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      Film and ArchitectureWomen in Film
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesDystopian LiteratureNarrative and interpretation
An exploration of the urban and architectural significance of the "New York Street" permanent sets still standing on the back lots of several major Hollywood studios, drawn from research for my book "Celluloid Skyline" (Knopf, 2001).
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      Film StudiesNew York historyArchitectural HistoryFilm Production
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      Science Fiction FilmCinema and the CityCinema and ArchitectureFilm and Architecture
Review of Nathaniel Kahn's film about Louis Kahn.
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      Film and ArchitectureLouis I. KahnLouis Kahn
Film Screening Program
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      Film and ArchitectureArt and Film
Films use architecture as visual shorthand to show viewers what they need to know about characters in a short amount of time. Using a phenomenological approach to look at a diverse range of international, historical and contemporary... more
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      Future StudiesArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm Theory
The Invisible Machines exhibition, which took place in Brighton at Grand Parade, 8th December 2010 to 7th January 2011, explored the complex relationships between architecture and machines. This is the digital edition of post-exhibition... more
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      TechnologyArchitectureCyberneticsDrawings (Architecture)
film and architecture
cinema and architecture
film architecture
cinema architecture
architecture and film
architecture and cinema
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      History of Science and TechnologyVisual StudiesFilm StudiesFrench Cinema
Las relaciones entre el cine y la arquitectura comenzaron a manifestarse casi en los inicios de las proyecciones cinematográficas. En la mayoría de las películas se pueden ver espacios arquitectónicos, por lo que prácticamente cualquiera... more
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      Cinema and ArchitectureFilm and ArchitectureFilm ArchitectureArquitectura Y Cine
A review of Ben Wheatley's High-Rise (2015), written for Sight and Sound.
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaFilm AnalysisR D Laing
The paper explores Tati's use of new film media in 'Playtime' in ways that reveal more fundamental modes of social, mimetic and situational mediation as performed in the film by architects, and architect-like characters, and by the... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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      Film StudiesSilent FilmFilm and ArchitectureColour
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      Cinematic SpaceCinema and ArchitectureFilm and ArchitectureEastern European Cinema
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    • Film and Architecture
The Iranian artist's long-lasting attempt has been towards idealism.An Iranian painter has always been inclined to portray the world as it should, not to portray her own image of the world.In such a way that the universe reflected in the... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryArchitectureCinematic Space
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm and ArchitectureMichelangelo Antonioni
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      Romanian StudiesCinemaFilm and ArchitectureEastern Europe, Romania, Postcommunism
Zwei aktuelle Entwicklungen fordern die Architekturgeschichte dazu heraus, das Verhältnis von Bild und Bau zu überdenken: das verstärkte bildwissenschaftliche Interesse der Kunstgeschichte und das Aufkommen eines Typs von Architektur, der... more
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      UrbanismPostmodernismModern ArchitectureAutomobile
The article reads Pablo Trapero's film _Elefante Blanco_ (2012) in tandem with Ernesto Laclau's _On Populist Reason_ (2005). I argue, in line with Marxist philosopher Jacques Rancière, that the film portrays the uncountable/uncounted... more
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      Latin-American FilmPopulismUrban StudiesHegemony
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      Philosophy of FilmFilm-PhilosophyFilm and ArchitectureDavid Lynch
In this essay I will focus on film and power and implications of the use of spaces and architecture in its production. I will do so by using Wong Kar-Wai’s films because of his focus on the urban domain and how the Self becomes reinserted... more
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      ArchitectureImmigrationGuy DebordHong Kong Cinema
For their seminal work Learning from Las Vegas, Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour documented a sprawling postwar American city from a moving car. Martino Stierli examines their cinematic methodology against the... more
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      Popular CultureUrban PlanningUrbanismPostmodernism
Recent advancements in digital technology, have not only deeply transformed the production of film and architecture but brought the two disciplines closer than ever before. The digital has allowed ground-breaking, if not hasty, changes in... more
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm and ArchitectureArchitectural Drawing
Since its beginnings, cinema has been a magnificent vehicle for representing architecture. With few exceptions, physical spaces are resorted to as setting and backdrop to the plot. 1 In the background, the architecture providing this... more
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      Film and HistoryReception in popular cultureArchaeology in FilmFilm and Architecture
La ohra de Micl.elnugelo ¡lJdouio"i en In r ..I'urn JI el arte de ... tiempo .r""UIIII(!' GRr~in Roifl UJS flNGE/_ES, VIS l'F'..f'flS, ZIIRRISKIE I"fJINT El po¡~(lje ..rfN:nu, .:ertt"cII'ff de '"s Eldndml Vuidff!1 PI la critif.:R... more
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesCinematic SpaceCinema
The reality is being questioned, even going so far as to doubt its existence; real space is also questioned, but the human being experiences the natural and artificial spaces; and amongst the latter the architectural, within which... more
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      Cinematic SpaceCinema and ArchitectureFilm and ArchitectureFilm Space
Tokyo Story (1953) inscribes plenty of vignettes from everyday life of Japanese homes. Whereas various home visits, daily conversations, and household chores paint the surface of the film, the roiling emotions and transient relations,... more
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      Film StudiesPhenomenologyInterior DesignJapanese Cinema
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      Film and ArchitectureDystopic Multiculturalism
Film Parasite Bonga to jedna z częściej nagradzanych i najlepiej ocenianych przez recenzentów premier 2019 r. Większość dziennikarzy podkreślała w swych opiniach krytyczny i satyryczny wydźwięk utworu wymierzony przeciw rozwarstwieniu... more
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      Korean cinemaCinema and ArchitectureFilm and ArchitectureNarration in Film
This abstract is the result of a keen interest in Architecture and Film, and more importantly a recently triggered regard for ‘The City and the Moving Images’. While focussing my research on the relationship between architecture and film... more
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      DesignFilm StudiesNarrativeDesign Process (Architecture)
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      Ludwig Mies van der RoheDadaModern ArchitecturePhotomontage
This article explores the recent animated film installations and operatic stage direction of William Kentridge to conceptualise emerging trends in installation work, artists’ cinema and hybrid forms of the moving image. Kentridge opens... more
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      Film StudiesAnimationInstallation ArtContemporary Art
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryIntermedialityFilm Analysis
statement Our primary opportunity for visual and auditory experience of utopia/dystopia is through the medium of film, in which architecture plays the primary or " starring " role, a character that makes the utopia/dystopia manifest. In... more
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      Film StudiesDystopian LiteratureFilm AnalysisUtopian Studies
La obra cinematográfica de Luis Buñuel ofrece un sorprendente dispositivo de deconstrucción del espacio fílmico. El cineasta aragonés parte de la creación de un nuevo espacio, en consonancia con las vanguardias artísticas contemporáneas,... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesFilm TheorySpanish Cinema
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      Cinematic SpaceNational CinemasFilm and ArchitectureEastern European Cinema
This article proposes that the film Slumdog Millionaire depicts a key moment in the history of India — the transformation during the 1990s of Bombay into Mumbai. In the film, the life trajectories of Jamal Malik (its Muslim protagonist),... more
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      Film and ArchitectureHistory of architectureArt and Architecture In IndiaRelations Between Film and Architectural Space and Form
Everybody knows that Vertigo is one of Alfred Hitchcock’s cinematic masterpieces. However, only a few scholars have discussed the hidden correspondences between that film and the Surrealist poetics. The following text moves away from the... more
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisSurrealism
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    • Film and Architecture
By paraphrasing Oliver Sack’s famous book title, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales, I wish to strike a note of ambivalence for this reflection on my ongoing doctoral project. I will present and try to... more
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      ArchitectureDesign Research Method (Architecture)Design ResearchFilm & Digital Video
Aunque la ciencia ficción suele asociarse al futuro por su carácter de anticipación, desde la década de 1960 varios cineastas han decidido incorporar imágenes del pasado. Con ellas, no solo han querido reforzar la verosimilitud de sus... more
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      Future StudiesPsychologyFilm StudiesBrazil
En un momento en que los grandes desarrollos de las ciudades occidentales tienden a ser más "inversión" que "vivienda", el papel del arquitecto ha pasado de diseñador de espacios habitables a productor de activos financieros. En mi serie... more
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      New MediaArchitectureAdvertisingMedia Theory
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      Film and HistoryReception in popular cultureClassical Reception StudiesFilm and Architecture
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      Utopian StudiesArt, Place And UtopiaFilm and Architecture
Architecture is said to be a spatialized expression of the political status quo. But does it incorporate revolution, or acts of civil resistance? Lebbeus Woods’ Underground Berlin/Berlin Free Zone is a unique example of a “spatial design”... more
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    • Film and Architecture
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      Cinema and ArchitectureFilm and ArchitectureFilm ArchitectureEscenografía
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    • Film and Architecture
Building on existing film and urban histories, this collection examines Spanish film through contemporary interdisciplinary theories of urban space, the built environment, visuality, and mass culture from the industrial age to the digital... more
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      Cultural GeographyFilm StudiesCinema and the CityFilm and Architecture