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This is the Introduction to R.W. Sandwell, ed., Powering Up Canada: Fuel, Power and Energy Since 1600 (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016) that provides an overview of the history of energy in Canada. The edited... more
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      History of CanadaHistory of Energy
This article looks to give an overview throughout the geothermal energy technology. Analyzing the origin of its energy and talking about it history in the actual electrical applications. From the first time when geothermal energy was used... more
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermalGeothermal EnergyLiterature Review
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      American HistoryEnergy historyNuclear powerHistory of Nuclear Power
The increase in global energy demand, environmental problems and geopolitical tensions due to the control of finite conventional energy resources; these are reasons that have currently focused the attention of scientists on the... more
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      Solar EnergyHistory of Energy
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      American HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryArchitecture
The story of deepwater Gulf of Mexico can be told through the story of Shell Oil's Mars Project. Mars was one of the earliest prospects to be drilled and developed on some of the first federal deepwater leases offered in the early... more
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      History of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryOil and gasPetroleum geology
With the climate change debate, discussions about energy provision have become ever more important. However, these discussions are much too often narrowly focused on CO2 footprints or production costs. But beyond ecological and economic... more
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      History of TechnologyEnergy and EnvironmentHistory of Energy
Plan libre, n° 181, mars 2021, p. 12-15.
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
Telkes. The Dover Sun House, Dover, MA, 1948. Courtesy the Frances Loeb Library, Harvard Graduate School of Design.
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      ArchitectureHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryEcological Design
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      History of TechnologyLightingHistory of Energy
This article discusses the crisis of eotechnic, which began in the seventeenth century and the solutions to overcome it, that generated the call was paleotechnic in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It also discusses major changes... more
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergy
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      History of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryEnergy historyHistory of civil engineering
Nuclear energy represents one of the most controversial issues in contemporary history and politics, and raises either vehement opposition or unconditional support. On the one hand, the use of nuclear technology in the bombing of... more
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      International RelationsCold WarEnergyNuclear Energy
How can we explain the formidable success of the car all over the world? It is suggested here that the historical origin is key to the root of this enthusiasm. From a climate change mitigation perspective car culture is a difficult... more
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    • History of Energy
Ce dossier d’ Afrique contemporaine est consacré à l’analyse de la situation actuelle en matière d’énergie en Afrique d’un point de vue historique, politique et économique. Il apporte une contribution au vaste domaine d’études de... more
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      African StudiesPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesRenewable EnergyEnergy
This paper provides a brief history of the origins and use of the first modern lighting in rural Canada. Of all the revolutions in lighting, none was taken up more quickly or embraced more widely than the coal-oil (also called kerosene)... more
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    • History of Energy
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      Energy historyThe 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history)Oil and gasEnergy Crisis
In the early decades of the twentieth century, Canadian homemakers were targets of a multi-faceted educational campaign in which a range of corporate and social reform groups sought to change the ways women cooked, cleaned and heated... more
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      History of EnergyThe History of the Family
This article is drawn from the author’s Canada-wide study, Heat Light and Work in Canadian Homes, 1850-1960. Contextualized in both a very recent literature documenting the pivotal role played by fossil fuels and electrical energy in the... more
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    • History of Energy
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      ArchitectureEnvironmental StudiesHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental History
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      ExpertisePetroleumHistory of EnergyPrognosis
[From the Introduction] Humans, the Anthropocene term implies, have broken onto new spatiotemporal scales. Whereas for millennia humans scampered across the surface of planet Earth barely making a scratch, today, Anthropocene scholars... more
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      BegriffsgeschichteAnthropoceneHistory of EnergyBegriffsGeschichte(Conceptual History)
The chapter aims to trace major trends and tendencies in urban energy provision in the 19th and 20th centuries, starting with wood provision as the dominant mode of urban energy system before the Industrial Revolution. The paper... more
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      Urban HistoryNetworksEnergy and EnvironmentUrban Environmental History
Bundel over de zoektocht van Nederlanders naar energie.
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    • History of Energy
C es dernières années ont vu paraître de nombreux ouvrages portant sur l'histoire de l'énergie. On peut se réjouir de ce renouveau d'intérêt, on peut aussi regretter que ces ouvrages se soient placés sous la bannière de la « transition ».... more
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      Material HistoryHistory of EnergyEnergy transition
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      CameroonCamerounHistory of ElectricityHistory of Energy
La geotermia è la disciplina che si occupa dello studio, della ricerca e dello sfruttamento del calore della Terra, avvalendosi degli strumenti scientifici offerti dalla geologia, dalla chimica, dalla fisica e dall'ingegneria.
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      History of GeologyGeothermal EnergyThe Larderello geothermal fieldHistory of Energy
Son iki yıldır yoğun bir biçimde gündelik hayatımızı dönüştüren Covid-19 salgını ve beraberinde getirdiği sorular ve sorunlar sadece tükettiğimiz kömür, su, elektrik gibi enerji kaynakları ve bu kaynaklar aracılığıyla ulaştığımız altyapı... more
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      History of TechnologyHistory of Modern TurkeyEnerjiHistory of Energy
Energy history is a newly emerging field in Canada, and one where recent preliminary research makes it possible to venture into the area of comparative energy studies. This paper provides a preliminary reconnaissance of the emergence of... more
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      History of EnergyThe History of the Family
maintain the thesis that throughout history culture and energy have been reciprocal entities: technological change determines cultural achievements and vice versa. Their artists' book is based on the appendix of the six-volume... more
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      Contemporary ArtHistory of EnergyArtists’ Books
Presentation at the LSE Grantham Centre, September 2017.
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      History of TechnologyEnergyGlobal HistoryAnthropocene
Cet article est consacré à l’énergétisme social du philanthrope belge Ernest Solvay, théorie de la fin du XIXe siècle concevant la sociologie comme une discipline appelée à faire en sorte que la société tende vers son rendement maxi-mum à... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryHistory of SociologyPhilosophy of Social Science
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      Local HistoryEnergy historyHistory of Energy
Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite de l'aménagement du marché, puis de la politique des réserves stratégiques à la suite du choc pétrolier. This article focuses on the gas... more
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      Energy PolicyOil and gasNatural GasHistory of Energy
The text discusses the astute involvement of Jean Monnet and his Comité d'action pour les Etats-Unis d'Europe (Action Committee for the United States of Europe) in the shaping of Europe's transnational energy policy after the... more
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      International RelationsEuropean integrationEuropean UnionHistory of International Relations
This article takes London in 1873 century as a case study of power vulnerability. Its dependance on coal makes it vulnerable to two kinds of risks : a social one, when coal prices go up and bring « famines » ; an environmental one, with... more
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      Environmental HistoryRisk and VulnerabilityEnergy and EnvironmentUrban Environmental History
The increase in global energy demand, environmental problems and geopolitical tensions due to the control of finite conventional energy resources; these are reasons that have currently focused the attention of scientists on the... more
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      Solar EnergyProduccion Más LimpiaHistory of Energy
A history of energy from the Middle Ages to present days, with an introduction by Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud surveying the historiography of energy from its beginning, 22 papers dealing with most energies through time and space, a... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryEnergy
The points of view of Joule and Mayer that led to the Energy Conservation Principle is considered. Their points of view are contrasted with the related to equilibriumnonequilibrium squeme in dealing with the relation between thermical and... more
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      History of EnergyConservation of Energy
This article analyses the way scientists, politicians and writers of anticipation novels have imagined, between 1860 and 1914, the energy future of Great-Britain, and more precisely what kind of transitions out of coal have they figured... more
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      Cultural HistoryEnergy and EnvironmentHistory of the Victorian Period in EnglandHistory of Energy
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
En termes de l’énergie, l’année 1973 fait rapidement penser au choc pétrolier qui entame le 16 octobre. Toutefois déjà en janvier, les tensions au marché pétrolier se reflètent dans les délibérations européennes au niveau de l’énergie.... more
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      European Energy PolicyOECDEuropean Commission1973 Oil crisis
Francia, junto con Gran Bretaña, fue el país líder en el nacimiento y consolidación de la industria del gas. Desde mediados del siglo XIX este país desempeñó un papel clave en la difusión de la tecnología de producción de gas de hulla,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyEnergyEnergy history
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      Urban HistoryEnergyEnergy historyHistoria Urbana
Este artículo estudia las crisis del alumbrado público y del suministro de gas en Madrid, como resultado del desabastecimiento de carbón que sufrió toda España durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Se explican los problemas que dichas crisis... more
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      Urban HistoryFirst World WarSocial HistoryContemporary Spanish History
This paper will investigate the financial and technological relations between Greece and the United Kingdom during the Interwar period, focusing on a British consortium who was responsible for the electrification of Athens and Piraeus,... more
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      Business HistoryModern Greek HistoryInterwar Period HistoryEconomic and Social History
The points of view of Joule and Mayer that led to the Energy Conservation Principle is considered. Their points of view are contrasted with the related to equilibrium-nonequilibrium squeme in dealing with the relation between thermical... more
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      History of EnergyConservation of Energy
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      Cuban StudiesEnergy historyGlobal HistoryCuban History