This book approaches the theme of European identity through the interpretive lens of both Europea... more This book approaches the theme of European identity through the interpretive lens of both European public space and the experience of living together. Young scholars in the field of European studies identify instruments for the development of a European identity and analyse their characteristics and shortcomings. These proceedings offer a spectrum of perspectives on the development of a European identity.
Zitation Download über dieses Werk Teilen The intricate question of European democracy: national ... more Zitation Download über dieses Werk Teilen The intricate question of European democracy: national parliamentary debates on the European Elections Act of 1976 Hilde REIDING, Joachim WINTZER, Thorsten BORRING OLESEN, Marloes BEERS, Valentine LOMELLINI On 20 September 1976, the member states of the European Community signed the 'Act concerning the Election of the Representatives of the Assembly by Direct Universal Elections', which was to introduce direct elections for the European Parliament in the member states. National parliamentary debates about the principle as well as the implementation of these elections were held in every member state. On the basis of these debates, this article investigates the ideas about European democracy that existed among members of national parliaments. It demonstrates that there were fundamentally different philosophies about the role of the European Parliament and its relation to national parliament and various thoughts about the nature of European representation and the link to the voters. Finally, the article explores to what extent the national parliamentary debates can truly be seen as parts of a European debate.1 A long road to European elections Since the 1990s, it has become commonplace to associate European integration with a so-called 'democratic deficit'.2 Although, for various reasons, the question of how to make the European institutions more accountable to the people has indeed become more urgent during the last two decades, the idea that no serious thought had ever been given to that matter in previous years is misleading. From the start of the integration process, awareness existed that accountability mechanisms would be needed.3 For a long time, the focal point for discussions about European democracy was 1. This article is based on case studies by Hilde Reiding (the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland), Joachim Wintzer (Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium), Thorsten Borring Olesen (Denmark), Marloes Beers (France) and Valentine Lomellini (Italy). The text of the article was written by Hilde Reiding and commented upon by the other authors. 2. A
Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite... more Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite de l'aménagement du marché, puis de la politique des réserves stratégiques à la suite du choc pétrolier. This article focuses on the gas policy in the Netherlands in the period 1959-1986. It includes the organisation of the market as well as the policy for strategic reserves, which was implemented after the first oil shock.
In May 1948, the Congress of Europe took place in the city of The Hague in The Netherlands. This ... more In May 1948, the Congress of Europe took place in the city of The Hague in The Netherlands. This paper, based on local Dutch sources, describes the local organisation of the congress which was an ambitious enterprise. More than 700 guests had to be provided with accommodation, food and local transport in a period of reconstruction in the aftermath of the Second World War. Moreover, the organisers had to search for sponsors as participants only paid for their transport ticket to The Hague. Staging the congress was even more challenged by the late start of the preparations, only three months before the guests arrived.
The article focuses on the emerging need for the declaration of a European identity within Europe... more The article focuses on the emerging need for the declaration of a European identity within European cooperation. The origins of the European declaration on a European identity of 14 december 1973 can be traced to contemporary transatlantic relations. The author has elaborated on that theme in other publications. In this article, however, origins of the declared European identity are identified within internal European cooperation since 1969.
In historiography the process of integration is foremost described with emphasis on the cooperati... more In historiography the process of integration is foremost described with emphasis on the cooperation between the larger states. It is not always clear what role the small states played in the European communities. It seems that the actions of the smaller states are noticed mostly when conflicting with the interests of the larger states. However, the strategies of small states to achieve national objectives within European decision making process are less noticed. These are not necessarily a response to the policies of the larger states. This paper argues that though less eye-catching, the small state’s strategies influence European policy making and are thus of major interest for historical research.This is illustrated by a brief case study and an exploration of theoretical dimensions of the large and small states dichotomy and its influence on European policy making. The paper finishes with short conclusions about the usefulness of political science theories for the historian.
When on 23 April 1973 Henry Kissinger gave a speech proposing a 'Year of Europe' he inten... more When on 23 April 1973 Henry Kissinger gave a speech proposing a 'Year of Europe' he intended a renewal of the transatlantic charter. Interestingly this did not materialise; on the contrary, his speech stimulated the search for a European identity distinct from the United States. By the end of 1973, the nine members of the European communities formally declared their identity and ambitiously reaffirmed their unity in the international arena. Initially, the paper on European identity was however not meant to become a public declaration, but was destined to be the foundation for the transatlantic dialogue. It facilitated in fact a common 'European' stance towards the United States which had failed before. The Nine showed openly their unity and independency on several occasions in the autumn of 1973, which lead to large frustration among the Americans, especially Kissinger.
Des le debut des annees 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’energie (URE) s’impose aux pa... more Des le debut des annees 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’energie (URE) s’impose aux pays occidentaux face a l’instabilite du marche international. Au sein de la CE, le programme URE devient un pilier important des politiques a long terme pour reduire la dependance vis-a-vis de l’energie importee. Mais il s’ajoute aux programmes nationaux et ne va guere au-dela d’un echange de vues ou d’un cadre reglementaire relativement faible.
On 20 September 1976, the member states of the European Community signed the ‘Act concerning the ... more On 20 September 1976, the member states of the European Community signed the ‘Act concerning the Election of the Representatives of the Assembly by Direct Universal Elections’, which was to introduce direct elections for the European Parliament in the member states. National parliamentary debates about the principle as well as the implementation of these elections were held in every member state. On the basis of these debates, this article investigates the ideas about European democracy that existed among members of national parliaments. It demonstrates that there were fundamentally different philosophies about the role of the European Parliament and its relation to national parliament and various thoughts about the nature of European representation and the link to the voters. Finally, the article explores to what extent the national parliamentary debates can truly be seen as parts of a European debate.
En termes de l’énergie, l’année 1973 fait rapidement penser au choc pétrolier qui entame le 16 oc... more En termes de l’énergie, l’année 1973 fait rapidement penser au choc pétrolier qui entame le 16 octobre. Toutefois déjà en janvier, les tensions au marché pétrolier se reflètent dans les délibérations européennes au niveau de l’énergie. Les questions des relations communautaires avec les États consommateurs et les États producteurs de pétrole ainsi que l’organisation d’un marché commun en énergie sont au centre du débat européen. Les Neuf ne réussissent pas à s’y accorder. Si important que les relations internationales sont considérées par tous, un développement de ces relations communautaires se bute aux divergences sur les compétences de la Commission européenne et l’organisation du marché commun.
En été 1973, la Commission nourrit les délibérations des Neuf avec plusieurs communications et propositions de règlements, notamment en matière d’un marché commun éventuel. Mais les Neuf ne réussissent toujours pas à se mettre en ligne en matière d’un régime commun ou le rôle du pouvoir public. En même temps, la Commission traite la question des relations avec les États consommateurs de pétrole dans le contexte des réflexions dans le cadre de l’OCDE. Au sein de cette organisation, les thèmes sont abordés tels qu’un système de répartition de pétrole en temps de crise ou des relations avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Si la Commission évite habilement un nouveau débat au niveau communautaire en cette matière, elle touche au fond le thème sensible des relations communautaires avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Les Neuf ne réussissent pas à s’accorder sur le rôle de la Commission européenne dans ces relations extérieures. Le nœud gordien sera finalement tranché lors du choc pétrolier quand les décisions en cette matière se déplacent de l’arène communautaire au cadre de la coopération politique. Le dialogue euro-arabe en suivrait l’année suivante.
Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite... more Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite de l'aménagement du marché, puis de la politique des réserves stratégiques à la suite du choc pétrolier.
This article focuses on the gas policy in the Netherlands in the period 1959-1986. It includes the organisation of the market as well as the policy for strategic reserves, which was implemented after the first oil shock.
Dès le début des années 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’énergie (URE) s’impose aux pa... more Dès le début des années 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’énergie (URE) s’impose aux pays occidentaux face à l’instabilité du marché international. Au sein de la CE, le programme URE devient un pilier important des politiques à long terme pour réduire la dépendance vis-à-vis de l’énergie importée. Mais il s’ajoute aux programmes nationaux et ne va guère au-delà d’un échange de vues ou d’un cadre réglementaire relativement faible.
Since the early 1970s, a more rational use of energy (RUE) becomes necessary for the Western countries that are facing instability on the international market. In the European community, the RUE becomes an important pillar of the long-term policy to reduce the dependency on imported energy. But as it is an addition to national programs, it barely comprises more than an exchange of views or relatively weak regulations.
An important role in transatlantic relations in 1973 was played by the identity project of the EC... more An important role in transatlantic relations in 1973 was played by the identity project of the EC 9. Initially it opened the way for a European response to Kissinger's address on the Year of Europe, but thereafter it hindered negotiations for the joint Declaration of Principles, as if US involvement would endanger the identity project. It was a convenient instrument to defend their independent position. At the same time, the identity project itself was the main objective of the Nine. For the sake of their joint identity, they formed a common position to resist the American proposals, even when these proposals were relatively acceptable for most of them. It is interesting that the Europeans never seemed to refer to the actual text of the document on a common identity, instead often making references to the project of working together towards it. The document on European identity itself was ultimately less important than the process that created it.
A study on the local organisation of the Congress of Europe, The Hague, 1948. Based on the nation... more A study on the local organisation of the Congress of Europe, The Hague, 1948. Based on the national archives of The Netherlands
This paper explores theoretical dimensions of the large and small states dichotomy and its influe... more This paper explores theoretical dimensions of the large and small states dichotomy and its influence on European policy-making.
This book approaches the theme of European identity through the interpretive lens of both Europea... more This book approaches the theme of European identity through the interpretive lens of both European public space and the experience of living together. Young scholars in the field of European studies identify instruments for the development of a European identity and analyse their characteristics and shortcomings. These proceedings offer a spectrum of perspectives on the development of a European identity.
Zitation Download über dieses Werk Teilen The intricate question of European democracy: national ... more Zitation Download über dieses Werk Teilen The intricate question of European democracy: national parliamentary debates on the European Elections Act of 1976 Hilde REIDING, Joachim WINTZER, Thorsten BORRING OLESEN, Marloes BEERS, Valentine LOMELLINI On 20 September 1976, the member states of the European Community signed the 'Act concerning the Election of the Representatives of the Assembly by Direct Universal Elections', which was to introduce direct elections for the European Parliament in the member states. National parliamentary debates about the principle as well as the implementation of these elections were held in every member state. On the basis of these debates, this article investigates the ideas about European democracy that existed among members of national parliaments. It demonstrates that there were fundamentally different philosophies about the role of the European Parliament and its relation to national parliament and various thoughts about the nature of European representation and the link to the voters. Finally, the article explores to what extent the national parliamentary debates can truly be seen as parts of a European debate.1 A long road to European elections Since the 1990s, it has become commonplace to associate European integration with a so-called 'democratic deficit'.2 Although, for various reasons, the question of how to make the European institutions more accountable to the people has indeed become more urgent during the last two decades, the idea that no serious thought had ever been given to that matter in previous years is misleading. From the start of the integration process, awareness existed that accountability mechanisms would be needed.3 For a long time, the focal point for discussions about European democracy was 1. This article is based on case studies by Hilde Reiding (the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland), Joachim Wintzer (Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium), Thorsten Borring Olesen (Denmark), Marloes Beers (France) and Valentine Lomellini (Italy). The text of the article was written by Hilde Reiding and commented upon by the other authors. 2. A
Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite... more Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite de l'aménagement du marché, puis de la politique des réserves stratégiques à la suite du choc pétrolier. This article focuses on the gas policy in the Netherlands in the period 1959-1986. It includes the organisation of the market as well as the policy for strategic reserves, which was implemented after the first oil shock.
In May 1948, the Congress of Europe took place in the city of The Hague in The Netherlands. This ... more In May 1948, the Congress of Europe took place in the city of The Hague in The Netherlands. This paper, based on local Dutch sources, describes the local organisation of the congress which was an ambitious enterprise. More than 700 guests had to be provided with accommodation, food and local transport in a period of reconstruction in the aftermath of the Second World War. Moreover, the organisers had to search for sponsors as participants only paid for their transport ticket to The Hague. Staging the congress was even more challenged by the late start of the preparations, only three months before the guests arrived.
The article focuses on the emerging need for the declaration of a European identity within Europe... more The article focuses on the emerging need for the declaration of a European identity within European cooperation. The origins of the European declaration on a European identity of 14 december 1973 can be traced to contemporary transatlantic relations. The author has elaborated on that theme in other publications. In this article, however, origins of the declared European identity are identified within internal European cooperation since 1969.
In historiography the process of integration is foremost described with emphasis on the cooperati... more In historiography the process of integration is foremost described with emphasis on the cooperation between the larger states. It is not always clear what role the small states played in the European communities. It seems that the actions of the smaller states are noticed mostly when conflicting with the interests of the larger states. However, the strategies of small states to achieve national objectives within European decision making process are less noticed. These are not necessarily a response to the policies of the larger states. This paper argues that though less eye-catching, the small state’s strategies influence European policy making and are thus of major interest for historical research.This is illustrated by a brief case study and an exploration of theoretical dimensions of the large and small states dichotomy and its influence on European policy making. The paper finishes with short conclusions about the usefulness of political science theories for the historian.
When on 23 April 1973 Henry Kissinger gave a speech proposing a 'Year of Europe' he inten... more When on 23 April 1973 Henry Kissinger gave a speech proposing a 'Year of Europe' he intended a renewal of the transatlantic charter. Interestingly this did not materialise; on the contrary, his speech stimulated the search for a European identity distinct from the United States. By the end of 1973, the nine members of the European communities formally declared their identity and ambitiously reaffirmed their unity in the international arena. Initially, the paper on European identity was however not meant to become a public declaration, but was destined to be the foundation for the transatlantic dialogue. It facilitated in fact a common 'European' stance towards the United States which had failed before. The Nine showed openly their unity and independency on several occasions in the autumn of 1973, which lead to large frustration among the Americans, especially Kissinger.
Des le debut des annees 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’energie (URE) s’impose aux pa... more Des le debut des annees 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’energie (URE) s’impose aux pays occidentaux face a l’instabilite du marche international. Au sein de la CE, le programme URE devient un pilier important des politiques a long terme pour reduire la dependance vis-a-vis de l’energie importee. Mais il s’ajoute aux programmes nationaux et ne va guere au-dela d’un echange de vues ou d’un cadre reglementaire relativement faible.
On 20 September 1976, the member states of the European Community signed the ‘Act concerning the ... more On 20 September 1976, the member states of the European Community signed the ‘Act concerning the Election of the Representatives of the Assembly by Direct Universal Elections’, which was to introduce direct elections for the European Parliament in the member states. National parliamentary debates about the principle as well as the implementation of these elections were held in every member state. On the basis of these debates, this article investigates the ideas about European democracy that existed among members of national parliaments. It demonstrates that there were fundamentally different philosophies about the role of the European Parliament and its relation to national parliament and various thoughts about the nature of European representation and the link to the voters. Finally, the article explores to what extent the national parliamentary debates can truly be seen as parts of a European debate.
En termes de l’énergie, l’année 1973 fait rapidement penser au choc pétrolier qui entame le 16 oc... more En termes de l’énergie, l’année 1973 fait rapidement penser au choc pétrolier qui entame le 16 octobre. Toutefois déjà en janvier, les tensions au marché pétrolier se reflètent dans les délibérations européennes au niveau de l’énergie. Les questions des relations communautaires avec les États consommateurs et les États producteurs de pétrole ainsi que l’organisation d’un marché commun en énergie sont au centre du débat européen. Les Neuf ne réussissent pas à s’y accorder. Si important que les relations internationales sont considérées par tous, un développement de ces relations communautaires se bute aux divergences sur les compétences de la Commission européenne et l’organisation du marché commun.
En été 1973, la Commission nourrit les délibérations des Neuf avec plusieurs communications et propositions de règlements, notamment en matière d’un marché commun éventuel. Mais les Neuf ne réussissent toujours pas à se mettre en ligne en matière d’un régime commun ou le rôle du pouvoir public. En même temps, la Commission traite la question des relations avec les États consommateurs de pétrole dans le contexte des réflexions dans le cadre de l’OCDE. Au sein de cette organisation, les thèmes sont abordés tels qu’un système de répartition de pétrole en temps de crise ou des relations avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Si la Commission évite habilement un nouveau débat au niveau communautaire en cette matière, elle touche au fond le thème sensible des relations communautaires avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Les Neuf ne réussissent pas à s’accorder sur le rôle de la Commission européenne dans ces relations extérieures. Le nœud gordien sera finalement tranché lors du choc pétrolier quand les décisions en cette matière se déplacent de l’arène communautaire au cadre de la coopération politique. Le dialogue euro-arabe en suivrait l’année suivante.
Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite... more Cet exposé sur les politiques gazières se concentre notamment sur la période 1959-1986, et traite de l'aménagement du marché, puis de la politique des réserves stratégiques à la suite du choc pétrolier.
This article focuses on the gas policy in the Netherlands in the period 1959-1986. It includes the organisation of the market as well as the policy for strategic reserves, which was implemented after the first oil shock.
Dès le début des années 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’énergie (URE) s’impose aux pa... more Dès le début des années 1970, une utilisation plus rationnelle de l’énergie (URE) s’impose aux pays occidentaux face à l’instabilité du marché international. Au sein de la CE, le programme URE devient un pilier important des politiques à long terme pour réduire la dépendance vis-à-vis de l’énergie importée. Mais il s’ajoute aux programmes nationaux et ne va guère au-delà d’un échange de vues ou d’un cadre réglementaire relativement faible.
Since the early 1970s, a more rational use of energy (RUE) becomes necessary for the Western countries that are facing instability on the international market. In the European community, the RUE becomes an important pillar of the long-term policy to reduce the dependency on imported energy. But as it is an addition to national programs, it barely comprises more than an exchange of views or relatively weak regulations.
An important role in transatlantic relations in 1973 was played by the identity project of the EC... more An important role in transatlantic relations in 1973 was played by the identity project of the EC 9. Initially it opened the way for a European response to Kissinger's address on the Year of Europe, but thereafter it hindered negotiations for the joint Declaration of Principles, as if US involvement would endanger the identity project. It was a convenient instrument to defend their independent position. At the same time, the identity project itself was the main objective of the Nine. For the sake of their joint identity, they formed a common position to resist the American proposals, even when these proposals were relatively acceptable for most of them. It is interesting that the Europeans never seemed to refer to the actual text of the document on a common identity, instead often making references to the project of working together towards it. The document on European identity itself was ultimately less important than the process that created it.
A study on the local organisation of the Congress of Europe, The Hague, 1948. Based on the nation... more A study on the local organisation of the Congress of Europe, The Hague, 1948. Based on the national archives of The Netherlands
This paper explores theoretical dimensions of the large and small states dichotomy and its influe... more This paper explores theoretical dimensions of the large and small states dichotomy and its influence on European policy-making.
Books by Marloes Beers
Papers by Marloes Beers
En été 1973, la Commission nourrit les délibérations des Neuf avec plusieurs communications et propositions de règlements, notamment en matière d’un marché commun éventuel. Mais les Neuf ne réussissent toujours pas à se mettre en ligne en matière d’un régime commun ou le rôle du pouvoir public. En même temps, la Commission traite la question des relations avec les États consommateurs de pétrole dans le contexte des réflexions dans le cadre de l’OCDE. Au sein de cette organisation, les thèmes sont abordés tels qu’un système de répartition de pétrole en temps de crise ou des relations avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Si la Commission évite habilement un nouveau débat au niveau communautaire en cette matière, elle touche au fond le thème sensible des relations communautaires avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Les Neuf ne réussissent pas à s’accorder sur le rôle de la Commission européenne dans ces relations extérieures. Le nœud gordien sera finalement tranché lors du choc pétrolier quand les décisions en cette matière se déplacent de l’arène communautaire au cadre de la coopération politique. Le dialogue euro-arabe en suivrait l’année suivante.
This article focuses on the gas policy in the Netherlands in the period 1959-1986. It includes the organisation of the market as well as the policy for strategic reserves, which was implemented after the first oil shock.
Since the early 1970s, a more rational use of energy (RUE) becomes necessary for the Western countries that are facing instability on the international market. In the European community, the RUE becomes an important pillar of the long-term policy to reduce the dependency on imported energy. But as it is an addition to national programs, it barely comprises more than an exchange of views or relatively weak regulations.
En été 1973, la Commission nourrit les délibérations des Neuf avec plusieurs communications et propositions de règlements, notamment en matière d’un marché commun éventuel. Mais les Neuf ne réussissent toujours pas à se mettre en ligne en matière d’un régime commun ou le rôle du pouvoir public. En même temps, la Commission traite la question des relations avec les États consommateurs de pétrole dans le contexte des réflexions dans le cadre de l’OCDE. Au sein de cette organisation, les thèmes sont abordés tels qu’un système de répartition de pétrole en temps de crise ou des relations avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Si la Commission évite habilement un nouveau débat au niveau communautaire en cette matière, elle touche au fond le thème sensible des relations communautaires avec les États producteurs de pétrole. Les Neuf ne réussissent pas à s’accorder sur le rôle de la Commission européenne dans ces relations extérieures. Le nœud gordien sera finalement tranché lors du choc pétrolier quand les décisions en cette matière se déplacent de l’arène communautaire au cadre de la coopération politique. Le dialogue euro-arabe en suivrait l’année suivante.
This article focuses on the gas policy in the Netherlands in the period 1959-1986. It includes the organisation of the market as well as the policy for strategic reserves, which was implemented after the first oil shock.
Since the early 1970s, a more rational use of energy (RUE) becomes necessary for the Western countries that are facing instability on the international market. In the European community, the RUE becomes an important pillar of the long-term policy to reduce the dependency on imported energy. But as it is an addition to national programs, it barely comprises more than an exchange of views or relatively weak regulations.