Most downloaded papers in Hiking
A comprehensive guide for botanical excursions in Central and Western Sicily, including 24 itineraries described in every detail and illustrated by maps and photographs of the excursion sites. The book illustrates, as well, the whole... more
This paper describes a phenomenological study in which participants hiked 5 miles through Sterling Forest State Park in New York. The experience was recorded with a microvideo camera worn by the hiker. Data analysis revealed many... more
This hybrid art-theory article discusses "Indeterminate Hikes," a smartphone app and performance created by ecoarttech, my interdisciplinary eco-art and theory collaborative. The work was originally conceived for a Whitney Museum of... more
The main aim of this study is to better understand why people hike the Israel National Trail (INT) and the behavioural, experiential, and spatiotemporal phenomena that accompany this activity. In this explorative study, we assumed that... more
My Master of Arts thesis is a study of the little known inland lifeways of the late precontact on Graham island, xaadlaa gwaayee (Haida Gwaii). I first describe the current situation, and the rational for my research focus. I then detail... more
Hiking is a system of spatial behaviour. This study explores hiking as practiced along the Israel National Trail and posits that hiking and the hikers’ community together constitute a ‘social world’. Our study asked three primary research... more
"What Fits in the Backpack… Combining Leisure Time and Archaeological Field Work": What should you do if you accidentally stumble across archaeological finds or features in your free time, e.g., while hiking? A stone slab covered with... more
Training is any planned activity to transfer or modify knowledge, skills, and attitudes through learning experiences. Personnel may require training for a variety of reasons, including the need to maintain levels of competence and respond... more
This little write-up focuses only on the British Hill Station remnants since the colonial era, the sole purpose of which is to 'relive' the old days via archived documents. Perhaps another minor purpose might be that this document can... more
In einer von Stress und Hektik geprägten Zeit, in der Erholung und Kontraste zum Alltag immer bedeutender im Tourismus werden, sind die deutschen Mittelgebirge trotz ihres natürlichen Potenzials von rückläufigen bzw. stagnierenden... more
This is one of a series of draft writings which collectively form part of the 'Handrail' which guides readers through my forthcoming monograph: Performing Landscapes; Mountains. They comprise a series of short, allusive pieces of writing... more
Tourist experiences are not merely visual but multisensory. When considering the sounds of nature, tourists often have conflicting preferences regarding the appropriate and desired soundscape. The article explores these preferences and... more
Wadi az-Zarqa is the spine of a series of interconnected hiking trails that are located among the three villages of Beit Illu, Deir Amar, and Jamala. The area is a triangle situated northwest of Ramallah and can be approached either... more
BAC KG ROUND There have not been many studies on the role of muscular strength and finger strength and their relationship to climbing ability. O BJ E C T I V E To evaluate the role major muscle groups and finger strength... more
The paper promotes urban parks as suitable locations for geology field trips. A sample field guide of Griffith Park in Los Angeles is presented. The area described includes fault splays in the Santa Monica Fault Zone, and shows an... more
W poniższej pracy podjęto problem regionalizacji fizycznogeograficznej Sudetów wraz z wyznaczeniem bezwzględnie najwyższych szczytów poszczególnych pasm, leżących po stronie polskiej. Kolejnym krokiem było zaprojektowanie szlaku pieszego... more
A investigação que suporta a presente reflexão tem como matriz geográfica os municípios da Serra da Lousã (a saber: Lousã, Miranda do Corvo, Góis, Penela, Castanheira de Pera, Figueiró dos Vinhos e Pedrógão Grande) e o propósito de... more
This article explores Greek social imagination and daily experiences during the debt crisis particularly in relation to Germany, which is increasingly the object of public suspicion with reference to its role in Greece's bailout program.... more
Dins de la Secció d'Arquitectura del CEC, a mida que passen els anys, es produeix un gir de sensibilitats i els seus socis passen de dibuixar els grans monuments catalans a un ver descobriment de l'arquitectura vernacla catalana, que es... more
Hiking turístico no espaço rural: pesquisa-ação na comunidade quilombola de Caiana dos Matias-Serra Redonda/PB 1 Hiking tourism in the rural areas: action-research at quilombola community of Caiana dos Matias-Serra Redonda/PB Senderismo... more
Data produced in this journal is a result of the survey made by Schadow1 Expeditions during its Camiguin Mapping Expedition of 2013 from February 26 – March 3, 2013. Survey to the volcano was made in February 28, 2013. The Hibok-Hibok... more
Data produced in this journal is a result of the survey made by Schadow1 Expeditions during its Palay-Palay Mataas na Gulod Mountain Range Mapping Expedition of 2014. Survey to the mountain range was made on multiple expeditions set on... more
Understanding the movement of visitors contributes to appropriate management plans for visitor destinations. Determination of this movement is composed of not only the identification of the starting and end points together with the... more
This ‘paper’ lays out a strategy for interdisciplinary writing based on the formulation of ‘Handrails’ - an aid such as a path, wall or fence, which in poor visibility can help navigation. These handrails comprise short, allusive pieces... more
The main objective of this expedition was to further explore the Chinami Canal, which flows all the way down to Sangu river of Bandarban district, Bangladesh. Initially the plan was to enter the Patiya district, Chittagong and then, start... more
Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary natural beauties. Due to its relatively remote location and characteristics, it is difficult to access, therefore making it less known... more
Este artigo visa o estudo dos sistemas turísticos e o papel activo da antropologia na construção de uma abordagem e leitura críticas. Centrar‑se‑á num estudo de caso insular (a ilha da Madeira) alicerçado numa etnografia do sector... more
Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o movimento de escora de dois velejadores da classe Laser, relacionados entre os cinco melhores do Brasil. Os atletas foram filmados em situação de regata e foram consideradas para análise duas... more
Pendakian pada umumnya merujuk pada perjalanan panjang dan penuh semangat yang biasanya melewati jalan kecil di area pedalaman atau melintasi hutan. Oleh karena itu, sebelum melakukan pendakian di beberapa gunung di Indonesia, para... more
Wilderness stream crossings used by mules, horses, and hikers are localized disturbances that may affect habitat immediately downstream, but the potential influence of fords on streams has received little investigation, particularly in... more
In honour of the host country of the 29th International Cartographic Conference in Tokyo in July 2019, the cover of the "Swiss National Report - Cartography in Switzerland 2015-2019" features my Swiss-Japanese co-production: the map... more