History and Theory of Art
Recent papers in History and Theory of Art
El artículo estudia la difusión de una anécdota sobre el arte en la Grecia antigua, no narrada por Plinio, que trata de la rivalidad entre Fidias y Alcámenes, compitiendo por el encargo de una estatua de la diosa Atenea que debía... more
This is an edited version of the Introduction to my book Digital Art, Aesthetic Creation: The Birth of a Medium, published by Routledge in their Advances in Art and Visual Studies series, 2019. In the book, the chapter is entitled... more
A chiedere agli artefici dotati d’ingegno e temprati «dallo esercizio dell’arte» di dare corpo per iscritto al loro sapere fu Benedetto Varchi che, nella primavera del 1547, in concomitanza con i suoi interventi accademici dedicati alle... more
Abstract Has art theory any function and any importance? A function and importance for who? For the practising artist, theorists, writers on art? Art speak and its place in art theory, art criticism and artists’ statement. - Many tools... more
An artist cannot work without material. Everything, including immaterial resources such as time, can be material I use to form things.—Franz Erhard Walther, “Material." This chapter thinks about a selection of Walther's works from his... more
Per il ciclo Canova a Bologna. Personaggi, luoghi, contesti, prima conferenza dal titolo: Un amico di Antonio Canova: Pietro Giordani. La figura di Antonio Canova viene letta alla luce di un testimone d'eccezione: il letterato, amico e... more
This essay discusses the use of the word ‘anarchy’ by the German art historian and philosopher Edgar Wind (1900-1971) in his Art and Anarchy (1963). The book — which resulted from Wind’s homonymous 1960 BBC Reith Lecture — advanced a... more
Περιλήψεις Εισηγήσεων, σ. 13,
Διημερίδα Νέων Ερευνητών Ιστορίας της Τέχνης "Νέες Τάσεις και Προσεγγίσεις στην Ιστορία της Τέχνης στην Ελλάδα",
2 Ιουνίου 2022,
Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων
Διημερίδα Νέων Ερευνητών Ιστορίας της Τέχνης "Νέες Τάσεις και Προσεγγίσεις στην Ιστορία της Τέχνης στην Ελλάδα",
2 Ιουνίου 2022,
Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων
The Florentine Accademia del Disegno (founded in 1563) and the Roman Accademia di San Luca (founded c. 1593) where the first official art academie in Europe. In their early years these institutions performed a variety of functions, which... more
Maria Bergamo Between Apophatic and Epiphanic: Reflections on the Iconographer and the Artist, from Cretan madonneri to Russian Mystics The reflections presented here refer to the painting Martyrium of Saint Paraskevi by Michaìl... more
It has become a commonplace that Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris and Fernand Léger are the great representatives of cubism. However, even if all of them would end up signing a contract with the same dealer, their (artistic)... more
W przewodniku znalazły się kompleksowe informacje dotyczące tego, jak analizować i interpretować dzieła sztuki za pomocą urządzeń do śledzenia i rejestrowania ruchów gałek ocznych. Publikacja kierowana jest do artystów, teoretyków i... more
Pintescritura , neologismo cunhado para lidar com as complexidades epistemológicas advindas de uma investigação em nível de Mestrado, batiza o texto que aqui se propõe. Investigava-se então a picturalidade no cinema de Peter Greenaway e... more
L'opera di Mark Rothko (1903Rothko ( -1970 è segnata in modo evidente da una evoluzione senza ritorno.
Paper published in the Avello Publishing Journal, v.1, n.1 (2011) with accompanying 2 1/2 minute film.
Este libro ha sido reseñado por Fernando Galván Freile y Emilio Morais Vallejo en De Arte. Revista de Historia del Arte, nº 5, Ed. Universidad de León, León, 2006, pp. 245-247. ISSN: 1696-0319... more
The problem of separating art objects from the total mass of material objects has always been relevant in the analysis of material culture. This problem is relevant both in dealing with archaeological finds and with other ancient objects.... more
4nd Triennale of Thessaloniki, Greece - International Art Exhibition - 2022 - "Our Brain Cells" - Organized by "Colours Gallery", 02/05/2022 - 12/05/2022, Gallery "Out of Focus". Honoured Country: Japan There is also an Art... more
Άπό τις διαφάνειες μου του 2004 για το Μάθημα "Πολιτισμός και Θεωρίες της Τέχνης" που μετονομάστηκε σε "Ιστορία και Θεωρία της Τέχνης" το 2012. Διατηρώ εδώ τον τίτλο του αρχικού μαθήματος και την πρώτη μορφή των διαφανειών. Το... more
From about the mid-second century BC through the second century AD there raged in China an almost continuous controversy over the proper distribution of social and economic resources. Sometimes opinions were expressed in public debate,... more
Questo articolo è un riassunto dei punti principali della conferenza pubblica del 26 Febbraio 2019 tenuta all’Archontikò Lassani di Kozani, Grecia. This paper is an abstract of the main points of the public conference of February 26,... more
RESUMO: O corpo é o significante privilegiado em torno do qual gravita a monumentalidade operística do ciclo Cremaster (1994-2002) de Matthew Barney. Propõe-se aqui um esboço investigativo de contornos lacanianos, em que Freud e o signo... more
This article researches on two important squares in Florence, Italy, Piazza della Signoria and Piazza della SS. Annunziata. In the perspective of space construction and relationship, find out the meaning and metaphor of the main statues... more
Alisa Baremboym's eclectic and hermetic work is receiving a great deal of attention, judging by the number of exhibitions in which her objects have been featured and by the critical literature they have generated. Her sculpture juxtaposes... more
The fight of Aeneas and his family from Troy does not seem to have attracted the attention of African mosaicists nor that of their colleges from the entire Roman Empire. Today we only recognize a single artwork, more specifcally, an... more
The purpose of this contribution is to evaluate the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in freedom of artistic expression cases dealing with visual and performance arts. The reasons for this particular evaluation... more
L’ouvrage est une première synthèse des théories du nu dans les traités d’art de la Renaissance en langues latine et italienne. Il soutient aussi une thèse : les humanistes, qui furent les premiers à employer le mot nudus comme un... more
Στη δημόσια τέχνη, ένα διευρυμένο πεδίο «σχεσιακών πρακτικών», βασισμένων στη συνεργασία και την κοινωνική συμμετοχή, αποτελεί το σημείο εκκίνησης για την ευαισθητοποίηση γύρω από τα σύγχρονα προβλήματα και τις αλλαγές του δημόσιου χώρου... more
Presentation of my PhD research on "Arab futurisms" as part of the symposium entitled “Autour du musée des futurs de Gaza. Futurismes et muséologies alternatives," organized by Marion Slitine and Aude Fanlo. Mucem Museum in Marseilles,... more
La morale intrinsèquement liée à la mode renouvelle l'allure des corps devenant ainsi une autre phase de marqueur social. La virtualité de la réalité souligne la mise en scène de soi par différentes thématiques. L'amour, dit “véritable”... more
In this article, I put forward a theoretical way to conceive of the problem of the origin of art. Did art arise in the time of the prehistoric caves or rather in the concept of representation originated in Ancient Greece or is it just an... more
Котломанов А.О. Гордость и предубеждение // Новый мир искусства. 2007. № 1. С. 24-25.
Kotlomanov A.O. Pride and Prejudice. The New World of Art [Novyi Mir Iskusstva], 2007, N 1, pp. 24-25 (In Russian)
Kotlomanov A.O. Pride and Prejudice. The New World of Art [Novyi Mir Iskusstva], 2007, N 1, pp. 24-25 (In Russian)
Jacopo da Voragine in his latin collection "Legenda Aurae" (at the end of XIII. century) published one of St. Jerome's most famous legends. As a part of the zodiac tale theory developed in Hungary at the end of the last century Pap Gábor... more
The article gives another (parallel) interpretation of the picture based on Raphael's coding system, which was described last year (2021).This is a first publication of the mentioned system in international literature.
The purpose of this contribution is to evaluate the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in freedom of artistic expression cases dealing with visual and performance arts. The reasons for this particular evaluation... more
Resumo: O corpo é aqui meta-alegoria. Medida da vida, estrutura-se temporal, tropológico, narrativo. Em sua posição alegórica, é o locus privilegiado da visão que aqui se privilegia da História como fabulação (poiesis, fictio). A verdade,... more
Presenta il volume, insieme all’autore, il Prof. Giovanni C. F. Villa. Ne discutono docenti e dottorandi, MERCOLEDÌ 11 NOVEMBRE 2015, ORE 11:00, Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi Umanistici Interculturali, Sala riunioni, via Donizetti, 3... more