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Compelling voices charge that the theological notion of “sacrifice” valorizes suffering and fosters a culture of violence by the claim that Christ’s death on the Cross paid for human sins. Beneath the ‘sacred’ violence of sacrifice, René... more
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      Systematic TheologyAsceticismRene GirardThe Atonement
"Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don't make anything happen…. It's not the same with God." In Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments, Dr. Jacob W. Wood shows how Christ gives his Church the power to... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyCovenant TheologyAugustine
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      PatristicsAugustineLate AntiquityAugustine of Hippo
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      Medieval HistoryPenancePenitentials
Cover illustration: The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. MS M.638, fol. 8v. Purchased by J.P. Morgan (1867-1943) in 1916. With kind permission of the Morgan Library and Museum.
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      Dispute ResolutionMedieval StudiesMedieval ItalyPeace
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      Women's StudiesSexualityGender and SexualityHistory of Sexuality
This is a preprint of what will be the final chapter in a volume on penitentials (confessors' handbooks before c.1100) The chapter uses penitentials to contribute to the ongoing task of fleshing out the early medieval body and forms of... more
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      SexualityHistory of SexualityEarly Medieval HistoryChurch History
На запитання мирян на сторінках цієї книжки відповідає фахівець з канонічного права, який розтлумачує різні життєві ситуації і відповідні церковні приписи щодо них. This book consists of the answers of a specialist on canon law to the... more
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      PenanceTempleEastern ChurchesMatrimony
This paper is a reassessment of Augustine’s perception of his juridical duties, in light of his sermons. The Early Christian bishop was expected to serve as a judge in disputes between parties who agreed be bound by his decision, and his... more
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      Early ChristianityAugustineLate AntiquityPenance
DRAFT of paper for Theology of Canon Law. Thesis that process and penal law, with the ends of of the application of censures, penalties, and penances, are tools for the salus animarum. Therefore, the salus animarum is not only an... more
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      Canon LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawMedieval Canon LawPenance
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      PenanceByzantine MosaicsThe Chora ChurchHealing Miracles
English Translation of the article : Synode sur la famille : la voie de l'ordo paenitentium
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      History of SacramentsSacramentologyMarriage and DivorceSacramental Theology
Schum acher, Meinolf: Sündenschmutz und Herzensreinheit: Studien zur Metaphorik der Sünde in lateinischer und deutscher Literatur des Mittelalters / Meinolf Schumacher. -München : Fink, 1996 (M ünstersche M ittelalter-Schriften ; Bd. 73)... more
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      German LiteratureLatin LiteratureRhetoricMedieval Literature
"Mary Magdalene, Iconographic Studies from the Middle Ages to the Baroque examines the iconographic inventions in Magdalene imagery and the contextual factors that shaped her representation in visual art from the fourteenth to the... more
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      IconographyWomen's StudiesHagiographyBiblical Studies
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyTheologyHistorical Theology
This new edition (currently in early draft) aims to replace that of H.J. Schmitz, now nearly 120 years old. It is based on a fresh assessment of all the available manuscript evidence as well as recent research into source material. The... more
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      Canon LawAnglo-Saxon StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Medieval Canon & Roman Law
Many Orthodox Christians consider that the remission of sins committed after the Baptism can be granted exclusively as a result of confession, either individual or general, with the recitation of the absolution prayer by a priest at its... more
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      Liturgical TheologyOrthodox Liturgical TheologyEastern Orthodox Liturgical TheologyFasting
For Thomas Aquinas, the first effect (res et sacramentum) of the sacrament of penance or reconciliation is "interior penance". Thomas Aquinas does not juxtapose reconciliation with the Church and reconciliation with God, as some 13th... more
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      TheologyAquinasThomas AquinasReconciliation
У четвертому номері журналу містяться матеріяли, які висвітлюють наукову діяльність українських каноністів у різних її виявах. Тут зібрано статті, які торкаються питання Божого народу, прийняття ним святих таїнств: Хрещення,... more
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      PenanceEastern Canon LawThe EucharistOriental ecclesiology
Can penances (prāyaścitta) cure diseases according to classic Hindu Law texts on "The Ripening of Karman" (karmavipāka)? According to older texts, penance can only prevent negatvie karman from ripening in the future, but it cannot stop... more
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      DiseasePenanceHindu lawkarman
P enitência é um tópico popular atualmente entre os medievalistas. Isso não é surpresa, já que penitência tem sido um aspecto importante da religiosidade Cristã desde a Antiguidade tardia e um tema presente na maioria dos gêneros... more
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      PenancePenitential texts
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      Medieval Canon & Roman LawPenancePapal HistoryPardons
Il "Sermone su Ninive e Giona" è un memrā appartenente alla collezione di sermoni metrici scritti da Efrem di Nisibi. L’opera fu composta, forse a Edessa, in occasione di una festività liturgica in cui l’accento era posto sulla penitenza.... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac literatureEphrem the Syriac Father of the Church
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      Ambrose of MilanPenanceTheodosiusRite of Penance
A symposium hosted by the UCD MÍCHEÁL Ó CLÉIRIGH INSTITUTE
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      Canon LawPastoral CarePenancePenitential texts
This article focused on Alan of Lille's adoption of penitential theology associated with twelfth-century monastic and canonical preachers for his preaching of the Third Crusade.
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      PreachingPenanceAlan of LilleCross
Scholarship on Matt 5.25–26 has focused on the question of whether the saying offers mundane wisdom or threatens divine judgment, with the majority concluding that the saying refers to eternal punishment in hell. This article examines... more
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      New TestamentSynoptic GospelsMatthew's GospelPurgatory
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      Canon LawMedieval Canon LawPenanceHistory of Canon Law
The 1990s noir-horror film Se7en and the ongoing Saw franchise both preach a pedagogy of pain whereby victims are either fatally punished for their sins or reformed through macabre penitential ordeals. These films challenge the values of... more
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      TheologyHorror FilmPenance
P u b l i c a t i o n s d e l a S o r b o n n e V iolence et harmonie sociale, homicide et pardon, vengeance et
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTheologyViolenceEarly Modern History
The Western portal of the Protestant church of Hosman is a sample of Romanesque style, style brought to Transylvania by the Saxon colonists. Among its decorative elements, containing column’s capitels decorated with patterns very similar... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryRomanesque ArtMedieval Art
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      Gregory of NazianzusOld Rus'PenanceSpiritual Kinship
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      Early ChristianityTertullianCarthagePenance
In questo contributo è stata studiata la genesi e la diffusione di una lettera interpolata di papa Gregorio Magno, l'Ep. IX, 148. Il falso fu compilato nell'ambiente della curia papale in occasione del concilio che si tenne a Roma nel... more
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      Gregory the GreatPenance
Nova et Vetera. English edition 13/2 (2015) 601-616
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      AristotleThomas AquinasPenanceReception of Aristotelian philosophy in the Middle Ages
am thankful to Fr. Robert Sokolowski for offering his invaluable comments on an earlier version of this paper. Also, I am thankful to Dr. Michael W. Tkacz, who not only offered his own helpful and encouraging suggestions, but who also... more
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Après avoir donné un aperçu des thèmes transmis par les exempla médiévaux de la confession, a été donné le dossier des récits où interviennent des scènes d'ordalies (fer rouge, duel). Le caractère spectaculaire et théâtral de ces... more
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      Critical ThinkingAndragogyMendicant OrdersExempla
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ChristianityHistory of Sacraments
Synthesizing Thomism and phenomenology, this paper compares the kind of reflective thinking and willing that goes on in penitential acts to Edmund Husserl’s method of the phenomenological ἐποχή (epoche). Analyzing penance up through the... more
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      IdealismPhenomenologyTruthEdmund Husserl
Review of an interesting study
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      IndividualismPenanceTwelfth Century
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      Medieval HistoryManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval Monasticism
This article examines the earliest surviving adaptation of the Long Latin Visio Sancti Pauli in the West with a view to shedding light on the context and milieu in which this text was transmitted and adapted. It is argued that the text... more
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      Irish LiteratureEarly Medieval HistoryIrish HistoryEarly Christian Apocryphal Literature
insgesamt gelungene Buch ohne Zweifelauch gemeinsam mit "Bohemia in History" gesehen eine für den englischsprachigen Raum und das internationale Publikum hervorragende Möglichkeit, sich verstärkt mit der Geschichte Mitteleuropas vertraut... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesClassicsPerception
U članku se analizira slučaj koji se dogodio u Dubrovniku 1284., kada je svećenik Barbije Longo odsjekao nos benediktinke Mire. Autorica pokazuje da se uobičajena kontroverza oko nadležnosti nad klericima u ovom slučaju nije dogodila,... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryPower and jurisdiction in Medieval historyPenanceHistory of Crime and Punishment
Analyse des vingt exempla fournis par la rubrique « Confession » (8 directement et 12 par renvoi) de l'Alphabet des récits du dominicain Arnold de Liège, composé entre 1297 et 1308. Ces récits fournissent l'image d'une confession réifiée... more
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      Critical ThinkingAndragogyMendicant OrdersMedieval Sermons
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health sciences, history THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Offering a comprehensive analysis on the events that have shaped Canada, CHR publishes articles that examine Canadian history from both a multicultural and... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesTheologyHorror Film
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesEarly Modern History
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      EucharistPenancePenitentialsAnglo-Saxon Religion
Proxy penancewhere one person completed penance for another person, who received the benefithad a long history in medieval Europe, despite the lack of scholarly interest in the subject. This article examines one moment in this long... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryBeguinesPenance