Foraging Behavior
Recent papers in Foraging Behavior
Ant colony optimization is a technique for optimization that was introduced in the early 1990's. The inspiring source of ant colony optimization is the foraging behavior of real ant colonies. This behavior is exploited in artificial ant... more
1 Laboratory of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology, Departments of Psychology and Zoology, Oklahoma State University, 215 N. Murray, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA 2 Uludag Universitesi, M. Kemalpasa MYO, M. Kemalpasa, Bursa 16500,... more
Humans sometimes forage or distribute the products of foraging in ways that do not maximize individual energetic return rates. As an alternative to hypotheses that rely on reciprocal altruism to counter the costs of inefficiency, we... more
Movements and foraging strategies of marine predators should cope with the hierarchical spatial distribution of resources. Th erefore, in order to predict the at-sea distribution of aerial predators, it is crucial to understand the... more
We studied the foraging behavior and marine habitats used by Laysan (Phoebastria immutabilis) and Black-footed (Phoebastria nigripes) Albatrosses, during four consecutive breeding seasons to investigate whether these marine predators... more
Birds gather information about their environment mainly through vision by scanning their surroundings. Many prevalent models of social foraging assume that foraging and scanning are mutually exclusive. Although this assumption is valid... more
Categorizing animal populations by diet can mask important intrapopulation variation, which is crucial to understanding a species' trophic niche width. To test hypotheses related to intrapopulation variation in foraging or the presence of... more
In social foraging, scroungers take a disproportionately large share of the food found relative to their own food-searching efforts, while producers find more food than they manage to monopolize. We present a model of social foraging... more
The relationship between food flavors and postingestive feedback enables mammalian herbivores to procure nutrients and avoid toxins within ever-changing environments. We conducted four experiments with red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius... more
This paper proposes a model for the reoccupation of ants in a region of attraction, using evolutive partial differential diffusion-advection equations, in which the population dispersion and velocity in directions x and y are fuzzy... more
Frugivores often track ripe fruit abundance closely across local areas despite the ephemeral and typically patchy distributions of this resource. We use spatial auto-and cross-correlation analyses to quantify spatial patterns of fruit... more
Reconstructions of foraging behavior and diet are central to our understanding of fossil hominin ecology and evolution. Current hypotheses for the evolution of the genus Homo invoke a change in foraging behavior to include higher quality... more
In birds, the position and extent of the region of binocular vision appears to be determined primarily by feeding ecology. Of prime importance is the degree to which vision is used for the precise control of bill position when foraging.... more
In Experiment 1 each response on a switch delivered food to a cup, with the distance between the switch and the cup varied across conditions. The number of responses made before traveling to collect and eat the food increased with... more
environment-based recoption cues in the ant I*ptorhorau yhn&ti Ethology 102,
Bees need pollen for their maintenance and development. Maize tassels (Zea mays L.) produce large amounts of pollen, which are visited by several bee species. This experiment was conducted in Raj Mohini Devi College of Agriculture and... more
Periodic episodes of food scarcity may highlight the adaptive value of certain anatomical traits, particularly those that facilitate the acquisition and digestion of exigent fallback foods. To better understand the selective pressures... more
Genetic variation in the gene foraging (for) is associated with a natural behavioral dimorphism in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Some larvae, called 'rovers', have increased foraging locomotion compared to others, called... more
Spiral-shaped foraging trace fossils, assigned to the graphoglyptid cf. Spirorhaphe azteca, are reported from an Early Permian intertidal flat in the Robledo Mountains of southern New Mexico, USA. Remarkably similar spiral-shaped... more
Highly mobile aquatic predators are known to forage in the intertidal during periods of immersion. There is limited quantitative information, however, on the extent to which these predators influence the abundance of grazing molluscs... more
A large number of South Africa's elephants can be found on small wildlife reserves. The large nutritional demands and destructive foraging behavior of elephants can threaten rare species of vegetation. If conservation management is to... more
Aim Tracking technologies are often proposed as a method to elucidate the complex migratory life histories of migratory marine vertebrates, allowing spatially explicit threats to be identified and mitigated. We conducted a global analysis... more
Subterranean termites have highly cryptic life habits and their foraging activities are as a rule confined to below-ground level gallery systems. Mark–release–recapture (MRR) using fat-soluble histological dyes is a candidate method for... more
To place social insect foraging behavior within an evolutionary context, it is necessary to establish relationships between individual foraging decisions and parameters influencing colony fitness. To address this problem, we examined... more
Novelty seeking refers to the tendency of humans and animals to explore novel and unfamiliar stimuli and environments. The idea that dopamine modulates novelty seeking is supported by evidence that novel stimuli excite dopamine neurons... more
Many grazing-management challenges stem from poor livestock distribution resulting in overuse of some areas and low utilization of others. Managing livestock-distribution patterns requires knowledge of pasture characteristics and animal... more
Nectar robbers are birds, insects, or other flower visitors that remove nectar from flowers through a hole pierced or bitten in the corolla. This paper is a review of the effects of nectar robbers on pollinators, pollination, and fitness... more
Hyperactivity in anorexia nervosa is difficult to control and negatively impacts outcome. Hyperactivity is a key driving force to starvation in an animal model named activity-based anorexia (ABA). Recent research has started unraveling... more
Elephants (Loxodonta africana) exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism, and in this study we test the prediction that the differences in body size and sociality are significant enough to drive divergent foraging strategies and ultimately... more
The acclimation, foraging behavior, and pollination efÞciency of stingless bees of the species Nannotrigona perilampoides Cresson were evaluated in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants cultivated in two greenhouses. The... more
Mehr als 3300 Pollenladungen und Brutzelleninhalte von insgesamt 270 Bienenarten wurden lichtund zum Teil auch rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Dadurch können Pollen-Spezialisten (oligolektische Arten) und -Generalisten... more
Mehr als 3300 Pollenladungen und Brutzelleninhalte von insgesamt 270 Bienenarten wurden lichtund zum Teil auch rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Dadurch können Pollen-Spezialisten (oligolektische Arten) und -Generalisten... more
Previous studies have proposed that seagrass habitats, by supporting diverse and abundant fish assemblages, are preferred by foraging dolphins in coastal systems. To test this hypothesis, we (1) examined the fine-scale behavior of... more
Most herbivores are facultative generalists and include a variety of plant species and plant parts in their diet that vary in nutrient content. To counter herbivory, many plants produce secondary metabolites (PSMs) that can act as toxins... more
Stereotypies in captive animals have been defined as repetitive, largely invariant patterns of behavior that serve no obvious goal or function. Stereotypies are commonly attributed to boredom or stress and are typically treated by... more
We present the first field study of activity budgets, diet and ranging patterns of the Sulawesi crested black macaque, Macaca nigra, one of seven macaque species endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia. We studied three crested macaque groups,... more
ABSTRAK Kucing mulai dijadikan peliharaan sejak zaman mesir kuno. Pakan favorit kucing secara umum adalah ikan. Kucing peliharaaan umumnya dimanjakan dengan makanan matang dan cepat saji. Untuk dapat memakan makanan mentah yang tidak... more
Social immunity, which describes how individual behaviors of group members effectively reduce disease and parasite transmission at the colony level, is an emerging field in social insect biology. An understudied, but significant... more