Educational Transfer
Recent papers in Educational Transfer
El presente estudio histórico investiga la génesis de la formación de docentes secundarios estatales entre 1889 y 1910 en Chile, la cuál está íntimamente ligada a un proceso de transferencia educativa con Alemania propiciado por el... more
This article analyzes how Dewey was received, adapted, and transformed in four different time periods in China: during the Republican era , after the Communist take-over in 1949, after Deng Xiaoping's launch of the 'Four Modernizations'... more
As its social, political, and economic situation changed, the educational policy focus of Botswana has shifted from general education to Technical Vocational Education and Training(TVET). The government of Botswana put a great deal of... more
Both in China and internationally, educators and policy makers claim that vocational education and training (VET) is essential for the sound economic development of a country and the physical and social well-being of its population.... more
El artículo, que sigue en términos teórico-metodológicos los estudios de transferencia y recepción, tiene por objetivo reconstruir la emergencia, los principios, los ideólogos y la crisis del ideal educativo denominado educación general,... more
El artículo analiza la evolución de los usos del nombre e ideas de Dewey, un autor clásico pero ya no de moda, por el establishment pedagógico en el franquismo (1939-1976). Explora las condiciones de posibilidad y razones de una muy... more
Since 2002, the 15 member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) have shifted human resource development reforms from focusing on providing basic, mass primary and secondary education and limited tertiary education toward diverting... more
This paper investigated a policy-making debate in Chile, by examining the construction of the Netherlands as a new “reference society”. It focused on a reform agenda that aimed at a transformation of the neo-liberal school governance... more
Alexandre Fontaine est un ancien résident de nationalité suisse qui a résidé à la maison du Danemark. Aujourd'hui, maître-assistant à l'université de Genève et membre associé de l'UMR 8547 « Pays germaniques -transferts culturels » à... more
Drawing from historical comparative transfer and reception studies, this contribution discusses the concept of ‘reference societies’ with regard to a historical case study. In the focus of attention is a reform process undertaken in Chile... more
European educational knowledge and practices have been deeply impacted by the colonial experience. While hegemonic knowledge was exported to the colonies, practices of teaching and governing colonial subjects were tested in the periphery... more
Dewey anses allmänt ha utövat ett enormt inflytande på den kinesiska utbildningen. I det här kapitlet behandlas hur Dewey togs emot, anpassades och transformerades under fyra olika tidsperioder i Kina. Jag kommer att granska hur detta... more
"Die Institutionalisierung der Gymnasiallehrerbildung in Chile" als hybrides Organisationsmodell wird von Cristina Alarcón als Resultat zahlreicher Hin- und Rückübersetzungen sowie Umdeutungen und Justierungen behandelt. Eine wichtige... more
Este artículo analiza cómo se recibió, adaptó y transformó a Dewey en China, en cuatro períodos de tiempo diferentes: durante la era republicana , después de la entrada en el poder del comunismo en 1949, después de que de Deng Xiaoping... more
This article combines the perspective of transnational transfer with contributions from social theory and historical sociology – specifically the Luhmannian concept of social ‘inclusion’. In doing so, this article reconstructs a... more
This paper analyzes the activities, members, and effects of an inter-American expert network for the diffusion of psychometric knowledge, specifically of standardized aptitude testing for university admission in Latin America during the... more
Zu den Kriegen, die im gegenwärtigen Bewusstsein Westeuropas kaum noch präsent sind, gehört auch der sogenannte «Salpeter»-Krieg (1879-1883), in dessen Verlauf Chile sein Staatsgebiet auf Kosten von Peru und Bolivien um die... more