uptake and oxidation of circulating sugars by locomotor muscles rises with increasing exercise intensity. However, uptake rate by muscle plateaus at moderate aerobic exercise intensities and intracellular fuels... more
Based on the floral visits and palynological analyzes, we characterized the hummingbird- plant interaction in three tropical dry forest remnants (BsT) located in the municipality of Chimichagua (Cesar, Colombia). We used mist nets to... more
Hummingbirds are known for their distinctive patterns of sexual dimorphism, with many species exhibiting sex-related differences in various ecologically-relevant traits, including sex-specific differences in bill shape. It is generally... more
Many animal displays involve colorful ornamental traits that signal an individualʼs quality as a mate or rival. Brilliant iridescent ornaments are common, but little is currently known about their production cost and signaling value. One... more
Floral phenotype and pollination system of a plant may be influenced by the abiotic environment and the local pollinator assemblage. This was investigated in seven plant–hummingbird assemblages on the West Indian islands of Grenada,... more