Recent papers in Edessa
In Making Mesopotamia: Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland, Hamish Cameron examines the representation of the Mesopotamian Borderland in the geographical writing of Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, the anonymous... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Ἡ παροῦσα μελέτη ἀποτελεῖ ἐκλεκτική συνοπτική παράθεση ἐγκυκλοπαιδικῶν πληροφοριῶν γιά τό θέμα «Ἡ κατηχητική σχολή τῆς Ἐδέσσης» μέ τή χρήση ἐγκυκλοπαιδικῶν βοηθημάτων. Ὡς κύριο βοήθημα χρησιμοποιεῖται ἡ ΘΗΕ καί ὡς δευτερεύοντα τό LThK3... more
İbrahim'in Havuzu'ndan İsa'nın Mendili'ne Oryantalizmin Edessa'sında Dini Eksen: 16.-19. Yüzyıl Avrupalı Seyyahların Gözüyle Osmanlı Urfa'sında Yahudi, Hıristiyan ve Müslüman Kimliği Üzerine Doc. Dr. Elnure Azizova• ' .
The ܫܚܝܡܐ Shhimo is the prayer book for normal weekdays of the Syrian Orthodox Church and it was officially printed for the first time in Dayro d-Kurkmo (Dayr Al-Zafaran) in 1890 with a printing press that Patriarch Ignatius Peter IV (+... more
Among the sporadic Old Syriac inscriptions, some including dates are even fewer. An unpublished inscription will be presented in this paper. Although inscriptions from Hatra have been lost, some of them were recorded during the... more
Anadolu ve Mezopotamya ile bağlantısı sayesinde pek çok medeniyetin geride bıraktığı izleri taşıyan Urfa, 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında çok sayıda sanat tarihçisi ve arkeoloğun uğrak yeri olmuştur. Filolog Edward Sachau, Alman müzecisi ve... more
Urfa-Edessa Mosaics This book contains the mosaics were found in Urfa (Hellenistic and Roman name Edessa).Mosaics are paved to the floor of the Villa, churchs and rock tombs. The subjects of mosaics are mythological and related to daily... more
Özet M.Ö.132-M.S.244 yıllarında “Edessa”da (Şanlıurfa) hüküm süren Osrhoene Krallığı döneminde, Kral V. Abgar Ukkama M.S. 13-50 arasındaki ikinci saltanatı sırasında hastalanır. Hz. İsa'nın hastaları iyileştirdiğini duyan Kral çok hasta... more
The paper deals with the forms of address to the gods, where the divine name is substituted by titles and formulas such as: "My Lord", "He whose name is blessed forever", etc. seen before as an example of the anonymity of the gods. The... more
This book is the first-ever comprehensive study of the history and culture of these three little-known countries of Northern Mesopotamia (3rd century BCE – 7th century CE). The book gives an overview of the historical geography, material... more
Modern Urfa kentinin, Antik dönemde adı Edessa idi. Osroene Krallığının başkenti olan Edessa, Hıristiyanlık tarihi için de önemli bir yerleşim yeri ve bir merkez olmayı sürdürmüştür. Tarihi kaynaklarda 1. ve 2. yüzyıldan beri bu yörede... more
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La collection Semitica & classica Supplementa accueille des monographies et des dossiers thématiques portant sur la Méditerranée et l'Orient ancien, depuis le second millénaire avant l'ère chrétienne jusqu'aux premiers siècles de l'Islam.
MUSIC IN URFA AND ITS AROUND IN THE LIGHT OF TODAY ARCHEOLOGICAL DATA The Euphrates and with view of the plains on the hills of Şanlıurfa, the traces of the... more
The region of Osroene is the area including Edessa (Şanlıurfa), Carrhae (Harran), and Birtha (Birecik) located east of the Euphrates (Fırat) River. The Abgar Dynasty, the major power in the region, overthrew Seleukos's control and... more
Alla fine del IV secolo d. C., Egeria, una donna d’alto rango e dalla grande cultura, compie un pellegrinaggio verso i luoghi santi che hanno visto fiorire il Cristianesimo, lasciando un resoconto scritto dei suoi viaggi, la Peregrinatio... more
Bardesane (+222) est le premier auteur chrétien de la langue syriaque. D’origine païenne, Bardesane s’est converti au christianisme à Édesse, probablement au cours de ses études de philosophie. Il fut conseiller des rois d’Édesse, connu... more
Die Anfänge der Jesusbewegung in Syrien. Die verschiedenen Richtungen der vor-netestamentlichen Jesusbewegung. Die Gegensätze zwischen den Jesusgläubigen, die Jesus als Gottessohn verehrten und den von Paulus angeführten Messianern... more
In this study, a late Roman mosaic from Edessa and some mosaics depicting animals from various parts of Anatolia and Syria will be Examined. The mosaics mentioned in this paper are the animal and Orpheus mosaics from Edessa in Şanlıurfa;... more
Η μακραίωνη ιστορία του τόπου μας παρουσιάζεται στις αρχαιότητες που ανακαλύπτει η αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη και στη μελέτη των πολύτιμων αρχειακών πηγών. Οι πτυχές της ξεδιπλώνονται μέσα από επιστημονικά συνέδρια, όπου ειδικοί επιστήμονες... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
This article situates the Syriac Julian Romance in early sixth-century Edessa and sees it as a response to Justinian’s attempts to force local non-Chalcedonians into communion with the imperial church. It develops the interrelationship... more
This research is based on a study of coffee consumption, functionality of coffeehouses and portraits of regulars in the late Ottoman Empire. In the 18th century customs records, data on the trade in coffee was scarce. This pointed out... more
Apokryf 1895) Marii Konopnickiejwiersz jako po-Słowie * Jednym z najbardziej ożywczych źródeł poetyckiego natchnienia jest w twórczości Marii Konopnickiej Biblia, wykorzystywana przez nią bezpośrednio lub odnajdywana u innych twórców -w... more
The development of the New Testament Church in Antioch and all Syria,
English translation presented in Kottayam/India 1993 of a German article.
English translation presented in Kottayam/India 1993 of a German article.
Questo studio sul Levante in epoca crociata risponde all’esigenza, già emersa a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo, di una maggiore e più puntuale attenzione alla fondazione e alla straordinaria esperienza franco-armena della Contea di... more
[**a three pages English summary is available at the end of the paper**] The study begins with a brief history of the city of Edessa highlighting both the cultural and religious peculiarities of its inhabitants, and the way how... more