Recent papers in Ulysses
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
Quell'audace son io: me la fidanza / Me l'ardir persuade al gran periglio / D'insinuarmi nel dardanio campo. / Ma se meco verranne altro guerriero, / Securtà crescerammi ed ardimento. / Se due ne vanno di conserva, l'uno / fa l'altro... more
Zusammenfassung Einer der zentralen Texte zum Anderen der Kultur und vor allem der Kultur des Anderen ist ohne Zweifel Theodor W. Adornos Interpretation der Odyssee im Rahmen seiner mit Max Horkheimer verfaßten Dialektik der Aufklärung.... more
SUZUKI Akira (鈴木彰), Rikkyō University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
The metaphors (and other literary devices) in Tennyson's poem, as well as the significance of Homer and Dante.
The stream of consciousness mode is a key feature of James Joyce’s Ulysses, but Xiao Qian and Wen Jieruo have turned a blind eye on this as they followed a more socio-political strategy to drop Joyce’s psychological modes altogether from... more
Patrick McGee uses the Lacanian model of the Unconscious to show how Ulysses baffles and defeats certain axioms of traditional literary criticism, such as the assumption that the meaning of an author's fiction can be reduced to his... more
Ulisse è il campione della ragione che trionfa in Occidente, l’eroe dell’intelligenza e dell’avventura. Ma la sua figura non è univoca nella tradizione antica. Le maschere del mito greco parlano di altre ragioni, di passioni irriducibili,... more
This book reassesses Primo Levi’s Holocaust texts in light of the posthumanist theories of Adorno, Levinas, Lyotard, and Foucault which together critique humanist notions of subjectivity, ethics, culture, and science. I argue that Levi... more
This Master's Thesis examines the reception and use of The Odyssey in five modern films made in the period 1954-2004.
Images of the drowned man plague James Joyce’s Ulysses, suggesting the sea and characters’ relationships to water as sources of tension and potential threat. By examining a few of the ways that water and the threat of drowning appear with... more
Since the publication of Ulysses, James Joyce has been alternatively praised and criticized by feminists for his portrayals of female characters in the novel. The debate comes down the question of whether Joyce's vision of women is... more
1. Numa cidade, 45% da populaçãoé composta por homens. Qualé a população total dessa cidade se nela residem 60.500 mulheres? Solução:
Le destin de l'homme et le destin du poète se rencontrent à Auschwitz. Ce recoupement évoque, surtout pour Fondane, le fait que la poésie est la seule forme littéraire qui puisse donner à penser la mort par le biais d'un imaginaire qui va... more
L’articolo prende le mosse dagli studi di Hans Blumenberg sul mito, sulla sua genesi antropologica e sulla funzione ‘epocale’ di alcuni «miti fondamentali», per seguire la storia della ricezione del mito di Odisseo, comprenderne il... more
Much research since ancient times has sought to locate Odysseus’ Ithaca, described by Homer as being west of an island group. Numismatic evidence seems to have been largely neglected, even though it preserves mythology and traditions from... more
« Ulysses or the Craftiness of Language: Jean Giono’s Naissance de l’Odyssée (1930) »
Bruton 1 "Ulysses is perhaps chiefly famous for Joyce's use of the technique of "stream of consciousness". Compare and contrast the use of "stream of consciousness" in relation to any two characters in Ulysses. You should consider at... more
An analysis and critique of the schema developed during the construction of the modernist tome, Ulysses
L’article étudie l’odyssée anti-nostalgique de Saad Saad, le protagoniste du roman Ulysse from Bagdad d’Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt. Les modes de transformation du substrat homérique et plus particulièrement les mythomorphoses des figures... more
Offering a critique of the class politics of contemporary Joyce studies, McGee insists that Joyce’s later work be understood in the context of the general political economy, or conditions of production, that underlies both Joyce’s career... more
Notre-Dame Déesse & Le Féminicide des Héros est un voyage dans le temps qui illumine notre société. Il est raconté par un homme âgé de culture moyenne, qui s’étonne à chaque pas, et rit, ou se met en colère, comme un enfant. La quatrième... more
Leopold Bloom, James Joyce irodalomtörténeti jelentőségű művének, az Ulyssesnek a főhőse a műből egyértelműen következően szabadkőműves. Vagy legalábbis annak látszik. Vagy csak annak nézik? Mi hát a helyzet ezzel kapcsolatban? A... more
Cette thèse examine l’omniprésence de la figure d’Ulysse dans la conscience de soi du XXe siècle à travers ses nombreuses réécritures littéraires et philosophiques. Constatant la prolifération sans précédent de la figure d’Ulysse dans la... more
This study of James Joyce's transmodal techniques explores, first, Joyce's implementation of non-language based media into his works and, second, how digital technologies might assist in identifying and studying these implementations.
Our Lady Goddess & The Femicide of the Heroes is a time travel illuminating our society. The tale is told by an old man of average culture, exclaiming in surprise at each step, and laughing, or getting angry, like a child. The back... more
Il tema di Ulisse e le sirene è stato ampiamente trattato nel corso degli studi, soprattutto nel caso di particolari reperti. Il presente articolo si propone l'obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sulla rinascita di questo episodio in vari... more
This paper focuses on a mysterious reference in the depiction of the provenance of the fateful bow of Odysseus in Od. 21.26, which is usually translated as '[the man called] Herakles, guilty of monstruous actions' or else as '… Heracles... more
"Love loves to love love. Nurse loves the new chemist. Constable 14A loves Mary Kelly. Gerty MacDowell loves the boy that has the bicycle. M. B. loves a fair gentleman. Li Chi Han lovey up kissy Cha Pu Chow. Jumbo, the elephant, loves... more
In episode nine of Ulysses main protagonist, Stephan Daedalus proposes his Shakespearean theory claiming that Shakespeare’s works have their origin in the playwright’s personal trauma, namely, suffering from his wife’s, Anne Hathaway’s... more
An exploration of James Joyce's Ulysses as a psychogeographic text.
Throughout Ulysses Joyce employs Anthropological Fictions in what can be understood to present a diagnostic of the social whole.
The legacy of sea crossing stories continues to provide us with models of how to achieve a disciplined focus, during our crossing, so that we can reach a different way of life, arriving not unscathed, but transfigured. This hybrid of... more
James Joyce's Ulysses is arguably the most famous example of avant-garde prose ever written; in this novel he chose the arduous task of representing a sonic art (music) in language (literature) revealing a fascinating dynamic between the... more
Poème sur la distance, l'Odyssée interroge les notions du proche et du lointain, de la dispersion et du regroupement tout comme celles du contact topographique et du contact topologique, en un temps où les aristocraties grecques sont... more
Paper: “Bilbo, Ulysses and the Greatness of the Unknown”