François Jullien
Recent papers in François Jullien
Contemporary French philosopher and sinologist François Jullien raised the “écart” in 2011. He chose “detour” into Chinese, then return to French to reflect the concept and “impensé” (unthought) that are in the habit of European culture.... more
For this study, we propose to analyze the film Modern Times, by Charles Chaplin, from the identification and insertion of its sound elements, and the impact of these choices on the film narrative. In it, word, music, noise and silence are... more
The Impossible Nude: Chinese Art and Western Aesthetics by François Jullien is a small book that is well translated and full of ideas. 1 Jullien argues-and illustratesthat the nude was not possible in China. The nude, he shows, is not... more
An exercise of performative writing exploring ideas around the possible meanings of documentary making as a way of existence.
In her introduction to this volume, translator Paula Varsano quotes Jullien’s description of his “lifelong foray into Chinese philosophy” as “a never-ending detour” (8). That is a perceptive starting point for this essay, first published... more
Dieses Buch kreist um widerstreitende Perspektiven auf die chinesische Philosophie. Politisch gesehen ist die Beantwortung der Frage »Was ist chinesische Philosophie?« heute notwendiger denn je, denn die Modernisierung Chinas wirkt... more
Segni, affetti, incontri. Sono le coordinate, tratte dalla riflessione filosofica di Gilles Deleuze e dalla sua interpretazione di Spinoza in particolare, su cui si muove il presente lavoro, in un percorso che attraverso l'opera di... more
Séminaire Barthes. Marie Gil ENS 14.02.15 Barthes, la question de l'immanence Rappeler Fr. Jullien le 4 avril : qui viendra compléter cet exposé La question de l'immanence en philosophie et en littérature doit d'abord être précisée, avant... more
Agnese Viola È il 1873 quando nel Corso di geologia del professore Antonio Stoppani appare il termine era antropozoica: si tratta di uno dei primi casi documentati in cui viene formalizzata l'idea dell'attività umana in quanto forza... more
Un survol de la pensée et de la méthode du sinologue François Jullien, et retour sur la polémique qui l'oppose à Jean-François Billeter.
In this short paper I will try to illustrate how, beyond certain philosophical currents that have followed one another in the 20th century, there is an alternative and complementary way of raising objections to a dualism between body and... more
The digital age demands that we retune and update our sensibility. In his rigorous, schematic corpus, Flusser shows us how. As we prehend his elaborations and intimations, we find ourselves returning to the worldview behind the immemorial... more
Leggendo il libro: Le trasformazioni silenziose, scritto con gran mestiere e con intelligenza creativa da François Jullien, se ne ricava un’immagine – a nostro avviso – che tende a dare troppa importanza alla tradizione filosofica e a... more
Il saggio esplora l'opera di Goffredo Parise (Vicenza, 1929-Treviso, 1986) a partire dalla centralità della percezione e della vi-sione, quali dispositivi della scrittura capaci di riflettere l'atto originario di apprensione del mondo.... more
This article fulfills a long-felt desire to create an artifact that allows the reader to get a holistic sense of interology at a glance. The idea of interality is to the entries explicated below as oneness is to manyness. As a... more
本文以朱利安(François Jullien)《间距与之间》一书为出发点 。笔者的讨论顺着朱利安文本的结构,从中展开内在批判(immanente Kritik),试着通过朱利安思想的内部动力和内在矛盾进行检讨。旨在反思间文化哲学的批判性概念如何可能的问题;或说,思考汉语思想的批判性重构如何可能。笔者确实曾深被朱利安连接哲学与汉学的方式所影响,但在研究工作的发展中逐渐意识到,进路虽有许多重迭之处,却逼显两种间文化哲学(interkulturelle... more
While there is still much work to be done on the relationship between art, technology, and philosophy, Art and Cosmotechnics serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of what, for Hui, seems to matter most: technodiversity. The book... more
A conversation with Matt Packer (Director of the Centre for Contemporary Art), Jim Ricks (Artist), and Declan Long (Critic) on the topic of a new mural in Derry, Northern Ireland. Spring 2016
Review of: François Jullien, La identidad cultural no existe, Madrid, Taurus, 2017, 112 p.
For this study, we propose to analyze the film Modern Times, by Charles Chaplin, from the identification and insertion of its sound elements, and the impact of these choices on the film narrative. In it, word, music, noise and silence are... more
Colloque international qui a eu lieu à l'ENS Paris les 26 et 27 mai 2016. Il a été co-organisé par Guillaume Bridet (Université de Bourgogne, EA CPTC), Xavier Ganrier (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, THALIM), Sarga Moussa (CNRS, THALIM) et... more
In Choreographing Agonism, author Goran Petrović Lotina offers new insight into the connections between politics and performance. Exploring the political and philosophical roots of a number of recent leftist civil movements, Petrović... more
François Jullien a voulu accéder à un extrême-ailleurs de notre façon d’être, à la ressemblance de l’extrême-orient. Vue de cet ailleurs, l’entreprise entière de la philosophie, et de la science qui la prolonge, apparaît comme un simple... more
En 1976, Deleuze et Guattari publient aux éditions de Minuit un petit livre intitulé Rhizome. Ce livre est un point de passage entre les deux tomes de Capitalisme et schizophrénie : il enregistre d’une part l’écriture à deux de... more
本文以朱利安(François Jullien)《間距與之間》一書為出發點 。筆者的討論順著朱利安文本的結構,從中展開內在批判(immanente Kritik),試著通過朱利安思想的內部動力和內在矛盾進行檢討。旨在反思間文化哲學的批判性概念如何可能的問題;或說,思考漢語思想的批判性重構如何可能。筆者確實曾深被朱利安連接哲學與漢學的方式所影響,但在研究工作的發展中逐漸意識到,進路雖有許多重疊之處,卻逼顯兩種間文化哲學(interkulturelle... more
publié sur Oeill de Minerve
In this paper, I want to reflect on an appropriate relational understanding of 'China' that departs from but avoids the impasses of area studies and that might provide a sound basis for a future Sinology. I first present some recent... more
Hand-out and draft-paper of the presentation held during the seminar on Contemporary Philosophy in the Centre for Religious Studies and Research (Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy), under the supervision of Prof. Rita Serpytyte.
Alla pratica pigra del pensare per differenze Jullien propone di affiancare – e anche di sostituire – quella dello scarto (écart). Di cosa si tratta? Jullien ne parla come di un movimento continuo e sinuoso che invece di contrapporre le... more
Cet article veut questionner la situation de la littérature au temps de la mondialisation. Le désir du sinologue François Jullien de découvrir s’il y a encore la possibilité d'établir un dialogue entre les cultures - pas en termes... more
Ineffacer : l'œuvre et ses fins. Esthétiques et poétiques des XXe et XXIe siècles. Michael Brophy (dir.) Paris, Éditions Hermann, 2015. Ch. VI: p. 91-104.
Abstract (English): This essay critically read the peri-urban space with respect to its design potential, starting with a conversation with François Jullien, stressing some concepts expressed in his book “Vivre de paysage ou l’impensé de... more
對於管理個人生命資本的無情要求,我們應當如何批判?當資本主義的生產拜物教占領所有創意活動時,我們該如何面對此趨勢?在這樣的脈絡下,《莊子》的研究便觸及了當代與古代的特定呼應。《莊子》可作為反對每個當代「策略論述」的重要代表;... more
У статті досліджено проблему співвідношення в літературній творчості західної та східної моделей часу. В основі огляду – концепція французького філософа Ф. Жульєна, викладена у праці “Про ″час″. Елементи філософії ″жити″”. Тримаючи в полі... more
Mental breakthroughs occur in singular spatiotemporal intervals in a triggered fashion. As a praxis, following the brush and writing in the moment is by no means unprecedented. Rather, it has been a well-established genre, especially in... more
George Steiner famously declared that, after Babel, all understanding is translating. Poetry and philosophy turn out to pose the challenge of untranslatability. In my paper, I map out the complex intertwining of translation and... more
En el marco del 1° Coloquio de Eurocentrismo y Filosofía, el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Chile tiene el agrado de invitar a toda la comunidad universitaria y extrauniversitaria a una pequeña conferencia que dictará el... more
Mes réflexions sur le concept de philosophie interculturelle se fondent sur une distinction entre trois types de philosophies: régionale, interculturelle et mondiale. Dans ce contexte, je comprends la philosophie interculturelle comme une... more
La presente indagine si propone di studiare la nozione di “comune” rilevandone il profilo ontologico ed epistemologico emergente oltre, e preliminarmente, il suo impiego in ambito sociale. Dopo una prima parte volta ad esaminare alcuni... more
La ecología y las ciencias ambientales tienden a pensar los sistemas naturales sin la presencia del ser humano o con este como un elemento externo, y destructor. Emanuele Coccia, Perejaume y otros autores cuestionan esta externalidad y... more
Michel Foucault zog sich 1978 für einige Wochen in einen Zen-Tempel am Fuß des Fuji zurück. Martin Heidegger dachte lange über das Wesen der japanischen Sprache nach. Und Roland Barthes entdeckte im „Reich der Zeichen“ das semiologische... more
La seguente intervista ha avuto luogo il 15 aprile 2015 a seguito della lezione magistrale “Vivre le paysage”, tenuta nell’ambito del corso di Semiotica del Visibile di Lucia Corrain, sotto l’invito di Paolo Fabbri. L’intervista si smarca... more
Rarissime personalità autonome – figlie di una razza in estinzione – morbosamente desiderose di sondare gli abissi, s’aggirano come lupi nella notte in un tempo che le ignora. Delle loro parole non si percepiscono che echi e sussulti.... more