Recent papers in Harran
"One of the almost forgotten and least known buildings in mediaeval al-Raqqa is its citadel. In the 1950s the citadel was completely removed. A citadel however, constitutes an important space defining complex for the historical... more
This study examines spoken Arabic language in Harran with examples. It aims to find out the features of this language of this region and the proverbs used by people. The research has indicated that as in other Arabic dialects in Harran,... more
Eski Ahit’te geçen mekan ve isimler arasında Harran adı da yer almaktadır. Harran Terah ve evlatları Hz. İbrahim, Nahor ve Haran’ın geçici ikamet yerini teşkil etmiştir. Tevrat Hz. İbrahim (A.S.)’ın Harran üzerinden Filistin’e gidişinden... more
Harran'da Arap dili ve Arapça meseller
Thābit b. Qurra (d. 288/901), a Sabian of Ḥarrān, and his descendants remained in their ancestral religion for six generations. Why did they persist despite pressure to convert? This article argues that religious self-identification as a... more
el-Cezîre bölgesinin Diyar-ı Mudar kısmında yer alan Harran şehri, geçmişte Araplara yurtluk yaptığı gibi günümüzde de Arap nüfusun yaşadığı bir yer olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Buradaki Araplar, siyasi sınırlar sebebiyle Arap dünyasıyla... more
The Golden Seal With Hermes Description From Harran Castle. As the Harran archeology excavation team, a gold seal was found during the archeological excavation work we carried out in Harran Castle in 2019. At first glance, this seal,... more
Irak Türkmenleri denildiği zaman hafızamızda ilk olarak Kerkük ve Musul canlanır. Fakat Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun dağılmasından sonra maalesef Türkler için hüznün ve acının adeta merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu acılar dokunaklı bir şekilde... more
It is now firmly established that Sargon II's brother Sīn-aḫu-uṣur was also his vizier (sukkallu). He was the addressee of many letters written by the subjects of the Empire. He appears on a number of contemporary documents. The present... more
Özet: Hicri 554 ile 626 yılları arasında yaşayan Ya‘kûb el-Mencinîkî Harranlıdır. Kaynaklarda “el- Harrânî” nisbesiyle anılmıştır. el-Mencinîkî, mancınık yapımıyla uğraşmıştır. Bu yüzden “el- Mencinîkî” nisbesini almıştır. Silahlara ve... more
The Tathbīt dalāʾil al-nubuwwa of the chief qāḍī of Rayy ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Hamadhānī (d. 1024 or 1025) contains a lengthy digression asserting early Christianity's gradual corruption by the pagan Romans. One of the Muʿtazilī theologian's... more
Harran which is located in the south east Şanlıurfa's 44 km. and visited by thousands of local and foreign tourists every year, is an extremely important settlement in terms of ancient and medieval history. In the city, which was... more
ARABĠC PARABLES AND ANALYSĠSES ĠN HARRAN ARABS ĠN THE CONTEXT OF LANGUAGE AND LĠTERATURE ABSTRACT This study examines spoken Arabic language in Harran with examples. It aims to find out the features of this language of this region and... more
Harran is among the places and names that are mentioned in the Old Testament. Harran constituted the sojourn of Terah and his sons Abram, Nahor and Haran. The Torah mentions Abraham's (PBUH) travel to Palestine through Harran. Likewise,... more
"The period between 950 and 1150 C.E. is regarded as "turning point in the history of the Islamic Culture" from the Early Islamic to the Late Medieval civilization. What led to the urban decline in between and the later recovery? Ḥ̣arrān... more
Fırat ve Dicle arasındaki toprakların en eski yerleşimlerinden biri olan Harran şehri, İslam çağında olduğu gibi Roma ve Bizans dönemlerinde de zengin kültürü temsil eden bir kent olmuştur. Mezopotamya’nın bu dönemde iki ezeli rakip (Roma... more
The fifth century AH/eleventh century CE in Shām and the Jazīra was a period of a receding monetary economy, and drastically shrinking number of produced coins. Contemporary legal texts supported by archaeologically provenanced coin... more
Le Profezie dei filosofi pagani in forma abbreviata. Ḥarrān tra tradizione greca e cristianesimo siriaco.
Since ancient times, people have sought various ways to find and use water effectively in the geography where water has suffered. One of these remedies is the Saqia known as the water closet and the Nauras, one of the more developed... more
Harranlı kadınlarla klavuz sorular eşliğinde yapılan derinlemesine görüşmelerde kadınların toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini nasıl deneyimledikleri, yaşam biçimlerinde cinsiyet rollerinin ne düzeyde etkili olduğu ve sosyo-ekonomik yaşam... more
in 531 AD Damascius and six other scholars of the Plato's Academy, went to the court of King Khosrow I. however, they were allowed to return to Athens because of a clause in the treaty of 533 AD between Khosrow and Justinianus. the Future... more
Wir wünschen Ricardo Eichmann lange fruchtbare Jahre, nunmehr frei von alltäglichen Dienstverpflichtungen bei einem weiterhin großen Interesse an der Forschung; vor allen Dingen aber Muße für die Umsetzung der vielen Pläne, die er sich... more
Hz. İbrâhim’e dair Eski Ahit ile Yeni Ahit’te yer alan bazı bilgiler, Kur’ân-ı Kerim’de konu edinmemektedir. Buna mukabil Kur’ân’da anlatılan bazı hususların da ilgili kaynaklarda ele alınmadığı görülmek-tedir. Nitekim Tevrat ve İncil’de... more
The Assyrians actively engaged themselves in construction in the heartland and in the numerous provinces of the Empire. Textual sources (especially royal inscriptions and correspondence), as well as archaeological excavations, mention and... more
- by Kazım Paydaş
- Harezm, Harran, Moğollar, Urfa
The present study focuses on the newly edited collection of Armenian homilies attributed to Epiphanius of Salamis. This large literary corpus has until recently been almost ignored in scholarship. Including also its unedited... more
Helenistik dönemden 13. yüzyılın başına kadar farklı uygarlıklara ev sahipliği yapmış olan Rakka/Rafiqa zengin bir kültürel mirasa sahiptir. Özellikle 12 ve 13. yüzyıllarda kentte üretilen seramikler bugün tüm dünyada bilinen ve çeşitli... more
Harranu, Carhai gibi isimler ile anılan Harran, Müslümanlar tarafından fethedildikten sonra el-Cezîre bölgesinin bir parçası olan Diyâr-ı Mudar'ın merkezi oldu. Geçmişte müteaddit medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapan Harran, Bizans-Sasani... more
Harran Excavations Works in 2017 Excavations were carried out in 2017 at the Perfume Shop and Palace Bath by the Harran archeology excavation team. In this article, information is given about the workshop, pool, hall, store and hundreds... more