History of Art History
Recent papers in History of Art History
La Storia dell’Arte tra scienza e dilettantismo. Metodi e percorsi.
Giornata di studi Rome Art History Network (RAHN), Roma, 24 aprile 2012
Giornata di studi Rome Art History Network (RAHN), Roma, 24 aprile 2012
recepce E. H. Gombricha v českých dějinách umění (v cyklu článků Návraty)
Kapitola o existenci a povaze "československého výtvarného umění" ukazuje etnický rozměr konceptu čechoslovakismu, který posílilo obvyklé evropské paradigma meziválečných dějin umění. Dominance českého umění se vymezovala proti německé... more
Classical Archaeology as a subject of study was established at the University of Poznań with the creation of the University itself in 1919, but as a key date in its development should be seen 30th April, 1923, when Mieczysława Sabina... more
Preface to a new edition of a long contribution by Enrico Castelnuovo, first published in 1973. The preface wishes to explain how and why Castelnuovo was interested in portraiture, what was the genesis of the contribution, what is its... more
Constatant l’abondance des études sur les phénomènes de destruction, cet essai commence par analyser la situation historiographique du début des années 1980. Au point de vue normatif de l’Histoire du vandalisme de Louis Réau dénonçant «... more
Art predominantly is being perceived by way of reproductions. This counts as well and in particular for art history. Only rarely however the science gives attention to them – and if, the reproductions are mostly depreciated when compared... more
This essay explores how connoisseurship and formalism from the late nineteenth until the middle of the twentieth centuries contributed to the study of drawing that characterised and shaped sketches as a particular subgenre. By focusing on... more
Nel 1627 il giovane pittore Giovanni Battista della Rovere (Torino, 1603c. - 1631c.) dipinge la grande tela del Trionfo della morte, detto anche “Specchio della vita umana”. In origine destinata alla chiesa torinese di San Francesco... more
Sápmi, the Sámi area, is transnational; it transcends four nation states, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Art and art history have been considered natural parts of a nation state’s inventory since the 19th century and have... more
w w w. g a n g e m i e d i t o re . i t Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere memorizzata, fotocopiata o comunque riprodotta senza le dovute autorizzazioni. Le nostre edizioni sono disponibili in Italia e all'estero anche in... more
This essay addresses key issues relating to the classification, analysis, and (mis-)representation of the types of ancient and non-Western things. It explores how and why, and through what processes and with what implications, some... more
La collana Quaderni di Venezia Arti, ideata e diretta da Wladimiro Dorigo, ritorna in una nuova serie volta alla pubblicazione di monografie, studi e atti di convegni, che abbiano come tema l'indagine teorica, storica e critica delle... more
An overview of the literature on Bernard Berenson in the half-century since his death in 1959, and introduction to the proceedings of a conference on Berenson held in 2009.
Obituary of Maria Monica Donato (1959-2014), formerly professor of medieval art at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
Введение к книге: Аби Варбург. Великое переселение образов. Исследование по истории и психологии возрождения Античности. СПб.: Азбука-классика, 2008. Introduction to: Aby Warburg. The Great Migration of Images: an Inquery into History... more
Interview to Enrico Castelnuovo, June 2014
Sono stati in molti dall'inizio del mio dottorato fino ad oggi a concorrere alla riuscita di questa ricerca. Prima fra tutti Sheila Schwartz che ha rappresentato per me un costante e imprescindibile punto di riferimento; voglio... more
Úvod k výboru z textů M. Baxandalla: stručný životopis, hodnocení metodologie, recepce v českém prostředí.
This article constitutes a new Foreword for James Elkins's Chinese Landscape Painting as Western Art History. Reflecting on this work a decade after it was first published, this Foreword seeks to position Elkins's text with respect to... more
En el presente trabajo propongo analizar un aspecto fundamental de la restauración y conservación del patrimonio monumental novohispano: el tratamiento de las superficies arquitectónicas, que siguen siendo violadas como práctica cotidiana... more
Art in Poland from the 10th to the 12th century -pre-Romanesque, Romanesque, Ottonian or early-Piast? Summary In 1980, in Volume 16 of "Folia Historiae Artium", there appeared an article of Lech Kalinowski entitled Pre-Romanesque and... more
Díaz-Andreu, Margarita 1995. Arte y arqueología: la larga historia de una separación. En VII Jornadas de Arte. Historiografía del Arte español en los siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, Alpuerto: 151-160. La consideración de Johannes Joachim... more
One should not expect me to provide a complete description of the collection of M. Crozat; such an endeavor would take too long, and is quite beyond my abilities. 2
Nell’ottobre del 2013, a Parigi, in occasione della grande esposizione antiquaria di “Paris Tableau”, la Galleria Canesso ha esposto un magnifico dipinto piemontese: il perduto autoritratto di Giovanni Antonio Molineri da Savigliano,... more
A presente tese de Doutoramento aborda o fenómeno de implementação da figura do Arquitecto e suas repercussões na prática arquitectónica em Portugal no período cronológico 1521-1557. Trata, pois, do momento de viragem das concepções... more
Publication en ligne :
How many criteria? Confrontations with Leo Steinberg Leo Steinberg cultivated a special attention to even the slightest visual and semantic peculiarities of the works of art he analyzed, as well as to the specificity of their historical... more
Special issue of Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on Art and Architecture 2014, vol. 23, no. 3/4. Eds. Kristina Jõekalda, Krista Kodres. 184 pp.
The Hungarian art historian and theorist Lajos Fülep wrote his programmatic essay The Task of Hungarian Art History as his inaugural lecture given at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1950. Starting from the provocative claim that the... more
Cette étude vise à l’examen de l’édition artistique en France pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale à travers l’exemple de la Maison d’Editions Verve. Spécifiquement, l’article présente les conditions sous lesquelles un nombre considérable... more