Middle Euphrates (Archaeology)
Recent papers in Middle Euphrates (Archaeology)
Research on interregional networks during the Early Bronze Age in Northern Mesopotamia and Syria developed from the latter half of the twentieth century with large scale archaeological excavations in the region. Details of the... more
It is generally agreed that during the first century BC the Euphrates River came to represent a negotiated boundary of Roman and Parthian power in the Near East, and that this remained the case until the overthrow of the Parthians by the... more
The Uruk Expansion, which took place during various phases throughout the 4 th millennium BC, also developed in Northern Mesopotamia. In the area of Birecik, in eastern Turkey, on the edge of the Euphrates, various archaeological sites... more
Irak Türkmenleri denildiği zaman hafızamızda ilk olarak Kerkük ve Musul canlanır. Fakat Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun dağılmasından sonra maalesef Türkler için hüznün ve acının adeta merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu acılar dokunaklı bir şekilde... more
The semantic context of the cultural patterns of the past is beyond our perception. This fact, regardless of time and space, thus, makes any type of social organizations that existed in the past complex and transitive. Bearing in mind... more
This paper aims to analyse some social dynamics which occurred during the late Iron Age in the Syro-Anatolian region from a particular point of view, i.e. that of clay figurine finds. The coroplastic production under consideration is a... more
This is a study concerning the Iron Age coroplastic production in the Northern Levant. The research is mostly based on new data gathered from the Joint Turco-Italian Expedition at Karkemish (Gaziantep, Turkey). Figurines presented in this... more
This is a first paper on data gathered from the analysis of the Syrian Pillar Figurines recovered at Karkemish and other sites in the Middle Euphrates region. These standing figurines are characterized by applied ornamental bands and... more
A study of the ways with which ancient societies confronted death is of great interest also for modern societies. The strategies to overcome mourning and deal with the end of a human life are numerous and varied. This volume chooses as... more
Handmade Syrian Horses and Riders figurines (hereafter HSHR) appeared in the Middle Euphrates approximately at the beginning of the seventh century B.C.E This production was first recognized as “snowman” figurines by L. Woolley during... more
Thèse de Doctorat d'Archéologie par Mouheyddine OSSMAN soutenue le 26 janvier 2013 La culture matérielle de la Mésopotamie du Nord et de ses voisins, d'après l'étude de la céramique, de l'Uruk récent au Bronze ancien I/II Volume I : Texte... more
Thapsacus figures prominently in Hellenic and Hellenistic Greek literature as a famous crossing place on the Euphrates in northern Syria associated with the Achaemenids Cyrus and Darius III, and with Alexander the Great. In Roman... more
Among the 6,637 beads found within the cache in the cella of the Temple of Ninkarrak at Tell ´Ašara / Terqa in 1979–80 (Area C), nine scarabs were discovered. The scarabs from Terqa represent the easternmost archaeological attestation of... more
Nel 1989 Denis Feissel e Jean Gascou davano notizia di un lotto di ventuno documenti su materiale deperibile, pergamene e papiri, fatti pervenire loro da un collezionista che li aveva acquistati sul mercato antiquario 1 . Si tratta di... more
The mound of Zeytinli Bahçe is 2 km south of the town of Birecik, on the left bank of the river Eufrates, in the Şanliurfa province, South-Eastern Turkey. The investigations of the Italian team have documented a long occupation starting... more
EU_SPF holding a child from Karkemish. The British Museum, London (museum no. 108757). Euphrates Syrian Pillar Figurines The Euphrates Syrian Pillar Figurines (EU_SPF's) are anthropomorphic clay figurines dating from the late Iron Age... more
Draft historical atlas of Syria, Valley of the Mid-Euphrates River from Jerabulus to Raqqa and the Khabur River system
Étude soutenue en novembre 2017 en tant qu'Habilitation à Diriger des recherches à l'École d'Histoire de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Le travail se concentre sur le Sūhu depuis Harradu jusqu'à Harbê au Ier millénaire... more
O.P. Nieuwenhuyse & Peter M.M.G. Akkermans (2019). In: A. Marciniak (ed.). 2019. Concluding the Neolithic – The Near East in the Second Half of the Seventh Millennium BCE. Atalanta: Lockwood Press, pp. 103-137.
Draft historical atlas of Syria—sheet 06, the Valley of the Mid-Euphrates (Raqqa to Abu Kemal) and the Khabur River (Syrian Jazira)
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
The Fertile Desert studies a region of the Euphrates Valley between the Balikh and Khabour in Syria that remains little known. Partial reports, isolated interventions, and proposals for a hypothetical reconstruction of the relationship... more
This paper focuses on the individuals attested to in the 15 texts from Azû, with the objective of sketching the inner chronology of the corpus. The published studies on the Ekalte and Emar generations are also used to establish a... more
ISBN 978 1 78491 381 6 ISBN 978 1 78491 382 3 (e-Pdf)
Site catchment analysis has usually been executed in archaeological studies pertaining to hunter-gatherer economies and site resource basis within a certain radius of a distance. It was initially introduced to archaeology by C. Vita-Finzi... more
"Most of the datasets presented in this thesis are available for free in ArcGIS shapefile format on the University of Edinburgh's DataShare Open data repository at http://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/. These datasets are available for everyone... more